



Unit 1 Great scientists Reading课时作业 阅读理解(2019福建南安一中高二月考)In 2019, Mary gave a present of $ 500, 000 to the University of Southern Mississippi.She wanted to help poor students.It was a very generous thing to do.But her friends and neighbors were surprised.Mary was a good woman.She went to church.She was always friendly and helpful.But everyone in her town knew that Mary was not rich.In fact, she was poor.How did a poor 89yearold woman have so much money? Mary was born in 1908 in Hattiesburg, Mississippi.She had to leave school when she was eight years old to help her family.She took a job washing clothes.She earned only a few dollars a day.She washed the clothes by hand.Then she hung the clothes to dry.She did this for nearly 80 years.In the 1960s, she bought an automatic washer and dryer.But she gave them away.She did not think they got the clothes clean enough!At that time, many people started to buy their own washers and dryers.Mary did not have much work, so she started to iron clothes instead.Mary never married nor had children.Her life was very simple.She went to work and to church.She read her Bible.She had a blackandwhite television.But she did not watch it very much.It had only one channel.Mary saved money all her life and eventually had about $ 800, 000.When she was 89, a lawyer helped her make a will.She left the money to the church, her relatives and the university.Mary wanted to help others.She did not think she was a special person.But then people found out about her present to the university.She received many honors.She even flew in an airplane for the first time!Mary died in 2019.She was a shy and ordinary woman who became famous.【解题导语】本文介绍了一位非常勤劳非常慷慨有爱心的老人Mary。1Mary gave $ 500, 000 to the University of Southern Mississippi_Ato surprise her friends and neighborsBto help the poor studentsCto prove she was a rich womanDto show her generosityB解析:细节理解题。根据文中的In 2019, Mary gave a present of $ 500, 000 to the University of Southern Mississippi.She wanted to help poor students.可知,Mary是为了帮助穷学生。2From the passage we can learn that_AMary left school young to help support her familyBMarys parents asked her to wash clothes for othersCan automatic washer and dryer were too expensive for herDMary started to iron clothes because she didnt get other skillsA解析:细节理解题。根据文中的 She had to leave school when she was eight years old to help her family.可知,她早早辍学是为了赚钱养家。3Which of the following tells us Mary lived a very simple life?AShe went to the church every day with friends.BShe didnt like others to buy an automatic washer.CShe didnt have much work to do.DShe only had a blackandwhite television with one channel.D解析:细节理解题。根据文中的 She had a blackandwhite television.But she did not watch it very much.It had only one channel.可知,她只有一台有一个频道的黑白电视机。4What kind of person is Mary according to the passage?ARich and friendly.BHardworking and helpful.CWelleducated and special.DPoor and silly.B解析:推理判断题。根据文中的 She was always friendly and helpful.和She washed the clothes by hand.Then she hung the clothes to dry.可知,Mary是一个勤劳的乐于助人的人。 