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清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:/ 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果小 学 三 年 级 学 生课 外 阅 读 现 状 的 调 查 报 告河东区实验小学 那亚欣三年级学生课外阅读现状的调查报告内容提要:学生作文时,常常“不知所言”。我认为这与他们的积累有关,储备少,视野狭窄,作文时必然捉襟见肘,思路闭塞。“为学之道在厚积而薄发。”为了有效地指导学生开展课外阅读,达到以读促写的目的,我对本校三年级学生的课外阅读现状进行了问卷调查,并以此为切入点,探究阅读方法指导,培养学生阅读习惯,寻找阅读教学与写作教学的结合点,促进学生写作能力的提高。一、调查目的 知识是创新的源泉,没有丰富的知识作基础,就无法对事物进行判断、分析、综合和想像。在作文教学中,教师通过运用各种手段,采用多种方法,激情引趣,学生也有一吐为快的欲望,但他们拿起笔来常常“不知所言”。叶圣陶先生指出:“所有知识的积累正是写东西极重要的基础。” 古人也说过:“为学之道在厚积而薄发。” 要积累就不能让学生只听老师一个人说,只读一本语文书,要引导学生走出课堂,博览群书,吸收语言精华,使他们开阔视野,筛滤旧有,活化新知,生发兴趣,从而奠定创作的基础,远离作文的“苦闷”。因此,着眼于学生综合素质,着眼于学生学习的长远利益,把学生引向阅读天地,是语文教师义不容辞的责任。 为了有效地指导学生开展课外阅读,达到以读促写的目的,我对本校三年级学生的课外阅读现状进行了问卷调查,并以此为切入点,探究阅读方法指导,培养学生阅读习惯,寻找阅读教学与写作教学的结合点,促进学生写作能力的提高。二、调查内容、对象和方法1、调查内容:本次调查以“学生课外阅读现状”为切入点,从课外阅读兴趣、阅读内容、阅读方式、阅读数量、阅读时间和阅读环境等方面进行了调查。2、调查对象:本次调查以20062007学年度上学期在校三年级学生为对象的抽样调查。发放调查问卷193份,有效问卷172份,调查对象基本情况见表1所示:表1 调查对象基本情况统计表调查对象男 生女 生人 数%人 数%三年级学生9957.67342.41723、调查方法:不记名问卷法和数据统计法 三、调查结果:1、课外阅读兴趣 “知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”学生如果在阅读时是“乐之者”,阅读兴趣浓厚,阅读效果就会事半功倍。为此,我对学生课外阅读兴趣进行调查。表2 调查对象基本情况统计表调 查 内 容调 查 人 数%经常阅读课外书1388023零用钱多用于买书118686学习之外喜欢看课外书895174读书为了成绩1418198读书时被迷住563256从表2中可以看出小学生在业余时间经常看课外书的人数占8023%,为了开阔眼界储备知识提高成绩而读书的人数多达8198%,除去学习之外,喜欢看课外书的人数也达到5174%,这说明学生们求知欲望强,读书兴趣比较浓厚,但是读书时能被课外书迷住,忘记周围一切的学生只占3256%,这一现象值得关注。2、课外阅读内容:表3 学生课外阅读内容情况统计与学习 科技 历史 童话 卡通 漫画 文学 侦探 武侠 言情 生活 其他有关 科幻 读物 读物 画 读物 名著 小说 小说 小说 读物人数 81 73 62 86 79 52 32 43 38 6 14 13% 47.1 42.4 36 50 45.9 30.2 18.6 25 22.1 3.5 8.1 7.6表3的数据表明:在学生课外阅读内容中,50%学生最喜欢读的是童话,其次为学习辅导书、卡通画、科技科幻类读物和历史读物。3、课外阅读方式在本次的调查问卷中有11道题涉及阅读方式方法。从调查结果看,大部分学生能做到安排好时间,选择感兴趣的读物,做到坚持读完,读后能回想书的内容或引发思考。但是,采用边读边“动手”这种阅读方式的学生不多,详情见表4。表4 学生课外阅读方式的调查情况统计表(%)能 在 书 中 做 标 注能 使 用 工 具 书是 的不 是 的不 确 定是 的不 是 的不 确 定331221448425395184、课外阅读数量 课程标准规定学生每学期阅读量为12. 5万字。通过这次调查发现每学期读10本以上的人数占48.3%,这与课程标准的要求相差甚远,详情见表5。表5 学生每学期课外阅读量调查情况统计表(%)14本510本10本以上1633554825、课外阅读时间表6 学生选择课外阅读的时间调查情况统计表(%)课间时间 双休日 寒暑假 放学后 其他 4.7 32 33. 7 20.9 8.7表7 学生每天课外阅读时间的情况调查统计表(%)0分钟 1030分钟 3060分钟 1小时以上 1.8 33.1 38.4 26.7从统计数据能看出,学生每天能坚持阅读的人数仅占4.7%+ 20.9%=25.6% ,有38.4%的学生每天的阅读时间在3060分钟。6、课外阅读环境(家庭、学校、社会)家庭环境:从调查问卷看家庭是学生阅读课外书的主要地点,大部分家长支持孩子阅读课外书,但是父母经常给孩子买学习之外课外书的人数占45.9%,详情见表8。表8 父母经常给孩子买学习辅导之外的课外书(%)不 是 的不 确 定是 的 238 302 459学校环境:经调查,约74.42%学生渴望学校开设专门的课外阅读指导课,以便获得阅读方法,有效地进行课外阅读。然而学校图书馆是怎样发挥作用的呢?我们对学校图书馆的开放情况进行了调查。详情见表9:表9 学校图书馆开放情况统计表(%)每天都开放 每周开放几次 不知道 几乎不开张 从不开放366 12.2 45.3 5 .2 0.5社会环境:表10 学生课外书的主要来源同学互借 图书馆借 购买 家中藏书 网上阅读 租书 2人 21人 127人 14人 7人 1人 表11 学生阅读课外书的主要地点家里 教室 图书馆 书店 公园 其他144人 3人 9人 7人 6人 3人从表10可以看出,绝大部分学生的课外书是直接购买,很少从图书馆借阅。四、调查结果分析:1、只关注分数,忽视了课外阅读的价值一个人知识的积累、人生视野的拓展、心灵和思想的成长都离不开阅读。因为只有通过阅读荟萃了人类智慧的各种读物,才能汲取生命成长所需要的营养。就和人的身体发育需要吸收多方面的物质营养一样,滋养心灵的精神营养同样要丰富而全面。苏霍姆林斯基说过:“让学生变聪明的方法,不是补课,不是增加作业量,而是阅读,阅读,再阅读。”然而,现实生活中因为有了高考这个指挥棒,加上现今社会就业时对学历文凭的要求,所以家长们为了孩子能有一个美好的未来,都以饱满的热情关注着孩子测验、考试的分数,并且把升学、就业等压力强加到孩子的身上。于是,天真无邪的孩子们早早就背负着沉重的心理负担,徜徉在茫茫题海。