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牛津初中英语7B Unit1 Dream homesGrammar (1)【教材分析】一、对整个单元的分析:本单元是有关“梦想之家”这一主题内容。让学生了解不同的居住情况,设计自己的梦想家园。即让学生想象拥有自己梦想的家的同时会使用英语来描述一些国家和首都、房屋和家居设施的名称。本单元介绍了具有实用功能的描述“梦想之家”的用语,并介绍了一些家中使用物的词汇,还介绍了基数词、序数词和介词。本单元通过问卷调查了解不同国家人的居住情况,启发同学们回想已学单词与新学词汇写一篇有关自己“梦想之家”的文章。与7A教材相比,作为7B第一单元,进一步加大了语言的信息量,教学内容、信息贴近学生生活实际,内容从学生个人信息发展到与学生个人相关的外部环境信息。本单元充分体现了情感价值取向,7B教材中所选题材突出了对学生进行情感态度的培养,要求学生学会关爱别人,帮助他人,学会关爱周围环境的有关知识,学会关爱动物等知识。通过这些材料的学习,能有效地培养学生良好的情感态度。其次7B教材实用性强,所有话题与学生的生活相关,学生能学以之用,通过阅读能帮助学生提高学习能力。二、对这一课时的分析:本课时着重介绍了几个常用介词,旨在让学生通过学习学会辨别事物的方位,以提问的特殊疑问句及其回答和句式的提问及其回答作为辅助。功能目标:确认方位学会辨别事物的位置。为了使学生更好地掌握本单元的学习内容,教师在学习过程中要多考虑学生的学习基础层面,充分利用多媒体课件、图片、幻灯、实物展示等手段,运用具体和形象化的语言和动作,使教学内容更贴近学生的生活,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生参与语言活动的积极性。总之,新课改要求我们优化教学方式,营造真实、灵活的语言环境,在具体的语境中训练语言,在完成任务的过程中学习语言。学习语言的最终目的是为了运用语言。根据这一语言教学的目的,这就要求我们教师在教堂中要善于在语境中教授语言规则。牛津初中英语语言地道、情景真实,所设计的活动和任务丰富多样,为真实语境下的语言训练提供了大量的材料。在教学中,教师要充分利用这些语言材料,结合实物、图片、网络等资源,优化教学方式,不断丰富自己的课堂教学,提高课堂教学效益。【教学目标】1、 知识目标 学习地点介词(Prepositions of place): above, at, behind, below, beside, between, in, in front of , inside, next to, on , opposite, over, under.通过听、说、读、写掌握本单元的对话、短文和相关词汇,并运用新词汇来谈论各自不同的居住情况。2、能力目标 通过对地点介词这一知识点掌握,学会将此知识点运用与对教室布置,学生座位和房间家具的位置的讲解中。2、 情感、态度价值观目标 小组间的竞赛使得学生学会互助互利的团队精神。认知周边具体环境的具体布置,完善学生对环境的审美观。【教学重点】介词的用法the Prepositions of place: above, at, behind, below, beside, between, in, in front of , inside, next to, on , opposite, over, under.【教学难点】成反义词:abovebelow,overunder,insideoutside,in front of behind区别:aboveoveron,belowunder besidenext to,at一in betweenamong【教学过程】Step one: Revision free talk1. Show the pictures of furniture. Get students to say them in English.2. Get the volunteers to give free talks on “My Dream Home”.Step two. Presentation talk about the things in the classroom1.T: There are many things in our classroom. They are some pictures, two blackboards, a map and a teachers desk. (Ask students where they are. Help students to say out the Prepositions of place and show them on the blackboard)T: Where is the chalk? S: It is in the box.T: Where is the box? S: It is on the teachersdesk.T: Where is the teachersdesk? S: It is in front of the blackboard.T: Where is the blackboard? S: It is in the front of the classroom.T: Where is the other blackboard? S: It is opposite this one.T: Where are the curtains? S: They are next to/ beside the windows.T: Where are the windows? S: They are between the doors.T: Where are the brooms? S: They are behind the door.T: Where is the TV? S: It is above the blackboard.T: Then where is the blackboard? S: It is below the TV.T: Where are the lights? S: They are over the desks.T: Then where are the desks? S: They are under the lights.2. Read these prepositions of place, get students to pay attention to the following key points 成反义词:abovebelow,overunder,insideoutside,in front of behind有关联的:aboveoveron,belowunder besidenext to,at一in betweenamong3.Get students to practise saying these sentences above in oral. Step three: Finishing tasksTask 1.Use these prepositions of place to talk about: Where are you, he/she and I?Model: S1: You are in front of me. He is beside me. And I am behind of you.S2:You sit in front of me. She sits behind me. And I sit between you and her. .Task 2. Show the picture below. Ask students to make dialogues according to