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中考作文出现的常规错误:1、卷面出现涂改,字迹不工整。人是情感动物,卷面整洁从某种意义上讲甚至比内容更重要。无耐心读下去,势必影响得分。不超过20秒,评分12以下。即使有再华丽的辞藻也是徒劳。2. 中考作文也不是你新句型的练兵场,是关乎你前途命运的一次大考。所以务必确保自己写上的每一句话都是正确的。不拿中考作生僻表达的试验田。3. 中考英语作文不是语文作文,更不是演讲稿,不需要你自由发挥,感慨万千!4.细节问题:1)三无:无段落、无结构、无明显主题2)语法错误太多 大量明显拼写、语法错误是分数“毒药”最常出的错误就是:名词复数、介词缺失、句子结构混乱(单三/时态)。5. 细节问题:提示词不理解,没有全部用到 2008年是有中考以来第一次出现夹叙夹议的文体,因此出题老师已经尽力将所有能给之提示悉数奉上,只要按部就班按照中文句子和提示词将句子翻译出来即可。可惜有的同学并不领情,依然故我,舍提示词于不顾,非要尝试长难句。殊不知大智若愚,大巧若拙这个道理 最平凡并没有错误的文章当为中考优秀英语作文。 作文提分我能做什么?明确作文新趋势: 提示作文 提示作文也称之为提供材料作文,它要求根据汉语意思和英语提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑的英语文段。这种提示已将所要叙述的事情列出,并且有的提示给出了英语词汇、句型,只是要求学生根据所给的提示,利用合理的想像,运用一定的语言逻辑,使用正确的语法和句法,将整篇的文字用英语表达出来。 切记要点不能漏掉!1.根据题目要求列出写作提纲,打草稿。 切忌直接在卷面上写作文,写作前要先构思文章的主旨,段落,时态。1)首先,应认真阅读汉语和英语提示,理解写作要求;将相关信息组合起来。 2)明确时态,理顺思路,根据提示的内容,确定时态、人称,在此基础上,确定适当的词汇、句型。 3)写作内容:写人就要从外貌、性格、爱好、年龄、职业、心理活动和人物相关的主要事件等角度考虑;写事(经历)要交代时间、地点、人物、事情发生的顺序等,提建议用建议句型 另外,注意应用文的格式,如信件E-mail等。4)写完草稿后,要仔细阅读全文,看文章是否扣题,是否涵盖全部要点,单词拼写是否准确,有无语法错误,草稿修改好后,抄写在试卷上,抄写时字体要规范整洁。试卷上务必不要出现大段的涂抹、勾画。2. 选用自己熟练掌握的句子组织语言。设计好文章的开头和结尾,结构层次要清晰,可按题目的要点分段,并有适当的过渡。1) 句型为王 句子是表达完整含义的最小单位。 自造句+ 模板句 考试中尽量使用见过/背过的句式和短语,注意中英文表达的差异,避免使用中式英文。我们在课本中学过的句式都可使用在作文中, 如:It is for sb to do sth. It is necessary for us to make a plan for our study. It is a good habit for us to exercise every day because it can help us keep in good health. 个人观点:I hink;I believe;In my opinion,I prefer to do sth rather thando sth becauseI等,我们可在原句型的基础上举一反三利用所知识准确的表达出自己的观点。2)另外在适宜的情况下也可使用一些平时积累的很经典的句子,等起到画龙点睛的作用。 Do well and have well Practice makes perfect 但求无过,用熟不用生3)巧润色,细检查。学会使用过渡词,避免重复使用同样的短语和句型,在需要的地方加上表示转折、因果、并列、比较、时间顺序的过渡词或短语,使文章更加自然、流畅,也会使文章增色不少。 临场检查六注意 一篇优秀的作文应符合以下要求: 1.审题争取,要素齐全(不全,降档) 2.单词拼写错误,语法时态及句子结构错误是否影响了内容的准确性。 3.能否使用恰当的关联词或者复合句使文段内容完整,层次清楚。 4.运用丰富的词语和句子,增加句子的多样性 5.句子开头大写及句尾的标点符号。 6.卷面是否整洁。考前总结常犯错误 小提示: 1.不会表达,另辟蹊径。如遇到个别要点表达不出来或难以表达,可采用变通的办法,化难为易,化繁为简。 2.小词大用。汉语中有些语意看来很复杂很文雅,但在英语中常可用一些常用词来表达。下面这些词可能在你的书面表达中有用:take,have,get,make,come,go,do,see,show,happy,nice,kind,help等。 3.注意使用复合句。中考作文归类总结范文: 第一大类提建议:Beginnings: i. There are many things you can do to help you.ii. Im sorry to hear that. I would like to help you deal with your problem.iii. There is nothing serious. Id like to give you some advice.iv. I know it isnt easy to. But I have some ideas that may help.Engdings: 1. In a word, nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it. 2. I hope to receive your good news. 3. I hope you can feel better soon. 4. Easier said than done. Lets start from now. 5. I am sure you willStructures: 1. You should/could + do-You shouldnt/couldnt +do2. Youd better do Youd better not do3. Why not do?Why dont you do?4. Why not consider doing ?5. You are supposed to do6. Dont do7. If I were you, I would do8. If possible, I would do(1)学习 A. how to become a good learnerTo be a good leaner, we should have good habits and ways in learning. First, its important to get ready for our lessons before class and listen carefully in class. After class, wed better go over the lessons and finish our homework on time. Second, we need to help each other and study in groups. It can not only help us solve problems but also provide us the opportunities to learn to work with others. Above all, working hard is important, but dont forget to do sports and keep healthy. I hope all of us will become good learners.B. how to study English well English is so important that everyone wants to learn it well.I am glad to say something about how I study English. first of all, my listening is poor. I can hardly understand when people talk to me.I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner.Watching Enlgish movies isnt a bad way because I can see the actors say the words Then I am afraid to speak in class. My English teacher gave me some advice that helped me a lot. She told me not to be afraid of making mistakes and encouraged me to speak a lot. There is an old saying, “Practice makes perfect.” now my speaking English has improved a lot. As for grammar, I sometimes make mistakes in grammar, the best way to study grammar is by taking notes carefully in class. in a word, as English is getting more and more important, I decide to learn it harder and better by reading English novels. Hope Ill do better in learning English. 