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From the world of radio in the world to a single chipModern computer technology, industrial revolution, the world economy from the capital into the economy to knowledge economy. Field in the electronic world, from the 20th century into the era of radio to computer technology in the 21st century as the center of the intelligent modern era of electronic systems. The basic core of modern electronic systems are embedded computer systems (referred to as embedded systems), while the microcontroller is the most typical and most extensive and most popular embedded systems.First, radio has created generations of excellence in the worldFifties and sixties in the 20th century, the most representative of the advanced electronic technology is wireless technology, including radio broadcasting, radio, wireless communications (telegraph), Amateur Radio, radio positioning, navigation and other telemetry, remote control, remote technology. Early that these electronic technology led many young people into the wonderful digital world, radio show was a wonderful life, the prospects for science and technology. Electronics began to form a new discipline. Radio electronics, wireless communications began e-world journey.Radio technology not only as a representative of advanced science and technology at that time, but also from popular to professional fields of science, attracting the young people and enable them to find a lot of fun. Ore from the bedside to the superheterodyne radio radio; report issued from the radio amateur radio stations; from the telephone, electric bell to the radio control model. Became popular youth radio technology, science and technology education is the most popular and most extensive content. So far, many of the older generation of engineers, experts, Professor of the year are radio enthusiasts. Fun radio technology, radio technology, comprehensive training, from basic principles of electronics, electronic components to the radio-based remote control, telemetry, remote electronic systems, has trained several generations of technological excellence.Second, from the popularity of the radio era to era of electronic technology The early radio technology to promote the development of electronic technology, most notably electronic vacuum tube technology to semiconductor electronic technology. Semiconductor technology to realize the active device miniaturization and low cost, so more popular with radio technology and innovation, and to greatly broaden the number of non-radio-control areas. The development of semiconductor technology lead to the production of integrated circuit, forming the modern electronic technology leap from discrete electronics into the era of era of integrated circuits. Electronic design engineers no longer use the discrete electronic components designed circuit modules, and direct selection of integrated circuit components constitute a single system. They freed the design of the circuit unit dedicated to system design, greatly liberating the productive forces of science and technology, promote the wider spread of electronic systems. Semiconductor integrated circuits in the basic digital logic circuits first breakthrough. A large number of digital logic circuits, such as gates, counters, timers, shift registers, and analog switches, comparators, etc., for the electronic digital control provides excellent conditions for the traditional mechanical control to electronic control. Power electronic devices and sensor technology to make the original to the radio as the center of electronic technology turned to mechanical engineering in the field of digital control systems, testing in the field of information collection, movement of electrical mechanical servo drive control object. Semiconductor and integrated circuit technology will bring us a universal age of electronic technology, wireless technology as the field of electronic technology a part of. 70 years into the 20th century, large scale integrated circuit appeared to promote the conventional electronic circuit unit-specific electronic systems development. Many electronic systems unit into a dedicated integrated devices such as radios, electronic clocks, calculators, electronic engineers in these areas from the circuit, the system designed to debug into the device selection, peripheral device adapter work. Electronic technology, and electronic products enriched, electronic engineers to reduce the difficulty, but at the same time, radio technology, electronic technology has weakened the charm. The development of semiconductor integrated circuits classical electronic systems are maturing, remain in the large scale integrated circuit other than the shrinking of electronic technology, electronic technology is not the old days of radio fun times and comprehensive engineering training.Third, from the classic era of electronic technology to modern electronic technology of the times 80 years into the 20th century, the century of economic change is the most important revolution in the computer. The computer revolution in the most important sign is the birth of the computer embedded applications. Modern computer numerical requirements should be born. A long period of time, is to develop the massive computer numerical duty. But the computer shows the logic operation, processing, control, attracting experts in the field of electronic control, they want development to meet the control object requirements of embedded applications, computer systems. If you meet the massive data-processing computer system known as general-purpose computer system, then the system can be the embedded object (such as ships, aircraft, motorcycles, etc.) in a computer system called the embedded computer. Clearly, both the direction of technology development are different. The former requires massive data storage, handling, processing and analysis of high-speed data