it.Model:S1: Where is the teachersdesk?S2: It is in the front of the classroom.S1: Where is the window?S2: It is opposite the door.S1: Where is Kitty?S2: She sits next to Sandy.S1: Where is Sandy?S2: She sits between Daniel and Kitty.Task 3. Fill in the blanks to complete the passage.Hi, I am Daniel .This is my classroom. I sit _1_ Millie and _2_ the second row . I sit _3_ Sandy and she sits _4_ Kitty and me . Amy sits _5_ _ _ Sandy and _6_ Millie and Simon .Thereis a big desk _7_ the front _8_ our classroom .You can see some chalk _9_ the desk .The door is _11_the windows .答案:behind; in; next to; between; in front of; between; in; of; on; opposite4. Open the books. Read the sentences in PartA on page13.Millie sits in front of me. Amy sits between Millie and Simon. Kitty sits next to Sandy. Sandy sits between Kitty and me. Simon sits in front of Kitty. The window is opposite the door. The chalk is on the teachers desk.Step four: Exercises1. Language points: Get students to read the language points, and fill in blanks.above, over, onabove (反) below表示位置高于某物在其上方,并不表示正上方。over (反) under表示正方,指垂直上方上。on指两个事物表面接触,一个在另一个上面。e.g. Theres a bridge_ the river. The plane flew _ us. Theres a book _the teachers desk.between, among between一般指两者之间,among指三个或三个以上之间。e.g. I am sitting _ my parents. I saw him _ the students.in front of , in the front of in front of (反) behind 表示“在前面”in the front of (反) at the back of 表示“在前部”,指某一结构本体的前部。e.g. There is a garden _ the house.The desk for the teacher is _ the classroom.beside = next toe.g. David sits beside me.= David sits _ _ me.答案:over on above between among in front of in the front of 2. 翻译词组:在他们两之间 在书店对面坐在我傍边 站在他们前面在教室前面的树 在房间前面的电视在门后 在床底下头上的风扇 骑车的男孩 Step five: More practice talk about the bedroom1. Show the photo of Kates room on page13. Let students talk about the roomand make a conversation with their partners. Model:S1:Whats under bed? S2: There are two pairs of shoes and some books.S1: Whats above the bed? S2: There is a shelf.S1: Whats on the shelf? S2: There are some books.S1: Where is the lamp? S2: It is on the bedside table.S1: Where is the bedside table? S2: It is between the bed and armchair.S1: Whats beside the computer? S2: There is a printer.S1: Where are Kates boys? S2: They are in a box. 2. Books open. Let students look at the photo. Complete the conversation between Simon and Amy. Check the answers by reading the conversation together.Simon: Kate has a computer in her room. It is _on_ her desk. Her printer is _beside/ next to_ her computer. There is a lamp _on_ the bedside table.Amy: Where is the bedside table?Simon: It is _between_ the bed and the armchair.Amy: Where are Kates toys?Simon: They are _in/ inside_ a box.Amy: Does Kate have many books?Simon: Yes. They are _on_ a shelf. The shelf is _above_ the bed.Amy: Is Kates room very tidy?Simon: No! There are lots of things _under_ her bed.Step six: Listening and drawing1. Listen to a tape about Millies room. Get students to draw a picture about theroom by listening to the tape carefully.deskbedTVsofachair听力内容:Millie has a big room in her family. There are many things in it.There is a table opposite the window. And you can see many things on the table. On the left of it, there are some flowers. There is a clock beside the flowers. Some books are between the books and a toy bear. There