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n船舶舱室设备底座焊接工艺规范 WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION FOR EQUIPMENT BASE OF HULL CABIN 1 范围 Scope 本规范规定了船舶舱室重要设备底座焊接与普通设备底座焊接施工前的准备、人员、工艺要求、工艺过程、检验。The specification rules the requirements of forewelding to preparation , personnel ,technological requirements ,technology process ,examination ;which are for base of important equipments and common equipments of hull cabin . 本规范适用于各类船舶舱室设备底座的焊接。The specification apply to the welding for equipment base of diversified hull cabin .2 规范引用文件 船舶建造质量检验 Referring to document QUALITY INSPECTION OF SHIPBUILDING 3 焊接前准备Preparation of forewelding 3.1 CJ422钛钙型药皮碳钢焊条参数( CJ422 parameters for C steel electrode of Ti and Ca covering) 表3.1-1(form)试验项目(Test project)s(Mpa)b(Mpa)5(%)AKV(-20)J3304202247X射线探伤(Radiographic inspection):级(Grade two) 焊条直径(MM) Diameter2.53.245焊接电流(A) Current601101201501602102202703.2 CJ507低氢钠药皮碳钢焊条参数 (CJ422 parameters for C steel electrode of low hydrogen Na covering ) 表3.2-1(form)试验项目(Test project)s(Mpa)b(Mpa)5(%)AKV(-20)J(-30)400490224727X射线探伤(Radiographic inspection) 级(Grade two) 焊条直径(MM) Diameter2.53.2455.8焊接电流(A) Current601101201501602102202702102603.3 焊前施工人员应先了解被焊工件的施工要求及作业环境、钢材牌号等级、据此按材料的选配原则确定焊条焊丝牌号、规格及极性。 Welder should know about the welding requirements ,environment ,brand and grand of steel before welding .According to that ,to decide the brand ,size of electrode and wire and polarity on the principle of choosing material . 3.4 定位焊 Tack welding3.4.1定位焊用的焊条牌号应与正式焊缝的焊条牌号相同。 Electrode brand for tack welding shall be uniform with normal welds . 3.4.2定位焊高度不得超过正式焊缝的高度,焊后的熔渣应立即去除。 The height of tack welding dont exceed normal welds , eliminating postweld slag at once .3.4.3由于CO2定位焊容易产生焊接缺陷,定位焊缝不宜过短,一般强度钢为(3040)mm,高强度钢为50mm,焊缝厚为(34)mm。 The length of tack welds shall be longer because of making defects easily with CO2 gas-shielded arc welding .Common strength steel (3040)mm, high strength steel 50mm ,thickness of welds (34)mm . 3.5 所要焊接的设备底座已经按照装配要求定位好,并且打磨焊前认可才能进入焊接阶段。 Equipment base to be welded must be fitted on requirements like and grinded ,before it welded .3.6对于船舶重大设备如主机、发电机、中间轴承、锚绞车、舵机及主甲板设备吊艇、舷梯等基座应选用CJ507低氢钠型药皮碳钢焊条或CO2气体保护焊。 For the grand ship equipment welding of base of main engine , generator , intermediate bearing , windlass , steering gear , and davit , accommodation ladder which is on the main deck ; should choose CJ507 low hydrogen Na coating C steel electrode or CO2 gas-shielded arc welding . 3.7其他普通设备基座可选用普通的CJ422钛钙型药皮碳钢焊条。 May choose common CJ422 C steel electrode of Ti and Ca covering for other commonequipment base .3.8 焊接材料 Welding consumable3.8.1 焊丝: Welding wireCO2焊丝可选用直径为(1.2)mm的实芯焊丝或药芯焊丝,并须经船级社认可。并有规则地盘绕在焊丝盘或焊丝筒内。Diameter 1.2mm flux-cored wire will be used for CO2 gas-shielded arc welding and need be approved by Society .3.8.2 CO2气体: CO2 gas使用的液体二氧化碳其质量应符合国家标准GB6052-85工业液体二氧化碳中规定的类或类一级标准The quality of liquid CO2 used shall accord with grade one of type I or II ruled by national standard GB6052-85Industry liquid CO2 CO2气瓶压力低于1MPa时不能使用。Dont use it again when cylinder pressure is below 1 Mpa .3.9 焊接设备 Welding equipment3.9.1 CO2气体保护焊焊接设备应采用设备制造厂生产的专用设备,并应定期进行严格的检测与维修。 For CO2 gas-shielded arc welding use the special equipment that need be examined and maintained carefully every time . 3.9.2 CO2焊接电源必须具备必要的电流容量及适合于焊接的电气特性,并应有可靠的外壳安全接地。 Welding power source for CO2 gas-shielded arc welding must have necessary current volume and electric characteristic suitable for welding . It must have reliable safe grounding for crust .3.9.3 送丝机构的控制装置,必须具备与焊接电源输出特性相应的控制机能,必须能均匀地调节焊接电流或电弧电压。 