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酒店管理系统 详细设计 The Program Design Report of Hotel Management System 拟 制 人 荧火虫项目组 审 核 人 批 准 人 二零一零年十一月三十日 目目 录录 1 引言引言(INTRODUCTIONS).1 1.1 编写目的(PURPOSES)1 1.2 背景(PROJECT BACKGROUND) 2 1.3 参考资料(REFERENCES)3 2 系统的结构系统的结构(SYSTEM STRUCTURE).4 2.1 总体结构(GENERAL STRUCTURE).4 2.2 运行环境(RUNNING ENVIRONMENT)6 2.2.1 硬件要求(The hardware requirements):6 2.2.2 软件要求(Software requirements):6 2.3 系统架构(SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE) .6 3 模块设计模块设计(SYSTEM OVERVIEW).7 3.1 登录模块(LOGIN MODULE)(M1).7 3.1.1 登陆描述(Login Description).7 3.1.2 处理流程设计(Processing Flow Design).7 3.1.3 输入输出与算法逻辑(Input/output and Arithmetic Logic)8 3.1.4 模块界面设计(Module Interface Design) 8 3.1.5 局部数据结构(Local Data Structure) 9 3.1.6 用户权限设计(User Permissions Design)9 3.2 客房管理(ROOM MANAGEMENT)(M2) .10 3.2.1 模块描述(Module Described).10 3.2.2 处理流程设计(Processing Flow Design).11 3.2.3 模块界面设计(Module Interface Design) 11 3.2.4 局部数据结构(Local Data Structure) 13 3.2.5 算法设计说明(Algorithm Design Descriptions) 14 3.3 餐饮管理模块(RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT MODULE)(M3)20 3.3.1 模块描述(Module Described).20 3.3.2 处理流程设计(Processing Flow Design).20 3.3.3 模块界面设计(Module Interface Design) 20 3.3.4 局部数据结构(Local Data Structure) 21 3.3.5 算法设计(Algorithm Design)21 3.4 查询管理模块(INQUIRES THE MANAGEMENT MODULE)(M4)22 3.4.1 模块描述(Module Described).22 3.4.2 处理流程设计(Processing Flow Design).23 3.4.3 模块界面设计(Module Interface Design) 23 3.4.4 局部数据结构(Local Data Structure) 24 3.4.5 算法设计(Algorithm Design)25 3.5 报表管理模块(STATEMENTS MANAGEMENT MODULE)(M5).26 3.5.1 模块描述(Module Described).26 3.5.2 处理流程设计(Processing Flow Design).27 3.5.3 模块界面设计(Module Interface Design) 27 3.5.4 局部数据结构(Local Data Structure) 28 3.5.5 算法设计(Algorithm Design)29 3.6 系统管理(SYSTEM MANAGEMENT)(M6) 31 3.6.1 模块描述(Module Described).31 3.6.2 处理流程设计(Process design)32 3.6.3 模块界面设计(Module interface design) .32 3.6.4 局部数据结构(Local data structure)34 3.6.5 算法设计说明(Algorithm design descriptions)34 4 数据库设计数据库设计(DATABASE DESIGN).37 5 接口接口(INTERFACE)42 5.1 调用级接口(CALL LEVEL INTERFACE)42 5.2 对象接口(OBJECT INTERFACE) .43 5.3 外部接口(EXTERNAL INTERFACE)43 5.4 内部接口(INTERNAL INTERFACE) .44 6 测试计划测试计划(TESTING PLAN) .44 6.1 测试要点(MAIN POINTS).44 6.2 酒店管理系统测试(SYSTEM TESTING).45 1 引言引言(Introductions) (1081308113 马晨) 1.1 编写目的编写目的(Purposes) 随着计算机技术的日益成熟、普及,现代的企业管理的实际运作在很多方 面,很大程度上都必须借助于计算机来完成,相应软件的开发也就显得尤为重 要。在信息高速发展的今天,时间,效率这样的名词正主导着众的生活和发展, 有必要设计开发一个管理信息系统。通过系统功能解决传统管理模式带来的不 足,优化酒店管理。 Along with the computer technology matures, popularization, the modern enterprise management of practical operation in many ways, to a great extent, all must use computer to complete, the corresponding software development also are particularly important. In the information high development today, time, the efficiency of such nouns are dominated the life and development, it is necessary to design and develop a management information system. Through the system functions to solve shortcomings arising from traditional management mode, optimizing the hotel management. 