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2019中考(人教)英语阅读理解基础编题(11)及答案Passage A(2019中考选练)Your computer has been playing music for years, one CD at a time. Now hundreds of songs can be stored in your PC if they re in the MP3 format (格式).What is it?MP3 compressed(压缩) music into small computer files. You may download MP3 music several ways: Music can be downloaded from websites that have turned wide music libraries into MP3. Once MP3 music is on your PCs hard drive, you can play it through your computers speakers, burn it onto blank CDs or swap(交换) MP3 files with friends using e -mail.How much?Software needed to play and convert MP3 music is often free. Compact portable MP3 players start at around $ 40 and can hold hundreds of songs. A blank CD on which you can record music costs about a dollar.Advantages MP3 turns your home PC into a jukebox(自动唱机) . Small MP3 players are the size of a deck of cards(一副牌), making it easy to take hundreds of songs with you. DisadvantagesYou may find that some websites only allow you to listen but you cant download music. Others let you download music but cant be copied to MP3 players. And a growing number of new CDs make it impossible to copy songs to a computer.1. How can you get MP3 music?A. By turning your home PC into a jukebox. B. By taking your own music or songs with you. C. By copying songs to a PC through the speakers.D. By downloading from websites, which have turned music libraries into MP3.2. What is the closest meaning of the underlined word burn?A. Copy. B. Play. C. Store. D. Change.3. Which is NOT true according to the passage?A. MP3 music is often free.B. MP3 music can be burned onto blank CDs or be swapped with friends by e -mail.C. MP3 music can be taken along while traveling.D. A growing number of new CDs make it possible to copy songs to a computer.4. How much will you pay for a compact portable MP3 player?A. Free. B. At least 10 dollars. C. About forty dollars. D. About a dollar.5. How many disadvantages of MP3 can we see from the passage?A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 参考答案CACAD Passage B【*昆明市模拟】 Susan Boyle has her own US television programme because her album I Dreamed A Dream became the years fastest seller The Susan Boyle Story will be put on the TV Guide Channel in the US on December 13,and will follow her special journey from obscurity(默默无名) to globally famousIt will contain performances from interviews of Boyle with friends and her supporters(支持者) The 48-year-old lady is expected to sell 400000 copies of her album by the end of the week,becoming the biggest and fastest-selling album of 2009It sold 130000 on its first day Gennaro Castaldo of HMV said:People of all ages seem to be buying it,and its going to be one of the best gifts this ChristmasSusans accomplished performance on The X Factor made her album more popular She said that one of the songs on her album,a cover of Madonnas Youll See,was a message to the school bullies(坏蛋) who once made fun of her 根据短文内容选出正确的答案。 ( ) 1Susan has her own programme because _ Ashe is a good host Bshe was famous in the world Cher CD became the fast seller in the UK Dshe often helps others ( ) 2Susans programme is not about _ Aher journey to be successful Bher interviews Cher friends and her supporters Dthe stories of her school lives ( ) 3What is the correct order for the following sentences? aSusan is expected to sell 400000 albums bSusan accomplished a performance on The X Factor cSusan published her album I Dreamed a Dream Aabc Bcba Cbca Dcab ( ) 4According to Gennaro Castaldo,what made Susans album more popular? AHer performance on The X Factor BHer songs in her album CHer TV programme DThe stories about her school life ( ) 5What is the passage mainly about? APeople in England BChristmas gifts CThe latest news about the singerDStudents lives答案:1C 由文章的第一句可知。2D 通读第二段可知。3D 通读全文可知。4A 由文章的 Susans accomplished performance on The X Factor made her album more popular可知。5C 通读全文可知。Passage C【*江苏省泰州市】 Once a baby cries, the parents will go to see what happened as soon as possible. According to a new study, a babys cry can make adults react(反应) very quickly, even if they are not related. Oxford University researchers used the classic game whack-a-mole for the study. Whack-a-mole(打鼹鼠游戏) requires people to hit one of nine buttons (按钮). The players must react as quickly as they can to whichever of the buttons lights up at random(随机). It is a game that requires speed and accuracy (准确度 ). The study included 40 men and women volunteers aged 19 to 59. Some of them had sons or daughters but none had a baby at the time. They played whack-a-mole after listening to different sounds, including babies crying, the crying of adults in trouble and birdsong played at a similar pitch to the babies cries. The volunteers scores were higher after listening to the sound of crying babies. Men and women had similar scores overall. The results showed that a crying baby gets special attention. Few sounds make people react quite like the cry of a baby, said Morten Kringelbach of Oxfords psychiatry(精神病学) department, who led the study. For example, its almost impossible to ignore(忽视,不理) crying babies on planes. This is true even though there are so many other noises around. He added that a babys cry can increase adults heart rate and blood pressure. This is understandable, because in the course of human evolution (进化), taking care of babies has always been an important job for adults. When a baby is hungry or feeling bored or unwell, it will cry. As a result, human brains and bodies develop a special reaction to a babys cry. 56. