已阅读5页,还剩2页未读 继续免费阅读




Lesson 5通过前面的学习,你现在应该已经可以做一段精彩的欢迎致辞,并且能简要地向客人介绍公司的基本组织结构了。但是要让客人们对公司留有深刻的印象,还需要强调公司的一些特色。接下来我们就来学习如何介绍公司在产品和行销方面的特色。先熟悉一下本课的重点词汇和句型吧。 takes pride in 对感到骄傲 distribution 分销(名词) distribute分销(动词) distributor 分销商(名词) unique 独特的 a unique opportunity 一个特殊的机会 be equipped with 用来装备 equipment 设备 incredible 难以置信 accuracy 精确(名词) accurate 精确的(形容词) efficiency 效率,效能 efficient 有效率的,有能力的Production and Distribution (1) 生产与行销(1) 通过前面的学习,你现在应该已经可以做一段精彩的欢迎致辞,并且能简要地向客人介绍公司的基本组织结构了。但是要让客人们对公司留有深刻的印象,还需要强调公司的一些特色。Michael抓住了公司“运用机器人制造产品”和“行销方面充分运用电脑”这两个特点,向客人进行了宣传。下面让我们来听一下他是怎么说的吧: Our company takes pride in having special production and distribution systems. Let me describe how unique they are. Michael首先说明了“公司对自己的production(生产)和distribution system(分销系统)感到很骄傲”,对真实的业绩,适当地表达出“骄傲”之情是在情理之中的,所以记住take pride in 这个句式很有用,如果你在工作中表现得很出色,就不妨自豪地说上一句:I take great pride in my work. 另外Michael提到的distribution表示“分销、分配”,指通过代理等销售活动将货物转到下一级代理商或用户的手里,它的动词形式是distribute表示 “分配、分发”,应用的也很广泛,比如说:to distribute magazines to subscribers (将杂志分送到订阅者手中)distributor则表示商业中的“分销商”;也许你觉得Michael说的unique这个词有些陌生,这个词的英文解释是:being the only one of its sort是“独特的、独有的”,我们常说“某个机会是千载难逢”,就可以说成是:a unique opportunity如果你有机会遇到商界名流李嘉诚,你可能会情不自禁向别人说: He is the most unique man I have ever met. 他是我遇到的最杰出的人。 知道了unique的意思,想想Michael用unique来形容公司的production 和distribution system,自然会非常吸引客人们的注意力。让我们继续听听他是如何介绍公司的“独到之处”的:First, five factories that manufacture our products are equipped with dozens of computer-controlled robots that create high-quality products with incredible accuracy and efficiency. 看来他们的工厂是很现代化的,“有5家工厂都配有数十台电脑控制的机器人computer-controlled robots,它们以令人难以置信的精确度和工作效率制造高品质的产品”。注意这个句子的主谓是five factories.are equipped with.,其中that manufacrure.和that create.是定语从句分别修饰前面的factories和robots; 在描述 “装备”的时候,be equipped with这个短语是出现频率较高的一个词,如果你的办公室里有空调设备,就可以说 Our office is equipped with the air conditioning. 不过不仅是装备物品,人也是可以“装备”的,be euiped for就表示“具备的素质、能力”,比如说在面试的时候,你可以说: I am well equipped for the job. (我完全具备做这项工作的能力) equip的名词equipment是指“设备、装备”,是“不可数名词”。在财务上有the cost of equipment 就是“设备费用”,而lab equipment则是“实验室设备”了。另外注意任何工作都要做得“准确而有效率”accuracy and efficiency。顺便提一下这两个词的形容词形式是accurate 和 efficient,如果你的手下有一个马马乎乎的打字员,你就得明确地告诉她:You must be more accurate in your work. 而efficient不仅能代表“效率高的”,还可以表示“能干的”,现在各大公司都在急需 efficient secretary“能干的秘书”;如果你的部下对“在减少损耗方面的本事很大”,你就可以表扬道:You are efficient in reducing waste. 不过 Michael觉得单独用accuracy and efficiency似乎还不足以说明公司生产的准确和高效率,前面又用了incredible(难以置信的、惊人的)来形容。如果你一下子从一个普通的小职员提升到副经理的位置,你一定会对同事说:This news seems incredible to me. 好了,一下子听了这么多的讲解,恐怕你要吃不消了,我们就把Michael所介绍的公司的第二个特点以及所做的结束语放在下一课中学习,现在你应该到练习中去测试自己的“听课效果”了! 倾听完讲解,题目能作对吗,试试看吧! Our company _ having special production and_ systems. Let me_ how_ they are. First, five factories that_ our products are _dozens of computer-controlled robots that create high-quality products with_and_ . You must be more _in your work. You are _ in reducing waste.跟着老外疯狂念这些句子,让这些句子在你的工作中散发魅力吧 Our company takes pride in having special production and distribution systems. I take great pride in my work. to distribute magazines to subscribers Let me describe how unique they are. He is the most unique man I have ever met. First, five factories that manufacture our products are equipped with dozens of computer-controlled robots that create high-quality products with incredible accuracy and efficiency. You must be more accurate in your work. You are efficient in reducing waste. This news seems incredible to me. Lesson 6在上一课中,Michael介绍了公司的第一大特色,接下来就让我们看看他是如何向客人们简介第二大特色的。首先跟外教朗读下面的词汇和句型吧! character reference 品德证明书 characterize 以特征 be characterized by sth. 以特征 an effective use of. 有效的运用 wholesale 批发销售 retail 零售 retailer 零售商 establish 建立 supply供应,供给(动词);供应量、供应物品(名词,常用复数) raw materials 原料 try ones best to do sth. 