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学院系班级学号姓名-装-订-线-第1页环境科学与工程学院给排水2006级专业英语考试试卷(A)( 2008 2009 学年第 一学期)一、将下列单词与词组翻译为英文 (10分)1. 给水排水 2. 室内给水排水工程3. 折点加氯 4. 二氧化氯5. 沉淀池 6. 水力坡度7. 蒸 馏 8. 微生物9. 塑料管道 10. 培养基二、单项选择与翻译(30分)(下列10题中,每题只有1项是最佳地,将其在右侧括号内填上;然后,将每题地英文翻译为中文)1. Water is a precious natural resource and one that should be ,but recycling is not just an environmental issue.A. conserved B. stored C. settled D. provided翻译:2. Evaporation permits water to the atmosphere, condense as clouds and eventually bring rain.A. congregate B. contain C. enter D. eliminate翻译:第2页3. With the development of the science and bacteriology, people toknow the causes of many water-borne epdemics.A. measured B. outstriped C. commenced D. assumed翻译:4. The problem of providing a safe water supply has become more and more acute in recent years because of the vast amount of waste by industrial processes.A. created B. promoted C. dissolved D. mixed翻译:5. The water containing suspended matter is generally in a settle tank with or without coagulation and then is filtered.A. detracted B. deposited C. coalesced D.clarified翻译:6. Water engineers must study the local information and choose a figure the most advanced community there.A. checked out B. made up C. based on D.obtained from翻译:7. You will find the plan most of your suggestions.A. altering B. combating C. including D.existing翻译:8. Those types of fish that do survive find that food is plentiful and they often .A. proliferate B. represent C. synthesize D.attack翻译:-装-订-线-第3页9. In response to the of gravity groundwater moves from areas of high water table to areas of low water table.A.horizon B. attraction C. transmit D.velocity翻译:10. At the condition of equilibrium, the velocity and liquid depth constant and the flow becomes uniform open channel flow.A.retards B. exposes C. substains D.remains翻译:三、将下面地短文翻译为中文(60分)The Hydrologic CycleIn nature, water is constantly changing from one state to another. The heat of the sun evaporates water from land and water surfaces. This water vapor (a gas), being lighter than air, rises until it reaches the cold upper air where it condenses into clouds. Clouds drift around according to the direction of the wind until they strike a colder atmosphere. At this point the water further condenses and falls to the earth as rain, or snow, thus completing the hydrologic cycle.The complete hydrologic cycle, however, is much more complex. The atmosphere gains water vapor by evaporation not only from the oceans but also from lakes, rivers, and other water bodies, and from moist ground surfaces. Water vapor also is gained by sublimation(n. 蒸发,发散) from snowfields and by transpiration(n. 升华,纯化) from vegetation and trees.Water precipitation may follow various routes. Much of the precipitation from the atmosphere falls directly on the oceans. Of the water that does fall over land areas, some is caught by vegetation or evaporates before reaching the ground, some is locked up in snowfields or ice-fields for periods ranging from a season to many thousands of years, and some is retarded by storage in reservoirs, in the ground, in chemical compounds, and in vegetation and animal life.Because water is absolutely necessary for sustaining life and is of great importance in industry, men have tried in many ways to control the hydrologic cycle to their own advantage. An obvious example is the storage of water behind dams in reservoirs, in climates where there are excesses and deficits(n.有缺陷地人(或物) of precipitation (with respect to water needs) at different times in the year. Another method is the attempt to increase or decrease natural precipitation by injecting particles of dry ice or silver iodide(n. 【化】碘化物) into clouds. This kind of weather modification has had limited success thus far. But many meteorologists believe that a significant control of precipitation can be achieved in the future.Other attempts to influence the hydrologic cycle include the contour plowing of sloping farmlands(沿等高线耕作梯田)to slow down runoff and permit more water to percolate into the ground, the construction of dikes(n. 沟,坝,【地质】岩墙) to prevent floods and so on. The reuse of water before it returns to the sea is another common practice. Various water supply systems that obtain their water from rivers may recycle it several times (with purification) before it finally reaches the rivers mouth. Men also attempt to predict the effect of events in the course of the h


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