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常用英语词语搭配Do ,see ,go ,make ,take ,get ,give ,call ,comeDoDo something import做重要事情Do homework 做功课Do the washing 洗衣服Do the cooking 做饭Do a good job 事情干得漂亮Do business 做生意Do it yourself 自己做Do ones hair 做头发Do a favor for someone 帮某人忙Do research 做研究Do military service 服兵役Do away with slavery废除奴隶制When in Rome , do as the Romans do.入乡随俗Ask not what your country can do for you , ask what you can do for your country?不要问你的国家能为你做些什么,问一问你能为你的国家做些什么?SeeSee a film 看电影See a doctor 看医生See somebody off 为某人送行See a match 看一场比赛See somebody home 送某人回家See somebody across the street 护送某人过马路Be able to see something clearly 能清楚地见到某物体Go and see 去看看 Wait and see 等等看Be overjoyed to see something 很高兴见到某物、人See something through 看到某事Can see something dimly in the distance 能隐约看到远方的某物体See you tomorrow 明天见Go Go to school 上学Go to class 上课 Go to bed 上床睡觉Go to Britain 去英国Go to Shanghai 去上海Go there 去那里Go to work slowly 放慢速度去工作Go home quickly 快些回家Go to the cinema 去电影院Go to hospital 去看病Go for a walk 去散步Go for a swim 去旅游Go shopping 去买东西Go fishing 去钓鱼Go on a journey 去旅行Go on a trip 去旅行Go on holiday 去度假Go from one place to another 从一个地方到另一个地方Go smoothly 运转平稳Go blind 眼睛失明Go mad 发疯Go red 红了Go hungry 挨饿Go into doing something 继续做某事Go in for sports 从事体育运动Go ahead 往前走Go away 离开Go out 出去Go over ones lesson 复习功课Go with something 带有某物Go without something 不带有某物Lets go 让我们走Make Make a car 制造汽车Make a dress 制作衣服Make a mistake 出差错Make a cake 制造蛋糕Make bread 制造面包Make wine 酿酒Make paper 造纸Make trouble 产生麻烦Make a profit 有利润Make a loss 造成损失Make a fortune 发财Make a guess 猜一猜 Make do with something 做某事凑合Make a decision 下决心Make something from something 用某物制作某物Make a good teacher 成为一名教师Make sure you close the window before you have 确保你离开前把窗户关好Take Take a chair 请坐Take a seat 请坐Take a picture 照相Take a break 休息Take a rest 休息Take a holiday 度假Take a deep breath 深呼吸Take a bath 洗澡Take a shower 洗澡Take some time 需要一些时间Take it easy 把事情看得简单一些Take something by mistake 错拿某物Take something by granted 认为某事是当然的Take over command from somebody 从某人接管下命令的权力Take care of the child 照看孩子Country Roads , take me home 乡路带我还乡Get Get angry 生气Get hungry 饿了Get fat 胖了Get thinner 瘦些了Its getting late 天晚了Get well 身体好了Get dressed 穿好衣服Ger married 结婚Get used to something 习惯于某事Ger up 起床Get out出去Get along very well with somebody 与某人处得很好Get into an argument 争论起来Get into a fight 打起来了Get away from home 离家出走Give Give a press conference 举行记者招待会Give a concert 举办音乐会Give a performance 演出Give a party 举办晚会Give a shrug of ones shoulder 耸耸肩Give somebody a push 推某人Give somebody a kick 踢某人Give somebody a kiss 吻某人Give explanation for something 对某人做出解释Give ones approval to something 批准某事Give up smoking 戒烟Give oneself up to the police 向警察自首The rebels were forced to give in 叛军被迫投降Call I just call to say I love you Call a doctor 请医生Call the attendance 点名Call the police 叫警察Call an ambulance 叫救护车Call the fire brigade 报火警Call for help 呼救Call on a friend 去朋友家Call out to the children 招呼孩子Ill call you back soon 我会很快给你回电话的Call me this evening ,its convenient to you Call in , or ring me up. Its up to you.你可来,或者打电话,看着办吧.They call the baby Tom.她们给婴儿取名汤姆。The meeting has been called off . 会议取消了。Lets all it a day. 今天就做到这里吧。The pot calls the kettle black. 五十步笑百步。Call a spade a spade。有啥说啥。Give someone a call给某人打电话。The nurse is on call tonight. 今天夜里护士随时待命。Local call 市内电话。Long-distance call 长途电话Loss call 未接通的呼叫No-charge call 免费通话Telephone call 电话呼叫Urgent call 加急电话,紧急呼叫Come Come here Come on Come in Come and go 来来往往Come into the room 进屋Come to understand something 逐渐地懂得某事Come from somewhere 从某地来Come along 出现His dream has come true . 他已梦想成真。 We watched the sun come up. 我们观看日出。