晚上,家长们认真地督促孩子快速完成老师布置的作业,再写家庭作业就这样,孩子们阅读的时间被挤占了。从前面统计数据就能看出,为了开阔眼界、储备知识、提高成绩而读书的人数多达8198%,而学生每天能坚持阅读的人数仅占4.7%+ 20.9%=25.6%。 2、只关注兴趣,忽略了课外阅读的内容我们常说,眼睛是心灵的窗户,对孩子而言更是如此。这就是说,我们孩子的阅读,无论如何如应以“真善美”为首选。语文课程标准“提倡少做题,多读书,读好书,读整本的书。”然而现在儿童读物之多,可谓书海茫茫。小学生年龄小,阅历浅,阅读时往往只从个人兴趣、爱好出发,根据调查结果我们发现在学生课外阅读内容中,除去学习辅导书以外,50%学生最喜欢读的是童话,其次为卡通画、科技科幻类读物和历史读物,不能说,以上的书都不“真善美”,但是此单一的取向,令人担忧。学者周国平说过:阅读是收入,所以是享受。而能自觉看文质兼美的文学名著的孩子仅仅占186%。这说明孩子们在选择读物时,只考虑到自己的兴趣,追求娱乐消遣,忽略了课外读物的内容、思想。身为家长都盼望孩子能出类拔萃,鹤立鸡群。于是,四处奔波,为孩子上各种补习班报名,把孩子的课余时间排得满满的,只为孩子能在升学考试中能考取重点学校。试问孩子哪里还有时间读课外书?哪里还有精力去学习作者的布局谋篇、领悟文章的内涵?惟有看些刺激、娱乐的漫画等休息一下了。3、只追求教学,疏于课外阅读的指导 面对家长殷殷嘱托,面对领导对自己教学水平的一次又一次评价,在“考,考,考,校长的法宝,分,分,分,教师的命根”这样的局面下,身为教师整日把精力投入到课堂教学中、指导学生的练习中,像上满发条的闹钟,不停地讲、评、批改生怕自己的学生考不好,哪里还顾得上对学生进行课外阅读的指导。因此,才会有学生选择读物的单一,阅读方法的不当,阅读效果不佳。五、建议1、给校领导:乘落实语文课程标准之机,建立科学评价制度,减轻教师心理负担,营造优良的教学环境,鼓励教师大胆进行课外阅读的尝试。开展丰富多彩的校园读书活动,定期向学生开放学校图书馆,建立对学生读书行为的奖励制度。2、给教师:语文课程资源包括课堂教学资源和课外学习资源。生活处处有语文,而一本语文书对浩瀚的文海来讲只是沧海一粟,其内容是有限的,其实教材只是例子,教师应当在课堂教学中通过这些例子让学生真正学会学习后,充分利用课外资源,举一反三,才能让学生的语文能力与素养得到提高。因此,我们要立足于课内,着眼于课外,以课内带课外,以课外促课内,以课内的精引出课外的博,使学生得法于课内,得益于课外,使他们的阅读不断扩展。做法如:巧借课文,拓展阅读;激发兴趣,使学生乐读;教给方法,使学生会读;推荐好书,让学生选读;拓宽渠道,使学生多读;灵活形式,使其“我要读”3、给家长:吕叔湘先生说过:“问语文学得好的人,都说是课外看书。”阅读是获取知识的重要手段,为了提高孩子的语文综合素养,请密切与老师联系,向老师取经问宝。在家里营造读书的气氛,家中要有报刊、杂志、书籍。当孩子有时间时,可要求他们开展课外阅读,配合老师帮助孩子养成良好的阅读习惯,让阅读成为他们重要的生活方式。 4、给学生:“书是人类进步的阶梯”,让书作我们永远的朋友! 清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:/ 清华大学英语教授研究组提供牛津小学英语六年级6b期中复习测试题单项选择题( )1.Look at_ picture. In it we can see_ small boat on the river. A. a, a B. the, the C. the, a D. a, the( )2.Here are your new trousers. Please_. A. look it after B. look after it C. look them after D. look after them( )3.The purse is_. Its not_. A. my, his B. hers, his C. her, mine D. mine, her( )4.This is Mr. Huangs watch. Please _.A. give them to him B. give him them C. give it to him D. give him it( )5.Do you know the girl over there? She _a red dress today. A. puts on B. have C. is in D. takes off( )6._in your Chinese book? A photo of my twin sister. A. Whos B. Whats C. Wheres D. Hows( )7.Mikes schoolbag is _the floor_ his desk. A. on, in B. on, under C. beside, near D. behind, over( )8.Its already(已经) midnight. Its time_, I think. A. to go to bed B. go to bed C. for the bed D. for to bed( )9.Oh,your kites are very nice._. A. Thats right B. Its nice C. Yes, you are right D. Thank you( )10.Jim,with Tom, Bill and Lu Ming_ there in the tree house. A. are sitting B .is sitting C. are up D. is up( )14.Do you have a sweater like this? Yes, I have_. A. one B. a one C. red one D. it( )15.Hello,Jack_. A. Heres a flower from you B. Heres a flower of you C. Here are two flowers for you D. Here has a flower for you( )1.I usually get up _ seven oclock in the morning. A .at B. on C. of( )2.- _ is the coat? -Thirty-five yuan, please. A .How B. How much C. How old( )3.-Where are your glasses? - I cant find them, they _ here just now. A .are B. was C. were( )4. The brown cat is as _ as the black cat. A .fat B. fatter C. thinner( )5.- Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the Garden Cinema? - Let me see. You can _ bus No. 5. A .by B. take C. go( )6. -Are there any students in the classroom? - Yes, there _ students in the classroom. A .any B. some C. a( )7.-Hello, is that Liu Tao? -Yes, _. A .I am B. it is C. speaking( )8.David is playing _ basketball in the playground. A .a B. the C. ( )9.I have two storybooks, but Helen _ four. A .has B. have C. had( )10. This is not my purse. is over there. A. My B. Mine C. I( )11.-Whats the capital(首都)of the UK? A. London B. New York C. Paris( )12.-When is the Teachers day in China? - Its on .A. September 10 B. December 25 C. October 31 完成句子1.格林一家现在住在伦敦._ _ are _ _ _ now.2.在中间的那个年长者是乔伊的爷爷The old man _ _ _is Joys_.3.高小姐叫我坐在这对双胞胎之间 Miss Gao asks_ _ _ _the twins.4.你能肯定这是他最喜爱的游戏吗? _ you _that its his_ _?5.现在踢足球怎样?_ _ _ _now?6.别担心,我来帮你 _. _ _help you.7.公园里的人太多了,金夫人找不到她的女儿了. There are too_ _in the park. Mrs. King_ _her_.英汉互译 向右转 _ look for _ 拍照片 _ have a good time _ 上车 _ take part in _ 在前面_ collect stamps _ 去购物 _ the Great Wall _看起来一样 我的表姐 在星期五下午 禁止乱扔 跑得快 起得早 what a nice day Dont worry! the other children as thin as 改错 下列各句中只有一处错误,划出并改正在横线上,如需添加,则用符1.How many sheeps can you see on the hill over there?_2.The computer is old, and its keyboard is new._3.Is the TV in your home color or black or white?_4.Your shoes are very nice, and his is very nice, too._5.I dont think its time to go her home._6.Which bike is under the big tree? Mikes._7.Arent Lucy and Lily in different class? Yes, they are._8.Your coat is in the bed. Please put it on._9.You can see a desk, a chair and a clock in the picture. And what can you see in it?_10.Mr.and Mrs. Brown want live in China very much._完型填空 I work in a small shop(商店). Its near an English 1. Every day the students come to 2 things. In the morning, I get up 3 six, and then I have breakfast. I go to 4 by bike. I get to the shop at about six fifty. The shop 5 at seven. We sell(卖) things 6 food and drink(食品和饮料). We have school things, too, so there 7 often many people in our shop 8 morning to evening. I have 9 in the shop. At seven in the evening the shop is closed(关闭).We all go home 10 supper.( )1. A. hillB. houseC. schoolD. river( )2.A.buyB. sellC. takeD. want ( )3.A.onB. inC. atD. from( )4.A.schoolB. bedC. classD. work ( )5.A.opensB. openC. is openingD. is open( )6.A.withB. likeC. forD. about( )7.A.areB. haveC. seeD. come( )8.A.inB. onC. atD. from ( )9.A.supperB. breakfastC. teaD. lunch( )10.A.toB. atC. withD. for 阅读理解 (A)Han Mei: Excuse me, Jim. Whats the time, please? Jim: Its five fifteen.Han Mei: Oh, its late. I must go and see Miss Gao. Jim: How is Miss Gao? She isnt at school today.Han Mei: She isnt well today. Jim: Oh, you have many nice flowers. You can give flowers to Miss Gao.Han Mei: Yes, youre right. Will you go with me, Jim?Jim: Sorry, Han Mei. My parents are at work.I must look after my child Bruno. He is ill.Han Mei: Your child? Do you have a child? Jim: Oh, no. Its my dog. I must go now. Bye!Han Mei: Ah, Jim. You are very funny. Bye!