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romoting the construction of rule of law, but also the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-abiding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want to actively promote the field of multi-level governance according to law, promote the continuous improvement of the social environment. To promote universal compliance. Actively foster the rule of law culture, carry out law publicity and education on honesty and trustworthiness, guide the masses and consciously abide by the law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of gradually changing the world, he is not looking for but someone unspoken rules, formed all law law, abide by the good atmosphere. To strengthen the comprehensive management of public security. Deepening peace xingan construction, strongly against violence crime, mafia and serious criminal offences, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, carry out criminal policy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulating social vitality, and earnestly safeguard social harmony and stability. To resolve social conflicts by law. To further smooth channels of reporting social conditions and public opinion, improving regulation, arbitration, as wellrelationship between Government and business. The two sessions, General Secretary of Pro, clear the word succinctly summarized the new relationship between Government and business, as pure politics, reshaping the political relationship specified in the direction. District leaders in handling political and business relations, engage in trading power for money, and finally stumbled, we a lesson, always keep in mind that Pro, clean practicing Pro, clear. Pro is to open a sincere engagement with private enterprise to help solve practical difficulties; Clear is to clarify the Division of power, exercised in accordance with, private entrepreneurs with innocent purity, not abusing power for personal gain, not to engage in trading power for money. Third, in order to maintain fairness and justice. Fairness and justice is the lifeline of the rule of law, is the best development environment. Currently, lax law enforcement and the judicial sector in our region also exist to varying degrees, law enforcement departments and individual window units power for personal gains and bribes, thick friends, relations, human cases, money cases in which seriously infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises and people. Especially some law enforcement and inspection for profit purposes, deliberately looking for corporate loopholes, found directly under the ticket does not give business improvement opportunities. We recruit a company doesnt easily, cultivating a business more difficult, never for personal gain, systematic harassment, card, last checked to check to get the enterprise collapsed. To guarantee the legitimate rights and interests. Always proceed from the overall situation of reform and development of services, fully consider the characteristics of