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工厂编号:申请CCC强制认证产品描述(低压电器类)申请编号申请人地址工厂编号生产厂地址产品名称设备用断路器型号申请单位(印章)第 16 页 共 15 页企业自我声明1本企业在此郑重声明:本次申请中,我单位向指定检测机构提供的型号/规格为 的 (产品名称)是由 (生产厂名称)于 (生产厂地址)完成最终装配和出厂检验。 本企业对提以上情况的真实性负责,否则由此引起任何事情由本企业将承担全部责任。申证企业负责人(签名):日期:(企业盖章) 企业自我声明2企业名称:申证产品名称、型号规格:注册商标:本企业在此郑重声明:上述申证产品所使用的型号和商标保证严格遵守国家有关法律法规和政府部门的有关规定。如有乱用、冒用其他企业产品的型号和商标导致侵权行为,本企业将对其后果承担全部法律责任。本企业对提供所有与认证有关资料的真实性负责。如果本企业获证的产品有所变更,将及时提交产品变更报告,否则由此引起任何事情由本企业将承担全部责任。申证企业负责人(签名):日期:(企业盖章) 样 品 描 述 及 说 明1. 产品构成的描述及结构特点(结构概要说明):Products composition and construction characteristics (brief description of the construction):包括产品的主要组成部件,操作方式,安装方式,接线方式等,还包括以下内容:Including main parts of the product, means of operation, installation and wiring, and etc., and also the following information:主要组成部件:本體,上蓋,推桿,螺栓,端子,銀接點,彈簧,合金片,鉚釘,氖燈,電熱絲等。操作方式:M-type安装方式:面板安裝接线方式:插入式和螺釘接線式1).产品型号及壳架等级电流(Product Model type and its frame current):BC-Series系列额定电流以0.5A到50A;额定电压:250VAC。 2).提供图纸及编号(Drawings offered and their serial numbers): 总装配图(General assembly drawing): A30319 ,电磁脱扣器部件图(Part drawing of electromagnetic release): “/” 。3).动触头外形尺寸(Moving contact dimension):0.5A到35A(3.5) ,36A到40A(5.0),41 A到50A(5.5) 4).静触头外形尺寸(Fixed contact dimension):0.5A到35A(3.5) ,36A到40A(5.0),41 A到50A(5.5) 5).触头参数(Contact parameter):开距(Contact gap) 3.0mm ,终压力(Terminal pressure) “/” ,超程(Over travel) “/” 。6).软连接的材料名称及规格(Material name and specification of the flexible connection): “/” 。7).电阻丝材料名称及规格(Material name and specification of the resistance wire): “/” 。8).脱扣器骨架名称及牌号(Name and Serial number of release bobbin): “/” 。9).脱扣器线圈线材规格及匝数(Specification of wire and number of turns of coil for release): “/” 。10).铁芯材料名称及牌号(Material name and Serial number of iron core): “/” 。11).弹簧材料名称及规格(Material name and specification of spring): SUS 。 12).接线端螺钉的螺纹直径及适用类型(Nominal diameter of the thread and type of the terminals): “/” 。样 品 描 述 及 说 明2. 主要技术参数(Main technical Parameter):(如不适用项用 “/” 表示if not applicable, filled with “/ ”)分类(Category):1) 脱扣模式-由电流(过电流)脱扣的设备用断路器(Mode of tripping-CBEs tripping by current(overcurrent):(TO、TM、MO、HM、EH): TO 脱扣模式-E型设备用断路器 (如适用)(Mode of tripping-CBE-switch, if applicable):(X、Y、Z): “/” 2) 自由脱扣特性等级(自由脱扣、循环自由脱扣、无自由脱扣)(Trip-free behaviour(Trip-free、Cycling trip-free、Non-trip-free): 循环自由脱扣(Cycling trip-free ) 3) 电气性能用途(一般用途、仅用于实际上的阻性电路)(electrical performance(general use、for use in resistive circuits only): 一般用途 ( general use) 4) 是否具有隔离功能(Suitability for insulation, if applicable): “/” 特性(Characteristic):1) 额定工作电压(Rated operational voltage Ue)(V): 250VAC 2) 额定绝缘电压(Rated insulation voltage Ui)(V): 250VAC 3) 额定冲击耐受电压(Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp)(kV): “/” 4) 额定电流(Rated current In) (A): 0.5A50A 5) 额定短路能力(Rated short-circuit capacity Icn) (A): “/” 6) PC1性能类别额定限制短路电流(Rated conditional short-circuit current, performance category PC1 Inc1)(A): 1000A ,短路保护电器的型号和规格(Type and ratings of SCPD ):NT00 GL-50A .PC2性能类别额定限制短路电流(Rated conditional short-circuit current, performance category PC2 Inc1)(A): “/” ,短路保护电器的型号和规格(Type and ratings of SCPD ): “/” 7) 操作方式 (S型、R型、M型、J型) (Method of operation(R-type、M-type、S-type、J-type): M-type 操作次数(仅适用于S型)(Number of operating cycles(only applicable for S-type) : “/” 8) 绝缘材料的名称及相应的CTI值(Name of the insulation material and its CTI values): Body: PMC CTI:250V Cover: PMC CTI: 250V Threaded