transmission; while the latter requires reliable operation in the target environment, the external physical parameters on high-speed acquisition, analysis and processing logic and the rapid control of external objects. It will add an early general-purpose computer data acquisition unit, the output driver circuit reluctance to form a heat treatment furnace temperature control system. This general-purpose computer system is not possible for most of the electronic system used, and to make general-purpose computer system meets the requirements of embedded applications, will inevitably affect the development of high-speed numeric processing. In order to solve the contradiction between the development of computer technology, in the 20th century 70s, semiconductor experts another way, in full accordance with the electronic system embedded computer application requirements, a micro-computers basic system on a chip, the formation of the early SCM (Single Chip Microcomputer). After the advent of single chip in the computer industry began to appear in the general-purpose computer systems and embedded systems the two branches. Since then, both the embedded system, or general-purpose computer systems have been developed rapidly. Although the early general-purpose computer converted the embedded computer systems, and real embedded system began in the emergence of SCM. Because the microcontroller is designed specifically for embedded applications, the MCU can only achieve embedded applications. MCU embedded applications that best meet environmental requirements, for example, chip-level physical space, large-scale integrated circuits low-cost, good peripheral interface bus and outstanding control of instruction. A computer system microcontroller core, embedded electronic systems, intelligent electronic systems for the foundation. Therefore, the current single chip electronic system in widespread use of electronic systems to enable rapid transition to the classical modern intelligent electronic systems.4, single chip to create the modern era of electronic systems A microcontroller and embedded systems Embedded computer systems from embedded applications, embedded systems for early general-purpose computer adapted to the object system embedded in a variety of electronic systems, such as the ships autopilot, engine monitoring systems. Embedded system is primarily a computer system, followed by it being embedded into the object system, objects in the object system to achieve required data collection, processing, status display, the output control functions, as embedded in the object system, embedded system computer does not have an independent form and function of the computer. SCM is entirely in accordance with the requirements of embedded system design, so SCM is the most typical embedded systems. SCM is the early application of technical requirements in accordance with the design of embedded computer chip integration, hence the name single chip. Subsequently, the MCU embedded applications to meet the growing demands of its control functions and peripheral interface functions, in particular, highlight the control function, so has international name the single chip microcontroller (MCU, Microcontroller Unit). 2 MCU modern electronic systems consisting of electronic systems will become mainstream MCU is a device-level computer systems, it can be embedded into any object system to achieve intelligent control. Small to micro-machinery, such as watches, hearing aids. Low-cost integrated device-level, low-to a few dollars, ten dollars, enough to spread to many civilian SCM appliances, electronic toys to go. SCM constitutes a modern electronic systems has in-depth to the households, are changing our lives, such as home audio, televisions, washing machines, microwave ovens, telephones, security systems, and air conditioners. SCM innovation the original electronic systems, such as microwave ovens use SCM, it can easily set the clock, the program memory, power control; air conditioner after use of SCM is not only convenient for remote parameter setting, running automatically transform, frequency control can be achieved. At present, many household appliances such as VCD, DVD only single chip to achieve its function may occur before. 3 Embedded Systems led the entire electronics industry Current electronic components industry, in addition to microprocessors, embedded system devices, the most modern electronic systems around the supporting components industries, such as keys used to meet the human-computer interaction, LED / LCD display drivers, LED / LCD display units, voice integrated device, etc., to meet the requirements of data acquisition channel digital sensor, ADC, data acquisition module, signal conditioning modules to meet the servo drive control in the DAC, solid state relays, stepper motor controller, frequency control unit, etc., to meet the communication requirements various bus driver, level converters. Electronic components in the embedded systems world, driven by embedded applications along fully meet requirements of modern electronic systems development. This makes the original classic world of increasingly small electronic systems. Practitioners in the various electronic systems to modern electronic systems as early as possible to stay.5, SCM will create a new generation of electronic elite If the 50s, radio has created several generations of the world elite, then todays SCM will create a new generation of e-world elite. A single chip with you to the intelligent electronics If we as a dead classic electronic system electronic system, then the intelligent modern electronic systems is a life of the electronic system. Application System of hardware, electronic systems, body, microcontroller applications, the application gives it life. For example, in the design of intelligent machines monitor display, it can boot the system self-test results show, not to enter the work shows a variety of stand-by state, equipment run-time display running processes, work can be displayed after the end of the current results, self results, raw data, reports and other various processing. Unattended, it can run automatically given a variety of functions. Intelligent electronic systems for the endless realm, often without additional hardware resources can achieve all kinds of renovated function. It is also present in many household appliances feature a large number of additional factors. 