设计报告论述了分析、开发、设计一个酒店管理系统的过程。该系统融入 酒店科学、规范的现代管理思想,为提高各业务部门自身的工作效率,自动完 成各业务部门之间的各种营业信息、账务、报表的自动化传输与汇总,使各项 工作制度化,科学化。结合先进的计算机技术,采用 C#和 SQL 2005 开发而成。 Design report discusses analysis, development, design a hotel management system process. This system into hotel scientific and standard modern management idea, in order to improve the business sector itself automatically complete the work efficiency, from various business units of various business information, between accounting, financial statements of automation transmission and summarizing, make each work institutionalization, and scientific. Combining advanced computer technology, using c # and SQL 2005 development and into. 设计报告介绍了系统的相关的内容,并通过设计分析,划分数据库,将系 统划分为 5 个主要功能模块:客房管理,财务管理,信息查询,系统管理,报 表管理。着重叙述了前台管理和系统维护这两个功能的功能实现,这些模块基 本上满足了用户(酒店)在客房管理方面的需求。如对客房、员工的设置修改, 相关的顾客服务等。 Design reports introduced the system related to the content, and through the design analysis, classified database, the system is divided into five main functional modules: room management, financial management, information query, systems management, statements management. The paper mainly relates the receptionist management and the system to maintain the realization of the function of the two functions, these modules basically meets the user (hotel) in room management needs. As to the guest room, employees modify Settings, related services to the customers. 1.2 背景背景(Project Background) 本项目团队在经过对市场深入细致的分析和研究后,运用计算机技术,结 合酒店信息管理模式开发了这套酒店管理系统。一个成熟的酒店管理系统不仅 仅是记录酒店客人的信息,提供查询,报表打印等一系列简单的工作,它能让 工作人员从烦琐的手工操作中解脱,并且酒店管理系统本身就代表着一种管理 方法。随着它的深入,将带动企业的运做,为管理和决策提供支持。使用该酒 店管理系统,将会有以下好处: (1)电脑收银,打印账单:快速准确,减少宾客等待时间,并可杜绝收银过 程中的舞弊现象。 (2)高效的客房管理:能有效的提高房率,增加营业收入。 (3)提高决策依据:管理者可以随时了解经营情况,以制定相应的经营方针。 (4)减轻员工的工作负担:从而使员工把更多的精力放在提高为宾客服务的 质量上。 (5)简单、方便地保存和查询历史资料。 (6)树立良好的酒店形象。 待开发系统的名称:酒店管理系统; 开发者:萤火虫项目组; 预期用户:中小型酒店。 This project team after thorough analysis of market research and the use of computer technology, combined with the hotel information management model developed this hotel management system. A mature hotel management system is not only records hotel guests information, provide inquiry, print and so on a series of simple work, it can make staff from convoluted manual operation, freedom and hotel management system itself represents a kind of management methods. As it deeply, will drive enterprise operation, management and decision support. Use the hotel management system, will have the following advantages: (1)Computer cashier, print bill: fast and accurate, reduce guests waiting time, and can eliminate the cashier process of fraud phenomenon. (2)Efficient room management: can effectively improve the room rate, increase revenues. (3)Improve decision basis: managers can understand operating situation, to formulate the corresponding management policy. (4)Reduce employees work burden: so that employees more focus on improving the quality of the service for the guest. (5)Simple and easy to preserve and inquires the historical data. (6)Set a good hotel image. For development system name: hotel management system, Developers: fireflies project, Expected user: small and medium-sized hotel. 