



Unit 1Cultural relics语境运用语境词汇运用词汇拼写(注意单词或短语的适当形式变化)1.Skilled workers also combine various hardwoods and metal to create special (设计). (2016课标全国)2.At that moment we were (争论) what furniture to buy for the house. 3.The glass doors have taken the place of the wooden ones at the (入口), letting in the natural light during the day.4.Having lost his job, he began to interest himself in (当地的) voluntary work. 5.Despite such a big difference in attitudes towards what one eats, there is no (怀疑)that people in the west regard the Chinese food as something special.6.Although the job takes a significant amount of time, most students agree that the experience is (值) it.7.She took a look at the horse and her heart (下沉). 8.As is known to us, China is a country (属于)the Third World.9.People all over the country (看重)the building designed by the famous architect.10.He (拆开)the radio and hoped to see what was wrong with it.11.The country has been (处于交战状态)with its neighbors for more than two years. Everyone in the country is really anxious for peace.12.We find comfort in giving care and receiving care (作为报答). We get pleasure from their appearance and their behaviour.13.Tired as they are, the rescuers are still (寻找)the missing people in the flash flood.14.The police are busy (调查)the cause of the traffic accident.15.Anything to drink?What about coffee?Er.I think Ill have a cold drink (而不是)coffee.答案1.designs2.arguing3.entrance4.local5.doubt6.worth7.sunk/sank8.belonging to9.think highly of10.took apart11.at war12.in return13.in search of14.looking into15.rather than单句填空(注意所填词汇的适当形式变化)1.Many airlines now allow passengers to print their boarding passes online to save their(value) time.(2017北京)2.Many of the images were stored in an ice chest,under freezing water,in the damaged (wood) ship.(2016课标全国)3.It was that all the we collected proved him guilty.(evident)4.I am at the number of people who visit the Forbidden City every day. (amaze)5.Some drivers like to their cars, such as drawing some special patterns as . (decorate)答案1.valuable2.wooden3.evident;evidence 4.amazed;amazing5.decorate;decorations经典句型仿写1.乔治不可能走远。他的咖啡还是热的。(cant have done)(2016浙江)George.His coffee is still warm.2.我的车在路上抛锚了,因此我们不得不找人把它修好。(have+宾语+done)My car broke down on the way, so we.3.这是一个我们应该努力学习的时期。(This is a time when.)we should try our best to study.4.这并不意味着我们变得更聪明或更不聪明了,但毫无疑问我们利用记忆的方式正在改变。(There is no doubt that.)This doesnt mean we are becoming either more or less intelligent, but.5.我打算告诉你的是我们学校向你们中文班赠书的事。(what引导主语从句) is about the book donation from our school to your Chinese class.6.很容易证明没有东西比时间更珍贵。(It can be proved that.)nothing is more precious than time.7.我记不住这些生词,也不能流利地讲英语。(nor)I couldnt memorize the new words;.答案1.cant have gone too far2.had to have it repaired3.This is a time when4.there


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