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凯程考研,为学员服务,为学生引路!考研英语阅读之法学类模拟练习汇总暑期集训来了,如何在暑期两个月创造出双倍的价值是每个考生想要达到的目标。这就需要加倍的努力和科学的规划了。英语方面的复习,大家要持续性背单词,阅读、写作及翻译要多加练习,总结方法技巧,活学活用。下面凯程在线和大家分享法学类的阅读模拟题,大家不妨集中练习,提升阅读速度和做题技巧。Since 1975 advocates of humane treatment of animals have broadened their goals to oppose the use of animals for fur,leather,wool and food.They have moaned protests against all forms of hunting and the trapping of animals in the wild.And they have joined environmentalists in urging protection of natural habitats from commercial or residential development.The occasion for these added emphases was the publication in 1975 of Animal Liberation:A New Ethics for Our Treatment ofAnimals by Peter Singer,formerly a professor ofphUosophy at Oxford University in England.This book gave a new impetus to the animal rights movement.The post 1 975 animal rights activists are far more vocal than theirpredecessors,and the organizations to which they belong are generally more radical.Many new organizations are formed.The tactics of the activists are designed to catch the attention of the public.Since the mid 1 980s there have been frequent newsreports about animal rights organizations picketing stores that sell furs,harassing hunters in the wild,or breaking into laboratories to free animals.Some of the more extreme organizations advocate the use of assault,armed terrorism,and death threats to make their point.Aside from making isolated attacks on people who wear fur coats or trying to prevent hunters from killing animals,most of the organizations have directed their tactics at institutions.The results of the protests and other tactics have been mixed.Companies are reducing reliance on animal testing.Medical research has been somewhat curtailed by legal restrictions and the reluctance of younger workers to use animals in research.New tests have been developed to replace the use of animals.Some wellknown designers have stopped using fur.While the general public tends to agree that animals should be treated humanely,most people are unlikely to give up eating meat or wearing goods made from leather and wool. Giving up genuine fur has become less of a problem,since fibers used to makefake fur such as the Japanese invention Kanecaron can look almost identical to real fur.Some of the strongest opposition to the animal rights movement has come from hunters and their organizations.But animal rights activists have succeeded in marshaling public opinion to press for state restrictions on hunting in several parts of the nation.1.1 975 was an important year in the history of animal treatment becauseAmany people began to call for humane treatment of animals that yearBa new book was published that broadened the animal rights movementCthe environmentalists began to show interest in animal protectionDthe trapping of animals began to go wild all through the world2.Some animal rights organizations advocate the use of extreme means in order toAwipe out cruel people Bstop using animals in the laboratoryCattack hunters in the wild Dcatch full public attention3.By saying“the results ofthe protests and other tactics have been mixed”(Line 1,Para.3),the author meansAthe protest and other tactics have produced desired effectsBthe protest and other tactics almost amounted to nothingCthe protest and other tactics have some influence on the publicDthe protest and other tactics have proved to be too radical4.The word“marshaling”(Line 5,Para.4)probably meansAconducting Bpopularizing Cchanging Doutraging5.It seems that the author ofthis articleAis strongly opposed to the animal rights movementBis in favor ofthe animal rights movementCsupports the use of violence in animal protectionDhatestheuse offakefurfor clothes核心词汇advocate n.