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阶段检测(一)(满分:100分时间:90分钟)一、单项选择(每小题1.5分,共15分)1.(2019河北邯郸一模)I like oranges best.Whats your favourite ?A.foodB.fruitC.drinkD.colour2.(2019河北石家庄模拟)Mike will come to my party. All of us all like .A.herB.meC.youD.him3.(2019浙江温州中考)Ive ordered some flowers for grandma and they will arrive two hours.A.inB.afterC.overD.for4.(2019河北张家口宣化区模拟)Iplaying this piece of music many times. I can play it better now.A.have practisedB.practisedC.will practiseD.am practising5.(2019河北张家口宣化区模拟)Ive never seen afilm than Coco before. What a moving story!A.betterB.worseC.higherD.lower6.(2019河北石家庄模拟)There is only one day left. You finish your schoolwork by tomorrow.A.mustB.willC.canD.may7.(2019河北石家庄18县、市大联考)Our school basketball team lost the match, we still have confidence in them.A.butB.orC.andD.so8.(2019河北21县、市、区联考)The story is humorous. Itby Mark Twain.A.wroteB.is writingC.is writtenD.was written9.It is very nice of you to help me.A.I agreeB.Not yetC.My pleasureD.No way10.(2019河北石家庄桥西区一模)Look at the stone house!Do you know?In the 1880s. It is quite old.A.when it is builtB.when it was builtC.where it is builtD.where it was built二、完形填空(每小题2分,共20分)(2019河北中考)One thorn(刺) of experience is worth many times of warning.Ralph Wick was seven years old. In most things he was a fine boy, but he would cry from time to time. When he could not have what he wanted, he would 11for it. If he was told that it would hurt him, and he could not 12it, he would also cry.One day, he went with his mother into the 13. The sun shone. The grass was cut. The flowers were starting to come out.Ralph thought he was, for once, a good boy. A 14was on his face. He wished to do as he was told. Ralph helped his mother with the farm work and he was very happy.“Now you must be tired and 15,” said his mother. “Have a good rest here and eat some cookies. I will get a beautiful red rose for you.” So his mother brought the red flower to him. When he saw his mother still had a white rose in her hand, Ralph 16it.“No, my dear,” said his mother. “See how many thorns it has. You must not touch it, or you would be sure to hurt your 17.” When Ralph found that he could not have the white rose, he began to cry, and 18took it away. But he was soon very sorry. The thorns hurt his hand. It was so 19that he could not use it for some time.Ralph would never 20this. From then on, when he wanted what he should not have, his mother would point to his hand which had been hurt before. He at last learned to do as he was told.11.A.runB.cryC.planD.call12.A.saveB.hideC.haveD.lose13.A.parkB.gardenC.forestD.field14.A.smileB.signC.fearD.mark15.A.lazyB.noisyC.hungryD.sleepy16.A.waited forB.asked forC.cared forD.thanked for17.A.armB.legC.handD.foot18.A.quietlyB.proudlyC.politelyD.suddenly19.A.helpfulB.harmfulC.peacefulD.painful20.A.acceptB.refuseC.forgetD.remember三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共24分)A(2019河北承德双桥区二模)When I looked at the grade on my math paper, my jaw(下巴) almost dropped to the ground:a big “65” in bright red ink. I had never received such a terrible grade before.I was so ashamed that I lied to my dad. I told him I got 85 and that the report wouldnt come until the end of the month.Dad smiled. His daughter would never lie about her grades, so he didnt doubt the unusual delay of my report.A month later, dad suddenly asked me again about the report at the dinner table. He looked right into my eyes and asked for an answer. Having no choice, I told him that I had just 65 in my math final. I had lied because I didnt want to let him down.For a moment, he just looked at me. I would have preferred a telling off(责备) to that silence. Finally, Dad said, in a hurt voice, “You have let me down with your lie.I am not disappointed at your math score. That is no big dealno one can be perfect all the time. If you cant be honest with your dad, who can you be honest with?Its much easier to achieve a better grade than rebuild someone elses trust on you.”Dads words touched my heart. I wouldnt forgive myself for having hurt his feelings. I took out the report which was hidden by me for