根据对话内容,选择正确答案( )1.Han Mei will _. A. go home B. play games C. go to school D. see Miss Gao( )2.Han Meis flowers are for_. A. Jim B. Miss Gaos husband C. Miss Gao D. Jims parents( )3.Miss Gao is _today. A. at home B. very well C. at school D. at home( )4.Bruno is_. A. a boy B. a girl C. Jims child D. a dog( )5.Which is NOT right?_ A. Jims parents are not at work today. B. Jim doesnt have a child. C. Jim doesnt go to see Miss Gao. D. Jims dog isnt well today. (B) John is a Canadian. He lives in a tall building in the city(城市) of Toronto. There are eighteen floors in the building, and he lives on the fifteenth floor. He uses a lift(电梯) to go up and down. John works very hard. He goes to work early. Every day he leaves(离开) his home and walks(走) to the lift. He gets into(走进) the lift. It takes him down to the first floor. He gets out of(走出)the lift. Then he walks to a bus stop. The bus stop is in front of(在.前)a station. It is about two hundred metres(米) from his home. Often, he catches(赶) the No.11 bus to work, but sometimes(有时) he goes by train(火车).John works in a factory(工厂)about ten kilometres(千米)from his home. His work starts at half past eight, and finishes at four forty-five. He gets back home at five fifteen. He gets into the lift, and goes up to the twelfth floor. Then he gets out of the lift and climbs(爬) up to the fifteenth floor on foot.根据短文内容,选择正确答案( )1.Toronto is_A. a Canadian B. a Canadian boy C. a city in America D. a city in Canada( )2.John goes up to his home and down the first floor_. A. on foot B. in a lift C. by bus D. by car( )3.Johns factory is_. A. in front of a station B. in front of a bus stop C. about two hundred metres from his home D. about ten kilometres from his home( )4.He works for _a day. A. about eight hours B. seven hours C. six hours D. nine hours( )5.When(当) he goes home, he takes the lift to_. A. the 18th floor B. the 15th floor C. the 12th floor D. the 1st floor (C)Tom is a little boy. He is five. Today his father takes him to see his grandparents. His home is far away from his grandparents. So they are going there by bus. There are only nine people on it. They all have seats Tom is very happy. He is running about on the bus. His father says, “dont run! Sit down, please. ” “I miss my grandfather and grandmother very much. I want this bus to go faster.” Tom says.( )1. Tom goes to see his grandparents with his mother.( )2. Tom goes to see his grandparents home by bus.( )3. Tom and his father are running on the bus.( )4. Toms home is far away from his grandparents.( )5. The driver tells Tom to sit down.