努力做 complex 复杂的 guidebook 指导手册 refer to 参照、参阅 Production and Distribution (2) 生产与行销(2) 现在我们继续听Michael讲解公司的第二大特色: Second, the distribution system of our company is also characterized by an effective use of computers. 看来公司的“行销系统也因为电脑的有效运用而显得很有特色”,上一次我们学会了用unique来表达“独有的,独到的”,而这次Michael用了be characterized by sth.这个句式 characterize 是由我们都非常熟悉的名词character(特质、特色;品行)转化过来的。在应聘的时候,某些公司会要求你出示一份character reference,这可不是要你展示自己的性格,而是要你出示一份“品德证明书”;而及物动词characterize,表示“以为特征”,比如在介绍公司的生产系统时,想表达“我们的制造系统以迅速和精确为特色”,就可以翻译成:The production system of our company is characterized by its efficiency and precision. 而表达“有效地运用”,不妨记住an effective use of.的说法。 下面我们继续听Michael如何具体地介绍公司的销售系统: We have established on-line computer communications systems with wholesale dealers across the nation in order to supply our products quickly to our customers. Michael所在的公司“建立了一套与全国各地批发商联网的电脑系统,以便使产品能迅速地供应给客户”。在这里on-line就表明公司的计算机是“联网的”; wholesale代表 “批发销售”,我们在做生意的时候常说“以批发价买进(卖出)”,用英语表达就是:buy(sell) at wholesale price和wholesale相对应的是retail(零售),零售商也就是retailer了。 在想表达“建立”的意思时,establish可以说是一个很好的词,比如说:We have established the economic/ technical cooperation with many companies.意思就是“我们和很多公司建立了经济/技术合作关系”; 提到商品的“供应,供给”,supply这个词是常常露面的,比如说:We can supply any quantity of these goods. “我们可以供应任何数量的这种货品”。另外supply还可以作为名词使用,常用做复数,表示“供应量、供应物品”,比如说大家都知道:Japan gets supplies of raw materials from abroad.(日本是从海外得到它的原料供应的)Michael具体地讲了两点本公司的独到之处后,又强调了一下公司的目标: Thus, we have one of the nations most efficient production and distribution system, and we try our best to serve our customers in the best way we can. 这里Michael说到了公司的目标就是“公司尽最大的努力来为客户服务”,还记得我们以前学过用make an effort to do sth. 来表示“努力做”吗? 这里Michael用了我们比较熟悉的try ones best to do sth.的句式来表达“努力做”;这里提到的do in the best way we can也是一个值得记的句子,相同意思的说法还有:do as much as we can。 但是公司的生产和行销的确是非常复杂的一个体系,不是几句话可以说清楚的。那么Michael最后是怎样向客人交代的呢? I have given you a rather simple explanation of how our production and distribution systems are organized. They are too complex to explain sufficiently in a short speech like this. You can refer to this guidebook for details. 虽然Michael已经给客人们做了简单的解释,give a simple explanation,但是他也感到整个体系还是“非常地复杂,不能在很短的讲话中解释的足够清楚”。这里用到的too.to.句式,我们是很熟悉的,表示“太,而不能”; 这里的complex则是表达了“复杂的” 的意思,还记得Michael在介绍公司的电脑系统时也用了一个表示“复杂”的词sophisticated;不过这个sophisticated更倾向于描述“技术上的复杂性”,而complex则倾向于表达“组织机构上的复杂”,比如说:The plot of that novel is very complex. 最后,Michael向客人们提出的建议是refer to this guidebook for details.让客人“参照guidebook(指导手册)来了解更详细的情况”;这里refer to就用来表示“参照、参阅”,要注意的是这里的to 是个介词,经常见到产品说明书中说:For the additional explanation, refer to page 20. 如果你做了老板,准备雇佣一名秘书,你倒不妨refer to her former employer for her character. “向她以前的雇主询问一下她的品行”。 好了,你现在是不是能象Michael一样介绍公司的特色呢?如果不放心,还是再做做练习巩固一下吧! 倾听完讲解,题目能作对吗,试试看吧! 1. Second, the distribution system of our company is also _ _by an _ use of computers. 2. We have established on-line computer communications systems with _dealers across the nation in order to_ our products quickly to our customers. 3. Thus, we have one of the nations most efficient production and distribution system, and we try our best to serve our customers _ we can. 4. They are too _ to explain sufficiently in a short speech like this. 5. You can _ this guidebook _. 跟着老外疯狂念这些句子,让这些句子在你的工作中散发魅力吧Second, the distribution system of our company is also characterized by an effective use of computers. We have one of the nations most efficient production and distribution system, and we try our best to serve our customers in the best way we can.We have established the economic/ technical cooperation with many companies. Japan gets supplies of raw materials from the abroad. The plot of that novel is very complex. refer to her former employer for her character. You can refer to this guidebook for details. 学完了5-6课,能做出下面的翻译作业吗?1. 我们对公司的生产体系感到十分骄傲。2.让我来


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