2 single chip computer with you to the industrial area The 21st century is the century of humanity into the computer age, many people are not used in the manufacture of computer is the computer. People using the computer, only the people engaged in embedded system applications really into the internal computer system hardware and software systems, can we truly understand the nature of the computers intelligence and grasp the knowledge of intelligent design. MCU applications starting from the learning technology applications in todays computer software training, hardware and technical personnel of one of the best roads. 3 SCM bring you into the most attractive in the digital world Charming single chip to enable you to experience the true meaning of the computer, you can design intelligent microcontroller hands-on toys, different applications can be designed to achieve different functions. Both software design and hardware making there, both mental and physical, but also hands. Primary level can develop intelligent toys, with macro programming. Intermediate levels can develop some intelligent controller, such as computer mouse, smart cars, all kinds of remote control model. High levels can be developed robots, such as robot soccer, the development of industrial control units, network communications, and high-level language with assembly language or design application. Microcontroller and embedded systems around the formation of the future of the electronics industry, will provide a vast world of electronic fans, an even broader than the current wireless world, richer, more durable, more attractive in the digital world. Plunge into the microcontroller in the world to, will benefit your life.MCU Attacks Currently, there are four single chip attack technique, namely: (1) software attack The technology is commonly used processor communication interface and use protocol, encryption algorithm or the algorithm of security vulnerabilities to attack. The success of software attack is a typical example of the early ATMEL AT89C MCU attacks. Attacker single chip erase operation of the timing design flaw, erase the encryption used by ourselves locked in place, the next stop on-chip program memory data erase operation, thus bringing into too close a single chip SCM not encrypted, and then use the programmer to read out chip program. (2) electronic detection of attacks The technology is usually a high time resolution to monitor the processor during normal operation of all power and interface simulation features, and by monitoring the electromagnetic radiation characteristics of it to attack. Because SCM is an active electronic device, when it executes a different command, the corresponding changes in the power consumption accordingly. This through the use of special electronic measuring instruments and mathematical statistical analysis and detection of these changes, you can access key information specific microcontroller. (3) fault generation technology Abnormal working conditions of the technology used to make the processor errors, and provide additional access to attack. Produce the most widely used means of attack, including the fault of the impact and the clock voltage shock. Low voltage and high voltage protection circuit attack can be used to prohibit the work of processor execution errors or enforcement action. Clock transition may reset the transient protection circuit will not damage the protected information. Power and clock transients transition effects in certain single-processor instruction decoding and execution. (4) probe This technology is directly exposed to chip connection, and then observe, manipulate, interfere with single chip to achieve the attack purpose. For convenience, these four people will attack techniques are divided into two categories is the intrusion type attack (physical attack), such attack requires destruction of package, then use semiconductor test equipment, microscopes and micro-positioning device, in a special laboratory spend hours or even weeks to complete. All of the micro-probe techniques are invasive type attack. The other three methods are non-invasive type attack, attack the MCU will not be physical damage. In some cases, non-invasive-type attacks are particularly dangerous, but because of non-invasive type attacks can usually be made and the necessary equipment to upgrade, so it is cheap. Most non-invasive type attack requires the attacker have a good knowledge of processors and software knowledge. In contrast, the invasive type of probe do not need too much of the initial attack of knowledge, and usually a set of similar technology available to deal with a wide range of productsMCU general process of invasion-type attack Invasive type of attack is thrown off its first chip package. There are two ways to achieve this goal: the first one is completely dissolved out chip package, exposed metal connections. The second is only removed to the top of the plastic package silicon core. The first method is the need to bind to the test fixture on the chip, using bind Taiwan to operate. The second method requires the attacker in addition to a certain degree of knowledge and necessary skills, but also the wisdom and patience, but operate relatively easy. Above the plastic chips can be opened with a knife, epoxy around the chip can be eroded by concentrated nitric acid. Hot concentrated nitric


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