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【课题】Unit 4 How do you get to school?Section A 1a-1c第1课时 七年级 编写者: Zhang 使用时间【学习目标】Section A 1a2c知识目标:掌握以下单词和句型 1,谈论交通工具的单词:train/bike/bus/car/subway/airplane/boat2,熟练掌握以下句型:询问如何到达某地:How do you get to?表示到达某处的句型:I take the train/bike/subway3,再次加强对how这个疑问词的学习情感目标:学会用英语表达怎样到达某地并能听懂别人表达怎样到达某地。能力目标:学会使用交通工具的表达方式 【自主学习案】:Task1: 识记类 预习新单词和短语,完成下列各题。1.乘火车 2乘.地铁 3.骑自行车 4.坐船 5.坐公共汽车 Task 2: 理解类 1.根据第一张图片第一、第二行提示完成剩余图片第一、第二行要求。特别注意第5、第6副图片。 _train_ _ _take the train_ _ _ I take the train to school. _ _ I get to school by train. _ _ _ _ _ Task3 :应用类 根据1c所示使用以上图片中的信息进行小组活动。A: How do you get to school? B: I take the train to school./ I get to school by train.A: How does she/he get to school? C: She/he takes the train./ She gets to school by train.【重点单词及句子点拨】1.How do you get to .?该句用来询问对方如何到达某地。常用How 来引导并与短语get to连用如:你怎样到达学校?How do you get to school?I take the bus.How does he get to school?He takes his bikeHow 做疑问副词,还可以表示如何,怎样以何种方式或手段。例如:你怎样到达公园? 我坐公共汽车。 get 表示到达”,是不及物动词,若加宾语,后需跟介词to,如:get to school/ get to park.get后跟副词时不加to,如:get home例如:She usually gets home at five oclock.她通常五点回家。我怎样才能到达图书馆? 我步行到那儿. 我怎样到家? 辨析:get to, arrive与reach(1)get 和arrive 都有“到达”之意,且均为不及物动词,后加地点名词时,get和to连用;arrive和介词in,at连用,arrive in指到达较大的地方,arrive at指到达较小的地方eg:They arrived in London yesterday.他们昨天到达了伦敦。When did they arrive at school?他们什么时候到达学校的?(2)reach是及物动词,后面直接加宾语。Eg: They will reach Qingdao tomorrow.他们明天将会到达青岛。train火车I take the train to Shanghai.【知识连接】take the bus =by bus take 和 by 都有“乘、坐”之意。 Take 是一个动词,后面接具体的交通工具,且在该交通工具前一般应有冠词;而 by 是一个介词,它后面所跟的表示交通工具的名词前一般不用冠词等修饰语. by+交通工具的短语在句中修饰动词等作状语。如: 格林先生常乘火车去上班:Mr. Green often goes to work by train. /Mr. Green often takes a train to work. 【群学学案】:1检查预习作业,小组讨论自学结果并大声朗读。注意:Task2第5、第6张图片的答案和其他图片有什么不同。Show the answers to task 2.2.积极参与老师组织的快速英汉互译活动(老师或某个学生说出以上汉语或词组或句子,学生迅速站起说出相应的英语或汉语。老师也可以其他形式来组织)3.浏览1b题目,弄清题意。并熟悉六个名字及图片中不同人所在的位置及他们上学的交通方式。4.听磁带,完成1b题意要求。小组讨论听力结果。5.根据所听信息及第一张图片第3、第4行提示完成其余图片第3、第4行。注意:第5、第6张图片会和其他图片一样吗?6.根据下边model conversation所示使用以上图片中的信息进行小组活动。A: How do you get to school? B: I take the train to school./ I get to school by train.A: How does she/he get to school? C: She/he takes the train./ She gets to school by train. 7.争取机会展示你们小组的作品。【当堂小结】:通过刚才的对新课的学习,请你来总结一下:询问别人通常情况下是如何到达某地该用: 来提问。告诉他人自己如何到达某地怎样表达: 【当堂训练】一、单项选择1.-_ do you usually go shopping? -By bike. A. How long B. How often C. How D. Where2. How does Mary get to school? -She gets to school _.A. by bus B. take bus C. takes a bus D. by a bus3. When did Jim _ the bus stop? A. get B. get to C. arrive to D. get on4. Do you usually _ to go to school? A. ride bike B. by a bike C. by bike D. ride a bike5. How does he go to Hong Kong? _. A. Take the planeB. By the plane C. By the air二、词汇, 根据中文提示,完成下列单词拼写1. My home is near. I _(步行)to school. 2. Li Lei _ the subway (乘地铁)to school every day. 3. His father often goes to Shanghai _(坐飞机). 4. If you dont want to be late, youd better _a_(打的). 5. _ _ _(骑自行车)to work is good for our health, I think. 三、用所给词的适当形式填空。1He often (ride ) to school, but sometimes he (walk) to school.2.My mother always ( go ) to work by bus3. Tom never ( take) the train to school .4.Yesterday I ( walk) to school .5.How ( do ) your sister get to school ?