



1、political system reform 政治体制改革 2、Economic system reform 经济体制改革3、Social system reform 社会体制改革4、Fiscal fixation system reform 财税体制改革5、The administrative system reform 行政体制改革6、The administrative and law enforcement system reform 行政执法体系改革7、The medical and health system reform 医疗卫生体制改革8、The cultural system reform 文化体制改革9、The judicial system reform 司法体制改革10、The science and technology system reform 科技体制改革11、the ecology system reform 生态体制改革12、the positive energy of reform 改革的正能量13、anti corruption uphold integrity 反腐倡廉14、economic responsibility audit 经济责任审计15、economic pattern 经济模式16、economic over heat 经济过热17、economic panic 经济恐慌18、economic plunder 经济掠夺19、economic protection 经济保护20、economic depression 经济萧条21、economic slack 经济衰退22、economic slide 经济滑坡23、economic resource 经济资源24、economic prediction 经济预测25、economic soar 经济腾飞26、economic punishment 经济制裁27、economic report 经济报道28、economic power 经济实力29、economic potential power经济潜力30、economic pressure 经济压力31、economic profit 经济利益32、economic cooperation 经济合作33、economic competition 经济竞争34、economic crisis 经济危机35、economic prosperity 经济繁荣36、economic cost/invest 经济投资37、economic crime 经济犯罪38、economic court 经济法庭39、economic cycle 经济周期40、economic data 经济数据41、economic decision 经济决议42、economic demand 经济需求43、economic discrimination 经济歧视44、economic diplomacy 经济外交45、economic disharmony 经济失调46、economic embargo 经济禁运 47、economic expansion 经济膨胀48、economic giant 经济巨人49、economic structure 经济结构50、economic take-off 经济起飞51、the emerging market economic 新兴市场经济体52、the developing economy 发展中的经济体53、the economy in transformation 转型中的经济体54、the high-income economy 高收入经济体55、Economics of New structure 新机构经济学56、the continuing innovation of technology 技术的不断创新57、the upgrade of industry 产业的不断升级58、the constant improvement of the labour productivity 劳动生产力的不断提高59、the late-mover advantages of economic growth 后发优势经济增长60、gradual double-track system 渐进的双轨制61、shock treatment 休克疗法62、the subsidy policy of special production 特殊产品补贴政策63、comparative advantage 比较优势 absolute advantage 绝对优势64、potential advantage 潜在优势65、growth potential 增长潜力66、comparative potential 相对潜力67、catching-up and overtaking strategy 赶超战略68、developing creating strategy 发展和创新战略69、human capital 人力资本71、the total amount of foreign trade 对外贸易总量72、the Asia-Pacific Regional Economic integration 亚太区域经济一体化73、the innovation and development of economic 经济创新发展 the reform and growth of economic 经济的改革与增长74、to strengthen the construction of infrastructure and interconnectivity 加强全方面基础设施和互联互通建设hard connectivity 硬联接 soft connectivity 软联接 people to people connectivity 人与人联接 APEC Business Travel Card APEC商务旅行卡75、economic reformation 经济改革76、new economic新经济77、economic of innovation 经济创新78、tolerated support 包容性支持79、urbanization 城镇化80、reasonable distribution of population 人口的合理分布81、optimize the allocation of public resource 公共资源的优化配置82、adjust the space layout of economic development 调整经济发展空间布局83、atmosphere controlling 大气治理84、decentralization of metropolis 去中心城市化85、the Bohai Economic Circle 渤海经济圈86、the Capital Economic Circle 首都经济圈87、regional development strategy 区域发展战略88、sustaining economic growth and promoting employment 保经济增长,促进就业89、AIIB- Asia infrastructure investment Bank 亚洲基础设施投资银行90、econometrics 计量经济学91、economics of management 管理经济学92、economics of agriculture 农业经济学93、economics of industry 工业经济学94、economics of commerce 商业经济学95、economics of consumption 消费经济学96、economics of energy 能源经济学97、economics of environment 环境经济学98、economics of human capital 人力资源经济学99、economics of information 信息经济学100、economics of innovation /creation 创新经济学101、economics of population 人口经济学102、produce more but consume less 高产低耗103、advanced with the times 与时俱进104、all-round well-off society 全面小康社会105、planned market economy 计划市场经济106、free market economy 自由市场经济107、monopoly capital 垄断资本108、financial market 金融市场109、financial crisis 金融危机110、crisis of confidence of 信任危机111、crisis management 危机管理112、financial incentive/stimulus 金融刺激113、4 trillion Yuan fiscal incentive 4万亿经济刺激计划114、inflation/expanding of currency 通胀115、increase the domestic demand to pull up the economic growth 扩大内需拉动经济增长Bretons Wood System-fixed exchanging rate 布雷顿森林体系116、consumer economics 消费经济学117、consumers association 消费者协会118、consumers satisfaction 消费者满足(顾客满意)119、consumer Protection Act 消费者保护法120、consumer Bill of Right 消费者权益法121、consumer price index(CPI)消费者物价指数122、shopping confidence index 购物信心指数123、stabilize the real estate market and stock market 稳定房地产市场和股票市场124、optimization of the economics structure 经济结构优化125、we are competitors,friends but not enemies 我们既是竞争者又是朋友但不是做人126、environment protection 环境保护127、reduction of exhausted and carbon dioxide emission 减少废气和二氧化碳排放128、energy conservation,emission control and environment protection 节能减排环保129、high growth,high pollution 高增长高污染130、resource saving enterprise 节能型企业131、resource hungry country 资源匮乏国家132、state environment protection standard 国家环保标准133、SEPA-State Environment Protection Agency 国家环保局134、SASAC-The State-owned Assets Supervision and administration Commission 国资委135、NDRC-national development and reform commission 国际发改委NGO-non-government organization 非政府组织NPO-non-profit organization 非营利组织136、sustainable development of 可持续发展137、non-renewable resource 不可再生资源138、pollution intensive goods 高污染产品139、tariff barrier/wall 关税壁垒140、overall national power/strength 综合国力141、per capital cultivated land 人均可耕地142、real income per capital 人均实际收入/人均可支配收入143、facing new opportunities and challenges 面对新机会和挑战144、a controversial issue 有争议的议题145


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