



PEP Book 7 Unit 1 How can I get there?Part B Read and write 教学设计课标分析: 国家课程标准提出,英语教学要体现“工具性与人文性的双重属性”,”重视学生个体差异、重视语言学习的实践性和应用性”。小学阶段的英语学习从学生的生活经验和认知水平出发,采用活动途径,倡导体验参与合作与交流的学习方式,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。另外,学习策略也是新课标强调的主要学习内容,学生在学习的过程中使用适当的阅读策略,不断提高自主阅读的能力是我们始终坚持的目标。整体设计思路: 本课时语篇主要内容是Mike和Wu Yifan想去意大利餐厅吃PIZZA, 但是不知道路,ROBIN用自己新安装的特性GPS给他们带路的事情。所以本课时设计以“使用GPS找路”为主线,先通过师生问候,引出问题:找不到路时怎么办?学生发散思维,想出办法,引入到辨别方向工具的学习;而后老师播放视频,重点介绍GPS的使用。然后由Robin的新功能GPS引入学习整体语篇,整个语篇学习分快速阅读和详细阅读两步,快速阅读找起始点,培养学生快速读找关键信息的能力;详细阅读先整体理解文本,选择线路,而后借助板书,复述线路。最后通过“I am the GPS”学习运用GPS和所学语言,进行真实的交流。教材分析: 本单元学习的主题是问路。通过学习能掌握一定表示地点的词汇,并能运用句型有礼貌的寻求他人的帮助或者给别人指路。本课时是本单元的最后课时,主要分为读、写、语音三个部分。第一部分要求学生阅读图片了解从古至今辨别方位的几种方法,以拓展学生的生活常识;第二部分提供一篇短文,要求学生看懂文本,并完成教材所提供的读写活动;第三部分是要求学生明白并能正确读出英语句子的升降调。教学目标:知识目标:1. 了解辨别方位的方法,并能根据需求选择。2. 能通过scanning阅读技巧在语篇中捕捉不同类型的信息。3. 能理解语篇大意,找出语篇关键,写出文章梗概,复述故事。4. 知道句子有升降调,并能在教师帮助下找到一般规律,正确朗读句子。能力目标: 能运用skimming阅读技巧找出课文中Mike和Wu Yifan是如何到达餐馆的以及经过的地方。情感目标: 激发英语学习兴趣,培养英语学习的主动性,在生活中能主动对别人的需求进行回应。教学重难点:重点:对课文关键信息的整理和归纳。难点:学生如何运用所学知识进行真实的交流。教学过程:. Pre-reading1. Greetings. T:Hello, boys and girls. I am Nancy. I am your new English teacher today. Nice to meet you! Ss; Nice to meet you, too. T:Look, who is she? Ss: . T:Oh, you got it. Its me, yes? I am from Yu Shan Primary School. Look, I am on the playground. There is a library on my right. There is a gym on my left. There are two gardens in front of me. There is a building behind me. T: Is it beautiful? Do you know how to get there? Ss: No. T: When you cant find the way, what can you do? Ss:. T: We know so many ways. If you are in a car, which will you choose?Ss: GPS.2. Watch a carton.T: Do you know how to use it?Ss: No.T: Lets look together. First, were start from Linshu No.1 Primary School. Then we get to Yu Shan Central Primary School. Lets go!(学生观看视频,了解GPS的使用方法, 同时复习turn left, turn right, go straight词汇。). While-reading1. Read and answer Wow, the GPS works and we can use the GPS well. Now Wu Yifans grandpa gave Robin a new feature. Do you know feature? It means “功能,特征”。 Look, so now Robin has GPS.贴板书标题。 Can you tell Robin how to use it? First, he should know where to start, and then find where to go. So read this text quickly and circle the answer, if you meet the words you dont understand, just skip it. T: Where are they?S1: They are in front of the cinema.T: How do you know it?S1: .T: Question 2: Where do they want to go?S2: Italian restaurant. T: Where did you find it?S2: .T: Great! 【设计目的:整体理解文本,找到起点和终点。】2. Read and choose Now Robin, Wu Yifan and Mike are in front of the cinema.(板书cinema) They are hungry. They want to go to the Italian restaurant.(贴板书Italian restaurant,领读the Italian restaurant) If you are here, how can you get to the restaurant? First, discuss in your group, then come here and tell us.T: How do you get to the restaurant?S1:.T: Any other different ways?S2:.T: So there are two routes. How do Robin and Wu Yifan get there?Now take out your paper please, first, choose A or B. Second, circle the places they pass by. Remember, you should read carefully and underline the key sentences. Got it? Lets go!Group work. Have you got it? Now discuss in your group.Check the answers. T: How do they get there? Who can tell us? 遍出示PPT边板书。T: Wow, they get to the restaurant. So Robin said “My new GPS works”Do you know whats the meaning of “work”?S3: .T: Here it means “奏效,起作用“。【设计目的:学生选出路线,加深理解,解决语言难点work】. Post-reading1. Listen and imitateNow, lets read the whole text. Lets read like this.【设计目的:师生齐读,加上手势,加深理解对语音语调的理解。】2. Read aloud and fill in blanks This time please read aloud in your group. If you still have the words you dont know, ask me or your partner. Now take out your paper and fill in the blanks. Pay attention to your writing. Check the answer. Lets retell the story together.3. I am a GPS.我来导航 Now they are full. Wu Yifan calls his grandpa, lets listen what he will say. 电话声。Oh, they should to go to the library now. 贴板书This time you are the GPS. Tell them how to get to the library. Now, take out your map, discuss in your group and draw the route on the map. Then come here and tell us your route.Group work.小组讨论,规划地图。Group show. 小组演示。Fill in the blanks.填空。 Check


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