production and management in non-public enterprises and social benefits, an accurate grasp of legal limits, protect the enthusiasm of entrepreneurs and practitioners in innovation and entrepreneurship, enhancing expectations and confidence. To promote strict enforcement. Strengthening law enforcement procedures, improve law enforcement performance evaluation, strengthening the supervision of law enforcement, exploration and practice of risk control mechanism of law enforcement to further standardize the social security, urban management, road traffic administrative law enforcement, effectively free, extensive law-enforcement and lax enforcement of law enforcement and other issues. To uphold justice. Justice is the last line of Defense to safeguard fairness and justice, to unequivocally support the courts and procuratorates independently exercise level . Judicial activities were rampant, must not be allowed to run, favors, money, must not be allowed to knowingly violate the miscarriage, violations of the legitimate rights and interests of the masses must not be allowed to abuse of power, to make forest mass can be felt in every judicial cases in equity and justice. Four to deepen grass-roots governance according to lawchain do long, and put scale big. To serve the development of enterprises. Duocuo simultaneously improving service efficiency, build better public services platform, enhance work efficiency, initiative to help businesses solve the project procedures, financing loans, issues such as land-use approval, reduce operating costs, business travel light and enhance the confidence to overcome all kinds of difficulties and the Foundation, real entrepreneurial passion play entrepreneurship, enhance the internal vitality and creativity. SI XING an construction, promoting the rule of law, tries to make the transformation of forest development XI General Secretary stressed, to reinvigorate Northeast China, optimized development environment is very important. Environment of rule of law most gather Moss, the most conducive to development. Improving the leading cadres using the method of thought and the rule of law Administration work, problem-solving, the ability to promote the development, is the key to promoting the rule of law. The law may affect the efficiency of out of the path of development will be more smooth, won development gains will be sustained, and end with greater efficiency. Leading cadres at all levels should take the lead in respect of law law, abide by, and actively foster Socialist culture, actively promoting the field of multi-level governance according to law, guide the masses and consciously abide by the law, failing to find law, solve the problem by law, in accordance with the law prevail. XXX administration by law of leading cadres do not exist on the rule of law, law enforcement, casual, and vow not to investors, the new scores and other turmoil. These important expositions on my district create good development environment with highly targeted and guidance, especially the