提倡者philosophy n.哲学predecessor n.前辈tactics n.策略identical adj.同样的oppose vt.反对impetus.促进radicaladj.激进的reliance n.依赖publication .出版vocaladj.有声的assault n.攻击fake adj.假的号召人道对待动物的倡导者们从1975年起将自己的目标扩大到反对利用动物来获取毛皮、皮革、毛织品和食品的行为。他们提出抗议,反对所有形式的野外打猎和诱捕动物的活动。他们还与环境保护论者一起推进对动物自然栖息地的保护,使之免受商业和住宅开发的侵害。1975年解放动物:我们对待动物的新伦理一书的出版成为动物保护运动发展过程中的一个重大事件。该书由曾为英国牛津大学哲学教授的彼得。辛格撰写,它给予了动物权利运动新的推动力。1975年以后的动物权利激进主义者们发出的呼声要远高于他们的前辈,而且他们所属的组织通常也更为激进。许多新组织成立了。激进主义者们采取的策略是引起公众的注意。从20世纪80年代中期起,时常有有关动物权利组织在皮草商店外示威、骚扰野外打猎者或是闯入实验室解救动物的新闻报道:还有些更加极端的组织提倡通过袭击、武装恐怖行动以及死亡威胁的方式来达到他们的目的。除了对身着皮草外套的人们进行单独袭击或试图阻止打猎者们捕杀动物外,大多数组织的策略一直是针对公共机构的。抗议和其他措施带来了各种不同的结果。公司正在减少对动物试验的依赖;由于法律的约束以及较为年轻的工作人员不愿在研究中使用动物,医学研究也有所减少;代替使用动物的新试验方式已经开发出来了;一些知名设计师也不再使用动物皮毛。尽管大众倾向于认同应该人道地对待动物,但大多数人还是不太可能放弃食肉或穿戴皮毛制品。放弃真正的毛皮已不再是什么问题,因为诸如日本人发明的KaIlecamn乏类鸸用于制造仿毛皮的纤维看起来和真正的毛皮几乎别无二致。对动物权利运动最为强烈的反对有一些来自于捕猎者及其组织。但动物权利激进主义者们已经成功地靠引导公众意愿来迫使国家对若干地区的打猎实施限制。参考答案:1.B 细节题。由题干关键词1975,animal treatment定位文章第一段,。其中提到:1975年解放动物:我们对待动物的新伦理一书的出版成为动物保护运动发展过程中的一个重大事件(The occasion for these added emphases was the publication in 1975 of)此书的出版大大推动了保 护动物权利运动。结合选项可知B正确。2.D 细节题。由题干信息词advocate和extreme mean定位文章第二段Some of the more extreme organizations advocateto make theirpoint(有些更为极端的组织提倡来说服别人赞成他们的观点),而该句正是为了印证上文提到的The tactics ofthe activists are designed to catch the attention ofthe public,即所有这些都是为了引起公众的关注,故正确答案为D.3.C 推断题。由题干内容定位文章第三段,从文中可知,公司正逐渐减少对动物试验的依赖,利用动物进行医学研究的行为也受到了法律的约束,甚至一些时装设计师也不再用毛皮制作时装。由此可知,动物权利保护者的种种努力取得了一定的效果,故正确答案为C.其余选项A“取得了理想的效果”属于过度推断,B“几乎毫无成效”在文中没有依据,C“被证明过于激进”属于过度推断。 j4.A 语义题。根据题干定位文章最后一句“但动物权利激进主义者们已经成功地靠 _ 公众的意愿来迫使国家对若干地区_的打猎实施限制”。由句意可先排除D“愤怒”。根据该段首句提到的“公众开始认同应该人道地对待动物的观点”,可知公众的观点其实已经改变,也得到一定普及,由此可排除B“普及”和C“改变”,只能选A“引导”。5. 态度题。作者没有明确表明自己的态度,但文章结尾处提到But animal rights activists have succeeded in marshaling public opinion to(但动物权利激进主义者们已经成功地靠引导公众意愿来迫使国家对若干地区的打猎实施限制。),清楚地表明了作者持赞同态度。In general,our society is becoming one of the giant enterprises directed by a bureaucratic management in which man becomes a small we1l-oiled cog in the machinery.The oiling is done with higher wages,well-ventilated factories and piped music,and by psychologists and“human relations”experts;yet all this oiling does not alter the fact that man has become powerless,that he is bored with it.In fact,the blue-collar and the white-collar workers have become economic puppets who dance to the tune of automated machines and bureaucratic management.The worker and employee are anxious not only because they might find themselves out of a job,they are anxious also because they are unable to acquire any real satisfaction of interest in life.They live and die without ever having confronted the fundamental realities of human existence as emotionally and intellectually independent and productive human beings.Those higher up on the social ladder are no less anxious.Their lives are no less empty than those of their subordinates.They are even more insecure in some respects.They are in a highly competitive race.To be promoted or to fall behind is not a matter of salary but even more a matter of self-respect.When they apply for their first job,they are tested for intelligence as well as for the right mixture of submissiveness and independence.From that moment on they are