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Unit 2 Wheres the post office?一教学目标1)重点词汇* post office, hotel, video arcade, bank, park, supermarket, street, pay phone, avenue* new, clean, quiet, big, small, dirty, old, busy* left, right, next to, across from, near, between 2). 语言目标* Is there a bank near here ? Yes, theres a bank on Center Street.* Wheres the supermarket ? Its next to the library.* Is there a pay phone in the neighborhood ? Yes, its on Bridge Street on the right.* Where 引导的特殊疑问句* 肯定陈述* 表示方位的介词3)语言功能 在街道上问路与指路二教学重、难点1重点:1)表方位的介词:near、across from、next to、between、on 2)问路与指路的基本语句 2难点:1)本单元词汇量较大( 生词表中列出44个单词,9条短语;课文中还有一些短语)。2)个别句子有一定难度,如:* Is there a big supermarket near where you live ?* Turn left off the busy First Avenue and enjoy the citys quiet streets and small parks.* there is a small house with an interesting garden.* Bridge Street is a good place to have fun 课 题Unit2 Where the post office总课时数7学习目标1. 学习询问某地的位置。2. 学习如何指路。3. 学习一些地名学习重点There be 句型学习难点How to use There be 句型学习方法1. 记住本课所出现的地名单词,和本课所出现的方位介词2. 回忆已学过的方位介词课前预习(老师相信你肯定能在5分钟内记住下面的词组)I.记住并翻译:(先记然后自测)1.across from_2.next to_3.betweenand_4.in front of_5.pay phone_ 6.behind_ 7.post office_步骤1 :展示1a中生词的图片,教学生认读生词,同时引出新句型;如: library Is there a library near here ?Center Street Yes, theres a library on Center Street.II.你能熟练运用下列方位介词吗?near, next to, betweenand, acrossfrom,in front of, behind, on请你仿照2a并用上面的介词造句。(相信自己是最棒 步骤2 :听录音,巩固所学生词;理解、重复1b中的对话,并通过pairwork的方式进行练习,再次巩固。III.连词组句:1. Center, Street, supermarket, on, a there, is._.2. the, post, near, office here, is_.3. bank, and, it, library, the, between, is, the_.4. a, in, is, hotel, there, new, neighborhood _.5. phone, where, me, the, pay, excuse, is, please_.步骤3 :展示城市或乡镇街道的图片,结合2a ,教学表示方位的介词:near, on, across from, next to, between。步骤4 :听录音,巩固所学词汇;理解、完成2b中的句子,并通过pairwork的方式进行练习,再次巩固;阅读、理解Grammar Focus ,能结合现实情况灵活运用所学知识。I.用介词填空:(0n.in,between, behind, across)1.Look, your book is _the desk. 2. There is a bank _the neighborhood.3. My school is_the Fifth Street and the Sixth Street.4.The garden is_the beautiful house.5.The restaurant is_from the supermarket.II.情景对话:A: Excuse_, _there a bank in the neighborhood?B: Yes, there is a bank _Nan Street.A: _Na Street?B: Its _the hospital and the park.A: Thank you. B:_.III.翻译:1. 桌子上有一个文具盒吗?_?2. 我的房间里有一台电脑。_.3. 他家里有3口人。_.4. 我们学校附近有一家超市和三家饭店。_.IV.根据首字母完成句子.1. Mary is reading books in the l_.2. We often eat breakfast at the r_.3. There is a b_ near here. We can get money from it.4. There is a big s_ in the neighborhood. We can buy things there.5. The pay phone is on the right of Bridge S_.6. His father takes him to the p_ on Sundays.7. J_go straight and turn right. 8. 8. The hotel is d_Center Street on the right.9. There is a park n_the post office.10. My house is n_to their houses.步骤5 :任务性活动:把教室化分为“井”字形的几个街区,标出“建筑物”和“街道”的名称,让学生描述某“建筑物”所在位置。Blackboard Design:(板书设计)Blackboard Design:(板书设计)教后记审批情况 年 月 日课 题Unit2 Where the post office总课时数8学习目标学会在街道上自己问路,指路的用语学习重点There be 句型学习难点How to use There be 句型学习方法课前解决下列词组:go straight(down), turn left/right, be down.补充:take the first turning, at the second crossing, on the right/left,go down, go up, walk along,步骤1:复习Grammar Focus,用表示方位的介词next to, across from, near, between造句并编成小对话( 先师生间作示范,后pairwork )。步骤2:展示教学挂图 3a 的内容, 询问某建筑物所在地, 教学短语 go straight, turn left, turn right . I.看3a的图,假设你站在park门口,你要去supermarket,仿照3a的对话编一段问路的对话。II.根据汉语完成英语句子1.“这附近有邮局吗?”“是的,有。它在街中心。”