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初一下学期期中考复习资料一 单词拼写Unit 11. The place with beautiful seascape is a s_ place.2. My mother is cooking the meal for us. It smells d_.3. You can enjoy wonderful Chinese food in this Chinese r_.4. You cant work all day long, you should learn to r_ yourself after a long time work.5. France is a big country, with coasts on three s_. 6. Millions of v_ visit the Great Wall every year.7. Guangzhou lies in the s_ of China.8. He likes music. He often goes to c_ at weekends.9. The Great Wall is one of the most w_ old buildings in the world.10. We lived in c_ London many years ago. Its easy to go anywhere.Unit 21. Nowadays, the environment is in great d_ because of the pollution.2. I saw something strange flying in the sky just now but it d_ suddenly and I couldnt see it any longer. Maybe it was a UFO.3. I often see some students throw r_ onto the ground. They really dont care about other people.4. Yesterday I wrote an a_ about protecting our environment to the newspaper.5. Mary bought a new house last month. She wants to buy some new f_ to make her house more beautiful.6. I enjoy c_ with my parents. I almost tell them everything about my life at school. 7. My mother always w_ me not to walk alone at night.8. Playing computer games for a long time is a w_ of time and money.9. The big fire last night d_ thousands of houses in that city.10. People can not live w_ air or water.Unit 31.Today I made my lunch m_.2.A good sense of smell is u_ for a perfume maker.3.This maths question is very s_. Everyone in the class can work it out.4.A cook often has good s_ of smell.5.A guide dog is important to a b_ man.6. I always listn to the radio p_ when I drive to work.7. Dont make any noise, for the baby is a_ now.8. Children always enjoy t_ on Childrens Day.9. Dont eat in class. Its a_ the school rules.10. Some s_ is coming from the house. There may be a fire.U4 单词拼写1. E_ can be changed into different forms of energy.2. The cables are c_ to a power station.3. The strong boy is full of e and never gets tired.4. My mother is a h and doesnt go out to work.5. If you want to use a washing machine safely, you should be c_of the following rules.6. When you watch TV, dont stand so near to the s_. Its bad for your eyes.7. The q_ of the clothes in this shop is very good.8. - Thank you for your good a_.- Its my pleasure.9. Please help me m the table to the corner.10. Its h_ for the children to imagine the life in the past.句型转换 U1-41. Tom likes pop music. Tim doesnt like pop music. (合并句子) Tom likes pop music _ Tim doesnt like pop music.2. The shop is closed. I cant buy the bread. (合并句子) The shop is closed _ I cant buy the bread.3. John is not good at maths. He passed the maths exam. (合并句子) John is not good at maths _ he passed the maths exam.4. I was thirsty. I drank a glass of water. (合并句子) I was thirsty _ I drank a glass of water.5. Why dont you ask your teacher for help? (改为同义句) _ _ ask your teacher for help?6. We found little Jack very naughty. (改为同义句) We found little Jack _ _ _.7. Her father used to go fishing on Sundays. (改为一般疑问句) _ her father _ to go fishing on Sundays?8. We would like to spend our holiday in France this winter. (就划线部分提问) _ _ you _ to spend your holiday this winter?9. The boys used to play basketball after school. (改为否定句) The boys _ _ _ play basketball after school.10. Doing some sports everyday is good for our health. (改为同义句) _ good for our health _ _ some sports everyday.11. They spent one year in building the new station. (改为同义句) It _ them one year _ _ the new station.12. Miss White is having a meeting at the moment. (改为一般疑问句) _ Miss White _ a meeting at the