General Secretary pointed out that the chaos in my area also exists to varying degrees, some even quite serious. Leading cadres at all levels must improve the development environment of rule of law as a fundamental task, adhere to the problem oriented, solid and solve the problems in the construction of rule of law, to rule the new effect for development environment improvements. To hold key minority. Leaders of this group, although few in number, but the effect is critical. If a local leaders take the lead right according to law, in accordance with the law, the local CPPCC fresh, pragmatic and efficient development environment. Conversely, if a local leaders of ignoring the law, impunity, not only the political environment will be destroyed, will have serious implications for the development environment. Now, some leading cadres lack of awareness on the importance of learning, that learn or not does not matter. Think efficiency is too low too much, act according to the procedure, than an executive order getting along with. In dealing with complex issues, often speak of settling and done; on the issue of handling letters and visits, like to spend money and buy stop and stable, but disregard the law administration, in accordance with the law, the rulechain do long, and put scale big. To serve the development of enterprises. Duocuo simultaneously improving service efficiency, build better public services platform, enhance work efficiency, initiative to help businesses solve the project procedures, financing loans, issues such as land-use approval, reduce operating costs, business travel light and enhance the confidence to overcome all kinds of difficulties and the Foundation, real entrepreneurial passion play entrepreneurship, enhance the internal vitality and creativity. SI XING an construction, promoting the rule of law, tries to make the transformation of forest development XI General Secretary stressed, to reinvigorate Northeast China, optimized development environment is very important. Environment of rule of law most gather Moss, the most conducive to development. Improving the leading cadres using the method of thought and the rule of law Administration work, problem-solving, the ability to promote the development, is the key to promoting the rule of law. The law may affect the efficiency of out of the path of development will be more smooth, won development gains will be sustained, and end with greater efficiency. Leading cadres at all levels should take the lead in respect of law law, abide by, and actively foster Socialist culture, actively promoting the field of multi-level governance according to law, guide the masses and consciously abide by the law, failing to find law, solve the problem by law, in accordance with the law prevail. XXX administration by law of leading cadres do not exist on the rule of law, law enforcement, casual, and vow not to investors, the new scores and other turmoil. These important expositions on my district create good development environment with highly targeted and