How did the accident come about? 事故是怎么发生的?His meaning didnt come across. 他的意思没有传达过来,。Come round by the fields. 从田地里绕道而行。Are you coming with us tonight? 今晚和我们一起去吗?Come what may. I will help you. 不管出什么事,我都会帮助你。Come up to Beijing.到北京来。If winter comes , can spring be fat behind? 冬天来了, 春天还会远吗?Bring , know , think , have , look , break , let , put Bring Bring me a cup of tea 给我一杯茶Bring something with somebody 随身带某物Bring something to somewhere 把某物带到某地Bring somebody to somewhere 把某人带到某地Bring about reforms 产生变革Bring about great changes 带来巨大的变化Bring about ones ruin 带来灭顶之灾Bring about bad luck 带来不好的运气Bring about good result 带来好结果Bring somebody around to the correct thinking 使某人回到正确的意思方法上来The medicine will bring him around soon 这药很快就会使他醒过来、Bring out the meaning of the passage 弄清一段文章的意义、Bring out a new machine 生产新机器Bring up old scores again 翻老账Bring up the successors 培养接班人Bring up a discussion 展开讨论Bring up a subject 提出一个课题Be brought up to justice 被绳子以法A well-brought-up boy 教养很好的孩子A badly-brought-up child 教养不好的孩子Know Did you know it ? Or did you guess it? 你知道吗? 还是猜的?Know each other 互相认识Know French 会法语Know how to do it 知道如何做Know right from wrong 能分辨是非Know truth through practice 实践出真知Know someone by sight , but not to talk to 仅仅是见面认识,还没到能聊天的程度I dont know her , but I know of her . 我不了解她,但我听说过她Be know as an honest man . 人们都知道他是诚实的人Heaven knows 天知道He knows what hes talking about 他讲的都是他所了解的Know which side his bread is buttered 知道如何才能对自己有利Let me know when youre ready 好了告诉我Theres absolutely no knowing what his secret is. 他的秘密肯定谁也不知道Technical know-how 技术知识Think Think long and hard before doing something 行动之前冥思苦想Think carefully about something 仔细考虑某事Think rationally 理智思维Think deeply 仔细考虑Think again 仔细考虑Think again 再想想Think aloud 自言自语Think highly of somebody 高度评价某人I never thought you would do that 我没想到能那样做I think so 我也这样想I dont think so 我不这样想Have a think about it 考虑一下Great minds think alike 英雄所见略同Have Have a rest 休息一下Have a try 试一下Have a good idea 有了好主意Have a cold 感冒了Have a cold 感冒了Have a lunch 吃个午饭Have a bath 洗个澡Have a good day 一天好心情Have something done 找人做某事Have a swim 游泳Have a good day 祝你一天好心情The haves and have-nots 有钱的和光脚的Ive finished my work. 我已经干完了我的工作Have something done 找人做某事I want to have my hair cut 我要理发Look Look at the blackboard 看黑板Look after my dog 照料我的狗Look for the key 找钥匙Look into the matter 调查这次事件Look through the journals 查阅期刊Look down upon the young man 轻视那个年轻人Look forward to the happy time 盼望这个好时刻Look up the new word in the dictionary 在词典里查新单词Look round 各处看看Look funny 看起来滑稽Look dangerous 看起来 很危险Look to it wont happen again 注意不要再发生这样事You must look to it that all the windows are closed 你必须负责所有的窗户都要关上They look to you for help 他们靠你帮忙Look out , theres a train coming 留神,火车过来了Look her in the eye 看着她的眼睛Look before you leap 三思而后行Break The string broke 绳子断了The glass broke 杯子碎了The bag broke 袋子破了Break at cup 打碎杯子Break a vase 弄碎花瓶Break a window 碰碎窗户Break ones arm 某人胳膊断了Break a bar of chocolate into tow pieces 把巧克力掰成两半Break the law 犯法Break the rules 违反规则Break agreement 违反协议Break a contact 没有按合同办Break a promise 违约Break a appointment 取消定好的事Break the record 打破记录Dawn was breaking 天已破晓Break down the barriers 消除隔阂Break down the prejudice 消除偏见The plan breaks down 计划破产Ones health breaks down 某人身体夸了The system has broken down 系统瘫痪Negotiations have broken down 谈判破裂Break into pieces 变成碎片Break into tears 大哭起来Break into sweat 大汗淋漓The house was broken into yesterday 房子昨天被撬了The crowd broke into laud applause 人们带笑起来Break off a bad habit 改变坏习惯Break off relationship with someone 断绝的某人关系Break off in the middle of a sentence 在句中断了The door handle broke off 门的把断了Break off diplomatic relations with a country 与那个国家断交Break through the ice 破冰Break through the enemy line 冲毁敌人防线Break through the cordon of police 突破警察的警戒线The river broke through its banks 河水冲垮了河岸Make or break 成败在此一举Have a break 休息一下Let Let me do it 让我来干Lets go 让我走Lets try 让咱们试试Lets help him 让咱们帮一帮他Lets me see 让我想一想Dont let me down 别让我失望Dont let go off the rope别让绳子从手里松掉Have a room to let 有一间屋子出租Let me alone , I am reading. 