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南京财经大学外国语学院2008级毕业论文工作指导书毕业论文是教学计划中的最后一个教学环节,也是一个十分重要的工作环节,它是对学生四年来所学专业知识综合运用的最好检验。为了有条不紊地做好我院英语专业2008级学生毕业论文的指导工作,特制订此工作指导书。一、 毕业论文程序1、2011年11月中旬,英文系高级英语教研室讨论并制订毕业论文实施意见,收集学生论文方向。2、2011年11月29日公布指导教师名单与研究方向,以及所指导的学生名单。(注:由于指导老师研究方向各异以及指导人数限制,部分方向所能指导的学生人数有限,故一些学生须改变研究方向,请学生加以理解并遵循安排。)3、2011年12月2日前,学生主动联系指导老师,由指导老师自行组织安排与学生见面,并开始拟订论文选题。各指导教师将认真对待选题工作,并且开始对学生进行细致的指导。4、2011年12月12日之前,指导教师须正式确定学生拟撰写的毕业论文的题目,并认真填写南京财经大学学生毕业论文任务书,一份交给学生,一份保存于指导老师处。5、2011年12月26日前,学生在指导教师的指导下完成开题报告,制定出详细的论文提纲,并将一份打印稿交给指导老师,并由指导老师填写意见。6、学生在2012年3月10日前,交初稿打印稿。(注:原则上系里鼓励学生寒假前在校完成论文初稿,并将打印稿交与指导老师修改。)7、指导教师在2012年3月21日之前,返还第一次批阅稿,并附修改意见。8、学生在2012年4月10日前,交二稿打印稿,同时将指导教师批阅过的初稿交与指导教师保存。9、指导教师在2012年4月20日前,返还第二次批阅稿,并提醒学生填写毕业论文中期检查表。10、学生在2012年5月8日前,交三稿打印稿、中期检查表和经批阅的二稿。11、指导教师在2012年5月15日前,返还第三次批阅稿,并提醒学生填写毕业论文业务总结表。12、2012年5月31日前,学生统一将一式三份终稿打印稿(左侧装订)交至系办公室或辅导员办公室,同时将业务总结表、第三次批阅稿交至指导老师。13、2012年6月810日,系答辩委员会下设的各答辩小组须全部完成毕业论文答辩,并评出优秀、良好、中等、及格和不及格五等(教师在答辩记录过程及论文封三上登录成绩时一律使用百分制,仅在最后录入总成绩单时由教务秘书转换)。14、2012年6月11-2日,系答辩委员会复议由答辩小组评定的优秀和不及格等次论文。15、凡不经过两次指导修改的论文可定为不及格。二、 毕业论文选题范围1、可选领域:英语语言学、英语文学、比较文学、翻译理论与实践、英语教学法、英语写作方法、文体学、语音学、语法学、语义学、词汇学、语用学、符号学、英语语言文化/跨文化交际、英语在经贸领域的应用/专门用途英语、 英语语言测试等。2、不得写超出广义英语专业内容的论文。三、 毕业论文格式模版(另附)四、 撰写论文及答辩注意事项: 1学生必须熟悉所写的全部内容,语法正确无误。凡出现以下任一情形即可判为抄袭:在指导和答辩期间无法回答论文有关词汇含义或无法清楚复述论文思路、论文与其他学生雷同、有明显证据表明论文出自网络或他人之手。2凡确属抄袭的论文,一经查出,直接定为不及格,取消获得学位资格。3指导教师答辩前须确认是否已经收齐如下学生材料:任务书、开题报告、论文初稿、二稿、三稿、定稿、中期检查表、业务总结表。答辩当天,指导教师须填写本科毕业论文答辩资格审查表、本科毕业论文评语表、本科毕业论文成绩评定表。以上所有表格均可在教务处网站下载。 南京财经大学外国语学院英文系 2011年11月 On Translation of Advertising Texts from an Intercultural Communicative Perspective(标题粗体Times New Roman 14号字居中,小标题粗体Times New Roman 12号字居中)Submitted by Lin MinTo School of Foreign Languages,Nanjing University of Finance and EconomicsNanjing (粗体Times New Roman 12号字居中)In partial completion of requirementsfor the degree of Bachelor of ArtsJune 2006 (粗体Times New Roman 12号字居中)I certify that all material that is not my own work in this thesis has been identified. (粗体Times New Roman 12号字居中)ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (粗体Times New Roman 14号字居中)I am grateful to the teachers for their patient help and warm encouragement. I would like, first of all, to show my sincere gratitude to Dr. Wang Keming, my supervisor, for his valuable guidance and generous support. Through the work, he gave me great encouragement, which gave me the confidence and strength to complete the dissertation successfully.Also, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my teachers who have taught me in the past four years. It is because of their help and guidance that I can finish my university schooling and my paper successfully. (Times New Roman 12号字)中文摘要 (粗体宋体14号字居中)本文主要从跨文化交际的角度研究广告的英汉互译。通过分析广告功能及其语言特点,我们发现广告总是用不同的语言技巧及文化内涵来实现交际功能从而达到推销产品的效果。语言是文化的载体,因而广告翻译必须在进行文化传递的同时,注重译文的社会功效。本文从跨文化交际的角度,通过探讨中西方文化的差异,提出直译,意译,音译,改译等一些翻译手段来翻译广告并加以例证,从而实现广告的主要功能。 (左侧空四格,上下对齐,宋体10.5号,100200字)关键词:跨文化交际,广告,翻译 (宋体10.5号,35个)Abstract (粗体Times New Roman 14号字居中)This thesis is a study on Chinese-English translation of advertisements from the perspective of intercultural communication. From analyzing the functions and linguistic features of advertising, we learn that advertising fulfills its communicative purpose through various linguistic devices and abundant cultural connotations, thus achieving the purpose of selling the products. Language is the carrier of culture. Advertising translation should attach great importance to the social functions and effects of the translated texts, while carrying on the cultural communication. Through probing into the cultural differences, we put forward literal translation, free translation and some other translation techniques to get the translated texts successful in achieving the main purpose of advertising. (Times New Roman 10.5号)Key words: intercultural communication, advertising, translation (Times New Roman 10.5号)CONTENTS (粗体Times New Roman 14号字居中)1. Introduction.12. Features of Advertisements.12.1 The definition of advertising.1 2.2 Purposes and functions of advertisements.22.3 Linguistic features of advertisements.3 2.3.1 Lexical features.3 2.3.2 Syntactical features.3 2.3.3 Rhetorical features.43. Intercultural Communication and Advertising Culture.43.1 Culture and communication.43.2 Intercultural communication53.3 Advertising and intercultural