四、将下列句子改为同义句1I often go to school by bus . I often a bus school.2Jane rides the bike to work on Mondays. Jane goes to work on Mondays .3He gets to school on foot every day. He to school every day.【反思】整理错题,总结本堂知识(教师寄语:Never do things by halves)我的收获_我的疑惑:_第二课时 Section 2a-2d【学习目标】Section A 2a2d知识目标:1、掌握以下单词和句型 数字单词:forty/ fifty/sixty/seventy/eighty/ninety/hundred2,熟练掌握以下句型:询问花多长时间到达某处:How long does it take?表示需要多少时间的句型:It takes about forty minutes.能力目标:学会用英语询问花多长时间到某处及其回答。情感目标:助人是快乐之本。【自主学习案】:Task 1识记类 预习新单词和短语,完成下列各题(1)三十 (2)四十. (3)五十. (4)六十 (5)七十 (6)八十. (7)九十. (8)一百. (9)多远 Task2 理解类 翻译下列句子我坐地铁去学校 我花20分钟去学校 他花30分钟回家 Task 3 运用类根据下列图表中的内容与搭档制作属于你们自己的对话。注意我们在第一单元所学到过的号数所对应的频度副词。Family membersFatherMother SisterYouA: How do you get to school?B: I always walk to school /get to school on foot, of course I never take the plane to school.A: How does your father go to work?B: _【知识链接】1,take的具体用法take的本义是“carry sh/sth from one place to another”,即“携带,运载”。但灵活的它在不同的场合有不同的含义。(1)表示“乘、坐”某一交通工具。例如:My father usually takes a bus to work.我爸爸常乘公共汽车去上班。注意:take和by都有“乘、坐”之意。take 是一个动词,后面接具体的交通工具,在表示该交通工具的名词前一般应有冠词等修饰语;而by是一个介词,它后面所跟的表示交通工具的名词前一般不可用冠词等修饰语。by短语在句中修饰动词等作状语。例如:格林先生经常乘火车去上班。Mr Green often goes to work by train.Mr Green often takes a train to work.(2) take表示“拿、取”之意,后常接宾语,它强调将某人或某物从说话地点带到其他地方去。例如:Could you take my schoolbag to the classroom , please?请你把我的书包拿到教室去好吗? His mother often takes him to the bookshop.他妈妈经常带他去书店。注意:如果表述把某人或某物从别处带到说话地点时,应用bring.例如:Han Mei ,please bring me a cup of tea.韩梅,请给我端杯茶来。Dont forget to bring your dictionary here next time.下次别忘了把你的词典带来。(3) take 表示“花费时间”之意,其常用句型为“It takes sb some time to so sth” ,意为“某人花多少时间做某事”,注意后面的动词前的to不可丢掉。例如:It takes her twenty minutes to walk to school every day.她每天步行去上学要花二十分钟的时间。It takes me half an hour to do my homework in the evening.晚上我要花半小时做作业。(4)含take的短语take exercise 运动;锻炼 take off 脱掉;(飞机)起飞take a look(at) 看一看 take photos 照相,拍照take a seat 坐下,坐坐 take a walk 散步take a rest 休息 take down 取下take away 拿走 take out 拿出2,hundred百,(1)表示具体“几百”时,用“基数词+hundred”,注意此时hundred不加“s”,eg: We need two hundred books to read.我们还需要再读200本书。(2)hundreds of 数百;成百上千的,这时hundred 后有“s”,且后面有介词of,但不能与数次连用。Eg: Hundreds of people died in Yushu earthquake.成百上千的人在玉树地震中死亡。类似hundred的用法还有:thousand, million, billion等。【自学小结】 【群学学案】 1、检查预习作业2、导入:How do you get to school? I walk to school. 3、利用课件学习2a-2d4、听录音,完成2c5,听录音,完成下列对话Conversation 1Boy: How do you get to school?Girl: I Boy: How long does it take?Girl: Oh, around minutes. How about you?Boy: I Girl: How long does that take?Oh, around minutes.Conversation 2 Girl: How do you get to school, Tom?Tom: I Girl: How long does it take?Tom: It takes around minutes. Tom: How do you get to school? Girl: I Tom: And how long does that take? Girl: It only takes minutes.6、听音模仿a.模仿 b.齐读 c.集体背诵(奥赛班必做)7.2d,Pair work 小组展示How do/does you /she/he get to school?I usually walk.How long does it take?It takes【当堂训练】一、单项选择1, “How long does it you to walk to the cinema?” “Twenty minutes.” A, use B, spend C, take D, cost 2, How much does the ticket from Shanghai to Beijing?A, cost B, took C, spend D, pay 3, “How do you go to work?” “I usually take bus.” A, the; a B, /; a C, a; a D, the; / 二、根据句意及首字母提示,完成下列单词拼写1.I go to school by t .2.I do my homework .It t about 40 m .3.Forty and forty is e .4.There are five h students in the playground.5.We usually get home b bus.