a week, handed it to him and apologized sincerely. I realize that my honesty is not only important to myself personally, but to those around me that truly care about my happiness.In one of Shakespeares plays, a character says, “No legacy is so rich as honesty.” I came to understand these words in the play. And from then on, Ive never told a lie to anyone in the world.21.The writer lied to her father because.A.She thought her father would believe her storyB.She didnt want to let her father downC.Her father wouldnt get her grade reportD.Her father got angry whenever she got a poor grade22.Why did her father stay silent after he knew that his daughter had lied?A.He didnt understand what his daughter had said.B.He was angry that his daughter lied to him again.C.He was unhappy with his daughters bad grade.D.He was hurt that his daughter had lied to him.23.Which is true according to the passage?A.The father thinks that honesty is more important than the grade.B.The father was disappointed because his daughter always lied to him.C.The writer got 85 in the math exam.D.The father wanted his daughter to be rich as well as honest.B(2019河北唐山路南区二模)A bully is a person who enjoys hurting other people. A bully can hurt people with words or by hitting them. 85% of children in the UK have been bullied(欺侮) at least once.How can you tell if a person is a bully?He or she will.try to find your weak pointperhaps you are shy, nervous or easily made worried.make fun of(取笑) you in front of your friends.borrow money then wont pay you back.What can you do if a bully bothers(骚扰) you?Tell the bully to leave you alone.Do not be afraid to ask other people for help, even though the bully tells you not to.Do not feel ashamed(羞愧) because you have been bullied. You have done nothing wrong!The bully should feel ashamed.Do not believe the bad things a bully says about you.What should you do if you see a bully bothering someone?Help people who are being bullied, even though you dont know them.Be a friend to people who are bullied.Tell a teacher if you see bullying.Tell bullies to stop. Sometimes bullies are afraid, too.Why do some people become bullies?Some bullies.have never learnt to think about other peoples feelings.dont like themselves, so they are sad. They think they will be happy if they make another person sad.have been bullied themselves by other bullies.Can bullies change?Yes!Bullies can change when they learn to think about other peoples feelings.Sometimes bullies must be punished(惩罚) before they understand. Sometimes, bullies just need friends.24.A bully often.A.makes people think about themselvesB.borrows money but doesnt returnC.helps people when they are in troubleD.thinks about other peoples feelings25.If you see a bully bothering your friends, you should.A.leave them aloneB.help them stop the bullyC.make them ashamedD.tell them they are wrong26.Which of the following is true?A.Bullies say bad words to people.B.Bullies like themselves very much.C.Bullies make people around them happy.D.Bullies must always be punished.27.What would be the best title for the passage?A.Bullies can changeB.World without bullyingC.Bullying is everywhereD.Bullying around usC(2019河北邯郸二模)Even a small reduction in salt in the diet can be a big help to the heart. A new study used a computer model to predict how just three grams less a day would affect heart disease in the United States.Here is the result: 10% fewer heart attacks, 8% fewer strokes, 4% fewer deaths, 11% fewer cases of heart disease, and 240 billion dollars in health care savings.Researchers found it could prevent 100,000 heart attacks and 92,000 deaths every year.The study is in The New England Journal of Medicine. Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo at the University of California, San Francisco was the lead author. She says people would not even notice a difference in taste with three grams, or one half teaspoon, less salt per day. The team also included researchers at Stanford and Columbia University.Each gram of salt contains four hundred milligrams of sodium(钠), which is how foods may list their salt content.The government says the average American man eats ten grams of salt a day. The American Heart Association advises no more than three grams for healthy people. It says salt in the American diet has increased fifty percent since the 1970s, while blood pressure has also risen. Less salt can lead to lower blood pressure.New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is leading an effort called the National Salt Reduction Initiative. The idea is to put pressure on food companies and restaurants to use less salt. But some people dont agree. They call it government interference. They say that food companies and restaurants are free and they know what to do. The government shouldnt make any decisions instead of them.Mayor Bloomberg has already succeeded in other areas, like requiring fast food places in the city to list calorie information. Now a study by the Seattle Childrens Research Institute shows that the calorie information on the menu can influence what parents order for their children.28.Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo is.A.a journalist from The New England Journal of MedicineB.a teacher from the University of CaliforniaC.a leader of the American Heart AssociationD.an expert from the National Salt Reduction Initiative29.According to the passage,is NOT related to salt in diet.A.cancerB.a strokeC.blood pressureD.a heart attack30.The underlined word “interference” probably meansin the passage.A.fightB.noiseC.supportD.force31.From the text we know.A.Bloomberg succeeded in making the food companies and restaurants use less saltB.we may notice nothing in taste if three grams less salt is used in our food every dayC.blood pressure increased 50% while people took more salt since the 1970sD.that 240 billion dollars is wasted in the US every year because people eat less salt32.Whats the main idea of the passage?A.Dishes with less salt are more delicious.B.Salt is the cause of heart disease.C.Taking less salt is good for the heart.D.Michael Bloomberg and salt reduction.四、任务型阅读(每小题2分,共10分)(2019河北中考)Artificial intelligence (AI)(人工智能) is growing rapidly. We are living in a world that depends more and more on AI. AI is a group of technologies that help machines get, understand and use information to do tasks.AIs recent developments have got a lot of social attention. Some people have welcomed AI because it makes things possible. For example, AI will have a big influence on areas like medicine and engineering. But this attention has also produced a lot of fear. Especially, many workers are worrying that AI could make them lose their jobs.According to a recent study, nearly five percent of jobs will disappear because of AI. In some industries, AI is already doing the work that people used to do, such as assembling (装配) cars, digging the coal and lifting goods. Self-driving cars and trucks controlled by AI will also take away the drivers jobs in the future.On the other hand, AI will also create many new jobs for people. More people will be needed to write programmes for AI systems (系统) and they will set up and work on them, too. Meanwhile, jobs that require feelings, excellent communication skills with people will not be replaced (取代) by AI. These include jobs in fields like teaching, nursing and personal training.AI is here. It is changing how people live and work in many ways. That makes AI important to watch, not to fear.3334题完成句子;35题简略回答问题;36题找出并写下第二段的主题句;37题将文中画线句子译成汉语。33.AI isthat help machines to do tasks.34.controlled by AI may make the drivers lose their jobs.35.What will AI create for people? 36. 37. 五、词语运用(每小题1分,共10分)(2019河北唐山路南区一模)根据短文内容及所给提示,补全文中单词或用所给单词的正确形式填空。We are moved by the people and things around us. Yang Min is one of the 38.(person) I admire most. As a member of the Lions, she has been helping others 39.many years. She 40.(go) to the old peoples home twice a month to cut hair, wash clothes and do some 41.(clean) for them. Besides, on 42.(rain) days she offers people umbrellas or raincoats for free. Im 43.(deep) moved by her story. Im going to 44.swith small things around me. I 45.pto give books and clothes to children in poor villages. Whats more, Ill ask my parents and more friends to join me. Small action can make a big 46.