-_ _a_ _near here?-Yes, _ _. Its _ _Street.2.公共电话在银行的对面。The _ _is_ _the bank.3.图书馆在学校的对面。The _is _ _ the school.4.超市在旅馆和饭店之间。The_is _the hotel _the restaurant.5.图书馆紧挨着公园。 The library_ _ _the park.6.打扰了, 请问附近有家书店吗?_ _. Is there a bookstroe_ _ _?7.径直走, 然后向左拐。_go_and _ _.8.格林街在右边。Green Street is _ _ _步骤3:通过学习3a,掌握指路的基本表达;展示城市或乡镇街道的图片, 进行多种形式的练习,并完成 3b。步骤4:4 GAME Ask me a question !跟踪练习I.改错:1.The bank is next the supermarket._2.Where are the post office?_3.Its between you or me._4.Take left at the first turning._5.The new library is in my left._6.My house is across to the bank._II.单选( )1.There _some milk in the bottle. A.am B.is C.are D.be( )2.There is _ “n” the word “fine”. A. an B. a C. the D./( )3.The pay phone is across_the library. A. with B.from C.in D.toA.Yes, theres B.No, there is C.Yes, there arent D. Yes, there is( )5.Theres bank _Center Street. A.on B.at C.for D. from( )6.I can see there is _bus over there. You can go there by _bus.A.X,X B.a, a C.a, X D. a , the( )7.Is the post office_?A.on Fifth Avenue B. in Five Street C.on Five Avenue D. on street Fifth( )8.Which number bus do you _?( )9.Mary is sitting _the right.A. on B. in C. at D. to( )10.Let me tell you the way_my home.A.on B. in c. at D. toIII英汉互译.1.欢迎到北京_ 2.take a taxi_ 3.散步_4.have a good trip_5.一条繁华的街道_6.a big house with an interesting garden_7.一个旧旅馆_8.a good place to have fun_9.到学校的路_10.两个大的超级市场_IV.词形转换。 1.busy(反义词)_ 2.new(反义词)_ 3. dirty(反义词)_4.right(反义词)_ 5.street(同义词)_6. hungry(反义词)_ 7. begin(名词)_ 8.bench(复数)_9. small(反义词)_10. arrive(同义词)_V.根据句意和首字母完成单词。1.Wheres the post o_? 2.The pay phone is a _from the library.3.It there a post office n_to the supermarket? 4.You can borrow some books in a l_.5.He works with people and money. He works in a b_.6.Is there a h_in the neighborhood? I want to live in it for a night.7.-Where is the s_? I want to buy some food for my lunch. -Oh, its across from the bank.8There is a p_near our school. There are many people in it every day.步骤5:任务性活动:假设王小东到本地来旅游,想参观几处风景名胜,请 大家给他指路。Blackboard Design:(板书设计)教后记:课 题Unit2 Where the post office总课时数9学习目标学习阐述某一场所各个建筑之间的位置关系。学习重点There be 句型学习难点How to use There be 句型学习方法课前预习:1.There be 句型你知道多少?请按要求写出下列答案。肯定句_否定句_一般疑问句_特殊疑问句_注意:(1)针对主语及表地点的方位介词短语提问时,_通常省略。(2)如果句中出现两个或两个以上主语时, be的形式_.友情指南:2.请你与你的同桌编组对话,问他/她住在哪儿?附近有超市、银行、宾馆、学校、邮局等等吗?如何走?上课前请把你们的对话告诉全班,让全班同学猜猜你/他家住在哪?看他们画的方位图对吗?步骤1:复习几组反义词,展示教学挂图 Section B 1a 的内容,引导学生用刚刚复习过的几组反义词对挂图进行描述;完成 1a 的要求。1.请用划线部分的反义词填空:1). This supermarket is small. There is a _one on New Street.2).This restaurant is too dirty. Why dont you find a _one?3).Bridge Street is noisy in the day , but _at night.4).Do you like an old song or a _one?5).Turn left at the bank. Go down Long Street and my house is on your _.2.重点词语:open-closed(adj) clean-dirty quiet-noisy big-small old-new/yongbusy-free there-here left-right in front of-behind buy-sell3.翻译:一条安静的街道_, 一个脏乱的公园_一条繁忙的街道_, 一家旧旅馆_步骤2:将1a运用于句型 Is there a big supermarket near where you live ? 中做替换练习;启发学生根据需要和可能,或者现实情况进行会话练习。步骤3:听录音,检验对 1a 的掌握;根据录音材料绘制小区地图。步骤4:任务性活动:同学们两人一组准备写有Section B 1a 短语的纸条(每张纸条上只写一个短语),将它们反过来放在桌子上;假设同学A 抽到a big supermarket ,只能说 There is a small supermarket . 同学B 跟据同学A 的叙述,回答 No! There is a big supermarket跟踪练习I.根据首字母和句意完成填空。