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最新河南电大商务交际英语(1)教学考一体化网考形考作业试题及答案100%通过2015年秋期河南电大把商务交际英语(1)纳入到“教学考一体化”平台进行网考,针对这个平台,本人汇总了该科所有的题,形成一个完整的题库,内容包含了单选题、判断题,并且以后会不断更新,对考生的复习、作业和考试起着非常重要的作用,会给您节省大量的时间。做考题时,利用本文档中的查找工具,把考题中的关键字输到查找工具的查找内容框内,就可迅速查找到该题答案。本文库还有其他教学考一体化答案,敬请查看。一 单选题1.There are at least _ different cultures in the United States.(4.00分)A. 400B. 100C. 300D. 200 2.Which of the following statements is TRUE? (4.00分)A. The Ok sign is perceived the same way in France and the United states.B. In general, Hispanic persons are comfortable with a personal space of less than 18 inches.C. A smile is universal and means the same in any culture.D. A nod always means “yes”. 3.To select the media for the message and the verbal and nonverbal symbols used in the message, the sender must _. (4.00分)A. encourage and interpret feedbackB. all the aboveC. analyze and understand the receivera process sometimes called audience analysisD. analyze and understand the environment in which the message will be sent 4._ communication that helps to develop a better relationship between you and your receiver builds goodwill. (4.00分)A. SomeB. NoC. AnyD. None 5.To avoid becoming a communication barrier, extroverts need to make sure _.(4.00分)A. they speak before they thinkB. they think as they speakC. they think before they speakD. they speak as they think 6.Communication skills include the ability to use language accurately_.(4.00分)A. spell correctlyB. choose words preciselyC. all of the aboveD. use proper grammar 7.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?(4.00分)A. There will be an explosive growth of companies doing business across borders.B. Continual emergence of a world marketplace will require development of an international workforce.C. Information technology will enable more businesses to enter the global workforce.D. The Internet will prevent more businesses from entering the global workforce. 8.Technology has had a tremendous impact _ the way messages are created and edited. (4.00分)A. onB. forC. toD. in 9.How can you keep messages simple and short?(4.00分)A. Pronounce words carefully.B. Avoid using slang, jargon, abbreviations and acronyms.C. Use short, simple sentences.D. All of the above. 10.Which of the following statements is NOT the quality shared by successful teams? (4.00分)A. Members have a shared team vision.B. Team members are unable to talk about their differences.C. Work is done in a supportive atmosphere.D. The team learns from successes and failures. 11.Information is one of _ we have.(4.00分)A. the most valuable resourceB. the most valuable resourcesC. the more valuable resourcesD. the more valuable resource 12.Which of the following is NOT the strategy for effective global communication?(4.00分)A. Be adaptable in your communication styleB. Use acronyms slang and jargon.C. Use visual aids.D. Use your best English speaking habits.1.Memos are used for _ communication _ an organization.(4.00分)A. external outside B. internal outsideC. internal withinD. external within 2.Which of the following is NOT the guideline for writing memos and emails include? (4.00分)A. Composing a short clear subject line.B. Using tables and visual aids.C. Restricting message to one main idea. D. Using heading in short messages. 3.Which of the following are NOT business meetings? (4.00分)A. Staff meetings. B. Board meetings.C. Birthday parties.D. Training sessions. 4.An agenda is the order of business for a meeting and may be used _ a guide for that meeting.(4.00分)A. byB. atC. forD. as 5.The main idea of a message is _. (4.00分)A. its central theme or most important thoughtB. to draw the receivers attentions C. to persuade the receiverD. to inform the receiver 6.All ideas and information should be presented _. (4.00分)A. in a receiver-oriented manner that emphasizes the benefits to the receiverB. in a receiver-oriented manner that emphasizes the benefits to the sender C. in a sender-oriented manner that emphasizes the benefits to the sender D. in a sender-oriented manner that emphasizes the benefits to the receiver 7.Emails have their own particular kinds of abuses, including _. (4.00分)A. all of the aboveB. flamingC. shoutingD. spamming 8.Why do business persons use memos and emails?(4.00分)A. To provide a record. B. To promote goodwill.C. All of the above.D. To advise, direct, inform and state policy. 9.Supporting information includes essential facts that _. (4.00分)A. explain the main ideaB. justify the main ideaC. reinforce the main idea D. all of the above 10.A negative message should be organized in _ order.(4.00分)A. directB. indirect- directC. indirectD. direct-indirect 11.A positive message should be organized in _ order.(4.00分)A. indirect- direct B. direct-indirectC. directD. indirect 12.Appropriate words for business communication are _. (4.00分)A. all of the aboveB. up-to-dateC. concise D. precise1.When the receiver views the letter containing a negative message, the sender can use _.(4.00分)A. indirect-direct orderB. indirect order C. direct orderD. direct-indirect order 2.When giving the negative news, the sender must tell the receiver what could be done _ what couldnt be done. (4.00分)A. other thanB. less thanC. rather thanD. more than 3.The acceptable letter formats are _.(4.00分)A. block formatB. simplified block formatC. modified block formatD. all of the above 4.Which of the following is the optional part of a business letter?(4.00分)A. Dateline.B. Postscript. C. Body.D. Salutation. 5.The purposes of reports are _.(4.00分)A. formal or informal B. informationalC. analyticalD. informational and analytical 6.The parts of an informal report are _.