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高二年级英语下册期末考试题英 语(考试时间:90分钟 总分:100)命题教师:杨素莲(台州中学) 王保卫(临海市回浦中学) 审卷教师:吕 娅(温岭中学)卷I (共四部分,满分69分)一、听力(共两节,满分14分)第一节 请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。每段对话仅读一遍。(共5小题; 每小题1分)1. When does the man say the film will start? A. At 8:05.B. At 8:15. C. At 8:30.2. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Pop star and fan.C. Interviewer and interviewee.B. Boss and secretary.3. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a restaurant. B. In an office.C. In a shop.4. What can you know about the talks?A. They havent started yet.C. They havent achieved much.B. They havent reached any agreement.5. What does the man ask the woman to do?A. Look after something for him.B. Tell him some travel information.C. Show him the way to the left-luggage office.第二节 请听下面3段对话,选出最佳选项。每段材料读两遍。(共9小题; 每小题1分)请听下面一段对话, 回答第6至第8 三个小题。6. What can you learn about the room? A. Its small.B. It faces the street.C. Its for non-smokers.7. How many nights will Richard stay in the hotel?A. Two nights.B. Three nights.C. Four nights.8. How much will Richard probably pay?A. $ 104.B. $ 114. C. $ 140. 请听下面一段对话, 回答第 9至第11三个小题。9. Why is the man here?A. To visit an old friend.C. To do something different.B. To get away from everyday work.10. What have the speakers been doing together?A. Doing business. B. Going sightseeing. C. Attending a meeting.11. What does the woman plan to do next September?A. Visit the man.B. Change her job.C. Make a travel plan.请听下面一段对话, 回答第 12至第14三个小题。 12. Where are the two speakers?A. In a concert hall.B. In Mozart s home.C. In a modern museum.13. What does the man like best in this place?A. The lights.B. The paintings.C. The colours.14. What do you know about the two speakers?A. They are having a good time.C. Theyre uninterested in upper-class life.B. They wish to become rich soon. 二、单项填空(共16小题; 每小题0.5分,满分8分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。15. April Fools Day is _ day when strange things may happen and the best trick is the one that makes everyone laugh, including _ “fool”. A. the; aB. a; aC. the; the D. a; the 16. _ we move the furniture over there? Do you think it will make more room? I cant agree with you more.A. How aboutB. What ifC. What aboutD. How come17. Why! I have nothing to write about. _ that you want me to say? Your summary for this term and holiday schedule.A. What is it B. What it isC. What are they D. What they are18. What her mother said made such a great _ to her life that she achieved her dream of being a poet later.A. influenceB. differenceC. devotionD. relation19. My shop on line has turned out to be a success, _ is more than I could expect.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. it20. The universities in China have got bigger in many aspects, _ many more people the chance of higher education.A. and allowingB. thus allowingC. only to allowD. never to allow21. How often do you go back home to see your parents? _, but usually twice a month. A. Its a secret B. I have no idea C. Its hard to say D. I dont mind it22. Would you please keep silent? Our monitor _ something important now and I want to listen. A. has reported B. is reporting C. reported D. report23. Even though he has been in Shanghai for a year, Mike still can not _ himself to the Chinese food. A. acceptB. adapt C. attemptD. adopt24. The more you are_ the mental wealth, the healthier your life will become.A. aware of B. related to C. compared with D. addicted to25. Is it possible that they will go traveling by plane? _. They like enjoying the scenery along the roads. A. ExactlyB. Certainly C. Absolutely not D. Unfortunately not26. Public opinion was moving strongly _ the governments quick action to the A /H1N1 flu.A. in favor ofB. in return forC. in exchange forD. in memory of27. With so many people _ into the Automobile Fair next Sunday, I dont think its a good idea to go enjoying those beautiful cars.A. to crowdB. crowdingC. crowdedD. crowd28.The travel agency booked my flight and a(n) _ hotel for me, where I stayed comfortably for a fortnight.A. accessibleB. elegantC. abundantD. academic29. Most people can not _ rubbish items such as cigarette butts and plastic bags as they are most dangerous to our environment.A. put up withB. keep up withC. come up withD. catch up with30. It is very dangerous to use a cell phone _ driving on a busy highway. A. after B. though C. while D. since三、完形填空(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3145题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。I was working as a consultant (顾问) in a beer company. My work was to help the president and senior vice-presidents make and 31 their new strategic ideas. It was a big 32 , and I must work very hard. At the same time, my mother was in the final stages of cancer. I worked during the day and drove 40 miles home to be with her every night. It was 33 and stressful, but it was 34 I wanted to do. My promise was to continue to do excellent consulting work during the days in the company, 35 my evenings were very hard. I didnt want to 36 the president with my situation, but I felt that someone in the company needed to know what was going on if I could not 37 my mother at home someday. So I told the vice-president of Human Resources the truth, and asked him not to 38 the information with anyone else in the company. A few days later, the 39 called me into his office. I thought that he wanted to talk with me about one of the many issues we were 40 those days. When I entered, he asked me to sit down. He faced me from across his