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PEP Book6 Uint5 Whose dog is it? PB Lets learn 教案一、教材分析本节课是2013年教育部审定的人民教育出版社出版的三年级起点小学英语,五年级下册第五单元Whose dog is it? Part B Lets learn.教学目标:知识目标:1.学生能听说读写6个动词现在分词:climbing/eating playing/ jumping/ drinking/ sleeping。能力目标:能用所学现在分词描述动物正在做的事情。情感目标:渗透情感教育,引导学生产生热爱小动物的美好情感。二、课前准备课件、动物头饰、动物小贴纸、动物园画板三、教学步骤Step 1. Warm up/Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today? S: Fine, thank you. T: Are you ready for our class. S: Ready.T: This class lets go to a farm. OK? PPT出示农场图T:Look!We are on the farm now. Wow so many animals.Can you tell me which animal do you like best?S:I likebest.T:I see dogs, cats, rabbits, sheep,cocks. They are so cute.Step2.ReviewStand up, please. Lets do together.Act like an elephant. Act like a bird. Act like a monkey. Act like a tiger. Act like a panda.T介绍评价方法:回答对一个问题即可获得动物图卡,根据图卡多少选出获胜小组。在拓展环节,学生将所获得的动物图卡贴在动物园大卡上,并进行相关介绍。T:Boys and girls there are a bag of animals on your desk. This class if you did a good job, you can get a card from the bag.奖励的动物卡片如下: Step3.Presentation1. T: I have many animals here. Who want to act like a?T举起动物头饰,头饰有:rabbit, mouse, dog志愿者上前佩戴头饰T: Act like aplease .该生做头饰中提示的动作。 mouseeating dogsleeping rabbitjumpinge.g. T: Its a rabbit. Who want to act like a rabbit? S1做出兔子跳跃图 T:Look, the rabbit is jumping. (教授词汇jumping) T: Who want to act like a dog? S2做出小狗睡觉动作 T:Look,the dog is sleeping. (教授词汇sleeping) T: Who want to act like a mouse? S3做出老鼠吃饼干动作 T:Look,the mouse is eating.(教授词汇eating) PPT出示多种动物吃东西图片 The dog is eating bread. The dog is eating ice cream. The bear is eating snow. The bird is eating fish.2T: Children, please look at me. Lets go on watching animals. 课件展示:T:Is this dog eating? S: No.T: What is he doing?S:He is drinking water. (教授词汇drinking)T: Hes so cool.课件展示T:How about this cat? She is climbing(教授词汇climbing).T: Shes so cute.课件展示T: Look! A football team! They are dogs. How funny! Look,No1,No2,T: Are these dogs playing together?S: Yes. Theyre playing with each other. (教读句子)PPT出示 together brother other(教授other发音)引导学生自主表达Theyre playing with each other. They are so funny.Step4.PracticeWatch the video.Listen and repeatLets playT: This time lets play a game. Make a new sentence. There are three envelopes on your desk. Choose a card from each envelope . Then make a new sentence like this. Miss Wang is reading in the kitchen.每个小组有三个信封袋,里面分别装的是姓名(别组同学姓名)、正在做的事情和地点。每生从三个信封中分别抽一张卡片,组成一个句子。Step5.Production拓展教师绘画的展板如下:数一数,评选最佳小组(利用评价方式,进行本课拓展)T: How many animals do you have? Count together please. 组长报数,评选最佳小组。 根据展板内容,讨论动物动作。T:T:Children,I have 4 zoos for you. (Happy zoo, Lucky zoo, Funny zoo, Sunny zoo) This time lets use the cards to make a beautiful zoo. Put your animals on the pictures.学生将所得动物图卡贴在展板上,进行动物所从事动作的描述。教师示范:The dog is . The cat is . The rabbit is .The dogs are .组内讨论并展示。完成作文My zooLook at my zoo. There are many animals.The _ is _. The _ is_.Look at the _. They are_. I love my zoo.课件展示:人和动物和谐相处图片,引导学生培养热爱动物的情感。T:Boys and girls, animals are all our friends, we should protect th


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