



初高中衔接班 英语学科导学案 课题:形容词,副词,定语从句 学习任务: 1.学习、回顾初中相关知识并熟练运用。 2.了解本知识点在高中教学中的运用。 3.趣味阅读及能力提升学习目标知识目标:掌握本节课新内容能力目标:培养学生的写作能力情感目标:提高学生学习英语的兴趣,并且使学生学会均衡饮食。重点难点预见1. 定语从句第三讲 形容词,副词,定语从句(一)初中知识回顾与介绍 1从本片趣味故事中(在最后部分)找出形容词,副词,和定语从句 _2. 初中形容词,副词用法复习(1)形容词修饰哪些词? 有什么作用? _(2)副词修饰哪些词? 有什么作用?_ (3)friendly, lovely,lonely,likely, ugly,是什么词?_(4)形容词,副词比较级,最高级的复习,各种情况举例复习 _ _ _考题实例:1.This place is not big enough for Lucys birthday party. We should find a one.陕西中考 A. big B. small C. bigger D. smaller2. Chinese people believe that on Mid-autumn Day, the moon is _ and _ than usual. 广东中考A. big, round B. big, rounder C. bigger, rounder3.(2011全国卷II,17) Mr. Stevenson is great to work for I really couldnt ask for a _ boss. A. better B. good C. best D. still better4.02全国卷) Boris has brains. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has _IQ。A. a high B. a higher C. the higher D. the highest3.定语从句初中学了哪些关系词?举出定语从句的例子 _ _ _ (二)高中知识衔接与介绍 1关于高中定语从句的学习 (1)高一年级定语从句范围: 限制性和非限制性的定语从句高中出现的关系词_(2)典型例题分析 应用实例1. The boys _are playing football are from class one.2. The book_ I am reading is written by MoYan.3. He was the first person _passed the exam. 拓展:_4. He has a friend_ father is a doctor5. This is the factory _/_/_he visited yesterday 6. This is the factory_/_ produces cars.7.This is the factory_/_ he worked。 补充: 5, 6, 7作比较_小试牛刀: I still remember the day _I first came to the school. I still remember the day _we spent(度过) together last year. 8;自力更生: 用上why 引导的定语从句来造一个句子: _(3)知识拓展实例 实例1: Water,which is a clear liquid,has many uses.水是一种清澈的液体,有许多用途。Then he met Mary,who invited him to a party .His mother, who loves him very much, is strict with him.(了解) _实例2: As we all know,the sun rises from the east.(知道)高考实例1 2008 (重庆卷) They will fly to Washington_they plan to stay for two or three days. A where B when C there D which _2. 2010年全国一卷 As a child , Jack studied in a village school, _is named after his grandfather. A which B where C what D that 3. 2012年天津 I wish to thank Professor Smith, without _ I would never have learned so much. A who B whom C which D whose I wish to thank Professor Smith, without _ help I would never have learned so much.实战技能:定语从句三步:第一找出 ;第二看 ;第三 。练习部分一、填空题1. I still remember the night _I first came to the house.2. Mr Black is going to Beijing in October, _is the best season there3. I will never forget the days _I spent with your family4.Do you still remember the place_ we visited last week?5.He lives in the room, the window _faces to the south.二选择题 1. The girl _ an English song in the next room is Toms sister. A. who is singing B. is singing C. sang D. was singing 2. Can you lend me the novel _ the other day? A. that you talked B. you talked about it C. which you talked with D. you talked about 3. The train _ she was travelling was late. A. which B. where C. on which D. in that 4. I like the second football match _ was held last week. A. which B. who C. that D. / 5. Yesterday she sold her car, _ she bought a month ago.A. whom B. where C. that D. which三、短文填空 (用上关系代词或关系副词,答案不唯一)The most positive (乐观的) person _I have ever seen is my dad! He is so positive that I do not remember hearing a single word from him _ is related (相关的) to hopelessness!Unlike most mums and dads,my dad never says things _ make me feel bad .He is always there to give me encouragement and help. When I do wrong things,he always tells me whats right in a positive way.For example,if I am in trouble. he often tells me to open the books _he bought me.Then he asks me to read the stories _ can help me with the problems_ Im facing.(节自2013年河北省中考真题)四、微型写作 自我介绍,尽量用上定语从句_ _本篇哲理故事I Didnt Know I Have Been So Rich!There was a young man who was unhappy everyday. He always complained about his poverty and unluckiness. An old neighbour with white hair and white beard saw this and asked him, “Young man, why are you so upset everyday?” The young man answered, “I cant understand why I am always so poor.” “Are you poor? You are rich, indeed.”The young man was rather confused,“What do you mean? ”The old man asked,“If one of your fingers is cut down, and you will get one thousand yuan from it, are you willing?” “No!” “If one of your hands is cut down, and you will get ten thousand yuan from it, are you willing?” “No!”“If both of your eyes become blind, and you will get one hundred thousand from it, are you willing?” “No!” “If you become an eighty-year-old man who is seriously ill, and you will get one million from it, are you willing?” “No!”“If you die now, and you will get ten million from it, are you willing?”


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