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一、环境搭建: 1、java环境:jdk-1.6_43; 2、工具:Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers(Juno64-bit) 下载地址:/downloads/packages/release/juno/sr2; 3、ofbiz:ofibz-release-12.04,zip下载地址:/dyn/closer.cgi/ofbiz/apache-ofbiz-12.04.02.zip svn下载地址:/repos/asf/ofbiz/branches/release12.04; 4、系统:win8.0 64-bit ;二、Eclipse参数及插件设置及安装ofbiz: 1、svn插件安装:进入“HelpInstall New Software.”打开Istall窗口,在“Work With”文本框内输入Subclipse 安装地址: Subclipse 1.8.x Update Site -/update_1.8.x,然后按步骤操作即可; 2、导航到“WindowPreferences”打开“Preferences”窗口,点击“GeneralWorkspace”将eclipse工作空间字符集设置为 UTF-8,如图: 3、使用svn插件安装ofbiz: (1)、在Project Exploryer中右键,选择Import,打开Import窗口,选择从SVN检出项目,点击Next如图: (2)、选择创建新的资源库位置,点击Next,如图: (3)、在URL文本输入框中输入ofbiz的svn下载地址/repos/asf/ofbiz/branches/release12.04, 点击Next,然后按步骤进行即可,如图: 4、普通安装:将下载的ofbiz压缩包解压到工作空间,然后按正常导入项目流程将解压后的ofbiz项目导入eclipse即可; 5、导入eclipse后,ofbiz的目录结构如图: 6、使用eclipse打开ofbiz的ant命令:WindowShow ViewOther打开Show View窗口,选择ant, 点击OK,点击ant视图中的,选择build.xml,如图: ofbiz的ant命令打开后如图所示: 三、ofbiz数据库(MySQL)安装及配置(基本): 1、将mysql-connector-java-5.1.28.jarcopy到$ofbiz_home/framework/entity/lib/jdbc下,修改文件 $ofbiz_home/framework/entity/config/entityengine.xml,如下图(部分代码): . . 2、在mysql中创建用户:user:ofbiz,password:ofbiz; 创建库:ofbiz、ofbizolap、ofbiztenant; MySQL用户创建及库创建不在赘述; 注意:在创建库的时候要选择utf8_general_ci字符集 3、双击ant视图中的clean-all,运行完毕后双击ant视图中的load-demo,此时启动ofbiz数据库安装; 4、等待load-demo命令运行完毕后,双击ant视图中的start命令,启动ofbiz,在浏览器中输入 http:/localhost:8080/webtools 打开ofbiz的web工具页面或http:/8080/ecommerce打开ofbiz电子商务网站;四、ofbiz数据库(MySQL)安装及配置(其他): 1、在同一台PC上运行ofbiz多实例: (1).修改文件:$ofbiz install dir/framework/base/config/ofbiz-containers.xml . !- - . !- - . . . !- - . !- - . . . !- - . .(2).修改文件:$ofbiz install dir/framework/start/src/org/ofbiz/base/start/perties # - Set these for shutting down when running as background processofbiz.admin.host=ofbiz.admin.port=10524 #由10523更改为10524ofbiz.admin.key=so3du5kasd5dn(3).修改文件:$ofbiz install dir/framework/webapp/config/perties: . # HTTPS Port (Secure port)port.https.enabled=Y#update port.https=8443 to port.https=443 by ding on 2014/03/03 Beginport.https=443#update port.https=8443 to port.https=443 by ding on 2014/03/03 Endforce.https.host=# HTTP Port (Not Secure port)#update port.http=8080 to port.http=80 by ding on 2014/03/03 Beginport.http=80#update port.http=8080 to port.http=80 by ding on 2014/03/03 Endforce.http.host=(4).重新编译 $ofbiz install dir/framework/start模块; 2、ofbiz 本地化及邮件设置: (1)、$ofbiz_home/framework/common/config/perties文件需要以下更改:# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file# distributed with this work for additional information# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the# License); you may not use this file except in compliance# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at# /licenses/LICENSE-2.0# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,# software distributed under the License is distributed on an# AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the# specific language governing permissions and limitations# under the License.# - unique instance id (20 char max)unique.instanceId=ofbiz1# - the default currency to use for prices, etc# - update on 2014/02/11# - currency.uom.id.default=USDcurrency.uom.id.default=CNY# These values override the _NA_ DEFAULT values in user preferences for the GLOBAL_PREFERENCES userPrefGroupTypeId# - the default organizationPartyId for used in dropdowns and reportsORGANIZATION_PARTY=Company# ID of the VisualTheme to use if there is no VISUAL_THEME UserPreference record for the current user (ie default value)# VISUAL_THEME=TOMAHAWKVISUAL_THEME=FLATGREY# - the default decimal format for currency (used in UtilFormatOut.java)currency.decimal.format=#,#0.00# - the default rounding for currency (used in OfbizCurrencyTransform.java)currency.rounding.default=10# - the default check scale for integer currency enabled (Y|N) (used in OfbizCurrencyTransform.java)#When decimals are 00# - Y if you want to display only x , example : 10# - N if you want to display x.00 , example : 10.00currency.scale.enabled=N# - Properties fallback locale. Change this setting with caution. If you# start getting resource not found exceptions, then there are# properties missing in the locale you specified. This property does not# control the default locale - the default locale is set in perties.