tested again and again by the psychologists,for whom testing is a big business,and by their superiors,who judge their behavior,sociability,capacity to get along,etc.This constant need to prove that one is as good as or better than ones fellow competitor creates constant anxiety and stress,the very causes of unhappiness and illness.Am I suggesting that we should return to the pre-industrial mode of production or to nineteenth century“free enterprise”capitalism? Certainly not.Problems are never solved by returning to a stage which one has already outgrown.I suggest transforming our social system from a bureaucratically managed industrialism in which maximal production and consumption are ends in themselves into a humanist industrialism in which man and full development of his potentialitiesthose of all love and of reasonare the aims of social arrangements.Production and consumption should serve only as means to this end,and should be prevented from ruling man.1.By“a well-oiled cog in the machinery”the author intends to render the idea that man is_.A a necessary part of the society though each individuals function is negligibleB an unimportant part in comparison with the rest of the society,though functioning smoothlyC working in complete harmony with the rest of the societyD a humble component of the society,especially when working smoothly2.The real cause of the anxiety of the workers and employees is that_.A they are deprived of their individuality and independenceB they have no genuine satisfaction or interest in lifeC they are faced with the fundamental realities of human existenceD they are likely to lose their jobs3.From the passage we can infer that real happiness of life belongs to those_.Awho are at the bottom of the societyBwho are higher up in their social statusCwho could keep far away from this competitive worldDwho prove better than their fellow competitors4.To solve the present social problems the author suggests that we should_.A resort to the production mode of our ancestorsB offer higher wages to the workers and employeesC enable man to fully develop his potentialitiesD take the fundamental realities for granted5.The authors attitude towards industrialism might best be summarized as one of_.Aapproval BtoleranceCsuspicion Ddissatisfaction核心词汇ventilate Vt使通风 bore v.使厌烦 puppet,n.傀儡 tunen.曲调,调子acquire vt获得,学到 existence n.存在 mode n.方式,模式难句点津1.In general,our society is becoming one of the giant enterprises directed bv a bureaucratic lmanagement in which man becomes a small welloiled cog in the machinery. 点津句子的主干是Our societyisbecoming oneofthe giant enterprises,directedby之后的内容是修饰enterprises的定语,-g中which引导一个定语从句修饰enterprisesj2.From that moment on they are tested again and again by the psychologists,for whom testing is a big business,and by their superiors,who judge their behavior,sociability,capacity to get along.etc. 点津句子的主干是They are tested by the psychologists and by their superiors,其中psychologists 和superiors都带有自己的定语从句。总的来说,我们的社会变成了一个官僚化管理的大型企业,其中的所有人都成了这台机器中润滑良好的小齿轮。高工资、通风良好的厂房和有线广播的音乐用于润滑,心理学家和“人际关系”专家也用于润滑。然而所有这些润滑油都没能改变这一事实,即人类已经变得无能为力并厌倦了“润滑油”。实际上,蓝领和白领阶层都变成了经济傀儡,随着自动化机器和官僚化管理的步调而起舞。工人和雇员的焦虑不仅是由于他们可能会失业,还由于他们无法获得生活的真正乐趣。终其一生,他们从未作为情感和理智上独立的、富有创造性的人来面对生存的本质。那些处于社会高层的人同样焦虑,他们的生活和那些社会地位低于他们的人同样空洞,甚至在某些方面更缺乏安全感。他们处在异常激烈的竞争中。得到晋升还是落后于人,不是薪水的问题,更多的是自尊的问题。他们在申请第一份工作时,就接受了智商测试,以及对是否兼有适当的服从和独立的素质所进行的考查。从那以后,他们不断地被心理学家测试,对那些心理学家来说测试是一笔大生意;他们还不断接受上司的测试,以评判他们的行为、社交能力、与人相处的能力等。他们需要不断地证明自己和同事一样优秀,或比同事更优秀,这造成了持久的忧虑和压力,而忧虑和压力是苦恼和疾病的根源。 