



Oral English研讨课设计主要思路Oral English基本流程情景设置Scene学生练习Practice评价Evaluation具体流程学生备注课前齐读练习发音发音是开口说的基础1 A Short play短剧观赏表演,进入情景可以采用影视,漫画里喜闻乐见的情景2 Training-class练习语音语调注意语音语调在真实交流中对表达效果的影响。3 Pair work同位练习跟同位准备必须有笔和纸,平常可以留更多时间。没有一定的准备,张嘴也说不出什么来4 group work 小组练习1交换座位,轮流练习有不同的交谈对象可刺激交流欲望5 Evaluation评价1互相评价,投票学生要评价组员,就必须认真听组员发言6 group work小组练习2回原位,轮流练习提供学生再一次机会来改进自己的发言7 Evaluation评价2互相评价,投票8 Personal show个人上台表演。其余同学观赏,模仿学习鼓励学生上台做示范,提供模仿的例子。9Evaluation评价3自我评价一点思考:1,学生总是对着同样的交谈对象,兴趣不大。交换座位是否可行? 2,平时四人一组交谈,学生转身不方便。完全把椅子转过来,是否会更方便?3,没有笔头准备,很难有口头的表达。平常口语课应否留时间让学生写下将要说的话?4.活动需要清晰的指令,约定一些手势是否可行? 5, 口语课没有固定答案,如何进行更好的自我评价和互相评价?本次口语课是一次尝试,多有不尽之处,欢迎探讨指正。附上事前准备的-救我的理由Why should you save me?动之以情save me , please. I have two children. they are only two years old. and today is my mothers birthday. she is 90 years old.i am a businessman. but I dont have lots of money to give. but you have to save me. let me tell you why? I am very important in my family. I have an old mother. she is a hundred years old. and I have some sons and daughters. they are ten. I have to look after them. if you save me, you are saving my family.a child : I am just a little girl. I want to enjoy my life. please.my job is saving life. there are millions of patients病人、waiting for me to save. if I die, who is going to save them? so I must get on the plane.iam the best and the most important doctor in the world.One is in danger. he needs to have an operation. if I cant get there today, the man will die.the other is in greater danger because he will die in 2 hours. I am very sad. I must help them.and they need me. please take me to the hospital.诱之以利lets see some dollars$money cant do everything. but if you dont have money you cant do anything. Money can make your life more comfortable , more exciting., more relaxing. my company is going to invent发明 a drug that will let people live forever. you can get 30% of the shares of my company.i am a pregnant woman. I have a baby. please help me. the baby is coming out today. I love my baby. he will be my angle. if you don t save me, then the cute baby will die here.and the babys father is a famous businessman. everyone calls him boss. he can get your family a jobssave me, save everyone . I have a daughter. She is only 3 years old. I also have an old mother. Listen, I am a woman from the future. I f you save me, I will give you a spaceship. The sapcesh


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