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xxxXXXXX学校XXXX年学年度第二学期第二次月考XXX年级xx班级姓名:_班级:_考号:_题号一、选择题二、完型填空三、阅读理解四、任务型阅读总分得分评卷人得分一、选择题(每空? 分,共? 分)1、I still cant believe it! My bicycle_ last night.A. is stolen B. was stolen C. was stole D. stole 2、He_ his homework at school.A. doesnt B. dont do C. dont D. doesnt do 3、The young trees should _well as often as possible A.be water B. watered C. watering D. be watered 4、You bought a new car! An American car? No. A Chinese ear. It in Taizhou. A. makes B. made C. was made D. will be made5、Many children in Britain _ to have their own bank cards these days.A. allow B. allowed C. are allowed D. were allowed6、 A lot of people like throwing litter everywhere. Something should_ to make our hometown clean and tidy. A. do B. be done C. did D.does 7、I cant tell when that house exactly, but it must be very long ago. A. is built B. will build C. was built D. has built 8、The children without parents good care of by the teacher in this special school. A. are taken B. take C. is taken D. takes 9、Our classroom is so clean. It _ every day. A. is cleaned B. was cleaned C. cleans D. cleaned 10、 The bridge _ two years ago. A. built B. is built C. was built11、The stamp is used _ letters. A. for send B. to sending C. send D. hear to 12、The parents encouraged their daughter her English A. improving B. improves C. improved D. to improve 13、I need this letter. Would you mind me your pen, please? A. to finish; lending B. writing; to giveC. to see; borrowing D. finding; drop 14、Please give me a piece of paper _.A. to write B. to write on C. to write at D. writing 15、The stones they carried were used _ houses and bridges.A. to build B. to be built C. for building D. A or C 16、Now I spend time _ what I love to do. A. to do B. doing C. do D. did 17、Have you decided _ Shanghai? A. to visit B. visit C. visiting D. to visit to 18、-How about going hiking this weekend?-Sorry, I prefer _rather than _.A. to stay at home, go out B. to go out, stay at home 19、The little girl often makes his mother _him_ .A. talk, something interesting B. tell something interesting C. say, interesting something D. speak, interesting something 20、I prefer_ my homework rather than_such a boring film.A. do; see B.doing; seeing C.to do; to see D.to do; see 21、We all expected him_ earlier yesterday.A. come B.comes C.coming D.to come 22、They prefer_to_.A. swim; run B.swimming; run C.swimming; running D.to swim; run 23、When the father came home, the naughty boy pretended_his homework.A. to do B.do C.doing D.being done 24、- What is behind the tree?- There be a dog_beside it. A. sit B.sat C.sitting D.to sit 25、I saw him_ the key_the lock, turn it and open the door.A. putting; in B.put; in C.putting; to D.put; to 26、When I came in, I saw him_.A. watch B.to watch C.watching D.watched 评卷人得分二、完型填空(每空? 分,共? 分)27、 Last year my English class was _1_for me. First of all, it wasnt easy for me to understand the teacher when she _2_to the class. To begin with, she spoke too quickly, and I couldnt _3_every word. Later on, I realized it doesnt matter if you dont understand every word. _4_, I was afraid to speak in class because I thought my classmates might laugh _5_me. I couldnt always make complete sentences, either. Then I started to _6_ English-language TV. It helped a lot. I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of _7_a good language learner. Another thing that I found very difficult was English _8_. So I decided to take lots of grammar notes in every class.( )1. A. lucky B. happy C. difficult D. great.( )2. A. talked B. talk C. sing D. sang( )3. A. think B. believe C. forgetD. understand( )4. A. Either B. NeitherC. Also D. Too( )5. A. toB. with C. atD. in( )6. A. watchedB. watch C. watches D. watching( )7. A. making B. becomingC. changingD. turning( )8. A. grammarB. words C. pronunciationD. tests28、Mrs. Ball had a son. His name was Mick. She _1_ him very much and as he was not a _2 _ child, she was always _3_ that he might be ill, _4_ she used to take him to see the best _5_ in the town four times a year to be looked _6_.During one of these _7_, the doctor gave Mick all kinds of tests and then said to him, “Have you had any _8_ with your nose or ears recently?” Mick _9_ for a second and then answered, “Yes, I _10_.”Mrs. Ball was very _11_. “But Im sure you have _12_ told me that, Mick!” She said worriedly. “Oh, really?” Said the doctor _13_. “And what trouble have you with your nose and ears, my boy?” “Well,” answered Mick, “I always have trouble with them when Im _14_ my sweater off, because the _15_ is very tight.”1. A. loved B. hated C. missed D. cared2. A. rich B. clever C. strong D. happy3. A. afraid B. surprised C. glad D. sure4. A. which B. for C. but D. so5. A. player B. teacher C. doctor D. lawyer6. A. round B. over C. for D. after7. A. talks B. years C. visits D. stays8. A. answer B. thing C. word D. trouble9. A. waited B. thought C. stood