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?A. There were 80 volunteers who took part in the study.B. The youngest volunteer was 19 and the oldest was 59.C. Some volunteers had babies at that time in the study.D. The volunteers were affected by the sound of a babys cry.57. The game “whack-a-mole” shows _.A. a babys cry can get special attention from adultsB. men and women have different reaction speed and accuracyC. adults without babies react less quickly to a babys cryD. women react to a babys cry more quickly than men58. “Whack-a-mole” requires people to hit _ at a time.A. one buttonB. one of nine buttons C. nine buttonsD. ten buttons 59. According to the passage, a babys cry _.A. has the same pitch as birdsong B. is the noisiest sound there isC. can increase adults heart rate and blood pressure D. is good for its health60. From the last paragraph, we learn that _.A. taking care of the younger babies was the most important thing in the pastB. human brains and bodies have developed to take care of babiesC. baby cries are a good way make adults react quicklyD. baby cries have developed a lot during the course of human evolution参考答案 5660 BABCBPassage D恐惧之穴There was once a cave near a town. It was called “Cave of Fear”. Anyone who tried to enter it didnt return. People in the town said that there was a monster in the cave. In order to stop the monster from getting out of the cave, people often left gifts and food at the mouth of the cave, and these things always disappeared soon. One day, a young man came to the town. When he heard about the cave, he decided to enter the cave and found out whether there was a monster in it. As he went deep into the cave, he heard some strange sounds. So he followed the sounds. Suddenly, he felt that something was pushing his back. He was too scared to turn around to look at it. Finally, he was pushed into a huge cavern. As he entered the cavern, he got very surprised. He found that he was right in the middle of a big party. There were a lot of people in the party. They were all those people who had never returned to the town. Then those people told him that this was the idea of an old wise man in the town. The old wise man wanted to show people that if someone wanted to make a change, he should be brave and wanted to have a try. So the wise man made up the story of the monster. Only brave people could enjoy big parties in the cavern. 1. The cave is called “Cave of Fear”, because _. A. there was a wise man in the cave B. people who tried to enter it didnt returnC. there was a big party in the cave D. people liked to live in the cave2. People left gifts and food at the mouth of the cave in order to _. A. attract the young man to enter the cave B. thank the wise man for his good ideaC. stop the monster to get out of it D. help the people to hold the party3. The young man entered the cave to _. A. kill the monster in the cavern B. make sure if there was a monster in itC. look for the lost people in the town D. take part in the party in the cavern4. Who took away the gifts and food in fact?A. The young man. B. The monster. C. The wise man. D. The people in the cave. 5. What can we learn from the passage?A. Success belongs to the brave. B. No pains, no gains. C. Seeing is believing. D. Where there is a will, there is a way. 【主旨大意】本文一篇寓言故事。故事中一个智者为了教育人们,就想出了一个主意。让钻进洞穴的人不再出来,从而让镇上的人们认为里面有怪物。后来,一个年轻人发现了这个事实。文章以此来告诉我们:如果想要改变生活,就要勇敢尝试。1. B【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:这个洞穴被称为“恐惧之穴”,因为_。A项:洞穴里面有一个智者;B项:进去的人没有回来;C项:里面有一个大型聚会;D项:人们喜欢住在里面。根据第一段第三句“Anyone who tried to enter it didnt return.”可知,进去的人没有回来。故选B。2. C【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:人们在洞口放礼物和食物是为了_。A项:吸引这个年轻人进入洞穴;B项:为了智者的好主意感谢他;C项:阻止怪物出来;D项:帮助人们举行聚会。根据第一段最后一句“In order to stop the monster from getting out of the cave, people often left gifts and food at the mouth of the cave, and these things always disappeared soon.”可知,他们这样做是为了阻止怪物出来。故选C。3. B【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:这个年轻人进入洞穴是为了_。A项:杀死洞穴里面的怪物;B项:确定里面是否有一只怪物;C项:寻找镇上失踪的人们;D项:在洞穴里面参加聚会。根据第二段第二句“When he heard about the cave, he decided to enter the cave and found out whether there was a monster in it.”可知,年轻人进入洞穴是为了探明里面是否有一只怪物。故选B。4. D【解析】推理判断题。题干意为:事实上是谁拿走了礼物和食物?A项:这个年轻人;B项:怪物;C项:智者;D项:洞穴里的人们。根据第二段倒数第二句“There were a lot of people in the party.”可知,洞穴里面有很多人,并没有怪兽。而文中也没有说明智者就在洞穴里面。由此可推知,礼品和食物是被洞穴里的人们拿走了。故选D。5. A【解析】主旨大意题。题干意为:我们能从本文中学到什么?A项:成功属于勇敢的人;B项:没有付出就没有回报;C项:眼见为实;D项:有志者,事竟成。阅读短文可知,进入洞穴的人因为自己的勇敢,结果享受到了来自别人的礼物和美食。也就是告诉我们:成功属于勇敢的人。故选A。Passage E A new report says Christmas in the USA is becoming less religious. Nine out of ten Americans celebrate Christmas, but only about half think it is a religious holiday. The report is from the PewResearchCenter. It asked 2,001 adults about their opinions on Christmas. Just over half of those questioned people thought Christmas was a religious celebration, while 32 per cent said it was, “more of a cultural holiday”. Greg Smith from Pew Research said: “Younger adults are less likely than older adults to see Christmas as a religious rather than cultural holiday. Theyre less likely to say they will attend church at Christmasand they are less likely to believe in the virgin birth .” People are also changing what they say to each other at Christmas and what they write in cards. More and more people are choosing to say “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas”. This is because there are also non-Christian holidays happening around the same time as Christmas. Many people want to include all holidays in their holiday wishes. The research also found that 79 per cent of Americans will watch a Christmas movie, but only 59 per cent wi


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