1.Wheres the r_? I want to buy some food for my lunch.2.Our classroom is vey d_. Please clean it after class.3.Im vey h_, Mom. Please give me something to eat.4.There is museum in our city. We often go there for a v_.5.There are so many cars here and it is really a b_street.6.You can go to a p_office letters.7.We can use a p_phone to make a call.8. N_is the area near where we live.9. Peopl can wacth videos in video a_.10. There are all kinds of daily goods in a s_for people to buy.II.补全对话A: Excuse me. _1_the nearest hospital, please?B: Oh, there isnt a hospital_2_here. There is_3_on the other side of river.A: How far is it _4_here?B: About 8 kilometres away.A: Oh, dear. I_5_think I can walk there.B: You can 6_a No. 12 bus.A: _7_the nearest bus stop then?B: Its _8_the other side of the road. Look, the bus 9_coming !A: Thanks _10_lot.B: Youre welcome.III.完成对话。AA:_ _, could you tell me_ _ _the post office?B: Yes, go_ the street, _the first turning _ _ _, then walk on to _ _of the street. You can find it on your _. Its _ _the book shop.A: Thank you.B: You are_.BA: Excuse me, _the hospital , please?B: Im _ I dont know. You can_ the policeman over there.A: Thank you.B: Excuse me, could you tell me _I can _the hospital ?Policeman: Well , go along the street and _ _at the second turning crossing, the take the _turning on the _. Its on the _.A: Thanks very much.Policeman: Thats _ _Blackboard Design:(板书设计)Blackboard Design:(板书设计)教后记课 题Unit2 Where the post office总课时数10学习目标复习如何指路。学习重点指路和介词学习难点指路和介词学习方法课前预习:.翻译3a, 找出一下词组,并且10分钟会背会默写1.一座有着有趣花园的房子_ 2.玩的高兴_3.穿过公园_ 4.游览的起点_ 5.欢迎到.来_6.散步_7.左拐_8.花园之旅的开始_ 9.享受安静的街道_学习步骤:步骤1:提出以下问题,让学生默读Section B 3a 后再回答:1. Where is the park ?2. Is there an old hotel or a small hotel ?3. Where is it ?4. Is there a big house next to the hotel ?步骤2:教学生认读生词; 听录音,读课文.步骤3:让学生默读3b , 完成短文中的空格;老师检查其答案,学生齐读。翻译下列词组:1. a good place to have fun_ 2.busy street_ 3.hungry(反义词)_4.some food_ 5. something to eat_.翻译句子:1. 欢迎你到我们城市来!_ _our city!2. 我祝你旅游愉快。I _you have a _trip.3. 这附近有银行吗? Is there a bank_the _?4. 我的车与他的车之间有一辆公交车。There is a bus_my car and _.5. 我家对过有一家超市。There is a supermarket _ _my house.步骤4:任务性活动:四个同学组成一组,一人用英语描述自家的位置及周围环境,其余的人听并画出该同学的住地;大家轮 跟踪练习:I.根据首字母提示完成单词:1.The shop isnt o_on Sunday. 2. He often goes to the m_to buy vegetabkes.3.This park is c_. We often walk there.4.Be q_, you father is sleeping . 5. There is a big tree in front of my h_.6.Take a walk t_the park on Center Avenue. 7.This is the b_of the garden tour.8.Shes very h_. Please give her some food to eat.9.The flowers in our g_are very beautiful.10. Center Street is a good place to have f_.II单句改错1.You cant buy anything if the shop isnt opening. _2.Tom always gets to home at 16:30 in the afternoon. _3.Dong Fang Hotel is in your right. _4.Sorry. Can you tell me the way to the zoo? _5.Welcome in our city! _III.根据上下文和首字母完成短文D_1 friend, I know you are arriving next Sunday. L_2 me tell you the w_3 to my house. T_4 a taxi from the airport. You pass a bank o_5 your right and then go d_6 Long Street. You go s_7 Sixth Avenue, Seventh Avenue, and E_8 Avenue. When you see a big supermarket , turn l_9. Then go down Center Street and my house is on your right. I h_10 you have a good trip. Yours,IV.