Controlling device of wire feeder must have corresponding controlling function as with the input characteristic of welding power source , rugulate current and voltage uniformly .3.9.4 焊枪必须具备必要的电流容量及耐用性能,而且还要有良好的操作性能,必须能稳定地送丝,焊枪的外壳必须有良好的绝缘性能。 Welding gun must have current volume and can be used for a long time , convenient operation to welder , feeding wire steadily . Crust of welding gun must have better insulated property .4 人员 Personnel CO2保护焊的焊工必须经过专门培训和考试,并按船级社合格证所规定之类别从事产品焊接。手工电弧焊焊接的焊工持证方能上岗。Welder for CO2 gas-shielded arc welding who must be specially trained and examined can be permitted to work on items ruled in certificate issued by Society .Welder for covered electrode manual arc welding cant work unless with certificate .5 工艺要求 Technology requirement 5.1根据图纸的要求或者焊工根据焊接规范中焊件的厚度等确定设备底座的焊脚尺寸、焊接顺序、方式等。 According to drawing requirements or thickness of weldment which is in welding specification , size of welding toe ,welding sequence ,welding means etc which are for equipment base will be decided .5.2焊接规范中对焊接电流与电弧电压的匹配要求较高,因此在施焊过程中,若焊接电流发现变化,应及时调整电弧电压,使之处于最佳状态。 In the course of welding process , adjust voltage in time to make them best ,if welding current changed . we do so , because there is higher requirements to current and voltage .5.3 设备底座上船安装前应作好防绣漆,底座吊运上船后应妥善放置,并尽快安装,不宜随意乱丢,以防遗失、损坏。 Antirust coating should be well-done on the ground for equipment base to be installed ,it shall be put in good order on the hull , install it as quickly as possible , avoid losing , destruction . 5.4 查看底座所装区域的甲板或围壁是否平整(一般待火工校正后安装)。Check the place of deck or house walls where the base shall be installed whether it is flat(install it after being proofreaded by fire) 5.5 凡有甲板敷料的舱室其底座要在敷料施工前定位装焊结束。 Base of the cabin with deck covering should be fitted and welded completely before covering .5.6 底座切割后应清除氧化铁及毛刺等,其焊缝空隙不超过3mm,空隙长度不得超过全长的10%。 To eliminate - and inclusion after the base was cut , the welds gap shouldnt exceed 3mm , the length of gap shouldnt exceed 10 percent of all .5.7 底座高度应符合图纸要求,甲板上的底座高度允许公差5mm,围壁上的底座高度允许公差2mm。 Height of base should accord with requirement of the drawing , the permitted tolerance for height of base on the deck is 5mm , the permitted tolerance for height of house walls is 2mm .5.8 坐标位置正确,常规底座允许公差5mm。 Correct coordinate position , the permitted tolerance for common base is 5mm .5.9 底座面水平,四角不平度1米长度内2mm。 Base side should be plane , planeness among four angles : 2mm in the range of one meter .5.10 底座结构方向符合图纸要求,其底脚最低处必要时须开流水孔。 Direction of base structure should accord with drawing requirements . Making a hole which will be to discharge water if there is a need at the lowest place of bottom toe . 6 工艺过程 Technology process6.1 安装程序 Installing procedure 划线 底座就位 水平面校正 对角线校正 划出底脚切割线 切割底座多余部位去除毛刺 第二次就位 校对水平面、对角线 底座焊装 Drawing line Base primary fixing Proofread level Proofread diagonal Draw cutting line of bottom toe Cutting superfluous parts of base Removing inclusions Formal fixing Proofread level and diagonal Welding of base 6.2手工电弧焊 Covered electrode manual arc welding 6.2.1应按焊接材料保管要求,焊条经过焙烘、保温后保存。每次领出碱性焊条使用不能超过4小时,高强度钢用焊条须用保温筒加热保温。 Electrode need be heated and kept warm , before preserved . All the things should be done according to storage requirements of welding consumable . Alkaline electrode taken out should be used up within 4 hours , electrode for high strength steel need to be kept warm with keepingwarm box . 6.2.2 施焊规范和要求,应严格遵照有关工艺文件的规定,不得随意更改。 