1.3 参考资料参考资料(References) 1 Pfleeger,S.L. Consumption entry is in the hotel guests in other articles spending, according to room number, name, time, food and beverage category and the save add records to the database, and print information. 3.3.2 处理流程设计(Processing Flow Design) 录入数据 Insert Data 餐费入账 Meals Evidencing 消费入账 Consumption Evidencing p_customerinfor 表 p_customerinfor Table 录入数据 Insert Data Family member 表 Family member Table 图 3.19 处理流程设计图 3.3.3 模块界面设计(Module Interface Design) Y 选择账单类型 Choose bill type 查询 Query 是否打印 查询 Query 打印 Print N 图 3.18 补打账单算法流程图 餐饮管理模块界面如下: 3.3.4 局部数据结构(Local Data Structure) MySQLConnectionString:String MySQL:string MyConnection: SqlConnection MyAdapter: SqlDataAdapter MyRoomTable: DataTable MyColumn: DataColumn MyGuestTable: DataTable MyRow: DataRow MyID:long MyMaxID:String I:int 3.3.5 算法设计(Algorithm Design) (1)登记旅客用餐信息(Registration Passenger Dining Information) 图 3.21 登记旅客消费信息界面 图 3.20 登记旅客用餐信息界面 否 no 是 yes 选择信息 Select the information 对旅客用餐信息进行添加、打印 Add, print passengers dining information 旅客用餐信息添加成功 add passengers dining information successfully 输入金额 Input amount 对旅客用餐信息进行保存 Save passengers dining information 是否要保存? Judge whether building information is legal (2)登记旅客消费信息(Registration Tourist Consumer Information) 否 no 是 yes 选择信息 Select the information 对旅客消费信息进行添加、打印 Add, print passengers consumer information 旅客消费信息添加成功 add passengers consumer information successfully 输入名称、单价、折扣价格、数量 Input name, unit price, price, quantity discount 对旅客消费信息进行保存 Save passengers consumer information 是否要保存? Judge whether building information is legal 3.4 查询管理模块查询管理模块(Inquires the Management Module)(M4) (1081308133 姚婷婷) 3.4.1 模块描述(Module Described) 查询管理包括入住旅客信息查询、客房入住状态查询、物品消耗信息查询、 物品消耗总汇查询、押金消费信息查询。查看客房、物品、押金信息,是把客 图 3.22 登记旅客用餐信息算法设计图 图 3.23 登记旅客用餐信息算法设计图 房、物品、押金的基本信息从数据库中提取出来显示在界面上并且可以打印信 息;修改客房信息,是根据入住客房的客人姓名修改信息,所以除了入住客房 的客人姓名以外其它信息均可修改和打印;而物品信息只能查询和打印,不能 进行修改。 Enquiry management including check-in passenger information query, guest room occupancy status query, goods consumption information query, goods consumption eleven-headed aspect query, deposit consumption information query. View rooms, items, deposit information, is the guest room, articles, the deposit of the basic information from a database extracted displayed in the interface and can print information; Modify rooms information is according to the guest room occupancy name modify information, so in addition to check-in room of the guests name other than information all can modify and print, And items of information query and print, not only amendment. 