我是在建议我们应该回到前工业社会的生产模式或19世纪“自由企业”的资本主义吗?当然不是。回到逝去的时代永远不能解决问题。我建议将社会体系由官僚化管理的工业制度转换到人道主义的工业制度,前者以最大化的生产和消费为最终目的,而后者的社会目的则是人及其潜能(包括情感和理性的潜能)的全面发展。生产和消费只是实现该目的的手段,而不能让它们统治人类。答案解析1.B 推断题。文章第一段指出,人成了社会大机器中微小的、润滑良好的齿轮,高工资和通风良好的厂房便是润滑油,但事实上人是无能为力的,蓝领工人和白领阶层都是毫无自主权的经济傀儡。由此推断,虽然工作生活条件不错,但人在社会中却是无足轻重的,故选B.2.A 推断题。文章第二段点明了工人和雇员忧虑的原因,分析上下文可知,其真正原因是情感与理智上独立的、富有创造性的个人生存状态被忽视,故选A.选项B、D只是部分原因,不全面;C项与文章内容相悖。3.C 推断题。由文章可知,社会底层者、社会上层者和竞争中的胜利者都无法脱离充满竞争的生存环境,因而都生活在各种各样的忧虑与压力之中,所以都无幸福可言,只有远离这个充满竞争的社会的人才可能获得幸福,故选C.4.C 推断题。文章最后一段给出了解决现有社会问题的建议,即改革现有的工业制度,在新的工业制度中,人及其自身潜能的全面发展将是社会的目标,故选C.A项是作者在最后一段中表明不同意的观点,应排除;B项是维持工业制度正常运转的手段之一,而不是解决社会问题的建议,应排除;D项与原文不符,也应排除。5.D 态度题。文章最后一段提到,作者建议将社会体系由官僚政治管理的工业制度过渡到人道主义的工业制度,由此可知,作者对现有工业制度的态度是不满的,故选D.A(赞同)、B(宽容)、C(怀疑)都与原文不符。Rewards and punishments are used in different ways by different communities to maintain social order and preserve cultural values.In all cultures,parents must teach their children to avoid danger and to observe the communitys moral precepts.Adults also condition each others observance of social norms,using methods ranging form mild forms of censure,such as looking away when someone makes an inappropriate remark,to imprisoning or executing individuals for behavior considered deviant or dangerous.The caning of American teenager Michael Fay in Singapore for vandalism in 1994 brought wide media attention to cultural differences in the application of punishment.Faced with increasing violence at home,many Americans endorsed Singapores use of corporal punishment to maintain social order.Was Fays punishment effective? Whether he subsequently avoids vandalism is unknown,but the punishment did apparently lead to his avoidance of Singaporewhich he left promptly.The operant techniques societies use to maintain social control vary in part with the dangers and threats that confront them.The Gusii of Kenya,with a history of tribal warfare,face threats not only from outsiders but also from natural forces,including wild animals.Gusii parents tend to rely more on punishment and fear than on rewards in conditioning appropriate social behavior in their children.Caning,food deprivation,and withdrawing shelter and protection are common forms of punishment.In contrast,the Mixtecans of Juxtlahuaca,Mexico,are a highly cohesive community,with little internal conflict,and social norms that encourage cooperation.Their social patterns appear adaptive,for the Mixtecans are dominated by the nearby Spanish Mexicans,who control the official government and many economic resources in their region.The Mixtecans do not generally impose fines or jail sentences or use physical punishment to deter aggression in either adults or children.Rather,they tend to rely on soothing persuasion.Social ostracism is the most feared punishment,and social ties within the community are very strong,so responses that reinforce these ties are effective in maintaining social order.In the United States,fear of social ostracism or stigma was once a more powerful force in maintaining control over antisocial behavior,especially in small communities.Today,even imprisonment does not appear to be an adequate deterrent to many forms of crime,especially violent crime.Although one reason is the inconsistent application of punishment,another may be the fact that imprisonment no longer carries the intense stigma it once had,so that prison is no longer as an effective punishment.1.The best title of this passage would be_.A Crime and PunishmentB Reward