具体问题:I cant understand when people talk to meI cant spell some English words.I read very slowly.I make mistakes in grammar.I am afraid to speak in class, because I think my classmates might laugh at me. I could hardly understand the teacher when she talked in class.阐述困难的句型: first of all, My is poor. /I can hardly doLater on, Its difficult for me toAlso, I dont know how to Next, I make mistakes in doing/ I sometimes worry about making mistakes when I speak English out loud.And, I find doing is difficult for me.补充学习英语的方法:listen to tapes ,watch English movies,join an English club,speak to friends in Englishhave conversations with friends,read the textbook,read English newspapers/magazinesmake flashcards, memorize words of pop songs, find a pen pal, work with friendsask teacher for help, study with a group, study English by using it.学习谚语: Just as an old saying goes, . Nothing is impossible/difficult if you put your heart into it. Where there is a will, there is a way. Action speaks louder that words. Practice makes perfect. No pains, no gains. Little by little, one goes far The more you learn, the better you will be.(2) 健康 A. 睡眠方面的建议 Please dont worry. Im sorry to hear that you have many problems. I would like to provide you with some suggestions that may help you.First, if I were you , I would go to bed at the same time. Just as an old saying goes, “ Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”Then, If possible, youd better not read books that are interesting and exciting. So that youll not only have a good rest but also sleep with a good quality.Whats more (In addition), why not consider drinking a cup of milk before going to bed instead of drinking a cup of tea? In my opinion, its good for your health.In a word (all in all), I hope youll sleep as sweetly as a baby. And I am looking forward to your great changes.! B. 面对H1N1,我们可以做什么Please dont be afraid of H1N1. There are many things we can do to stay away from it. Here are a few.First, A healthy lifestyle can be very effective. Just as an old saying goes, “ Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” We should have enough sleep because it can give us more energy.Second, If possible, wed better take exercise regularly to make our body strong. The more exercise we do, the stronger we will be.Third, why not consider having a balanced/ healthy diet? I think we should eat more vegetables and fruits. Just as an old saying goes, An apple a day keeps a doctor away. Also, stay away from food with too much sugar or salt! It can not only help us lose weight but also help us keep fit. Whats more (In addition), we should wash our hands more often and we shouldnt touch our eyes and noses with our dirty hands. The last but the most important thing is to open the window as often as possible to let fresh air in. Finally, if we catch a cold or have a fever, go to see a doctor in time and ask him for some useful advice.In a word (all in all), There is nothing serious. Preventing H1N1 is possible if we put your heart into it.健康方面的谚语:Just as an old saying goes, .There is nothing more important than health.The first wealth is health.An apple a day keeps a doctor away.Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise.” All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只工作, 不玩耍, 聪明小伙也变儍。 (3) 环保 A. save water节水The earth is so dry that not only the people but also the plants and animals are short of water. Its very difficult for people to make a living and so its dangerous for their lives. Water is important in our life and everyone has the duty to save every drop of water For example, First, We can take a shorter shower because it is not necessary for us to use so much water. Second,We can turn off the shower when we wash our hair.whats more, We can collect enough used waste water to sweep the floor or water the flowers. In a word, If we dont save water now, the last drop of water in the earth will be our tear!Ill keep doing them and try my best to save more water. I believe if everyone makes a little effort, we can make a big difference. B. save energy节能、低碳 The earth is our home and its our duty to take care of it.I think protecing the environment is so important that everyone should give a hand. As for me/When it comes to me, I used to go to school by car, but now I go to school by bike