(different). Lets help the people 47.wneed help!六、连词成句(每小题1分,共5分)(2019河北石家庄桥西区一模)48.a, basketball, you, fan, are49.you, kind of, sport, do, like, what50.you, it, nice, to, was, hear from51.nature, sounds, over 100, of, there are52.are, delicious, cakes, these, how七、书面表达(16分)(2019河北中考)请仔细观察下面的图片,并根据所给提示和要求写一篇短文。提示:(1)What are the man and the woman doing?(2)What should you do when you see people litter like this? Why?要求:(1)短文须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥。(2)短文中不要出现真实的地名、校名和人名。(3)词数80个左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。参考词汇:throw, environment, civilized(文明的)I can see a man and a woman in the picture. The man is答案精解精析一、1.B句意:我最喜欢橘子。你最喜欢的水果是什么?本题的考点是orange的用法,由本题中oranges可以推断此处意为“橘子”,而不是“橙色,橙汁”,所以设空处问的是水果,故选B。2.D句意:迈克将来我的聚会。我们所有人都很喜欢他。本题考查人称代词宾格。因为迈克是男性,所以用him, 故选D。3.A句意:我已经给奶奶订了一些鲜花了,花在两小时后会到。本题考查介词辨析。in在里;after在后;over在上面;for为,给。4.A 句意:这段音乐我已经练了很多次了。我现在能演奏得更好了。本题考查时态。根据状语many times可知此处用现在完成时。5.A 句意:我以前从没看过一部比Coco更好的电影。多么感人的故事啊!本题考查形容词的辨析。根据“What a moving story”可知作者喜欢这部电影,故选A。6.A句意:只剩下一天了,你必须在明天之前完成你的作业。本题考查情态动词。must必须;will将要;can能;may可以;可能。根据句意可知应该用“必须”,故选A。7.A句意:我校篮球队虽然输了这场比赛,但是我们仍然对他们有信心。本题考查连词。根据句意判断这属于转折关系,故用but。8.D句意:这个故事真幽默。它是马克吐温写的。本题考查动词的被动语态。根据句意可知马克吐温写书这一动作发生在过去,故用一般过去时。又因为story与Mark Twain之间为被动关系,故用被动语态,因此本题选D。9.C句意:你能帮我真是太好了。别客气。my pleasure“别客气,不用谢”,符合题意。10.B句意:看那座石屋!你知道它是什么时候修建的吗?在19世纪80年代。它相当古老了。本题考查宾语从句。由答语推断前一句问的是时间,再根据宾语从句中应该用陈述句语序可知选B。二、语篇解读本文为记叙文。本文讲述了一些刺让Ralph记住听大人的话的故事。11.B由上文“but he would cry from time to time”可知此处在具体解释他什么时候会哭,故本题选择B。12.C由上文“When he could not have what he wanted”以及下文“he would also cry”可知本题选择C。13.D由下文“Ralph helped his mother with the farm work”可知他和他的妈妈去了可以干农活的地方。park意为“公园”;garden意为“花园”;forest意为“森林”;field意为“田野,田地”,故本题选择D。14.A结合上文“Ralph thought he was, for once, a good boy.”和下文“he was very happy”可推断Ralph对自己的表现很满意,他的脸上挂着笑容,故本题选择A。15.C由下文妈妈的话“Have a good rest here and eat some cookies.”可知妈妈认为Ralph又累又饿,故选择C。16.B句意:当他看到他妈妈手中仍然有一朵白色的玫瑰时,Ralph要它。wait for意为“等待”;ask for意为“要”;care for意为“照看,照料”;thank for意为“感谢”,故本题选择B。17.C你千万不要触摸它,不然你一定会弄伤你的手。拿玫瑰花肯定是用手,故本题选择C。18.D他开始哭,并且突然把它拿走。quietly意为“安静地”;proudly意为“骄傲地”;politely意为“有礼貌地”;suddenly意为“突然”,根据语境可知本题选择D。19.D句意:它(那只手)如此疼,以至于他有一段时间不能用它。helpful意为“有帮助的”;harmful意为“有害的”;peaceful意为“和平的”;painful意为“疼痛的”。Ralph的手被玫瑰花扎了,一定很疼,故选择D。20.C句意:Ralph永远都不会忘记这件事。accept意为“接受”;refuse意为“拒绝”;forget意为“忘记”;remember意为“记得”。由句意可知本题选择C。三、A语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。一次我数学考了65分,怕父亲失望,我骗父亲我得了85分,后来被父亲识破。父亲对我撒谎的行为感到非常痛心,我认识到自己的错误,诚恳地向父亲道歉,从那以后再也没说过谎。21.B细节理解题。根据文章第四段 中的I had lied because I didnt want to let him down.可知我向父亲撒谎的原因是我不想让他失望,故本题选B。22.D推理判断题。文章第五段中Finally, Dad said,in a hurt voice,“You have let me down with your lie.可知,父亲是因为女儿撒了谎而伤心的,所以D是正确的。23.A推理判断题。根据文章倒数第三段中的If you cant be honest with your dad.than rebuild someone elses trust on you.可知,父亲认为诚实比成绩重要,所以A是正确的。B语篇解读本文介绍了恃强凌弱的人的特点,告诉读者当遭遇或别人遭遇欺凌时该如何做,并且说明了这种恃强凌弱的人是可以改变的。24.B细节理解题。根据How can you tell if a person is a bully?中的“borrow money then wont pay you back”可知他们借了钱不会还,因此本题选B。25.B推理判断题。根据What should you do if you see a bully bothering someone?中的介绍可知B是正确的。26.A推理判断题。根据第一部分 How can you tell if a person is a bully?中make fun of you in front of your friends可知A选项的描述是正确的。27.D主旨大意题。根据文章的主要内容可知全文介绍的是我们周围的欺凌,因此最恰当的题目是“Bullying around us”,故本题选D。C语篇解读本文属于说明文。来自新英格兰医学期刊的一份调查表明,每天盐量的摄入对人体的健康有很大的影响,美国政府部门对此采取了一些措施,虽有反对意见但也有一些成效。28.B细节理解题。文中涉及Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo的介绍出现在第四段:Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo at the University of California ,可知选项B正确。29.A推理判断题。根据文中第二段中的数据介绍可以得知盐的摄入量降低可对stokes, heart attacks 有影响,第六段提及盐对血压的影响,故本题选A。30.D词义猜测题。根据上文政府部门想对食品公司和餐厅采取强制措施来控制盐量,但有人持反对意见,可推断他们认为这是“政府干涉”,即“政府强迫”,故D选项意思最为接近。31.B细节理解题。根据文中第四段Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo 的观点“She says people would not even notice a difference in taste with three grams ,or one half teaspoon” 可知B的陈述是正确的。32.C主旨大意题。全文通过对一些数据和科学理论的介绍来证明盐量摄入与人的健康,尤其是心脏,有密切关系,故选C。四、语篇解读本文为说明文。近年来,人工智能发展得非常迅猛,可以说我们正生活在一个越来越依靠人工智能的时代。人工智


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