moment?13. The girls are flying kites in the park. (就划线部分提问) _ _ the girls _ in the park?14. Could you look after the cat for me this afternoon? (改为同义句) Could you _ _ _ the cat for this afternoon?15. Jack didnt have breakfast and hurried to school. (改为同义句) Jack hurried to school _ _.16. People can spend a long time in getting from place to place. (改为同义句) It can _ a long time _ _ from place to place.17. People watch the lights. They sail away. (合并句子) People _ the lights _away.18. The family is planning to go to foreign countries for a holiday this year. (改为同义句) The family is planning to _ _ for a holiday this year.19. Can you help me? (改为同义句) Can you _ _ _ _?20. If there is no air or water, we cant live. (改为同义句) We cant live _ _ _ _.三 完成句子Unit 1 1. 我们发现水立方是个伟大的建筑。We _ the Water Cube _ _ _.2. 萨姆的画与玛丽的画相似,因为他们都是画同一样东西。Sams picture _ _ _ Marys ,because they both painted the same thing.3. 我的家乡以红茶出名。My hometown _ _ _ its black tea.4. 杰克花了两个小时完成所有的家庭作业。_ _ Jack two hours _ _ all the homework.5. 为了过一个与众不同的圣诞节,来参加我们盛大的聚会吧。_ a Christmas Day _ _ _ , come and _ _ _ our wonderful party.6. 香港作为东方之珠闻名。Hong Kong _ _ _ the Pearl of the East.7. 最有趣的科目之一是英语。 _ _ the _ _ subjects _ English.8. 春节马路上十分拥挤,我和爸妈很难顺利通过。On Spring Festival, the road is very busy. My parents and I find it hard to _ _ the traffic.9. 我提早睡觉,以便可以早起锻炼。I go to bed early _ _ I can get up early to do exercise.10. 昨晚,直到他妈妈回来他才开始做作业。He _ _ _ homework _ his mother came back home last night.Unit 21.中国人民正在尽最大努力去阻止污染。People in China _ _ _ _ to stop pollution.2.我们在学习上必须互相帮助。We mush help _ _ with our study.3.保护森林我们必须从小事做起。We must _ _ _to protect our forest.4. 你在毁掉我的未来。我无法跟你沟通。You _ _ my future. I cant _ _ you.5. 每年人们在森林中砍伐并烧毁数以百万计的树木。Every year, people cut down and burn _ _ trees in the forest.6. 这棵树枯萎了, 所以我不得不把它砍掉.The tree died, so I had to _ _ _.7. Doctor Ray 很了解树木.Doctor Ray _ _ _ _ trees.8. 因为他的英语测验不及格, 他妈妈阻止他玩电脑游戏了.His mother _ _ _ _ computer games, because he failed his English exam.9. 在她看来, 抄单词是枯燥的活._ _ _, copying words is dull work.10. 父母总会尽力给他们的孩子提供足够的食物和衣物.Parents always try to _ their children _ enough food and clothes.Unit 31. 这所房子属于谁的?Who does the house _ _?2.安全第一,请不要在马路上玩耍?_ _. Please dont play in the street.3.在门的左边有一张床There is a bed _ _ _ _ the door.4.在左手的角落里有一台冰箱There is a fridge_ _ _ _.5.妈妈以我为骄傲My mother _ _ _ _.6.我们在暑假离玩得很开心We_ _ during summer holiday.7. 那位老妇人摔倒了伤着自己The old woman_ _and _ _8. 过了一会儿,消防员出现了,扑灭了火。 _ _, the fireman _ _ and put out the fire.9. 明天一整天都会阳光明媚。 I will be sunny _ _ tomorrow.10. Tom 昨天在网上预定了一张汽车票。 Tom _ _ _ _ on line yesterday.Unit 41. 在某种意义上说,电像水。Electricity is like water, _ _ _.2. 机器使工人们从繁重的劳动中解脱出来。Machines _ workers _ heavy work.3. 你要确保把门锁了。_ _ you lock the door.4. 这本书肯定是露西的。看,她的名字在封面上。This book _ _ Lucys. Look! Her name is on the book cover.5. 在汽车上,你不应该把身体探出窗外。You mustnt _ _ _ the window when you are in the bus.6. 街道变得越来越拥挤。The streets became _ _ _ _.7. 记住离开教室时要关灯。Remember to _ _ the lights when you leave the classroom.8. 为了安全起见,微波炉空着时,不要打开开关。Dont turn it on when the microwave is empty, just to be _ _ _ _.9. 哈特摇了摇头,以显示他不同意她的意见。Hart _ _ _ to show that he didnt agree with her.10. 请马上把你的书收起来。Please _ _ your books at once.一 单词拼写Unit 11. scenic 2. delicious 3. restaurant 4. relax 5. sides6. visitors 7. south 8. concerts 9. wonderful 10. centralUnit 21. danger 2. disappeared 3. rubbish 4. article 5.furniture 6. communicating 7.warns 8. waste 9. destroyed 10. withoutUnit 31.myself 2. useful 3.simple 4.sense 5.blind 6.programme7. asleep 8. themselves 9. against 10.smokeUnit 4.Electricity 2. connected 3. energy 4. housewife 5. careful 6. screen 7. quality 8. advice 9.move 1


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