and I will remember to turn off the lights before I leave the room. What is more, I collect waste things such as paper and bottles to recycle. By doing this, I can not only get some pocket money but also do something for the environment. As an old saying goes, less is more. In the future I will go on doing more useful and meaningful things for the environment. For example, When I go shopping I will use paper bags instead of plastic bags/I will use my own bags. Also/Besides, when I eat outside I will take my own chopsticks. If I have a chance, I think planting trees is another good choice because planting more trees can make the air cleanter. (the more trees we plant, the better our environment will be).In a word, the more things we do, the better environment will be! All in all, save the environment, save ourselves! (4) 抄作业应该怎么办I have received/got your e-mail recently. I can understand you. You should tell him its wrong to do that because its bad for him. If he copies others answers, he will not get good grades. Whats more, its not honest to do that. What should you do? Youd better help him to study English hard. For example, you can ask him to listen to the teacher carefully in class. After class, you can study with him or take him to an English club. As for his parents, If I were you, I would write a letter to tell them it is bad for them to punish his son. Instead they should encourage him not to give up and try to cheer him up. Im sure, with your help, he will get rid of his bad ohabit and make progress soon. I hope these will help you! (5) 课余时间的分配Dear friend, Im really unhappy now because my parents always make me stay at home and study every night during the week. They say that I must study hard for my exams. But in my opinion, I dont have to work so hard all the time. I have problems on weekends, too On weekends I can go out with my friends, but I have to be home before 20:00. Its crazy! They dont want me to go to parties, either. They say it wont do good for my studies. What should I do? Can you give me some suggestions? Elizabeth参考范文:Dear Elizabeth,Im sorry to hear that youre not happy now. Its very common for us to have such kind of problems. So dont worry. Here I have some suggestions for you.Firstly, youd better make a schedule, set up a goal for each day and show them to your parents. Secondly, you should talk with your parents, telling them all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Please dont be angry with them, which only makes things worse. The last thing is to do what you have promised. When they find you are strong-minded and act properly, they wont be worried about you. Then they wont set so many rules for you.Please have a try. Im looking forward to hearing good news from you. Yours, Li Lin第二大类课余生活: (1) 通过那些方式放松及理由中学生学习时间长、压力(pressure)大,专家建议学生每天课后应采取适当的方式放松自己。为此,不同的同学有不同的放松方式,有的看电视,有的听音乐,有的做运动,请你谈谈你通过哪些方式放松自己并说说原因,谈谈你的感受。提示词语:relax, TV, music, think参考范文:Students study too long every day and suffer from too much pressure. In order to relax themselves different students have different ways-Some watch TV, some listen to music But for me I enjoy taking exercise most. Whenever I feel tired, I always spend an hour (in) walking or jogging in the park. Besides I also play table tennis with my friends after class. In my opinion, taking exercise can not only rest our brains and eyes but also help build our bodies. I think its really helpful to both my health and my study. (83) (2) My TV-Turnoff WeekI like watching TV very much. My favorite TV program is sports show. I almost spend all my free time on it. I know its bad for my eyes. So during my TV-turnoff week, I will go outdoors to take some sports, such as swimming, playing football and so on. And I can also help my mum with her housework. In my opinion sports are not only very interesting but also can help me to keep healthy. And housework can help me grow up. Im sure mum will be glad to see that. (3) 体育活动休闲As for me, I usually spend half an hour running. Sometimes I play basketball with my friends. I spend about two hours a week. I strongly believe that exercise can not only keep me fit but also help me relax after a tiring day. In a word, there is nothing more important than health. So everyone should spend at least half an hour taking exercise. Enough exercise may help us do better in study as well.As for me, I usually run. Sometimes I play basketball with my friends. I spend about two hours a week. I think that exercise is not only good for my health but also good for my study. In a word, just as an old saying goes, All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. exercise is so important that we should spend more time taking exercise. Enough exercise may help us do better in study as well. (4) 校内课外活动 中学生活是丰富多彩的,尤其是学校里的课外活动,如打篮球、集邮、参加书画、电脑小组等。