communication53.4 Cultural differences.63.5 Cultural differences reflected in advertising.73.5.1 Different values.73.5.2 Different cultural connotations of the same word74. Methods and Techniques Used to Translate English Advertisements into Chinese from Intercultural Communicative Perspective.84.1 Literal translation.84.2 Free translation.84.3 Transliteration.84.4 Adaptation.94.5 Imitation.95. Conclusion.10Works Cited.11(粗体Times New Roman 12号)On Translation of Advertising Texts from an Intercultural Communicative Perspective (粗体Times New Roman 14号字居中)Lin Min, Class 1, School of Foreign Languages, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics (左侧空4格,Times New Roman10.5号)1. Introduction (一级标题,粗体Times New Roman 12 号)With the development of modern technology and gradual globalization of economy, intercultural communications between people of different cultural backgrounds are becoming more and more frequent. As a means of mass media, advertisements play a significant role in social life and correspondingly the translation of advertising texts is getting more and more important. If we define advertisements as a form of communication, then the translation of advertising texts would be a form of intercultural communication at a higher level. Because of the differences in language and culture, consumers of different countries do not understand the connotations of advertisements or accept the products that are recommended in the advertisements if the language in the advertisements were translated word for word or without consideration for different cultural backgrounds. In that situation, the persuasive effectiveness in the source culture may not be produced in the target culture, which would have a great negative influence on the selling of the product in the target country or region. Thus the study of the translation of advertising texts can on one hand help our domestic products to go global successfully, and on the other hand further the communication in business culture with other foreign countries. (Times New Roman 10.5 号)2. Features of Advertisements (粗体Times New Roman 12号)2.1 The definition of advertising (二级及以下标题,粗体Times New Roman 10.5 号)Nowadays living in the Information Era, we are in the face of advertisements everyday and everywhere. Radio and television, newspaper and magazines, bus stations, Internet, and almost any place we can imagine are employed to advertising. Advertising helps manufacturers and corporations to increase profits, encourages competition in product or service, lower price of the products, manipulates social values and attitudes, raise the standard of living and shapes peoples life style. It is no exaggeration to say that “the air we breathe consists of oxygen, nitrogen and advertising.” Mattews, Charles. Oscar A to Z- A Complete Guide to More Than 2400 Movies Nominated for Academy Awards, 145.(Mattews 1995: 145)(两种直接引用格式:一是在引文后用括弧标明authors first name空一格year: page;二是用“插入引用脚注”动作,包含authors name. books name(斜体), page 写作中按需要选择其中一种)And we cannot imagine how the world would be without advertisements. But what on earth is advertising? In Chinese, the word “guanggao(advertising)” literally refers to informing widely and extensively. In English the word “advertise” originates from a Latin word “advertere”, which means to inform somebody of something, and to attract the attention of somebody to something. Albert Laser, generally regarded as the father of modern advertising, defined advertising as “salesmanship in print, driven by a reason why.” Today, there are many definitions of advertising. Works Cited (单独一页,粗体Times New Roman 12号,居左,10个条目以上,英语以作者字母顺序排列,汉语以拼音顺序排列,英语居前,汉语在后,所列书目包含直接引用使用的书目和所查阅过的书目)1 Catford, J.C. A Linguistic Theory of TranslationM. London: Oxford University Press, 1965. (英文专著引用格式,包含:作者(姓在前,名在后,中间用逗号隔开,下同),书名,文献标识M,出版地点,出版社,出版年)(Times New Roman 10.5 号)2 Grin, F. English as economic value: Facts and fallaciesJ. World English, 2001, 20(1): 65-78. (英文期刊引用格式,包含:作者,文章名,文献标识J,期刊名,出版年,卷,期数,页码起止范围;括弧里为期数,如卷数不清楚则仅在括弧里标明期数)3 Mattews, Charles. Oscar A to Z- A Complete Guide to More Than 2400 Movies Nominated for Academy Awards M. New York: Doubleday, 1995.4 Newmark, Peter. A Textbook of TranslationM. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.5 Nida, E. Language, Culture and Translatin


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