(4.00分)A. all of the aboveB. the bodyC. the openingD. the closing 7.Which sentence is good opening for a response to a request for customer credit information? (4.00分)A. Thank you for requesting credit information on John Rogers.B. We receive many requests for credit information each day.C. We appreciate your confidence in our credit information.D. The credit information on John Rogers is enclosed. 8.Which of the following is the standard part of a business letter?(4.00分)A. Letter address. B. Attention line.C. Postscript.D. Enclosure notation. 9.If the author expects the reader to respond unfavorably to his report or have to be persuaded, he uses _.(4.00分)A. direct-indirect orderB. indirect-direct orderC. indirect order D. direct order 10.The possible formats of reports are _.(4.00分)A. manuscript reportsB. memo reportsC. letter reportsD. all of the above 11.Data are composed of _. (4.00分)A. outlinesB. recommendationsC. conclusionsD. facts 12. The styles of reports are _.(4.00分)A. informalB. formalC. informational and analytical D. formal or informal三 判断题1.Two media are employed when receiving communicationsspeaking and writing. (3.00分)错误正确 2.The purposes of communication are to establish goodwill, persuade, obtain or share information, establish personal effectiveness, and build self-esteem.(3.00分)错误正确 3.Communicating with a coworker whose background differs from your own can be just as challenging as communicating with a colleague visiting from a foreign country. (3.00分)错误正确 4.Learning to speak at least a few polite words of another language is usually taken as a sign of respect by others who speak that language.(3.00分)错误正确 5. To communicate effectively, the sender must use audience analysis, examine the messages environment, and encourage and interpret feedback.(3.00分)错误正确 6.Cultural differences can be communication barriers.(3.00分)错误正确 7.The population of the United States is becoming even more culturally mixed. (3.00分)错误正确 8. Even a simple gesture such as a wave or a smile can mean different things to people of different cultures.(3.00分)错误正确 9.Two media are employed when sending communicationsspeaking and writing.(3.00分)错误正确 10. An effective work team goes through a process of development that involves getting acquainted, establishing roles, and carrying out tasks.(3.00分)错误正确 11.External communication originates within an organization and is sent to receivers within the organization.(3.00分)错误正确 12.The business environment in the United States is so dominated by white Americans. (3.00分)错误正确 13.Stereotypes help us understand other groups of people, even without getting to know individuals within the group. (3.00分)错误正确 14.The key parts of the communication process are only sender, message, and receiver.(3.00分)错误正确 15.The forms of communication are external and internal and formal and informal.(3.00分)错误正确 16.Internal communication originates within an organization and is sent to receivers within that organization.(3.00分)错误正确 17.If the receiver is ill, listening skills are positively affected.(3.00分)错误正确 18. Most Americans are comfortable with a personal space of at least 18 inches.(3.00分)错误正确 19.The two types of communication barriers are external and internal.(3.00分)错误正确 20.A multinational company simply sells products or purchases goods from another country. (3.00分)错误正确1.Actress is an unbiased word. (3.00分)错误正确 2.An agenda is the order of business for a meeting.(3.00分)错误正确 3.In business communication, you should write informal sentences rather than in a flowing, conversational style.(3.00分)错误正确 4.The minutes should reflect any topics that were discussed out of order.(3.00分)错误正确 5.Businessman is a biased word. (3.00分)错误正确 6.The body of the minutes is organized according to the order in which topics were discussed. (3.00分)错误正确 7.The supporting information contains the main idea. (3.00分)错误正确 8.All business messages should promote good will. (3.00分)错误正确 9.Many email users hate receiving spam or “junk mail”(3.00分)错误正确 10. Flight attendant is unbiased words. (3.00分)错误正确 11.Usually the minutes begin with the time, location, and the names present and absent,including the leader. (3.00分)错误正确 12.Once you run your word processors spell checker, your writing will be free of spelling errors.(3.00分)错误正确 13.Minutes are the official record of the proceedings of a meeting.(3.00分)错误正确 14.Be careful in an email not to ramble or constantly change subjects.(3.00分)错误正确 15.Using only short, simple sentences is best for business messages.(3.00分)错误正确 16.The most common errors found when proofreading are word / letter omissions or additions, transposed letters and misspelling.(3.00分)错误正确 17.Minutes are only sent to the meeting participants.(3.00分)错误正确 18.Writing a continuous email message in one long paragraph may make your reader interested.(3.00分)错误正确 19.An agenda should include the meetings date, time, and place.(3.00分)错误正确 20.Supervisor is a biased word.(3.00分)错误正确1.In the block format of letter formats, all lines begin at left margin. (3.00分)错误正确 2.Data lead to conclusions, and conclusions lead to recommendations.(3.00分)错误正确 3.Letters with a neutral or positive message are written in the direct order. (3.00分)错误正确 4.Primary research involves gathering fresh data. (3.00分)错误正确 5.A claim letter should be written in the indirect order when the sender asks for a refund.(3.00分)错误正确 6.Secondary research involves locate data that already been gathered and reported.(3.00分)错误正确 7.A letter is a format that is common in the business world.(3.00分)错误正确 8.Use direct order when you expect your reader to be receptive to your report.(3.00分)错误正确 9.A formal re


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