desk, looked me in the eye, and said, I hear that your mother is very ill. I was totally caught 41 and burst into tears because I was really very tired. He just looked at me, let me cry, and then 42 said a sentence that I would never forget, Whatever you need, please let me know. 43 . I believe that what comes from the 44 goes to the heart. The presidents understanding and his willingness to let me be in my 45 and offer me everything are qualities of compassion (同情) that I have carried with me to this day and to the rest of my life.31. A. prepare forB. carry outC. depend onD. result in32. A. problemB. challengeC. statement D. profit33. A. tiring B. exciting C. boring D. disappointing 34. A. whatB. whyC. which D. where35. A. as ifB. as long asC. in case D. even though36. A. compare B. conductC. bother D. reflect37. A. keepB. accompanyC. leaveD. abandon38. A. shareB. reportC. declare D. impress39. A. consultantB. workmateC. vice-presidentD. president40.A. basing onB. focusing onC. stressing onD. congratulating on 41.A. by surpriseB. with fearC. in disappointmentD. with anxiety42.A. easilyB. actuallyC. gentlyD. casually43.A. I got itB. It depends C. That was itD. Its impossible44.A. headB. mindC. heartD. soul45.A. potentialB. existenceC. officeD. pain四、阅读理解(共16小题; 每小题2分,满分32分)阅读下面短文,从每题给出的A、B、C、D四个答案中,选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。AAnne responded on May 20, 2009Julie, most of us are never going to achieve the heights you did as the CEO of a company. I just want to say that I was so touched by your transparency(坦诚). I havent been attacked publicly ever like you, but Ive suffered from depression just recently in fact. It helps a lot to hear personal stories, and it helped to read how you might have handled things differently.Nancy responded on May 21, 2009Something in Julie drew her to artwork during a very dark time in her journey. And later she stated that its beauty that keeps her going. Beauty and creativity can be very powerful in our lives. And it doesnt surprise me that Julie was drawn to these naturally. Anne, maybe the artistic kinds of activities Julie used will support you well as you move beyond the depressive feelings youre dealing with.Anne responded on June 4, 2009Nancy, thanks so much for taking the time to offer some great ideas for using creativity to help with depression. Actually during this time Ive found that my creative work has been the one thing thats brought me a lot of joy.Julie responded on June 2, 2009Nancy, thank you for your insights(深刻见解). Warmly, Julie.Chris responded on May 31, 2009I dont normally comment on blogs, but this was a very insightful and transparent post(帖子). I could really feel that you were open and honest about everything you wrote about. Thanks for sharing and good luck with everything that you do.Julie responded on June 9, 2009Thanks, Chris.Wendy responded on May 30, 2009Julie, everything you shared here is inspiring. Thank you for having the courage to be so open. I love what youre doing here. Keep it up!Julie responded on May 31, 2009Thank you, Wendy.46. The above posts center on a blog passage written by _.A. WendyB. JulieC. Anne D. Nancy47. _ people have joined in the discussion.A. 5 B. 6C. 7D. 848. Nancy and Anne share the opinion that_.A. work can bring joy to peopleC. beauty is the most important in lifeB. creativity may help reduce depressionD. different people handle things differently49. Which of the following about Julie is NOT true?A. Julie is the CEO of a company.B. Julie was once attracted to artwork.C. Julie has never been attacked publicly.D. Julie was honest about her past experiences.BScientists have created a “human-like robot” that can dance and do the housework.“Maru” has been developed to imitate humans and can move its lips, eyebrows and pupils. The machine can also move its upper and lower body freely and automatically stop itself when walking.In addition, it has been programmed to give out two kinds of pleasant smells to match its emotions.The 1.5m tall robot was produced by researchers at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology(KIST) and is the first South Korean-developed machine of its kind.“ Maru will open the way for the commercial use of humanoid robots doing housework,” You Bum-Jae, leader of the development research team, said, “ Maru can dance while walking on its legs and is able to work in place of a human.”Through an advanced motion capture system, “Maru” can follow a variety of human movements and move its hands freely enough to deal with any obstacles that may get in its way when walking.State-funded KIST showed the robot during a presentation at its head office in Seoul.People here were treated to an entertaining demonstration which saw the robot show off the full range of its skills, most notably a series of dance moves.The research team added that they had designed another “Maru”, this time with sensors allowing it to distinguish between faces and objects.The showing of “Maru” came a week after researchers in Japan said they had created the “most human-like” robot in the world. A team at robotic department of Osaka University in Japan claimed that “robogirl”, Repliee R-1, “looks, moves and interacts like a human, and has silicone skin that feels almost human to the touch.”50. “Maru” made by KIST can do the following things EXCEPT _.A. express certain feelings through smellsC. stop automatically when walking B. move its body freelyD. dance with other human-like robots51. According to what You Bum-Jae said in Paragraph 5, his research team wants to _.A. make