and PunishmentC Social OrderD Two Case Studies:Gusii of Kenya and Mixtecans of Juxtlahuaca2.According to the passage,what is a universal cultural norm in maintaining social order?A Children must be obedient to their parents.B People must publicly complain when someone misbehaves.C People should do their parts to ensure that others comply with social rules.D People should publicly humiliate the wrongdoers.3.What can be inferred from the Michael Fay case?A Many Americans were opposed to the corporal punishment that Michael Fay received in Singapore.B The American media did not pay any attention to cultural differences until 1994.C The caning was effective because Michael Fay subsequently refrained from vandalism.D Michael Fay left Singapore immediately after the caning punishment.4.What would a Gusii mother from Kenya most likely do to punish her children?A To stop giving them pocket money.B To persuade them in a gentle way.C To verbally humiliate them.D To threaten to expel them from the home.5.The word“stigma”(in fourth paragraph)most probably means_.A irony B verbalC persuasion D bad reputation核心词汇Preserve vt.保护,保持 observe vt.遵守 mild adj.温和的execute Vt.处死,执行 applicationn.应用 vary vi.变化,不同confront vt.使面临 warfare,1.战争 tend vi.趋向 shelter n.庇护所cohesive adj.内聚的 intemal adj.口讲。内部的 region n.区域,地区physical n.身体的译文为了维持社会秩序以及保持文化价值,不同的社会会采用不同的方式进行奖惩。在所有的文化中,父母必须教会孩子躲避危险并遵守社会的道德准则。成年人同样会使用不同的方式来调节彼此对社会道德标准的遵守,这些方式从轻微指责比如当某人言语不得体时对其表示轻蔑到由于个人不道德的行为或是危险行为而对其进行监禁或者处决。1994年,在新加坡的一个美国少年迈克尔费伊由于故意破坏公共财产而遭到鞭刑,实施这一惩罚的文化差异引起了媒体的广泛关注。面对越来越多的家庭暴力,很多美国人对新加坡用体罚来维持社会秩序的做法都表示赞同。对费伊的惩罚有效吗?之后他是否不再故意破坏公共财产?我们不得而知;但是,很明显,这样的惩罚使他很快就离开了新加坡。社会为了维持其社会秩序所使用的可行方式也会部分地随着它们所面临的危险及损害而改变。肯尼亚的古西人有着很长时间部落战争的历史,古西人所面临的威胁不仅来自于外族,还来自于自然力量包括野生动物的困扰。古西人的父母愿意更多地依赖惩罚及恐吓而不是奖赏来调节他们子女的社会行为。鞭打、禁食及逐出家门都是惩罚的常见形式。与之相反,墨西哥朱克斯拉华卡的密克斯特坎人则组成了一个高度团结的社会,很少发生内鄙冲突,那里的社会准则就是鼓励人与人之间的合作。密克斯特坎人的社会模式看起来很具有适应因为他们被附近的西班牙裔墨西哥人所统治,西班牙裔墨西哥人控制了当地的官方政府及很多经济资源。通常情况下,密克斯特坎人并不采用罚款和判刑或是用体罚的方式来避免成年人和孩子的犯罪。相反,他们更愿意用安抚劝说的方式。社会排挤是最让人害怕的惩罚,社区内的社会联系十分密切,因此,用于加强这些联系的响应在维护社会秩序时显得十分有效。在美国,特别是在一些小社区中,对社会排挤或是羞辱的恐惧对于控制反社会行为来说曾经是比较强大的力量。现在,甚至监禁看起来都不足以制止很多形式的犯罪,特别是暴力犯罪。虽然一个原因是由于实行惩罚的不一致性,但另一个原因很可能是由于监禁不再像以前那样具有羞辱的威力,因此,监狱已经不再是一种有效的惩罚方式了。答案解析1.B 主旨题。文章第一段的主题句提供了解题的线索:为了维持社会秩序以及保持文化价值,不同的社会采用不同的方式进行奖惩。且下文中作者所举的例子都是围绕这一主题进行的。由此可知,文章的中心为“不同的文化中有不同的奖励和惩罚措施”,故选B.2.C 推断题。由题干关键词maintaining social order定位文章第一段,该段提到:在所有的文化中,父母必须教会孩子躲避危险并遵守社会的道德准则。此外,成人之间也用不同的方式相 互监督彼此是否遵守社会准则。由此推知C正确。3.D 推断题。由题干关键词Michael Fay定位文章第一段。原文提到,1994年美国少年迈克尔。费伊由于故意破坏公共财产而在新加坡遭到鞭刑的案例引起了人们的广泛关注,许多美国人对新加坡实行体罚来维持社会秩序的做法是认可的,由此可排除A;B说美国媒体直到1994年才开始广泛关注文化差异,在文中并没有依据,排除;原文说之后他是否不再故意破坏公共财产,我们不得而知,可排除C;只有D正确,即费伊很快离开了新加坡。4.D 细节题。由题干关键词Gusii和Kenya定位文章第二段的Gusii parents tend to rely more 0n punishmentwithdrawing shelter,该部分提到:古西人的父母愿意更多地依赖惩罚及恐吓而不是奖赏来调节他们子女的社会行为。鞭打、禁食、逐出家门都是惩罚的常见形式。结合选项可知D最符合题意。5.D 语义题。由题干关键词stigma定位文章最后一段,该段讲的是美国社会的奖惩制度。作者说在美国,特别是一些小社区中,对社会排挤或是的恐惧曾经能很好地控制反社会行为。而现在监禁都不再是一种有效的措施了。由此推断,stigma的意思应该与ostracism(排斥)相 似,比imprisomem(监禁)的含义在程度上要轻,结合选项可推知,stigma应是“坏名声、侮辱”的意思,故选D.One of the most exciting and enriching experiences a person can have is that of living abroad.Whether one spends a year away or many,living abroad is the first opportunity one has to stand on the outside of ones country and look in,to compare cultures,procedures,mentalities,etc.Wein the U.S.A.do very little REAL travelling abroad,much less living,and this bent toward isolation is probably detrimental to us in the long run.Living


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