is a pencil-box in front of the books. There is a armchair next to the desk. The bed is between the desk and the sofa. Above the sofa, theres a photo of her family. The TV is opposite the sofa. Behind the TV, there is a map of the world. And there are some CDs below the TV. 2. Show the students pictures in class. Compare which picture is the correct one and listen to the tape again to check it. Step eight: Homework (choose one between homework1 and homework2 )Homework 1. Ask students to decorate their own rooms and draw a picture of it. Show their dream roome in the classroom. Introduce the rooms to the others in class.Model:I have a dream room. There is a sofa, a coffee table, a lamp, a bed, a TV and so on. The lamp is beside the sofa. The sofa is opposite the TV. The coffee table is between the sofa and the TV.Homework 2. Design a zoo and describe it in English. The animals can be put anywhere in the zoo. Write an article named the Dream Zoo.Model:This is our dream zoo. There are many lovely animals in it. You can see many monkeys in the trees. Some zebras are under the trees. There are some ducks swimming on the river. Beside the river, there are some elephants. Inside the cage, there are some lions .【板书设计】1. Our classroom:the chalk in the box.the box on the teachersdesk.the teachersdesk in front of the blackboard. the blackboard in the front of the classroom. the other blackboard opposite this one. the curtains next to/ beside the windows. the windows between the doors. the brooms behind the door. the TV above the blackboard. the blackboard below the TV. the lights over the desks.the desks under the lights.【教学反思】整节课所教授的内容虽少,即仅在对地点介词的认知和操练。但课堂中的操练容量很大。很好的涉及到了听、说、读、写数字这四个环节。在这四个环节中,学生能很大限度的得到锻炼。在听力环节中,本课避免了单纯的死板的听写,而是运用听一段内容,让学生根据所听内容画出相应的图画,即将趣味性融入与听力中,此设计充分调动了学生的兴趣和积极性,让学生更加主动的去听,去思考。当然如果不用听力材料,而是让学生自己讲述个人的房间,其他学生根据他的讲述画出正确的图画也是个很好的内容设计。当然听力的效果也许不如前者好。在回答问题环节中,通过与同伴互问互答的形式,争取让最大限度的让更多学生得到说的锻炼。而且在用地点介词说清你我他的座位方位中,可以促进学生融洽相处,体现和谐氛围。有利学生身心更好发展。在写这一环节中,布置的内容是设计一个理想的房间和设计一个理想的动物园,可选择其中一个作为作业。通过在让学生进行对家具的摆设和对动物的安置的过程中,使得写作的内容丰富,贴近生活,并富有乐趣。让学生更乐意去思考,发挥想象力和创造力。从而由应付写作转变为乐意写作。在语法的讲解方面没有占用很多时间,因为实物的位置可以直观的让学生明白in front of 和in the front of, blew和 under, above和over等的区别。当然,如果能做到让学生通过听力内容自己评价所画的图片的话,整节课就能够更好地发挥出学生个体的主动参与性,让他们自己主动要学,自己想学,从而很好地体现出新课程的以学生为主的课堂教学理念。这是一个在以后的课堂教学设计中应始终多考虑的课题。 7B Unit 4 Teaching PlanPeriod (1)教学题目:7B Unit 4 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit教学课时:Period 1教学部分:Page 6061教学课型:新授课;听说课教学目标:1. 让学生了解一些不寻常的现象和事件。 2. 学会使用形容词来表达自己的感觉和见解。教学内容:学习六种不寻常的事件并学会用这些内容进行对话。教学准备:录音机,多媒体,投影仪教学步骤:Step 1: talking about what happened to Eddie and HoboDo you still remember the two lovely dogs? What are their names?Would you like to know what happened to them today?Today, Eddie and Hobo met an amazing thing. They met a UFO. How will they feel? Lets try to find out it. First, lets listen to the tape recorder of the text. And then try to answer my questions.Listen to the recorder twice.Questions: 1). What are Eddie and Hobo doing? 2). What did Eddie think it is? 3). What did Hobo think it is? 4). Did Eddie think it is a plane? Why not? 5). Do you think Eddie is a clever dog?Read the text as the role of Eddie and Hobo.Act a short play with your partner. (ask two or three groups of students to do it.)Would you like to see a UFO? Why? Maybe the UFO would take you to travel in space and visit other planet. If it happened one day, it is an amazing thing. Step 2: welcome to the Unit (show some pictures to teach the new words)Actually there are lots of amazing things in the world. Here are lots of surprising things. For example: 1). Do you know if plants can grow without the lightning? 