(D) The Spring Festival(春节)is our Chinese peoples festival. There are different names for each year. We all call it the year of monkey, the year of dog and this year is the year of Chicken.Before the day of the festival, people are busy shopping and cleaning. On the Eve(除夕), there is a big family dinner. After dinner, all the family stay up late(守夜) to welcome the new year. In the middle of the night, we have some dumplings(饺子) and watch TV. On the first day of the New Year, people wear new clothes to visit their relatives and say “Happy New Year” to each other.( )1. There are different names for Chinese years. A. 10 B. 11 C. 12( )2. When is the Eve in Chinese year?A. The evening of the Spring Festival. B. The evening before the Spring Festival.C. The evening after the Spring Festival.( )3. People before the Spring Festival. A. sing and dance B. go shopping and clean the house C. play games( )4. are the favorite food for Chinese people on the Eve. A. Cakes B. Dumplings C. Noodles( )5. On the festival people usually . A. wear new clothes B. go to visit their relatives C. A and B连词成句。1. this, is, schoolbag, that, than, one, heavier(.) 2. you, shorter, brother, who, is, or, your(?) 3. had, they, chat, over, a, there(.) 4. Ben, Mike, run, as, as, can, fast(?) 5. newer, is, your, mine, which, bike, or(?) 选择正确答案,将其序号填入题前括号内。三、根据所给语境,选择适当的答案,将其序号填入题前括号内。( )1.当别人对你说“Your English is very nice!”,你可以说: A. Of course. B. Not at all. C. Thank you.( )2.当你上学迟到时,你可以这样对老师说: A. It doesnt matter. B. Im sorry, Im late. C. Thats all right.( )3. 当别人对你说“Would you like to my birthday party?” 你可以说: A. Sure. B. Good night. C. No.( )4.当别人对你说“What date is it today?”,你可以说: A. Today is Monday. B. Its my birthday. C. Its August 6.( )5. 当别人对你说“Whats your job?” 你可以说: A. Im Kate. B. Im a doctor. C. Im Li Mings mother.( )6.当别人对你说“Lets go skating!”,你不想去可以说: A. Sorry, I cant. B.OK, lets go. C. Thats a good idea.( )7.当你的朋友说“Ive got a bad cough.”,你可以说: A. How are you? B. Im sorry to hear that. C. How do you do?( )8. 开学后,老师第一次见到同学们,会说: A. Whats your name? B. Welcome back to school, boys and girls. C. Good bye boys and girls.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.-Do you swim faster than your brother? - No, I swim _ (slow) than my brother. 2.-What did you do last week? -I _ (go) to a farm. 3.I like _ (make) model planes. 4.It is Sports Day, all the _ (student) are very excited. 5.-What does Bob do on Sundays? - He often _ (watch) the cartoons.判断下列每组单词划线部分读音是否相同,用“”“”表示。1. beforeworker( ) 2. skirtbirthday( )3. unclemine( ) 4. otherthirty( )5. hissmall( ) 6. stoppedwatered( )7. playway( ) 8. beachkitchen( ) 9. blousetouch( ) 10. whichwhere( )翻译。选择最佳答案。( )1.Everyone to be the goalkeeper. A want B wants C wanting D to want( )2. She for a walk in the park yesterday morning. A went B go C goes D going( )3.Su Hai a sister. A have B is C there is D has( )4.The father is Mr Zhang. A twinss B twins C twins D twin( )5.There is “r” and “u” in the word “fruit”. A an, a B an, an C a, an D a, a( )6.Is this sisters dress? No, dress is yellow. A her, his B your, her C his, she D you, shes( )7.Look at our hands! are


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