guidance, especially the General Secretary pointed out that the chaos in my area also exists to varying degrees, some even quite serious. Leading cadres at all levels must improve the development environment of rule of law as a fundamental task, adhere to the problem oriented, solid and solve the problems in the construction of rule of law, to rule the new effect for development environment improvements. To hold key minority. Leaders of this group, although few in number, but the effect is critical. If a local leaders take the lead right according to law, in accordance with the law, the local CPPCC fresh, pragmatic and efficient development environment. Conversely, if a local leaders of ignoring the law, impunity, not only the political environment will be destroyed, will have serious implications for the development environment. Now, some leading cadres lack of awareness on the importance of learning, that learn or not does not matter. Think efficiency is too low too much, act according to the procedure, than an executive order getting along with. In dealing with complex issues, often speak of settling and done; on the issue of handling letters and visits, like to spend money and buy stop and stable, but disregard the law administration, in accordance with the law, the rule第一单元1有一种小草,开黄色花,每个叶柄上长着三张叶片。这种小草是 (B )。A蒲公英 B黄花醡浆草(三叶草) C狗尾草2(B )的叶片有特殊的香味。A柳树 B樟树 C梧桐树3下列植物既可以生长在水里又可以生长在陆地上的是(B)。A樟树 B水花生 C水葫芦4水生植物的相同特点是(A )。A生长都需要空气 B都需要土壤 C都不会开花5我们观察的香樟树果实的特征是(B)。A软、粗糙、长条形、小 、黄色 B有点硬、圆形、光滑、小、绿色C硬、大、光滑、圆形、绿色6果实像个毛球,风一吹就像降落伞似地飞走了,这是(B )植物。A狗尾草B蒲公英C车前草7有一种水生植物的叶子像丝一样的,又细又长,这是(C )。A水花生B浮萍 C金鱼藻8新鲜叶和落叶相比相同的地方是(A )。A都有叶柄和叶片 B叶子都是绿色的 C摸起来都很9植物的相同特点是(C )。A树叶的颜色都是绿色的 B都长在土壤里 C都会生长发育,会繁殖,会衰老死亡10 下列关于叶子的描述正确的是(B )。 A叶子都是绿色的 B叶脉长在叶片上 C落叶是没有叶柄的 D叶子是没有生命的11、 植物的生存离不开(B ) A、水分、阳光、空气、土壤 B、水分、阳光、空气、营养 C、水分、阳光、营养、土壤 12、 狗尾草会生长,会死亡,它是(A ) A、春天生长,同一年的秋天死亡。 B、春天生长,同一年的冬天死亡。 C、春天生长,第二年的秋天死亡。13、 下列植物中属于多年生草本植物的是( B)。 A、水稻 B、洋葱 C、月季14、 会捕虫的是(B ),世界最大的花是(A )。 A、大王花 B、猪龙草 C、面包树15 拓印树皮图案的方法是:把白纸紧压在树干上,先用手指在纸上反复按压,再(B )蜡笔在纸上涂擦,使凸起的部分染上颜色。 A竖捏 B平捏 16观察就是(C ) A、随便看看 B、带着目的看 C、有目的地看并记录 D、看到什么就记下什么17 在观察树叶时,我们要(A )A、捡地下的落叶观察 B、爬上树观察 C、折断树枝观察 D、摘一片新鲜叶来观察18、 观察大树的粗细可以用C 工具。A、放大镜 B、量筒C、绳子和尺19、 下列物体中有生命的是(B )。A. 木材 B. 树木 C. 木制品20、 观察大树的粗细可以用C 工具。A、放大镜 B、量筒 C、绳子和尺第二单元21、蜗牛背上有一个硬壳,从小到大这个壳是B 。A、不能长大 B、慢慢长大 C、小时候有,大时候没有22、蚯蚓生活在(ABC )的土壤中。 A、花坛 B、草地 C、菜园 D、墙角 E、沙漠 F、石块23、 池塘、小河中生活着很多小动物,其中最多的是(C ) A、虾 B、螃蟹 C、鱼类 D、贝壳24、蜗牛爬过的地方(A )A 会留下粘液 B 会留下脚印 C 什么也不会留下25、蚂蚁不会把窝建在 (C ) A 树上 B 泥土中 C 水中26、蚂蚁是用(A )来交流信息的 A 头上的触角 B 声音 C 舞蹈27、和蜗牛属于同一种类的动物是(B ) A 蝗虫 B 螺蛳 C 蚂蚁28、蝗虫有(C )腿。 A 2条 B 4条 C 6条29、蜗牛休眠了,我们可以用(C )方法唤醒它。A、敲打它的外壳 B、使劲喊 C、放入水中30、关于动物的运动方式,说法正确的是(A )A、蚂蚁是用三对足爬行 B、蜗牛是全身爬行前进 C、蚯蚓在爬行时身体呈“S”形前进31、 金鱼是这样吃食物的(A ) A、直接将食物吞入体内 B、先吞入口中,再用牙齿咀嚼C、在吃饱的情况下会放弃吃食物32、蜗牛的触角十分敏感,你轻轻碰一下马上就会(C )。A、抖动B、伸长C、收缩33、鱼在水里嘴巴一直在一张一合的是在(B )。A、喝水B、呼吸C、吃东西34、在自然界中的观察小动物时,我们应该(A )。A、安静的观察B、抓在手上观察C、打死了再观察35、蜗牛爬过的地方(A )。A 、会留下粘液B、会留下脚印 C、什么也不会留下36我们在墙角、树下、草丛、菜叶上,常常能够找到蜗牛,还发现蜗牛喜欢吃植物的(B ) A根 B叶37蜗牛需要潮湿的环境,如果天不下雨,蜗牛就在(B )出来活动。A白天 B晚上38蚯蚓和蜗牛都适宜生活在(B )A水中 B潮湿环境 C干燥环境39金鱼不断地喝水,是为了吸收水中的(B ) A营养物质 B氧气40、蜗牛有A 对触角。 