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常见问答FAQ目录1. 在Wordoor怎么进行课程训练?12. 完成一次课程训练要多长时间?23. 完成一次课程训练课要花多少钱?24. 学员如何预约课程?35. 学员成功预约后课时费转到了哪里?46. 成功预约后,学员想要修改或取消课程怎么办?57. 学员成功预约后,教练可以取消吗?58. 如果学员迟到或缺课怎么办?69. 如果教练迟到或缺课怎么办?610. 网络问题影响上课怎么办?71. 在Wordoor怎么进行课程训练?学员和教练需要提前准备好电脑、耳机和麦克风, 到上课时间登录, 点击“进入教室”然后呼叫skype,通过语音或视频聊天进行一对一训练。(注:skype 是一款即时聊天工具,用户可以免费下载安装并注册,然后进行免费的文字、语音、和视频聊天)How do one-on-one lessons work with Wordoor?Both pupil and coach need to prepare their computers in advance. This involves installing and registering a Skype account, and then sharing each others Skype addresses. When it is time for the class, log onto and click “enter class” to access the course material for the lesson. The pupil and coach will then start training through Skype, using the video chat function for effective one-to-one tuition.(Note: Skype is an instant messaging software that allows its users to chat by text, voice and video for free.) 2. 完成一次课程训练要多长时间?Wordoor提供不同种类的课程,课程时长从25-50分钟不等。学员可以根据自己的实际情况自由选择。How long is each lesson?Wordoor provides different type of courses, ranging in duration from 25 to 50 minutes. The length of the lesson will be determined by the pupil. 3. 完成一次课程训练课要花多少钱?Wordoor会对所有教练进行评估筛选, 通过后由教练自己根据自身的等级和资历在网站上标出自己的课时费。学员可以浏览对比不同教练的价格,自由选择。How much does a lesson cost?All coaches on the Wordoor platform have been approved by Wordoor, and each coach has the freedom to set the cost of their lessons. Similarly, pupils have the freedom to compare different coaches and choose whichever one suits their needs and requirements.4. 学员如何预约课程?选择喜欢的教练:学员可以点击网站顶部导航栏中的教练菜单, 浏览不同教练的资料,然后根据自己的喜好选择适合的教练。选择合适的课程:找到适合的教练后,学员就可以选择想要学习的课程和单元。教练通常会提供不同的课程与价格供学员选择。定一个方便的时间:当学员挑选了一个满意的教练,可以查看教练列出的可以被预约的时间段,学员可以选择一个自己方便的时间点击确认预约。随后学员会收到一封成功预约的确认邮件。(注:由于教练来自全球各地,处于不同的时区。学员每次仅能预定当前24小时以后的时间。)How can pupil book a lesson?Choose a coach: Pupils can view a list of coaches by selecting the coachtab. There, pupils can browse profiles of coaches and choose a coach that fits their needs and requirements. Choose a type of course: Once pupils have decided on a coach, they can then choose which course and unit to take, according to their requirements. Many coaches offer different courses at different prices.Choose a convenient time: Coaches post their availability online. Once pupils select a coach, they can check the coachs time schedule and book a mutually convenient time. Pupils will receive an email confirmation after they click on the submit button.(Notes: Because coaches can be located in different time zones, pupils may not book a class that is scheduled less than 24 hours from the time of booking.)5. 学员成功预约后课时费转到了哪里?学员成功预约后,课时费会转入Wrodoor账户并冻结。课程训练完成后,需要学员确认付款所有课时费才会转入教练的账户。如果学员在课程结束后7天内没有确认付款或申请退款,系统会自动默认确认付款。Once a pupil has booked a lesson, where does the money go?When pupils have booked a lesson, their money will transfer directly to Wordoor. After the lesson has finished, the pupil must confirm that the lesson has been completed, and once this is done, Wordoor will transfer the money to the coachs account (with a small commission to be taken by Wordoor). If the pupil does not confirm but does not report any problems within seven days, Wordoor will automatically confirm the completion of the lesson and transfer the money to the coachs account.6. 