完形填空As a boy I was always small for my age.I was five years younger than one of my brothers and seven years younger than the other._1_,I often felt left out when their friends came over to _2_I was too _3_for whatever they were doing and they didnt want me to listen to their conversations either.More often than not I found myself outside playing _4_ and feeling forgotten.I remember one Spring afternoon I felt especially _5_as I sat in the yard behind our house.We lived miles from town and I _6_ saw my own friends outside of school.I_7_ my brothers laughing from _8_ the house and felt a single tear coming down my face.At that moment I saw a large brown dog _9_ me.He was wagging(摇摆) his tail _10_He greeted me like a long lost _11_,licking(舔) my hand and sitting beside me on the grass,_12_ he didnt know me.I petted and _13_ this fourlegged angel(天使)He let me pour out all my troubles and _14_ my deepest thoughts before he kissed me goodbye.I went back inside feeling happy,_15_ that no matter what life might hold I was loved.I _16_ that the dog was sent in that moment of _17_ to remind me just how much I was loved.In truth,nothing brings us greater _18_ than knowing we are loved.Knowing we are loved gives us the _19_ to love others as well.It also helps us to be the people the world meant for us to be.Remember how much the world loves you and share your _20_ with the world.【解题导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。在作者感到孤独的时候,一只狗的陪伴让作者倍感幸福与被爱。1A.For exampleBAs a resultCIn fact DAt the beginningB解析:由上下文的描述可知,此处表示因果关系,故用“因此(As a result)”。2A.discuss BfightCplay DworkC解析:由下文中的More often than not I found myself outside playing.and feeling forgotten.可知,当哥哥们的朋友来“玩(play)”时,“我”总感到被冷落了。3A.young BquickCnervous DnoisyA解析:由上文中的I was five years younger than.可知,“我”太“小(young)”,不适合加入他们的活动。4A.excitedly BaloneCsecretly DhardB解析:由上文中的I often felt left out和该空后的feeling forgotten以及下文的描述可知,很多时候“我”都是“独自(alone)”一人玩,有一种被遗忘的感觉。5A.relaxed BanxiousCstrange DlonelyD解析:由下文中的I.my brothers laughing.felt a single tear coming down my face.可知,“我”感到特别“孤独(lonely)”。6A.regularly BevenChardly DalwaysC解析:由该空前的We lived miles from town可知,放学后“我”“几乎不能(hardly)”看到自己的朋友。7A.heard BfoundCmade DimaginedA解析:由该空后的my brothers laughing可知,“我”“听到(heard)”哥哥们的笑声。8A.behind BoverCoutside DinsideD解析:由上文中的More often than not I found myself outside和I sat in the yard behind our house以及下文中的I went back inside feeling happy可知,哥哥和他的朋友们在家“里(inside)”玩,而“我”躲到后院去玩。9A.walking to Bbarking atCpassing by Dkeeping offA解析:由下文中的licking(舔) my hand and sitting beside me on the grass可知,“我”看见一只狗“朝我走来(walking to me)”。10A.quietly BhappilyCslightly DnaturallyB解析:由下文中的He greeted me like.可知,这只狗很“快乐(happily)”。11A.child BfriendCtoy DchanceB12A.because Bif onlyCwhen Deven thoughD解析:由文中的描述可知,“尽管(even though)”它不认识“我”,但是它像久违的老“朋友(friend)”一样跟“我”打招呼。13A.picked up Bthought ofClearned from Dtalked toD解析:由下文中的let me pour out all my troubles可知,“我”对这只狗“倾诉(talked to)”。14A.form BrecordCshare DhaveC解析:由文中的描述可知,它给“我”机会倾诉自己的烦恼,“分享(share)”“我”内心深处的想法。15A.doubting BwonderingCshowing DknowingD解析:由文中的描述可知,“我”清楚地“知道(knowing)”“我”被爱着。16A.decide BproveCbelieve DexplainC17A.sadness BpeaceCmadness DsilenceA解析:由上文中的felt a single tear coming down my face和I went back inside feeling happy可知,“我”“相信(believe)”,在“我”“难过(sadness)”的时候,那只狗的出现是来提醒“我”是被爱着的。18A.changes BhonorCideas DjoyD解析:由上文中的I went back inside feeling happy可知,没有什么比知道有人爱着我们能带给我们更大的“欢乐(joy)”。19A.pride BfreedomCstrength DpossibilityC解析:知道有人爱着我们也给了我们“力量(strength)”去爱别人。20A.appreciation BloveCfaith DgrowthB解析:由文中的gives us the.to love others as well可知,此处指与世界分享你的“爱(love)”。 短文改错Last week,I met a stranger who seemed to be losing.I offered to guide him to a place he wanted to go to,but to my surprise,he refused my offer to helping.I asked him why not.He told me that he was afraid I would ask him money if I helped him in this way.Then I fell into deep thou


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