2). Do you know how long it takes to travel from the Earth to the moon? 3). Do you know if you can sneeze and open your eyes at the same time? 4). Do you know who is the tallest man in the world? 5). Do you know how the elephants walk? 6). Do you know if the fish close eyes, when it is sleeping?Do the exercises on P57. Check the answersStep 3: Explain some important language points. Do some exercises.Step 4: talking about amazing animalsI know everyone of you like animals. Some of you have pets in your family. There are also something amazing about animals. Listen to my questions and can you find out which animal it is?1). Do you know which is the most dangerous snake in the world?2). Do you know which bird can stay in the air without moving?3). Do you know which dog is the smallest?4). Do you know which animal is as old as dinosaur?5). Do you know which animal is as clever as people?6). Do you know which animal can live for a month without having water?7). Do you know which animal is the biggest in the world?8). Do you know which animal is the most dangerous in the sea?9). Do you know which animal has the longest neck?Now lets talk about amazing things with the following pattern Do you know that.?- Oh, really?-Isnt that interesting? (amazing, funny, great, interesting, strange, wonderful, surprising, cool)-Yes, it is. Do you know?ask the students to prepare the dialogue and act it out.Step 5: PracticePeriod (2)教学题目:7B Unit 4 Reading (1)教学课时:Period 2教学部分:Page 6264教学课型:新授课;阅读课教学目标:初步接触鬼故事的写作方法;进一步培养通过精读和泛读了解文章意思的能力。教学内容:了解文章大意;掌握有关日常生活方式或活动项目的词汇 教学准备:录音机,多媒体,投影仪教学步骤:Step 1Do you like stories? Which kind of story do you like best? love story, funny story, exciting story, ghost story? (talk about ghost story)It is 11p.m. You are walking in the street. Suddenly, you find there isnt anybody else around you. Just at this time, you hear a whisper(soft noise) , what will you do?Millie and Amy also heard some strange noise one day, lets see what happened.Listen to the tape and answer my questions: When did it happen? Where did it happen? What happened?Step 2Ask the students to read the text and answer the following questions.1. Why did they run away? (Because they heard a strange noise and they were very frightened.)2. Did they hear the strange noise again? (Yes, they did.)3. Who did they meet on their way? (They met Andy.)4. What did Andy do after he knew everything? (He went to the park.)5. How many times did he hear the whisper?(Twice.)6. Do you think the sound came from the bushes? What is it?7. What did Andy find in the bushes?(He found a cat.)8. How did it make a sound?(It miaowed like a whisper.)9. What will you do if you find a weak cat?10. Why did they take the cat to the animal centre?