单选( )1.There_a hotel and pay phones_ the neighborhood. A.is, in B. are, in C.is, on D. are, on( )2.The students have fun_in English at the English party. A. to sing B.sing C.sings D. singing( )3. Hangzhou is a beautiful city _many interesting places.A. has B. to C. with D. have( )4. Please _during the tour. A. have a fun B. have fun C. have funs D. have funny( )5. Can you tell me_? A. where is the post office B. where the post office is C. the post office is where D. is the post office where( )6. Walk _the bridge. Dont run! A. across B. through C. cross D./( )7.Who sits next to _? A. me B. we C. I D. he( )8. The old man enjoys_ to Beijing Opera. A. listen B. listens C. listening D. to listen( )9. I like the _the story . Its interesting. A. begin B. begin of C. beginning of D. beginning( )10. Thank you for_us some help. A. give B. giving C. to give D. givenV; Read the conversation below and answer the questions:A: Excuse me. Can I help you ?B: Oh, yes, thanks. Where is the Bank of China , do you know ?A: Let me see. We are on Zhongshan Street now. Go down this street, and turn left at New Park. When you see an old hotel, turn right B: Wait a minute. Turn left at New Park, see an old hotel, turn right. A: Then go down Hongxin Street, pass a hospital on the right. Youll find a bridge.B: Go down Hongxin Street, pass a hospital on the right, find a bridge.Yes, I remember.A: Well. Go across the bridge, walk through a busy supermarket on Heping Street. You can see the Bank of China. Its next to the supermarket.B: OK. First, across the bridge, then through a busy supermarket, see the Bank of China. Hmm. By the way, is it far ?A: No. I think you can walk there.B: Thank you very much.A: Youre welcome.Questions:1. Where is the hospital ? _2. Is the supermarket across from the library ? _3. Please tell me the way to the Bank of China.Blackboard Design:(板书设计)Blackboard Design:(板书设计)教后记课 题Unit2 Where the post office Selfcheck总课时数11学习目标1:复习key words.2:复习指路。学习重点重点单词和短语学习难点学会如何指路。学习方法Pairwork一:课前准备:请你记住以下问路和指路的语言 is there a shop near here/around here? can you tell me the way to the cinema ?Excuse me, could you tell me where the library is ? could you tell me which is the way to the bank? Could you tell me how to get.? where is the nearest restaurant ,please? How can I get to the bus stop?Yes, walk /go along /down the street and turn left at the second crossing(take the second turning on the left)it is in/near/next to/in front of/behind/around the bank/on the left(right) /Its about a hundred metres along on the right/left.,you can find it/you will see it./you cant miss it.You had better take a number 12 bus to the hospital./I think you need a number 12 bus.步骤1:让学生读Self check 里的单词, 随后听写这些基本词汇以及由它们构成的词组、短语.步骤2:检查学生的听写情况( 全班齐读听写内容、组与组之间相互检查、教师抽查个别同学 ).步骤3:画一张街区简图,告诉学生从A点到B点、A点到C点、B点到C点的几种走法,要使用以下词组: turn left / right、 go down - street、 go through、 on oneleft / right ;同时引出、使用并教学生词与短语: taxi、 take a taxi、 arrive、 arrive in / at、 airport .步骤4:展示Self check第3部分的挂图,进行教学。步骤5:任务性活动:以写信、或发e-mail 的方式邀请朋友、笔友、网友来你家乡作客,告之详细的走法,然后互相交流。二:文化知识背景:avenue 名 (复 s ) 1(城市的)大街, 街道;-街 美国的大都市尤其是纽约,东西通行的为Street, 南北通行的为 Avenue,缩写为ave,Ave Fifth Avenue(纽约市的)第五街 2林荫大道;英(尤指乡村的大住宅,自大门到宅邸之间的)林荫道 3(到达目的的)途径,手段,方法 an avenue to success 成功之路video 名 (复 s ) 1U(口语)录像机带 2U 电视机的画面 3电视 arcade 名 1有拱廊的街道 (两边都有店铺) 2建筑拱廊 (拱廊相连而成的通道;在建筑物侧面,面向中庭)。 3(内设电子游戏机等的)电子游戏中心 district 名 (复 s )1. 地区,管区 (以行政、司法、教育等为目的而划分的;略为dist.)2. 地带,地域,地方 down 在或向低处;沿着;顺着 从城市向乡村方向走、由北往南去,通常称为down ,反之则称为up 三:跟踪练习; .词汇1.The supermarket is on _ (第五) Avenue. 2.There is a _ (图书馆)in our school.3.Ben has an _ (有趣的)book. 4.Lets read from the _ (开始) of this book.5. Is there a big _(超市) near your house?6.I live on a very _ (繁华的)street.7.My friend usually sits in the _ _ (公园)near his house, reading book


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