Bushing:PMC CTI: 250VBody: UF CTI: 250V Cover: UF CTI: 250V Threaded Bushing: UF CTI: 250V9) 插入式连接片的标称尺寸(如适用)(Nominal size of flat quick-connect male tabs)(mm) : 快插端子: 0.5A到49A(6.30.8mm) , 50A( 9.51.2 mm) 攻牙端子:0.5A到49A( #6-32 / #8-32 ) , 50A( #10-32)10) 基准周围空气温度 (Reference ambient air temperature)(): (232) 样 品 描 述 及 说 明11) 时间-电流特性试验(Time-current operating characteristics)环境温度(ambient air temperature)232(Reference ambient air temperature) T2(制造商自定(Provided by the manufacturer)T )特性编号(Number of tripping characteristics)Int 100% InIt 150% In2In6In 3 InBC1h1h3t600.2t5.51.5t20温度系数环境温度(Ambient air temperature) C温度系数(Derating or uprating factor)- 5,自定1.3+ 40,T+100.912)(电磁脱扣器的)瞬时脱扣(Instantaneous tripping of the magnetic release)特性编号(Number of tripping characteristics)Ini InIi In0.1s0.1 s13)辅助触头(Auxiliary contacts)种类(A,B,C)和对数(Kind of contact elements (A, B, C) and number of auxiliary circuits): “/” ,约定发热电流(Conventional free air thermal current):“/” ,额定绝缘电压(Rated insulation voltage): “/” ,额定冲击耐受电压(Rated impulse withstand voltage): “/” ,额定限制短路电流配合SCPD型号(Type of SCPD for rated conditional short-circuit current): “/” 相应使用类别下额定工作电流和工作电压(Rated operational current and voltage of corresponding Utilization Category): “/” 。样 品 描 述 及 说 明3. 系列的描述和型号的解释(Description of product series and explanation of model/ type):3.1 本申请单元产品(Among the model types within this application):a. 具有相同的基本设计(Whether different model/types within this application are using the same basic design)是Y、o否N b. 由单极设备用断路器组成的或由与单极设备用断路器元件相同的元件组装成多极的设备用断路器,其每极外形尺寸相同(Whether different model/types within this application have the same overall dimensions per pole, for which multi-pole CBEs are either composed of single-pole CBEs or are built up from the same components as the single-pole CBEs)是Y、o否N c. 接线端子具有类似的结构(Whether different model/types within this application have the similar structure)是Y、o否N d. 触头尺寸,材料,结构及连接方式相同(Whether different model types within this application are using the contacts of the same dimension, material, structure and connection type)是Y、o否N e. 省去例如辅助回路或控制回路的零件而无明显影响性能(Whether the performance of different model/types within this application does not been obviously influenced when omitting parts belonging for instance to auxiliary or control circuits)是Y、否N 3.2系列的描述(本申请单元不同型号、不同电流等级的异同说明)(Series description(Description for different type and different current):3.3型号的解释(Explanation of model/ type):BC00NOA150BENON-01 客户代码 特殊编码 见表12印刷种类 见表11铭板种类 见表10固定螺栓套件 见表9固定螺栓种类 见表8塑体壳色系分类 见表7额定电流值 见表6额定电压及接点分类 见表5端子脚种类 见表4灯/灯罩颜色分类 见表3基础目录 见表2产品别 见表1样 品 描 述 及 说 明表: 1产品种类代码表代 码种 类代 码种 类BCBC断电器附表: 2基础目录代码表BC代码代码名称00不带灯10带灯ABCDEFGHIJKLMN不带灯OPQR红色STUVWXYZ表: 3灯及灯罩的颜色代码表样 品 描 述 及 说 明附表: 4端子脚种类代码表ABCDEFFGHI6-32铜JK8-32铜LM10-32铜NO铜(直)PQRS样 品 描 述 及 说 明附表: 5电压及接点代码表ABCAC250VDAC250VEFAC250VGHAC250VIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ附表: 6额定电流代码表BC代码额定电流代码额定电流代码额定电流代码0.5000505.0050015.015000.7500756.0060018.018001.0001007.0070020.020002.0002007.5075025.025002.5002508.0080030.030003.0003009.0090035.035003.50035010.0100040.040004.00040012.0120045.045004.50045014.0140050.05000附表: 7塑体壳色系代码表 AB黑色CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW白色XYZ样 品 描 述 及 说 明附表: 8固定螺栓种类代码表BC代码ABCDEE-TYPEFGHIJKLL-TYPE附表: 9固定螺栓套件代码表ABCM11六角螺母DEFGHIJKLMN无OPQRSTUVWXYZ样 品 描 述 及 说 明附表: 10铭版种类代码


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