Welding specification and requirement ruled by technological document couldnt rejigger optionally , it should be carried out strictly .6.2.3 薄板焊接,焊前应采取一定的预防变形的工艺措施。 Before welding , technology measures of preventing deformation should be taken for slight plate .6.2.4 应根据板厚和施焊工艺位置来决定其直径,第1、2道打底焊缝最好采用3.2、4焊条,打底焊缝不宜过薄。 According to plate thickness and welding position to choose electrode diameter , 3.2 , 4 are the best choice for the first and the second run of bottom weld , bottom welds should be filled more .6.2.5 采用多层焊时,每层焊道的始末端应交错(3050)mm。 For multilayer welding , there is a 30-50mm distance of start and end between run welded and the run to be welded . 6.2.6 多层焊时,必须清除前一道焊缝的焊渣和金属飞溅,修补结束后才可施焊下一层。 Must remove the slag and spatter of the last layer and repair it , and then to weld next layer .6.2.7 对高强度、高拘束管节点采用手工电弧多层焊时,应考虑在焊缝的最表面一层,施以小直径低线能量的退火焊道以提高抗低周疲劳强度。 Annealing run that improve resisting fatigue strength will be operated on the top layer of welds with low diameter low energy input , when weld butt joint of pipes for high strength and limit with Covered electrode manual arc welding .6.2.8 焊缝末端收口处应填满弧坑,以防止产生弧坑裂纹。 End crater should be filled fully in order to prevent producing crater cracking .6.2.9 在去除临时焊缝、定位焊缝、缺陷、焊疤和清根时,均不得损伤母材。 Dont destroy base metal , when remove temporary welds , tack welds , defects ,overlaps and gouging .6.3 CO2气体保护焊 CO2 gas-shielded arc welding6.3.1 在焊接部位清除水份,铁锈,氧化皮,油污等杂物。 Removing water ,rust , oxidation , oil and other inclusions .6.3.2 检验确认焊机及其附属设备以及供气系统都能正常工作。 Checking welding machine and its subsidiary equipment , the system of supply gas ,whether they can do well .6.3.3 在更换焊机的主要部件后必须检验并确认焊机能在使用的焊接条件下正常工作。 Must check and confirm that welding machine can work normally on the condition of welding , after major component will be changed . 6.3.4 喷嘴必须经常清理,导电嘴亦须经常更换。在焊接过程中要避免焊枪软管过渡弯曲。 Nozzle must be cleaned , contact nozzle must often changed too . Wire conduit should avoid being bent .6.3.5 由于风对气体的保护效果危害较大,室外焊接施工时在风速超过2m/sec环境下使用时,应采取相应的防风措施。 Take corresponding protective measure , if wind speed exceeds 2m/sec outside when welding .6.3.6焊缝的起端和终端容易出现缺陷,因此施工时必须特别注意。 Pay much attention to the start and end of welds , where defects come into being easily.6.3.7 焊前按工艺规范要求调节焊接规范,达到要求后,开始焊接。 At first , regulate welding specification by the requirements of welding procedure ,and then to weld .6.4 CO2气体保护焊操作要领 Operation items for CO2 gas-shielded arc welding .6.4.1 焊接中,焊枪角度后仰1520,焊丝伸出长度为(1015)mm。 The angle of gun is 1520backwards , dry extension of wire is 1015 mm .6.4.2 当采用横向摆动运条方法时,摆动幅度稍大于根部间隙或前一层焊缝两趾端,并略作停顿,以保证根部及两趾间熔透。 When take transverse swing moving wire , the width of swing range is little bigger than gap of root or the width of layer , stopping a little time there , in order to make sure the penetration of root and edges .6.4.3 中途熄弧时,必须用砂轮将弧坑打磨成圆滑过渡,再引弧继续焊接。当焊缝与定位焊相接时,必须将定位焊去除,然后再引弧焊接。 If you want to continue to weld from the position where you stop welding , must grind the crater making it pliable . When welds meet tack welds , remove tack welds and then to ignite .7 安全卫生 Safety and protecting 7.1 焊接操作者必须使用面罩、安全帽、皮手套等遮光保护用具,防止灼伤和烫伤。 To prevent burning , welder must use protective things , such as : veil , cap , leathern gloves etc .7.2 工作中,应注意周围环境是否有易燃易爆物品,以防止飞溅引起的火灾事故。 Spatter could cause fire , so have to check whether there are something that will be burning and exploding easily around the weldment .7.3 狭小舱室或密闭舱室应采取必要的通风排气措施。 There is a hole to make wind or gas out in narrow cabin or airtight cabin . This point is necessary .7.4 焊接结束后,


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