3.4.2 处理流程设计(Processing Flow Design) 查询信息 Inquires date 查询信息 Inquires date 录入、查询数据 Entry,inquires the data 入住旅客信息 Check-in passenger information 客房入住状态 Guest room occupancy state 物品消耗信息 Item cost information 物品消耗总汇 Items consumed eleven-headed aspect p_customerinfor 表 p_customerinfor Table 查询信息 Inquires data 查询信息 Inquires data familymember 表 familymember Table p_customerinfor 表 p_customerinfor Table suiteinfor 表 suiteinfor Table 押金消费信息 Deposit consumer information suiteinfor 表 suiteinfor Table 3.4.3 模块界面设计(Module Interface Design) 查询管理模块界面如下: 图 3.24 处理流程设计图 3.4.4 局部数据结构(Local Data Structure) MyConnection:SqlConnection MyGoodsTable: DataTable 图 3.26 查询商品分类消耗信息界面图 3.25 酒店房态界面 图 3.27 查询商品分类消耗信息界面图 3.28 查询商品汇总消耗信息界面 图 3.29 查询当前未结账旅客押金信息界面 MySQL:string MyCommand: SqlCommand MyGuestTable: DataTable MyRow:DataRow MyCells:Object MyExcel:ApplicationClass MyWorkBooks:Workbooks MyWorkBook:Workbook MyWorkSheet:Worksheet MyColumns:char MyRange:Range MyData: Object, MyNewColumn:DataColumn MyAdapter:SqlDataAdapter Count, i, j:int 3.4.5 算法设计(Algorithm Design) (1)查询修改入住旅客信息(Inquires Modify Check-in Passenger Information) 输入客人姓名 Input the guests name 入住旅客信息修改成功 modify Check-in passengers information successfully 查询客人信息 Inquires the guest information 修改客人信息 Modify the guests information 对客人信息进行保存 Save the guests information 判断客人姓名是否正确 Judge the guests name is correct 是 yes 是否要保存客人信息 Whether to preserve the guest information 是 yes 否 no 否 no 结束 End (2)查询商品分类消耗信息(Classification of Goods Consumption Information) 选择日期、商品名称 Select the date, name of commodity 打印商品消耗信息 Print commodity consumption information 查询商品消耗信息 Inquires the commodity consumption information 判断商品名称是否正确 Judge name of commodity is correct 是 yes 否 no (3)查询商品总汇消耗信息(Commodity Eleven-Headed Aspect Consumption Information) 图 3.30 查询修改入住旅客信息算法设计图 图 3.31 查询商品分类消耗信息算法设计图 选择日期 Select the date 打印商品消耗信息 Print commodity consumption information 查询商品消耗信息 Inquires the commodity consumption information 图 3.32 查询商品总汇消耗信息算法设计图 (4)当前未结账旅客押金信息(Bill Not Currently Passengers Deposit Information) 选择日期 Select the date 查询当前未结账旅客押金信息 Inquires the commodity consumption information 图 3.33 查询当前未结账旅客押金信息算法设计图 3.5 报表管理模块报表管理模块(Statements Management Module)(M5) (1081308104 陈赛花) 3.5.1 模块描述(Module Described) 报表管理包括客房入住报表、客房餐费报表、客房消费报表、客房结帐汇 总表。客房入住报表模块主要是根据日期把顾客住房消费的信息从数据库中提 取出来显示在界面上并打印出来;客房餐费报表模块主要是根据日期把顾客入 住后就餐消费的信息从数据库中提取出来显示在界面上并打印出来;客房消费 报表模块主要是根据日期把顾客入住后的其他物品消费信息从数据库中提取出 来显示在界面上并打印出来;客房结账汇总表模块主要是根据日期把客入住房 间及就餐和其他物品的消费信息从数据库中提取出来显示在界面上并打印出来。 Statements consists room occupancy statements, guest room meals statements, guest room consumer reports, guest room checkout summary form. Guest room occupancy statements module mainly is based on the date of the customer housing consumption extracted from database information displayed on the screen and printed, Guest room meals statements module mainly is according to the customer check-in date after the information from the database repast consumption extracted displayed on screen and printed, Guest room consumer reports module mainly is according to the customer check-in date after other items of information from a database of consumption extracted displayed on screen and printed, Guest check summary module mainly is according to the guest room and check-in date repast and other items from a database of consumption information extracted displayed on screen and printed. 