(Because people there would take care of (look after) it.)Step 3Millie is telling her friend about what happened in the park. However, she is so excited that she cannot remember everything correctly. Do the true or false questions on Page 64Step 4Read the passage again and try to tell the sequence (顺序)of the story.1.Millie and Amy talked 2. Suddenly,3. They left4. Millie told Andy5. Andy went to6. Andy found7. Later that dayStep 5If you were Millie or Amy, now you are calling your friend to tell her/him what happened to you this morning. What will you say?(give them a model) You can begin like this:Millie: What an exciting day !Friend: What happened?Millie: This morningFriend: Really? Were you frightened?Millie: Friend: Tell me morePeriod (3)教学题目:7B Unit 4 Reading (2)教学课时:Period 3教学部分:Page 6264教学课型:巩固练习课;阅读课教学目标:通过活动来熟悉掌握课文中的细节;通过讲解加深课文的理解教学内容:学习知识点和重要短语教学准备:多媒体,投影仪教学步骤:Step 1:reviewAsk Ss to read the text after the tape, then give them some time to read it by themselves. Give the students some key words and ask them to retell the story.Picture 1: Sunshine Park big tree-bushes behind the tree- two girls chatting and laughingPicture 2: whisper from the bushes behind the tree- girls frightenedPicture 3: girls running away looking afraidPicture 4: Help! theres a ghost.Answer the questions:1. Are you afraid of the ghost? Who heard the whisper?2. What do Millie and Amy love to do in the park?3. Why were they frightened?4. Whom did they run into on their way?Fill in the brackets on pptStep 21. Get Ss to do part B1(p59) individually and check the answers. Pay attention to the following points:A. a whisper= a soft noiseB. weak=not strongC. take care of = look aftereg) I should take care of my mother today.= I should look after my mother today.D.the following Sunday = the next Sunday2. Ask students to fill in the blanks in part B2, then read the conversation together . Let some students speak out their answers and check it. The important points are as following :A.run awayeg) When they heard the strange noise, they ran away quickly.B.sound like a ghostC.the animal centerStep 3: language points1. On ones way (to s.p.) 在去的路上 (1)在去学校的路上她发现了一些不同寻常的东西。On her way to school, she found something unusual.(2)在回家的路上她停下来买了些食物。On the way to her home(on her way home),she stopped to buy some food.2. run into 碰到,遇到,表示一种意外(1) 他昨天遇到了一个老朋友。 He ran into an old friend of his yesterday.(2) 我在书店遇到了她。 I ran into her in the bookshop.(3) 我不想在假期里在街上碰上我的老师。 I dont want to run into my teacher on the street during the holiday.3. Happen (vi)指偶然发生(1) 去年那件有趣的事情发生在南京。The interesting thing happened in Nanjing last year.(2) happen to sb.某人发生某事 昨天他发生什么事了?What happened to him yesterday?4. Tell sb. moreTell sb. more about sth. Tell sb. about sth.关于这个,你不应该告诉他更多。You shouldnt tell him more about it.5. Be sure 确信Be sure + (that)宾语从句(1) 我确信他很害怕。 Im sure (that) he is very frightened.(2) 你确信他听到奇怪的声音了吗? Are you sure (that) he heard the strang noise?Be sure to do sth.肯定会做某事 他肯定会赢那场比赛。 He is sure to win the match.6. Sound n. & v.我听到一个象是低语的声音。I heard a sound like a whisper.那声音听上去象是一声低语。The sound sounds like a whisper.sound/noise7. Search搜寻search sth. search for sth.搜查某物The police are searching for the boy.The police are searching the boy.Search sth. 对某物进行搜索Search for sth.=look for sth.我仔细的搜寻了我的口袋。I searched my pocket carefully.8. Here it is. (原来)它在这儿。(原来)你在这儿。Here you are!(原来)它在那儿。There it is!9. Take care of = look aftercare -careful-carefully n.(uc.) adj. adv.(1)这份工作需要极为小心。The work needs great care.Take(good) care of=look after(well)(2)你应该好好照顾


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