三按要求改写下列各句,每空一词。(10分) 1. He often has bread for breakfast. (改为一般疑问句) _ he often _ bread for breakfast? 2. Mr Wilson goes to work by bus every day. (改为同义句) Mr Wilson _ _ _ _ work every day. 3. I go to see my uncle by boat. (就划线部分提问) _ _you go to see your uncle? 4. She likes going to school on foot. (改为同义句) She likes to school.四、翻译下列句子:1.一直做公共汽车上班 2.飞机去北京 3.我的苹果拿到教室 4.爸爸经常带他去超市 5.不要忘记把你弟弟带来 6.天骑自行车上学要花40分钟 7.我花了30分钟看电视 【反思】整理错题,总结本堂知识(教师寄语:Never do things by halves)我的收获:_我的疑惑:_第三课时: Section A3a-4【知识目标】:掌握以下单词和句型:单词:far, kilometer, shower, quick, bicycle,early, mile, how far,句型:How far is it from his home to school?Its three miles.【情感目标】:学会用英语表达到达某地所花的时间。【能力目标】: 1. Section A 语言能力提升 2. Section A 知识综合运用。【自学学案】Task 1 识记类单词和短语,完成下列各题1.bus station _ 2. depend on _3. take the subway_4. how far _5. 离开去某地 _ 6. 乘汽车之行 _7. 乘坐小船 _ 8. 到达 _9.洗澡 10.迅速吃早餐 11.5英里 12.早公共汽车 13. 火车车程_ 14.多远_Task2 理解类1.快速浏览3a中的文章,将所给问题的答案填写在横线上。 2.根据3a中的文章,翻译下列句子。1).你是怎么到达学校的?_2).我步行上学。_3).从学校到你家花了你多长时间?_4).花费了我20分钟。_5).你家离学校有多远?_我家距离学校10公里_区别how、how long、how far_3.根据文章内容勾出正确的答案。1.distance(距离) from home to school15 kilometers10 kilometers2.get upat 6:20at 6:003.shower4.have a quick breakfast5.leave for school at 6:30at around 6:306.ride the bike to the bus station10 minutes20 minutes7.the early bus35 minutes25 minutesTask 3 运用类仿照3a文章,根据下列图片及下边提示写出关于你的文章。 总距离:5milesget up at 6:00 have breakfast walk/5minutes take the bus/20 minutes get to school/7:00_重点单词点拔1、How far 用于询问两地间的距离,答语要用表示两地间的距离的词语。例如:How far is it from Beijing to Shanghai :About several thousand kilometers。在回答how far的提问时,有3种情形:(1)有具体的数字时,应与away from连用,表具体距离。(2)可用模糊的概念回答,即far或near。(3)可用“数字+minutes”回答。Eg: How far is it from the zoo to the park?Its about 2 kilometers.大约2公里。Its very near.非常近。Its about 10 minutes walk.步行大约10分钟的路程。【知识链接】how far 对距离的提问。How long 对长度和时间长短的提问 how soon 意味多久才能 how often意味多久一次,对频率的提问2.shower 在此作动词表示“淋浴”。还可以作名词表示“淋浴,阵雨,阵雪,”例如I want to take a shower.我想洗一次澡3、讲解:“quick”为形容词,意为“快速地”,快速的吃早餐“have a quick breakfast”也可以说为“have breakfast quickly”Dont speak so .I cant follow you“leave for ”意为“前往,到去”,不强调离开哪里, 只强调要去的地方。例:下星期我们将动身去西藏。Next week we will leave for Tibet。【群学学案】 1、检查预习作业,小组对学群学,讨论并解决相应的问题。2 、抽签展示任务,其余学生专心静听,并准备质疑。3、教师答疑,进行点拔答疑。4、利用课件及课本完成3a点拨。5、依照3A操练目标语言,朗读3a。复述课文。(奥赛班必做)6、结对练习3b的情景,通过书中交通工具图片来表演。7.教师引导学生利用语法要点,进行本课知识总结。【当堂训练案】一,选择()1.Class was over. All the students stopped _ and went out.A. write B. to writeC. writing D. wrote()2.-_ do you usually come to school in the morning?-By bike.A. WhatB. WhereC. WhenD. How()3.My brother didnt help me _ the room yesterday.A. clean B. cleansC. cleaned D. cleaning()4.The old man goes to the park _ every morning.A. by footB. by feetC. on footD. on feet()5.-_ does it take?-It takes about half an hour.A. What timeB. WhenC. HowD. How long二,翻译句子1) 你怎样到达学校?骑自行车。 2) 要花多长时间?大约40分钟。 3) 我通常步行,但有时乘公共汽车 4) 步行花25分钟,坐车花10分钟。 5) 做作业每天花费你多长时间? 6) 我姐姐用15分钟吃早饭。 三. 