3.5.2 处理流程设计(Processing Flow Design) 查询、打印数据 Inquires, print the data 查询、打印数据 Inquires, print the data 查询、打印数据 Inquires, print the data 查询、打印数据 Inquires, print the data 客房入住报表 Guest room occupancy statements 客房餐费报表 Guest room meals statements 客房消费报表 Guest room consumer reports 客房结账汇总表 Guest check summary form p_customerinfor 表 p_customerinfor Table familymember 表 familymember Table suiteinfor 表 suiteinfor Table p_customerinfor 表 p_customerinfor Table 图 3.34 处理流程设计图 3.5.3 模块界面设计(Module Interface Design) 报表管理界面设计图如下: Statements management interface design is as follows: 子模块名称 The son module name 界面设计图名称 Interface blueprints name 客房入住报表 Guest room occupancy statements 图 3.33 入住旅客登记信息界面 Figure 3.33 check-in passenger registration information interface 客房餐费报表 Guest room meals statements 图 3.34 入住旅客餐费信息界面 Figure 3.34 check-in passenger meals information interface 客房消费报表Guest room consumer reports 图 3.35 入住旅客店内消费信息界面 Figure 3.35 check-in passenger in-store consumer information interface 客房结帐汇总表 Guest room checkout summary form 图 3.36 入住旅客结账信息界面 Figure 3.36 check-in passenger check-out information interface 表 3-10 报表管理界面设计总览表 3.5.4 局部数据结构(Local Data Structure) MySQLConnectionString:String MyConnection:SqlConnection MySQL:string MyAdapter:SqlDataAdapter MyExcel:ApplicationClass MyWorkBooks:Workbooks MyWorkBook:Workbook MyWorkSheet:Worksheet MyColumns:char MyRange:Range MyData:Object, 图 3.35 入住旅客登记信息界面图 3.36 入住旅客餐费信息界面 图 3.37 入住旅客店内消费信息界面 图 3.38 入住旅客结账信息界面 MyNewColumn:DataColumn Count,i,j:int 3.5.5 算法设计(Algorithm Design) (1)入住旅客登记信息(Check-in Passengers Registration Information) 选择开始和结束日期 Select Start and end dates 是 yes 是 yes 否 No 开始日期是否大于结束日期 Start date is greater than the ending date 查询该时间段内入住旅客信息 Check the interval at check-in passengers information 是否打印 Whether print 打印该时间段内入住旅客信息 Print this period check-in passengers information 结束 End 否 No 图 3.39 入住旅客登记信息算法设计图 (2)入住旅客餐费信息(Check-in Passengers Meals Information) 选择开始和结束日期 Select Start and end dates 否 no 开始日期是否大于结束日期 Start date is greater than the ending date 是 yes 查询该时间段内入住旅客就餐信息 Check the interval at check-in passengers repast information 是否打印 Whether print 是 yes 打印该时间段内入住旅客就餐信息 Print this period check-in passengers repast information 否 no 结束 End 图 3.40 入住旅客餐费信息算法设计图 (3)入住旅客店内消费信息(Check-in passengers In-store Consumer Information) 选择开始和结束日期 Select Start and end dates 查询该时间段内入住旅客其他物品信息 Check the interval at check-in passengers other information 否 No 是 yes 开始日期是否大于结束日期 Start date is greater than the ending date 是否打印 Whether print 是 yes 打印该时间段内入住旅客其他物品信息 Print this period check-in passengers other information 结束 End 否 No 图 3.41 入住旅客店内消费信息算法设计图 (4)入住旅客结账信息(Check-in Passengers Check-out Information) 是 yes 查询该时间段内入住旅客所有消费信息 Check the interval at check-in passengers all information 否 no 选择开始和结束日期 Select Start and end dates 开始日期是否大于结束日期 Start date is greater than the ending date 是否打印 Whether print 是 yes 打印该时间段内入住旅客所有消费信息 Print this period check-in passengers all information 结束 End 否 no 3.6 系统管理系统管理(System Management)(M6) 图 3.42 入住旅客结账信息算法设计图 (1081308139 庄涛) 3.6.1 模块描述(Module Described) 系统管理一共由六个小模块组成:操作权限设置,修改用户密码,酒店信 息设置,酒店客房设置,消费物品设置,系统帮助信息。