成功预约后,学员想要修改或取消课程怎么办?在成功预约后2小时内,学员可以无条件的修改或者取消课程。如果学员在超过2小时以后取消课程,需要向教练解释说明原因。教练可以决定是否收取20%的课时费作为课程准备的补偿。What if pupils need to reschedule or cancel a class?If a cancellation is made within two hours of booking, the pupil is refunded 100%. Similarly, if pupils reschedule a class within two hours of booking, the class will proceed as normal at the new allotted time.If a rescheduling or cancellation is made at least two hours after booking, the pupil needs to explain their reasons for the rescheduling to the coach, who will then decide whether to charge 20% to cover the preparation costs. 7. 学员成功预约后,教练可以取消吗?教练可以被预约的时间段是由自己设定的,学员成功预订后,通常而言教练不可以取消课程。如果教练遇到突发情况,实在无法在预订好的时间给学员上课,被迫需要取消,必须向学员解释说明原因。教练取消后,学员会立即收到邮件通知。学员可以决定是否谅解教练,学员如果点击不谅解,系统会记录在教练的档案中。What if coaches need to cancel a class?As coaches set their own availability, it is not normally possible to cancel a class once a pupil has booked a pre-arranged time slot. However, if unforeseen circumstances dictate that a coach is not able to attend a booked class, they will have to cancel the class on our system and then explain themselves to the pupil. This may result in the pupil deciding to leave negative feedback that could affect the coachs chances of acquiring future students. 8. 如果学员迟到或缺课怎么办?如果学员迟到,教练会在教室至少等待15分钟。如果学员迟到没有超过15分钟,教练会继续完成课程。教练可以选择按照预定的时间结束训练或者为学员延时。如果学员迟到超过15分钟,教练可以退出教室,并汇报学员缺课。如果学员缺课,仍然需要向教练支付全部课时费。强烈建议学员尽快联系教练,与教练协商,教练可以决定是否为学员补课。What happens if the pupil is late or doesnt show up?If the pupil is late, the coach is obliged to wait for 15 minutes. If the pupil is less than 15 minutes late, the class will proceed as normal, and the coach can decide either to finish it at the prearranged time, or give more time to pupil to compensate for the late start.If the pupil is more than 15 minutes late, the coach can report the pupil absent, in which case the pupil will be charged the full amount for the coachs time and preparation.If pupils are unable to attend a class, it is recommended that they contact their coaches as soon as possible to explain and discuss.9. 如果教练迟到或缺课怎么办?如果教练迟到,学员需要在教室等待15分钟。如果教练迟到没有超过15分钟,教练会继续完成课程。学员可以要求教练延长上课时间完成全部课程内容,或向教练申请部分退款弥补损失。如果教练迟到超过15分钟,学员可以退出教室,点击申请退款,汇报教练缺课并记录在教练的档案中。如果教练缺课,全部课时费会返还给学员。What happens if the is coach late or doesnt show up?If the coach is late, the pupil is obliged to wait for 15 minutes. If the coach is less than 15 minutes late, the class will proceed as normal, and the pupil can either ask the coach to lengthen the class in order to finish all the content, or finish at the prearranged time and then request a reduction in the cost of the class. If the coach is more than 15 minutes late, the pupil can exit the class, request a 100% refund and mark the coach as absent. If the coach is absent, pupils will get their money back.10. 网络问题影响上课怎么办?有时互联网连接不稳定会影响上课质量,如果你遇到问题,可以尝试以下方式(按顺序):- 确认是否已经将对方加入自己的Skype联系人列表- 挂断,30秒后重新呼叫- 检查是否有正在下载的程序,并关闭- 关闭网络摄像头- 更换计算机如果上述解决方案仍无法解决问题,建议双方直接协商,重新预约课程。What happens if the internet connection is very


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