短文填空,每空一词,单词的第一个字母已经给出。Jack l_ near a little town. It is about 15 kilometers f_ his home to school. Every day, he g_ up at six oclock, showers, and has a quick b_. Then he l_ for school at around half past six. First, he rides his bike to the bus s_. That takes about ten m_. Then the early b_ takes him to school. The bus ride u_ takes about 25 minutes.四. 完成下列对话。(1分) 从下列方框中选择恰当的句子,完成下列对话。 A: _1_ B: Yes, please. Could you tell me the way to the First Peoples Hospital? A: Let me see. Oh, its far from here. B: _2_ A: About five miles. _3_ B: Which bus should I take? A: The No.1 bus will take you there. B: _4_ A: Its about 30 minutes. B: Thanks for your help. A: _5_ A. Thats OK. B. You can take a bus to go there. C. Can I help you? D. How long does it take to get there? E. How far is it? 【反思】整理错题,总结本堂知识(教师寄语:Never do things by halves)我的收获:_我的疑惑:_ 第四课时Section B 1a-2c【学习目标】1. 完成学习1a,1b,2a,2b,2c以及Section B的任务,进行听力强化训练。2. 进行听力内容转述训练,进一步加强对单元主题知识的学习。知识目标:单词:stop transportation, 短语:bus stop, bus station, train station, subway station句型:A: How do you get to school? B: Well, I ride my bike to the subway station. Then I take the subway.A: How far is it from his home to school?B: About forty miles. 能力目标:学会用英语表达询问怎样到达某地和距离有多远以及到达此处所花的时间。情感目标:乐于助人。【自主学习案】 Task 1 识记类1、翻译下单词和短语1). 车站_ _ 2). 运输_ _ 3).地铁站 4)、公共汽车车站_ _ 5).火车站_ _ Task 2理解类1.Complete 1a with the help of the four pictures and tell the differences between “stop”and “station”(参照图片完成1a并辨析 “stop”和“station”两个词)。 2.Check the answer of 1a and practice reading these words in it(核对1a答案并朗读里边的单词)。3.Pairwork to practice making conversations imitating the model conversation from 1b and try to take the chance to show your conversation.(两人一组模仿1b中的对话按要求制作自己的对话并争取机会展示你们的对话)_Task 3运用类1.预习重点单词 1)stop 作名词为“车站”的意思,例如:在你的右手边有个停车站There is _ _ _ on your right.2)作动词是“停止,停下”stop doing sth停止做某事(没在做另外的事),stop to do sth 停止做某事(为了坐另一件事)附近有一个火车站吗? 他从不停止说话。 丽丽停下来休息一下 。 知识链接:He asked a question. He asked where the boy comes from.?主语 谓语 宾语 主语 谓语 宾语从句注:当宾语由一个句子来充当的时候,我们就把这个句子称作宾语从句。 一、请比较1、2、3中的句子,找到他们之间的不同点,并猜想为什么?并根据你找到的规律补充完成4后边的两个句子。1.Where does the boy come from? He asked where the boy comes from. 2.What is the boy doing now? My father asks me what the boy is doing.3.What did you do last week? Could you tell me what you did last week?4.How often does she exercise? I want to know _.5.How far did it take you to get to school? Could you please tell us _?二、请比较1、2、3中的句子,找到他们之间的规律,并根据规律补充完成4、5后边的两个句子。1. Can you speak French? I want to know whether/if you can speak French.2. Did he have fun playing basketball? Can you tell me whether/if you had fun playing basketball?3. Are they from Australia? She asks me whether/if they are from Australia.4. Is the alien running after the people? The reporter asks us _.5. Do the girls love playing badminton? Our teacher wants to know _.三、请比较1、2、3中的句子,找到他们之间的规律,并根据规律补充完成4、5后边的两个句子。1. Her father is an engineer. She tells us (that )her father is an engineer.2. His favorite subject is science. I know (that) his favorite subject is science.3. Lucy often exercises on weekdays. All of us disagree( that) Lucy exercises on


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