操作权限设置可以设 置操作员的权限,入住登记,换房登记,退房登记等等。修改用户密码,提供 修改密码的服务,根据旧密码,输入新密码,再确认新密码,然后修改密码。 酒店信息设置,可以浏览连锁酒店信息并对其进行添加,修改,删除,保存操 作。酒店客房设置,可以浏览酒店内所有客房的信息,并对其房号,类别,楼 层,房价等信息的修改,添加,删除,保存操作。消费物品设置,可以浏览酒 店内所有消费品的信息,并对其名称,单价,单位,类别,产地等信息的修改, 添加,删除,保存的操作。系统帮助设置,显示本系统的版权信息,酒店的联 系方式。 System management was by six small modules: operating permissions Settings, modify user password, hotel information Settings, hotel rooms Settings, consumption goods Settings, the system helps the information. Operating permission Settings can set operator permissions, hotel check-in and check-out, move rooms registration, etc. Modify user password, provide cipher amending the services, according to old password, enter a new password, reconfirm new password, and modify the password. Hotel information Settings, can browse chains tore hotel information and carries on the add, edit, and delete, save operation. Hotel rooms Settings, can browse the hotel in all rooms of information, and the room number, category, floors, prices of the information such as modification, add, delete, save operation. Consumer goods Settings, can browse the hotel all consumer information, and its name, unit price, the unit, categories, origin of the information such as modification, add, delete, save operation. The system helps Settings, showed the system of copyright information, the hotels contact information. 3.6.2 处理流程设计(Process design) 处理流程如图: Processing flow as shown in figure: 3.6.3 模块界面设计(Module interface design) 模块界面设计如下: Module interface designs are as follows: 子模块名称 The son module name 界面设计图名称 Interface blueprints name 操作权限设置 Operating permission Settings(M6.1) 图 3.43 操作权限设置界面图 Figure 3.43 track operation permission Settings interface diagram 修改用户密码 Modify user password(M6.2) 图 3.44 修改用户密码界面图 Figure 3.44 rainfall distribution modify user password interface diagram 酒店信息设置 Hotel information set(M6.3) 图 3.45 酒店信息设置界面图 Figure 3.45 hotel information set interface diagram 酒店客房设置 Hotel rooms set(M6.4) 图 3.46 酒店客房设置界面图 Figure 3.46 radar echoes captured hotel rooms set interface diagram 消费物品设置 Consumer goods Settings(M6.5) 图 3.47 消费物品设置界面图 Figure 3.47 consumption items set interface diagram 系统帮助信息 The system helps information(M6.6) 图 3.48 系统帮助信息界面图 Figure 3.48system help information interface diagram 添加权限、信息、客房设置 Add Permission、Information Room、Settings 修改各项设置 Modify all Settings 更新各项设置 Renew all Settings 添加消费物品设置 Add Consumer goods Settings 酒店房间表 Hotel Rooms Table 操作用户表 Operation User Table 消费物品表 Consumption Items Table 数据录入 Insert Data 数据录入 Insert Data 数据录入 Insert Data 数据录入 Insert Data 图 3.43 系统管理模块处理流程图 表 3-11 模块界面设计总览表 3.6.4 局部数据结构(Local data structure) MySQLConnectionString: String MyConnection: SqlConnectionChangeUserPasswordForm.cs MyCommand: SqlCommand 3.6.5 算法设计说明(Algorithm design descriptions) 图 3.45 修改用户密码界面图图 3.44 操作权限设


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