别烦我,我在阅读He doesnt have enough money for food , let alone for amusement . 他没钱吃饭了,那还能去娱乐呢?Let sleeping dogs lie 别惹是非Let there be light 让那里出现光明Put Put the pen on the table 把笔放在桌上Put some sugar in the tea 在茶里放些糖Put ones points very cleverly 很聪明地表达自己的观点Put it another way 换种说法Put an end to something 结束某事Put something aside 爸某事放在一边Put the chess away after playing 玩完棋后,把它放起来Put the book back on the shelf 把书放回书架Put down the rebellion 镇压判乱Put forward a suggestion 提出建议Put forward a plan 提出计划Put somebody forward as a candidate 推举某人为候选人Put the meeting forward by one hour 把会议提前一个小时Put in a word 插话Put something into practice 蒋某事付诸行动Put off the date 推迟日期Put on a shirt 穿上一件衬衫Put on airs 摆架子。装腔作势Put ones heart into something 全心全意做某事Put oneself in somebodys place 替某人设身处地想一想Put out the fire 把火熄灭Put somebody to death 把某人处死Put something to use 把某事用起来Put something together 把某事组装在一起Put up a notice 出个通知Put up a tent 支个帐篷Put up an umbrella 打雨伞Put up a sign 亮出一个标记Put up a fight 进行战斗Cannot put up with somebody any longer 再也忍受不了某人Put up with hardship 忍受艰苦Put up with insults 忍受侮辱Put up or shut up 要干就干别废话Grow , leave , hear , run , learn , pay , sit , live Grow He wants to be pilot when he grows up 他想长大后当飞行员Rice grows very well in Japan.在日本稻子长得很好He has grown into a fine young man.他成长为一个很好的年轻人Grow rapidly 迅速成长Hair grows slowly 头发长得慢It is growing dark 天越来越黑LeaveLeave home 离家Leave school 离开学校Leave the door open 让门开着Leave for Shanghai 动身去上海Leave something to somebody 把某物留给某人Leave me alone 别理我Leave enough alone 差不多就行了Leave no stones untouched 彻底地Hear Hear something 听到某事Can you hear me ? 你能听到我说话吗?Hear from someone 接到某人的信Hear of something 听到某事Hear the news 听到新闻Hear a report 听审计报告Hear a case 听审案件Hear a girl sing a song 听到姑娘唱歌Hear ! hear! 说得好。 Run Liu Xiang runs fast in the race 刘翔在比赛中跑得快Could you run the engine for a moment ?你操纵一下机器好吗?The trains dont run on Christmas Day?圣诞节火车不运行。Run a factory 管理工厂Run a machine 开动机器Run for office 竞选公职Run nose 流鼻涕Run dry 流干了Run low 液面低了Run away with public money 卷公款潜逃Run into an old friend 碰见老朋友Learn Learn a foreign language 学外语Learn a new skill 学技术Learn how to do something 学做某事Learn a lesson 学习功课Learn tolerance 学会宽容Learn a poem by heart 记住诗They learned that it was best not to go 他们意识到最好不要走Learn from him 向他学习He learn very quickly 她学得很快I learned of the accident only this morning 我今天早上才听说这个事故I have yet to learn我还不大清楚In doing we learn 边干边学。在实践中学习Live and learn 活到老学到老Never too old to learn 活到老学到老Soon learnt , soon forgotten 学得快,忘得快Soon learnt , soon forgotten .学得快,忘得快Pay Pay the bill 付账单Pay the debts 还债Pay the dues 付费Pay the salesman 付款给售货员Paying taxes 交税Pay for the damage 赔偿损坏Pay in advance 预先付款Pay by installments 分期付款Is he paying in cash or by cheque ? 他是付现金还是支票The firm pays very teacher 注意听讲Pay a visit 访问Pay ones respects 致敬It paid us to be kind 仁慈对我们有了好处Youll pay for to get angry with him 不值得生他的气Did his plan pay off ? 他的计划成功了吗?Sit Sit down 坐下Sit on a chair 坐在椅子上Sit on the floor 坐在地板上Sit in an armchair 坐在扶手椅里Sit comfortably 舒服地坐下Sit yourself down and tell us what happened 坐下讲讲怎么回事Sit to an artist 坐下让艺术家画像Sit for an exam 参加考试Sit pretty 处于有利局面Sit up till very late 熬夜Live Live in Shanghai 住在上海Live abroad 住在国外Live in a flat 住在公寓Live happily 欢乐地生活Live a happy life 过着幸福生活Live to a great age 活到


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