你最喜欢哪一项课外活动?活动中你都做什么?说说你的理由和想法.提示词语:take part in, after school,be interested in, think, important, grow up(字数不少于60字)范文、Although we are busy getting ready for the exam, our school life is always colorful. We can take part in lots of activities after school. Such as doing sports, joining different clubs.I am happy to tell you about my wonderful school life.We are busy studying but we dont feel tired at all. Because we have a lot of interesting activities after school, such as reading books in the library and so on.Im especially interested in playing basketball. I think its one of the most popular sports in the world. I have been playing it for three years. I play it so well that Im on the school basketball team. We practice hard and won some prizes for the school. Playing basketball is not only good for my health, but also I can spend time doing what I love to do. I also learned to share happiness with others. I want to be a basketball player when I grow up. I love the game.第三大类校园生活: 暑假期间,一些外国朋友将到你校参观访问,学校准备进行一次英语征文活动。征文内容:向外国朋友简要介绍你的学校生活以及一个/一件你最难忘的人/事,并表达你对学校生活的感受。 开头一 Welcome to China! I am glad to tell you about my wonderful school life. All of us are busy studying, but we dont feel tired at all. The teachers often help me work out the problems patiently when I ask them for help. After class, we have many activities. I would like to play with friends on the playground. Sometimes we do exercise and sometimes we play sports. Whatever we do, we feel happy and enjoyable. 开头二 Welcome to China! I am happy to tell you about my wonderful school life. My school life is interesting and colorful. We have five classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. we are busy studying . we still have a lot of interesting activities after class, such as playing soccer or reading books in the library.(1) 校园旅行school tripThe most unforgettable thing happened last term. We had great fun going on a school trip.That morning, we climbed mountains. It took us two hours to get to the hilltop. We enjoyed the beautiful red leaves and fresh air. The scene was so beautiful that we couldnt help smiling.At noon, frustrated but happy, we had a picnic at the top. We were happy to share the delicious food with friends. Late in the afternoon,We spent time swimming in the river and flying kites happily. In the evening, we set up camps, made a fire and held a big party. We had a great time on the school trip. We went to Blue Water Aquarium. First, we visited the Visitors Center and watched a movie about sharks. Then, we watched a dolphin show. After lunch, we went to the Gift Shop to buy lots of gifts. Finally, tired but happy, we took the bus back to school. On the way to school, we spent time singing and talking together. Our school trip was great and left me deep impresstion, The beautiful memory will stay in my mind for many years to come,because we not only learnt some knowledge but also shared happiness. 北海旅行school tripI am busy with my school work every day, so Im a little tired of it. Last Sunday, my classmates and I decided to take a short trip. We went to Beihai Park happily. We set out early in the morning. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, and the birds were singing. When we got there, there were many people in the park already. We went boating on the lake. We felt relaxed with the wind blowing. Three hours passed quickly, and we had to leave.It was really a happy day. I didnt feel tired at all. I had a wonderful time with my classmates, and I refreshed myself. (2) 志愿者Everyone has his own unforgettable/wonderful school life, so do I. Memories in my mind are shinging all the time and I am glad to share with you. That most unforgettable thing


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