D. looked10. A. did B. will C. have D. do11. A. excited B. interested C. pleased D. surprised12. A. already B. just C. never D. always13. A. angrily B. seriously C. happily D. carefully14. A. turning B. taking C. keeping D. putting15. A. collar B. nose C. mouth D. ear29、Rosa liked making up stories. She was so _1_ that her classmates believed her from time to time. In fact, the whole class believed her! At first she supposed it was _2_. Now, as she got up to _3_ before the class, She knew that make believe stories had some way of coming back to make you sad.Rosas parents were separated. Nine months out of the year, Rosa lived with her mother in an apartment on Anderson Street. But when summer _4_, she went to her fathers farm in Arizona.The farm was great! Rosa rode horses and _5_ with some farm work. Her father, however, was so _6_ that he couldnt find time to go places with her. When she arrived each summer, her father would _7_ her at the airport and take her out to eat. And the day she went back to the _8_ he would always buy her a present.When summer came to a close, Rosa _9_ to her mother. At school she heard lots of stories her friends told about their family trips. Rosa wished she had a _10_ to talk about.Not long after _11_ began, Rosa was looking through travel magazines in the school library. They talked about many exciting _12_, like England and Germany. When Rosas friends asked what she had done that summer, she made up something that was not _13_. Remembering the travel magazines she had looked at, she told her classmates that she and her father had gone to _14_.When the class began studying England, Mr. Thomas asked Rosa to tell all the things she could _15_ about her trip to England!1. A. afraid B. worried C. sure D. happy2. A. joke B. fun C. turn D. game3. A. talk B. teach C. show D. travel4. A. passed B. arrived C. lasted D. changed5. A. made B. played C. helped D. did6. A. weak B. pleased C. busy D. lonely7. A. show B. visit C. meet D. send8. A. farm B. city C. family D. school9. A. wrote B. called C. moved D. returned10. A. family B. school C. teacher D. farm11. A. meeting B. school C. summer D. talk12. A. people B. cities C. languages D. places13. A interesting B. true C. long D. same14. A. England B. Germany C. farm D. home15. A. think B. see C. remember D. read评卷人得分三、阅读理解(每空? 分,共? 分)30、 In 1826, a Frenchman named Niepce needed pictures for his business. But he was not a good artist. So he invented a very simple camera. He put it in a window of his house and took a picture of his garden. That was the first photo. The next important date in the history of photography was in 1837. That year, Daguerre, another Frenchman, took a picture of his reading room. He used a new kind of camera in a different way. In his picture you could see everything very clearly, even the smallest thing, this kind of photo was called a Daguerreotype. Soon, other people began to use Daguerres way. Travelers brought back wonderful photos from all around the world. People took pictures of famous buildings, cities and mountains. In about 1840, photographers had to carry a lot of film and other machines. But this did not stop them, for example, some in the United States worked so hard. Mathew Brady was a famous American photographer. He took many pictures of great people. The pictures were unusual because that were very lifelike(栩栩如生). Photographers also became one kind of art by the end of the 19th century. Some photos were not just copies of the real world. They showed their feelings, like other kinds of art.( ) 6. The first photo taken by Niepce was a picture of . A. his business B. his house C. his garden D. his window( ) 7. The Daguerreotype was . A. a Frenchman B. a kind of picture C. a kind of comers D. a photographer ( ) 8. If a photographer wanted to take pictures of moving things in the year of 1840, he had to . A. watch lots of films B. buy an expensive camera C. stop in most cities D. take many films and something else with him ( ) 9. Mathew Brady . A. was very lifelike B. was famous for his unusual picturesC. was quite strong D. took many pictures of moving people( ) 10. This passage tells us .A. how photography was developed B. how to show your ideas and feelings in pictures C. how to take pictures in the world D. how to use different cameras 31、In 1826, a Frenchman named Niepce needed pictures for his business .But he was not a good artist .So he invented a very simple camera .He put it in a window of his house and took a picture of his garden .That was the first photo.The next important date in the history of photography was in 1837.That year, Daguere, another Frenchman, took a picture of his reading room .He used a new kind of camera in a different way. In his picture you could see everything very clearly, even the smallest thing. This kind of photo was called a Daguerreotype.Soon, other people began to use Daguerres way .Travelers