robots look like humansC. make “Maru” offer more funB. treat people to entertainmentD. explore the commercial use of “Maru”52. When “ Maru” meets something in its way, it will be likely to _.A. go around the obstacleC. deal with it using its handsB. turn back quicklyD. ask humans for help53. From the last paragraph we know that Repliee R-1 _.A. has its Korean name MaruB. was made by state-funded KISTC. has skin feeling similar to humansD. can distinguish between faces and objectsC“Live long enough to embarrass your kids” has new meaning once you have a teenager. My daughter just turned 15 and suddenly I am now the most embarrassing person she can be seen with. Rather than take this personally I have decided to enjoy the power it gives me. Of course many of you have had the “You arent wearing THAT” argument with your son or daughter but I changed the situation completely. She was wanting to wear midriff tops and tanks with bra straps showing both of which I had been carefully taught were fashion no-nos. The other day I picked her up from school and stopped at the grocery store. “Mom! You cant go in dressed like that!” “I am staying in the car!” Imagine . a 50-year-old dressed just like her 15-year-old, and she does not want to be seen with me. Well . I admit the embarrassment was worth every moment.she has now dressed a bit more traditionally in style.Recently she wanted to dye her beautiful brown hair black. Yes, she has naturally beautiful brown hair but wants it to be black because she states, “Brown is SO boring!” Without going against that, I said “Sure, just as soon as I am finished dying mine purple.”I am praying, please, PLEASE dont dare me to go with purple hair, but I said firmly, “Yes, I think Id be pretty with purple hair. It is your dads favorite color.” She knows it really is his favorite color. Finally she shrugs and says “Never mind.” Whew . she changed her mind. She knows I would do it. I have done sillier things to prove a point. I am not sure how long I can keep this up. But when “Mom” wants to do it too suddenly it just isnt that cool. Yep . I can be pretty silly. Looking at life with humor makes it bearable sometimes. It isnt all fun and games.54. Reading the text, we know “ Live long enough to embarrass your kids” in Paragraph 1 means “_”. A. enjoy oneself at anothers expense C. live long to see your children succeed B. deal with somebody in his own wayD. make people believe by reasoning55. From the passage we can know the girl _.A. prefers fashionable wearing C. loves her mothers dressing B. is always out of fashionD. is always arguing with others56. The girl thinks her mothers purple hair would be _.A. fashionableB. fascinatingC. embarrassingD. suitable57. By writing this passage, the author wants to _.A. share her experience with readers C. show off her fashionable clothesB. teach her child a lessonD. make life full of fun and gamesDAn increasing number of brides and grooms want cash as presents, wedding-industry insiders say. Politely communicating that desire to their guests, however, can be a challenge. Traditional gifts started losing some attraction a few years ago, with the rise of Web sites that advise wedding guests to contribute to the honeymoon. New economic realities are now further shaping couples wishes. Recently difficult financial situation makes cash a lot more welcome and a lot more needed than, say, an oven. Its a difficult subject for most people. But there are a few things a bride and groom can do to encourage cash gifts without offending their relatives.Couples should first consider how their guests will react before including money as a material gift choice. Wedding experts say that to some degree, acceptance depends on geography. Many guests at New York and Los Angeles weddings feel cash is an acceptable present. But its not so common in the Midwest. And some in the South believe its too impersonal, so couples there may have to work extra hard to overcome an anti-cash feeling. Reactions can vary by age, too. While younger generations will get it, friends of the parents and grandparents may feel sick about the idea. Older people often still prefer giving material gifts, convinced that the receivers will enjoy unwrapping the surprise. Some say the current economic situation makes it understandable when it comes to talking about money, meaning older guests from Mississippi may now be more willing to write a check. Of course, the serious situation also means that check may be rather small, since guests themselves could be struggling to live a comfortable life.58. It is not easy for brides and grooms to get cash as presents because _.A. websites advise material giftsB. their guests may not accept the idea C. the current economy is really too difficultD. the guests live in the Midwest and the South59. The underlined word “offend”(Paragraph 3) means _.A. displeaseB. encourageC. evaluateD. deserve60. Paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 mainly talk about _.A. guests in the Midwest may have an anti-cash feelingB. old guests may feel sick about the idea of cash as presentsC. guests may have different reactions and their reasonsD. the current economic situation can make cash understandable61.The passage hasnt been finished yet. Probably the writer will go on to write about _.A. what the guests are struggling for B. how serious economic situation is nowC. what material gifts their relatives will present D. how to communicate their desire to their guests卷II(共三部分,满分31分)五、单词


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