A、2对 B、1对 C、3对41、 蚂蚁有C 腿。 A、2条 B、4条 C、6条42、池塘、小河中生活着很多小动物,其中最多的是(C )A、虾 B、螃蟹 C、鱼类 D、贝壳43、蜗牛壳上的螺线展开的方向是(C )A、左旋 B、右旋C、既有左旋又有右旋44、世界上大约有(B )种动物。A、十万 B、一百多万 C、一千多万45、蜗牛休眠了,我们可以用(C )方法唤醒它。A、敲打它的外壳 B、使劲喊 C、放入水中46、在下面三种小动物中是昆虫动物有(B ),是环节动物的有(A ),是软体动物的有(C )。A、 蚯蚓 B、 蚂蚁 C、 蜗牛47、蚯蚓生活在(ABC )的土壤中。 A、花坛B、草地 C、菜园 D、墙角 E、沙漠 F、石块48观察完蚂蚁后,我们应该(A )A、把蚂蚁放回家,并观察它是怎么找到家的 B、把蚂蚁扔掉 C、把蚂蚁的腿弄下来,看它怎么样 D、把它养起来49 观察蜗牛时一般不会用到的的工具是C 。 A、放大镜 B、尺 C、量筒50把蚂蚁放(B )好观察一些。A、桌子上 B、观察盒里 C、盘子里51、蜗牛靠(A )爬行。 A、腹足 B、腿 C、脚第三单元52、砖块属于(A )。 A建筑类材料 B金属材料 C.陶瓷类53、金属具有(A )的特性。 A导热 B吸水 C透明54、不易分解,会造成严重的环境污染,但可以重复利用的是(A )A塑料 B纸 C木头55、黄白色、表面有纹路,不太重,能削得动,锯了以后有锯末,能浮在水上,这是对(C )的描述。A纸 B塑料 C木头56、下面纸张吸水能力最强的是(A ) A卫生纸 B铜版纸 C报纸57、下列材料可以作为造纸的是(B) A塑料 B破鱼网 C岩石 D玻璃58、把制成的实心物体放入水中,肯定沉的是(B ) A木头 B铁 塑料59、人们主要利用木材(B )的特性,制成了船只。天然木纹 比较轻 有光泽60、最容易被铁钉划出痕迹的是(A ) A 砖 B瓷器 塑料61、不可回收的材料是(B ) A金属 B陶瓷 C塑料 D橡胶62、不太适宜制作椅子的是(A ) A玻璃 B竹子 木材 塑料63、不属于金属的是(C ) A钢 B铜 C铅笔芯 D水银64、制造一架飞机,使用得最多的是(B )A天然材料 B复合材料 C单一材料65、吸水性最好的是(B ) A砖 B木头 C塑料66、比较适宜用来擦汗的是(A ) A餐巾纸 B腊光纸 C牛皮纸 D卡纸67、被评为“人类最糟糕的发明”的是(C ) A纸张 B电灯 C塑料 D火68、观察纸时一般不会用到的工具是(C ) A 放大镜 B 尺 C 量筒69、下列材料中,(C )具有容易捶打变形的特性。A、玻璃 B、塑料 C、金属70、下列(A )不是木头的特性。A、会沉在水底 B、比较柔韧 C、表面有纹路71、我常见的陶瓷制品有(A )。A、碗和盘子B、文具盒和茶杯 C、筷子和牙刷72、造纸术是我国古代(A )发明的。A、蔡伦B、沈括C、张衡73、处理废旧物品的最好办法是(B )。A、烧掉B、回收再用C、当垃圾扔掉74、下面这些纸中,吸水性能最好的纸是(C )。A、白纸 B、牛皮纸 C、餐巾纸75、塑料是(B )材料。A、天然 B、人工 C、复合76、我认为餐巾纸一定要(C )A、硬 B、厚 C、吸水性好77、用金属制作窗框,这是利用了金属的(B )特性。 A、有光泽 B、坚硬 C、 延展78下列材料的吸水性最好的是(A)。A、木片 B、金属片 C、塑料79下列物体中,会沉入水底的是(B )。A装满空气并密封好的可乐瓶B铁块C木头80、下面三种材料(C )坚硬。A、木条 B、卡纸 C、铁钉81、在生产生产饮料罐的过程中,运用了金属的(C )性质。A、易传热 B、易导电C有延展性D柔韧性82、下面(B )材料最易吸水。A、金属 B、纸 C、塑料83、下面(C )材料会上浮。A、纸 B、金属 C、木头84、砖是用( B)炼制而成的。A石头 B、黏土 C、沙子85、用铁锅炒菜是利用了金属(B )的性质。A能导电 B容易传热 C有光泽 D有延展性第四单元 86、将纸团放在杯底,将杯子扣入水中,纸不会湿,说明(A )A、空气占据空间 B、空气会流动 C、空气能压缩87、下边能用来观察大树粗细的工具是(C ) A 量筒 B 放大镜 C 绳子和尺88、(B )可以准确测量出水的多少。A、试管 B、量筒 C、滴管89、打足气的足球能跳得很高,是因为(A )A、皮球里的空气被压缩B、皮球里的空气会上下流动C、皮球的皮富有弹性90、5毫升的水大约是(B )A、一小瓶 B、一瓶盖 C、一小杯91、液体体积常用(A )来表示。A、毫升和升 B、厘米和米 C、公斤92、下面物体(B )不是液体。A、水 B、沙 C、食用油93、可以准确比较出水多少的工具是(C )。A、放大镜 B、皮尺 C、量筒94、影响液体流动快慢的因素是(B )。A、颜色 B、黏稠度 C、形状95、500ml水相当与我们平时说的(B)。A、半斤 B、1斤 C、2斤D、5斤96、测量水的多少,实验室里用(C)。A、直尺 B、三角尺 C、量筒 97、下列哪样东西没有利用空气可以被压缩的特点( B )。A、篮球 B、席梦思床垫 C、空气床垫98空气不是一种单纯的气体,能帮助物体燃烧的是空气中的( B A、二氧化碳 B、氧气 C、氢气99水黾能在池塘水面上滑行而不沉入水底,是因为被水的( A )支撑着。A、表面张力 B、浮力 C、重力100、水、食用油、洗洁精三种液体在流动时,( B )。 A、流得一样快 B、水流得快 C、洗洁精流得快101、注射器抽进空气,堵住口,用力压活塞,观察活塞会( C )。A、推不动 B、推到底 C、到一定程度推不动 102、潜水员叔叔身背氧气瓶下水是为了( B )。A、下沉 B、呼吸 C、上浮 103、下列的( B )组物体是可以流动的。 A、玻璃、番茄浆、汽油、空气、 B、番茄浆、纯净水、空气、海水、C、水晶、水蒸汽、白云、冰104、下列说法不合理的是( D )。A、我们周围任何地方都空气 B、水中也有空气,所以鱼能生C、山越高,山顶上空气就越稀薄 D、冬天钻到被窝里睡觉空气新鲜105、我们用过的废纸,应该尽可能( C ),以利于环境保护。A、焚烧 B、在垃圾场填埋 C、回收106、空气不是一种单纯的气体,能帮助物体燃烧的是空气中的( B )。A、二氧化碳 B、氧气 C、 氢气 107、把水倒在大小相同的( B )凉得快。A、玻璃杯 B、金属杯 C、塑料杯110、和石头相比,水的主要特征是( C )。A、摸得到 B、比较重 C、会流动111、把一滴水放到半瓶油中,过一会儿这滴水会( A )A、沉在瓶底 B、浮在油上 C、以上都有可能112、影响液体流动快慢的因素是( C )。A、颜色 B、气味 C、黏稠度113、生活中,( B )运用了空气可以被压缩的性质。A、吹泡泡 B、打篮球 C、喝盒装饮料114、在科学观察中,我们一般不用( C)的方法比较物体。A、摸 B、闻 C、尝115、可以用来表示水的多少的单位是(C)。A、厘米 B、小时 C、毫升116、(B)是测量物体重量的工具。A量筒B天平 C尺子117、很小的东西


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