brought back wonderful photos from all around the world .people took picture of famous buildings, cities and mountains.In about 1840, photography was developed .Then photographers could take picture of people and moving things .That was not simple .The photographers had to carry a lot of film and other machines. But this did not stop them, for example, some in the United States worked so hard.Mathew Brady was a famous American photographer. He took many picture of great people .The picture were unusual because they were very lifelike.Photographers also became one kind of art by the end of the 19th century .Some photos were nor just copies of the real world .They showed and feelings, like other kinds of art. ( ) 1.The first photo taken by Niepce was a pictures of _ A. his businessB. his house C. his garden D. his window ( ) 2.The Daguerro type was_. A. a Frenchman B. a kind of picture C. a kind of camera D. a photographer ( ) 3.If a photographer wanted to take pictures of moving things in the year of 1840s, he had to_. A. watch lots of films B. buy an expensive camera C. stop in most citiesD. take many films and something else with him. ( ) 4. Mathew Brady_.A. was very lifelike B. was famous for his unusual pictures C. was quite strong D. took many pictures of moving people( ) 5.This passage tells us_. A. how photography was developedB. how to show your ideas and feelings in pictures C. how to take pictures in the worldD. how to use different cameras 32、In 1826, a Frenchman named Niepce needed pictures for his business .But he was not a good artist .So he invented a very simple camera .He put it in a window of his house and took a picture of his garden .That was the first photo.The next important date in the history of photography was in 1837.That year, Daguere, another Frenchman, took a picture of his reading room .He used a new kind of camera in a different way. In his picture you could see everything very clearly, even the smallest thing. This kind of photo was called a Daguerreotype.Soon, other people began to use Daguerres way .Travelers brought back wonderful photos from all around the world .people took picture of famous buildings, cities and mountains.In about 1840, photography was developed .Then photographers could take picture of people and moving things .That was not simple .The photographers had to carry a lot of film and other machines. But this did not stop them, for example, some in the United States worked so hard.Mathew Brady was a famous American photographer. He took many picture of great people .The picture were unusual because they were very lifelike.Photographers also became one kind of art by the end of the 19th century .Some photos were nor just copies of the real world .They showed and feelings, like other kinds of art. ( ) 1.The first photo taken by Niepce was a pictures of _ A. his businessB. his house C. his garden D. his window ( ) 2.The Daguerro type was_. A. a Frenchman B. a kind of picture C. a kind of camera D. a photographer ( ) 3.If a photographer wanted to take pictures of moving things in the year of 1840s, he had to_. A. watch lots of films B. buy an expensive camera C. stop in most citiesD. take many films and something else with him. ( ) 4. Mathew Brady_.A. was very lifelike B. was famous for his unusual pictures C. was quite strong D. took many pictures of moving people( ) 5.This passage tells us_. A. how photography was developedB. how to show your ideas and feelings in pictures C. how to take pictures in the worldD. how to use different cameras 33、Nasreddin woke up in the middle of the night and sawsomethingwhite in his garden. It seemed to be moving towards the house. That is a thief! He thought, and he took his gun and shot(开枪) at him. Then he went back to bed, because he was toofrightenedtogooutofthe house in the dark. The next morning Nasreddin went out and saw oneofhiswhiteshirts hanging on the clothes-line in the garden, his wifehadwasheditthe day before and hung it. Nowithadabullet- holeright through middle of it. My God,” said Nasreddin, Iwaslucky lastnight. If I had been wearing that shirt, the bullet would have killed me! And hecalledhis neighbors together and asked them to thank God for saving him.Multiple choice ( ) 31.At midnight Nasreddin saw_in his garden. A. something strange B. a thief C.something white D.a ghost ( )32.Nasreddin was so frightened that he _. A. cried out for help B.dared not go out of the house C.dared not stay in his house D.couldnt say a word ( ) 33. ThenextmorningNasreddin found_ . A.his wife in the garden B.the clothes-line C. the thief dead D.a bullet-hole through the white shirt( )34.Nasreddinsaidthat if he had been wearing that shirt_. A. he would be killed B. hewould die C.he would have killed D.he would safe( ) 35.Hecalledhis neighbors together in order to_. A. make a speechB.tellthestory C.thankGod D.thankth


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