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蒈衿膄芈薀肄肀芈蚃袇羆芇螅蚀莅芆薅袅芁芅蚇螈膇芄蝿羃肃芃葿螆罿节薁羂芇莂蚄螅膃莁螆羀聿莀蒆螃羅荿蚈羈羁莈螀袁芀莇蒀肇膆莆薂衿肂莆蚄肅羈蒅螇袈芆蒄蒆蚁膂蒃蕿袆肈蒂螁虿肄蒁蒁羄羀蒀薃螇艿蒀蚅羃膅葿螈螅肁薈蒇羁羇薇薀螄芆薆蚂罿节薅袄螂膇薄薄肇肃膁蚆袀罿膀蝿肆芈腿蒈衿膄芈薀肄肀芈蚃袇羆芇螅蚀莅芆薅袅芁芅蚇螈膇芄蝿羃肃芃葿螆罿节薁羂芇莂蚄螅膃莁螆羀聿莀蒆螃羅荿蚈羈羁莈螀袁芀莇蒀肇膆莆薂衿肂莆蚄肅羈蒅螇袈芆蒄蒆蚁膂蒃蕿袆肈蒂螁虿肄蒁蒁羄羀蒀薃螇艿蒀蚅羃膅葿螈螅肁薈蒇羁羇薇薀螄芆薆蚂罿节薅袄螂膇薄薄肇肃膁蚆袀罿膀蝿肆芈腿蒈衿膄芈薀肄肀芈蚃袇羆芇螅蚀莅芆薅袅芁芅蚇螈膇芄蝿羃肃芃葿螆罿节薁羂芇莂蚄螅膃莁螆羀聿莀蒆螃羅荿蚈羈羁莈螀袁芀莇蒀肇膆莆薂衿肂莆蚄肅羈蒅螇袈芆蒄蒆蚁膂蒃蕿袆肈蒂螁虿肄蒁蒁羄羀蒀薃螇艿蒀蚅羃膅葿螈螅肁薈蒇羁羇薇薀螄芆薆蚂罿节薅袄螂膇薄薄肇肃膁蚆袀罿膀蝿肆芈腿蒈衿膄芈薀肄肀芈蚃袇羆芇螅蚀莅芆薅袅芁芅蚇螈膇芄蝿羃肃芃葿螆罿节薁羂芇 以现代教育技术优化课堂教学的尝试 外语组 吴应实教育部长陈至立在为中国教育报创办的题为“制高点 现代教育技术”专题新闻版撰写的“应用现代教育技术,推动教育教学改革” 的文章中强调指出:“要深刻认识现代教育技术在教育教学中的重要地位及其应用的必要性和紧迫性;充分认识应用现代教育技术是现代科学技术和社会发展对教育的要求,是教育改革和发展的需要。各类学校的教师要紧跟科学技术发展的步伐,努力掌握和应用现代教育技术以提高自身素质,适应现代教育的要求。” 联合国教科文组织于1982年强调指出:“教育工作者要从批判的观点来使用媒体,对媒体本身要加以学习,并通过媒体表现自己。”刚刚试行颁布的英语课程标准(实验稿)建议“教师要充分利用现代教育技术,开发英语教学资源,拓宽学生学习渠道,改进学生学习方式,提高学习效果。在条件允许的情况下教师应做到:1.利用音像和网络资源等,丰富教学内容和形式,提高课堂教学效果;2.利用计算机和多媒体教学软件,探索新的教学模式,促进个性化学习;3.合理地开发和利用广播电视、英语报刊、图书馆和网络等多种资源,为学生创造自主学习的条件。”可见,教师学习并应用多媒体进行教学是大势所趋。 高中英语课程中阅读课所占的比例最大,课时最多(如现行部编高中课本,几乎每单元的四课中均有两课为阅读课),而全日制高级中学阶段英语教学的目的是:侧重提高阅读能力。阅读课学生应掌握的技能主要有:略读(Skimming)、寻读(Scanning)和精读(Intensive reading)。阅读课的教学模式主要有:Procedures:1) Warming up / Leading in Aims: (1) to attract the studentsattention(2) to stimulate the studentscognitive needs(3) to form the students learning expectation (4) to encourage the studentspaticiption Types: (1) leading the old knowledge into the new ones (2) using visual aids (3) using the suspension (4) using stories (5) using tapes or video tapes2) Skimming3) Scanning4) Understanding the text/Careful reading5) Pair work6) Class-checking7) Guessing the meaning of the new words8) Group work9) Rounding off以高一课本Unit25 Lesson98&Lesson99为例,应用多媒体技术进行教学设计如下:Teaching DesignUnit 25 Lesson 98 & Lesson 99 At the conferenceTeaching aims:1. To improve the students ability of reading and to make them fully understand the passage and know the importance of carefulness2. To improve the students ability of communicationTeaching aids: Computer, blackboardTeaching procedures:I. Revision1. To ask some students to act out the dialogues in L972. To practise Fill in the blanks with: send out, get through, ring back, make up or out of breath:1) Please _ to me as soon as you get the latest news.2) The ship was in danger and the captain _ a message for help.3) I tried again but I couldnt _ to New York because the line was so busy.4) After all the running, the runners were all _ .5) Jim _ an excuse for being late again.II. Lead in CAI shows a movie of the following story - “ In July, 1999, a country girl student took part in the entrance examination and was accepted by a college in Beijing. But the postman made such a careless mistake that the admission notice was sent to a wrong place and left there for half a year. When the letter was finally found, it was too late. The girl lost her chance to go to college that year.” Questions: What do you think of the story? Is it a sad story? Why? .T: Today we are going to learn another story about carelessness. Luckily it has a happy ending. ( To appear the title: At the