#update on 2014/02/11# - perties.fallback=perties.fallback=zh# - Locales made available, separated by commas. This property controls# which locales the user can select from. If this property is not used,# then the user will be able to select from all the locales available# in the JVM. The list below corresponds to the languages really available OOTB (2010-16-02)#locales.available=ar,de,en,es,fr,hi,it,nl,pt,ro,ru,th,zh# - Time zones made available, separated by commas. This property controls# which time zones the user can select from. If this property is not used,# then the user will be able to select from all the time zones available# in the JVM.#timeZones.available=US/Eastern,US/Central,US/Mountain,US/Pacific,US/Alaska,US/Hawaii# - the default country for drop downs#update on 2014/02/11# - country.geo.id.default=USAcountry.geo.id.default=CHN# - Available countries, separated by commas.This property controls# which countries the user can select from. If this property is not used,# then the user will be able to select from all the countries.#countries.geo.id.available=USA# - the default trackingCodeId to use for Partner Managed Tracking Codespartner.trackingCodeId.default=# - USPS address matching string - should be all lower case, no spaces, pipe delimitedusps.address.match=(.*?p. *o. *box.*$)|(.*?post.*?office.*?box.*$)|(|(.*? )r. *r. *( +)|(0-9#+).*$)|(.*?rural.*?route.*$)# - general default fromEmailAddress can be overridden in: EmailTemplateSettingdefaultFromEmailAddress=# - The default domainname used in the notification emails links# as baseUrl and baseSecureUrl are set in the perties file.# - mail notifications enabled (Y|N)#update on 2014/02/11mail.notifications.enabled=Y# - redirect all mail notifications to this address for testing#mail.notifications.redirectTo=# - the default mail server to use#update on 2014/02/11mail.smtp.relay.host=# - SMTP Auth settings#update on 2014/02/11mail.smtp.auth.user=XXX163.commail.smtp.auth.password=*# - Additional Required Fields needed for Gmail and other non traditional smtp servers# - These added fields also work for Yahoo business mail for instance# - Gmail smtp port can be either 465 or 587#mail.smtp.port=465# - Gmail requires StartTLS#mail.smtp.starttls.enable=true# - Gmail requires a JSSE socket factory, the following socketFactory settings will override JavaMails default socketFactory settings# - Port needs to be the same as mail.smtp.port#mail.smtp.socketFactory.port=465#mail.smtp.socketFactory.class=.ssl.SSLSocketFactory#-Fallback true|false determines whether you will allow a non secure connection if you are unable to get a secure one#mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback=false# - how the address are matched with the CRM addressesmail.address.caseInsensitive=N# - debug SMTP mail option enabled (Y|N)#update on 2014/02/11mail.debug.on=Y# - if some addresses fail the SMTP check using the RCPT TO: command then setting this property to false will abort sending the message# to any recipients valid or notmail.smtp.sendpartial=true# - HTTP upload settings# - directory used to temporarily store files that are larger than the configured size threshold (10K)http.upload.max.sizethreshold=10240# - directory used to temporarily store files that are larger than the configured size thresholdhttp.upload.tmprepository=runtime/tmp# - max size in bytes (-1 for unlimited)http.upload.max.size=-1# - spam header name and value to block incoming spam detected by external spam checker, configured for spam =X-Spam-Flagmail.spam.value=YES# - Y if you want to display the multi-tenant te


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