



Most students have had a love-hate experience or full-blown relationship with procrastination. We all come up with bizarre ways to bring ourselves fleeting moments of joy to temporarily dissolve our stress and productivity. When deadlines approach, though, these moments of lost time often become regrettable. Here are four tips to help you reduce this age-old practice.大多数学生和拖延症的关系可谓爱恨交织,缠绵悱恻。我们花样迭出地让自己享受稍纵即逝的快乐,舒缓压力,却也让任务渐渐堆积。大限将至,逝去的时光成了不可挽回的遗憾。看你这么辛苦,小编特地奉上4条金点子,让你摆脱“拖延症”这种沉疴旧疾。1. SET GOALS制定目标Students often procrastinate because they think that they can put off the work for a while and enjoy their time at the moment. This thought tends to backfire, though, when the deadline becomes one day away and the essay has yet to be started. In order to stay on track, you should constantly set and update goals. It can be beneficial to mark all deadlines in a planner and think about how much time you need to meet them all. Update your plan for the upcoming two weeks so that you do not get overwhelmed, and continue to update as other assignments and events arise. Additionally, make a daily schedule in order to reach necessary goals before going to bed.拖延的折翼天使们总想着能把工作暂时放一放,及时行乐。但常常事与愿违,当明天就是死线的时候,你的论文还一笔没动呢!为了一切按计划进行,你应该不断制定并更新自己的目标。最好是能在计划表上标出所有的截止日期,想清楚完成每项任务所需的时间。要养成习惯,更新未来两周的计划,及时跟进各项事宜的进展,让日子有条不紊。另外,做好每日计划,今日事今日毕。It can become extremely difficult to work for hours straight in order to finish school work. In order to keep productivity and sanity levels up, set breaks at the end of a period of time or once you finish a section of your work so that you can reward yourself with some deserved, scheduled, and controlled procrastination-like activities; have a coffee with a friend, cook, or watch an episode of a television show. Breaks like these are proven to increase productivity and keep you focused, and they will make the process of studying much more bearable!连天累日的埋头苦读真是件难熬的事。为了保持高效,维持清醒,“课间”休息和任务完成后的放松是必须的,你可以做一些有意义、有计划、能把持住的“疑似拖延”活动;和朋友喝杯咖啡,做点美味佳肴或者看一集电视剧。这样的小憩能提高效率,增强你的注意力,让你在无涯的学海里泛起荡漾的小舟!2. REMIND YOURSELF OF WHAT YOURE DOING提醒自己要务第一Sometimes you may begin to think that the reading that you are doing, the assignment that you are writing, or the lab that you are performing do not pertain to what you ultimately want to do. You may consider some work or a class pointless and not useful to your further studies. However, when these thoughts arise and you think that getting a pint is a better idea than getting a good grade, remind yourself what the ultimate goal of your schooling is. Remind yourself why you wanted to go to school and take this program in the first place. Evaluate your priorities in a serious manner and you may understand why you should focus on completing your work and postpone the pint until the weekend.有时你会觉得自己读的文章,写的作业或做的实验和自己的最终目标关系不大。你可能觉得有些课,有的作业对深造并无裨益。然而,当这些想法来临,当你觉得喝一杯比做学霸更可行时,请提醒自己来这上学的目的是什么,当初为何来这,为何读这个专业。严肃认真地分析目前的要务,你就明白为何要专注学业,那些“喝一杯”的事,还是推到周末吧。3. TURN OFF THE INTERNET断网Some of the most common distractions are those found on the internet social media sites, websites with listicles, and videos. (Perhaps you even use KanDongSee to procrastinate) If you do not need the internet to do your work, turn it off so that you are not receiving notifications while completing your work, and you are not as tempted to search for sites with quizzes that determine the type of bread that you are. The same goes for your cell phone; you can take a break from being connected to the cyber world in order to do your school work. If you feel the need to check messages and websites often, set times when you will allow yourself to do so rather than constantly staying connected.互联网里盘踞着最常见的诱惑社交网站,挂着listicles(有趣的图、文、视频,类似某些豆瓣小组)的网页以及视频。(或许“看东西”也能用来消磨时光)如果不是非要上网才能学习,赶紧断网吧,这样就不会被新通知打扰,不会禁不住做一些“类型断定” 的小测验。对待电话也是如此;给自己一段清静的时光,抽离虚拟世界,专注于功课。如果有必要经常查看信息或网站,定好查看节点,不要在网上浪费时间。4. HAVE SOMETHING TO LOOK FORWARD TO对生活有所期待Being productive for all hours of every day does not work you do need breaks, and as a student you are entitled to have a lot of fun. So, in order to balance productivity and amusement, plan times to go out with friends or do something relaxing to complement your school work. Ideally, social and relaxation plans should be made for after a significant portion of work is complete. This way, while you are working, you can keep in mind that once you


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