conference )III. Reading 1. Skimming Question: What happened to Dr Baker at the conference? ( Answers: The organizer mistook him as Dr Peter Baker, an expert on DNA. The organizer had thought he was The organizer believed Dr Baker invited was ) 2. Scanning Complete the sentences:1) Dr Baker received an invitation to a _ conference.2) The organizer believed Dr Baker invited was an expert on _ .3) Dr Peter Baker wrote a book called “_ .4) Dr Lively was going to talk on _ .5) Here in this text ENT stands for illness of the ear, _ and _ .3. Careful reading / Understanding the textRead the texts silently and write down some statements ( T or F )4. Pair work /Class-checkingAsk your partner or other students to judge the statements5. Guessing the meaning of the new wordsMatch the words with the phrases:1) funny A. do or say anything to cause others to speak2) serious B. introducing or being introduced3) attention C. guess; think4) joke D. the act of fixing the mind on,esp. by watching or listening5) introduction E. ( a polite way of speaking of a ) man6) gentleman F. causing laughter; strange7) college G. get in return for work8) note H. school for higher education9) suppose I. not joking or funny10)earn J. short record of facts made to help the memory6. Dealing with the language points:1) Difficult points: A. make oneself + p.p B. You must be joking! C. You cant be serious! D. That must be so. F. There must be some mistake.2) L99 Part 2 Language study: Model Verbs3) L99 Part 3 Practice 7. Listening Listen to and follow the tape of the passage 8. Group workDiscussion What can we learn from the story?( First, we must be careful in everything so as to do things well. Second, we must make good use of time and learn as much as we can in order to be useful to our country.)IV. Homework1. Finish off Wb.& Ex.b. exercises.2. Write a summary of the story about Dr Baker. 3. Retell the story in your own words.鉴于这两篇课文的内容是相连的,因此采用整体教学( 同样共用二个课时)。 在这第一课时里,主要进行1.阅读指导, 重在对语篇的理解; 2. 应用任务型的教学方法为学生创造真实的语境, 通过其相互间的帮助、合作,共同完成任务,在潜移默化中提高英语的交际能力;3. 以现代教育技术手段-多媒体进行教学,体现直观、生动的教学效果。主要教学环节有:1. Lead in(导入) 选用一则“邮误”的短片故事让学生充分意识到粗心大意的危害性。2. Skimming(略读) 其目的是通过扫描迅速掌握主旨大意(to get the general idea of what it is about)。为达到这一目标,老师在发出First reading(第一遍阅读)指令时同时打出问题:What happened to Dr Baker at the conference?3. Scanning (跳读/寻读) 其目的是搜索、确定信息,从而找出答案、解决问题 (to be able to scan the text for particular bits of information they are searching for),通过所设计的填空题完成Task(任务)。(学生每口头答对一个,画面上即飞入一个正确答案)4. Careful reading(仔细阅读) 要求就语篇内容动手写几个statements(情形),这statements 可真可假(True or False)。5. Pair work (同伴活动) 请同桌或其他同学 “judge the statements” (进行正误判断)6. Guessing the meaning of the new words(猜词)(用自定义动画)7. Dealing with the language points(语言点处理) 根据学生的具体情况与实际需要进行尽可能简要的讲解,让其初步掌握该课语言知识。8. 同步显示课文画面与录音,为能更流畅和完整的口笔头表达作准备。9Group work(小组讨论)Discussion: What can we learn from the story? (我们从这篇故事中学到了什么?) 以此话题激活他们的思维、激发他们的情感,让他们谈感想,明白在平时的学习中只有认真细致、勤于钻研,才能拥有渊博的知识、成为社会有用的人才。 (.First, we must be careful in everything so as to do things well. Second,


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