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2019年临沂市初中学业水平考试模拟试题(三)(考试时间:100分钟满分:100分)第卷(选择题共55分)一、听力测试(共15小题,计15分) (一)听句子,选择与句子内容相对应的图片。每个句子读两遍。1 2. 3._4. 5._ (二)听对话和问题,根据所听内容,选择最佳答案。对话和问题都读两遍。6A.The Amazon. BThe Nile. CThe Yangtze River.7A.Black and white. BPink. CWhite.8A.Yes, she has. BNo, she hasnt. CNo, I havent.9A.Last Sunday. BThree years ago. CLast year.10A.For three years. BFor four years. CThree years ago.(三)听短文,根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的用“A”表示,不正确的用“B”表示。短文读两遍。听短文前,你们有20秒钟的时间阅读下列句子。11Sarah is a girl from England.12Sarah used to fight with her family.13A pop music made Sarah think of her family and friends.14Sarah hasnt been to the home of country music.15Garth has sold over 120 thousand records.请同学们翻到第卷,先找到第四大题。你们将有5秒钟的准备时间。二、单项填空(共15小题,计15分)选择最佳答案。16We usually have three meals day. We have breakfast at eight in the morning every day.Aa; the Ba;a Ca;/ D/; the17There a concert given by the top students from Yale University next Tuesday.Yes. I am looking forward to it.Awill be Bwill have Care going to be Dis going to have18If you help us solve the problems, you may go to America for a free trip.Its a very nice , but I really cant accept it.Areason Bexcuse Coffer Ddecision19Listen! Is Lily singing in the classroom?No. It be lily. She has gone to Paris.Amay not Bneednt Ccant Dwont20The girl is afraid of dark, so she goes to bed the lights on.Awith Bby Cfor Dat21Have you ever read the book The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare?Yes, I dont like Sherlock. He is selfish. He usually only thinks of himself and doesnt other people.Acare about Bhear about Cworry about Dknow about22Lets go fishing if it this weekend.But nobody knows if it .Ais fine; will rain Bwill be fine; rainsCwill be fine; will rain Dis fine; rains23What should I do, doctor? healthy, you should do more exercise.AKeep BKeeping CTo keep DHaving kept24Can you tell me about PyeongChang Olympics?Yuzuru Hanyu from Japan won the first gold medal at PyeongChang Olympics on Saturday in mens single figure skating, Jin Boyang set Chinas best result in the event as the fourth finisher.Aanything special; while Bsomething special; whileCanything special when Dsomething special; when25Kitty, will you go to see the film Cold Mountain this evening?No. I wont. I it already. I think you will like it.Asaw Bhave seen Csee Dwill see26A gunman killed 17 people at a high school in the state of Florida on February 14th, 2019 and the American president Donald Trump signals support for raising age for gun buying. terrible news!A19yearold; What a B19 years old; HowC19 years old; How a D19yearold; What27An English speech to the children in two days.Ais given Bhas been given Cwill be given Dwill give28How do you pay when you go shopping abroad?By using Alipay is so easy and safe.Awhat Bwho Cwhich Dwhose29Could you predict ?It is said humans can live to be 200 years old.Ahow long can humans live Bhow long humans can liveChow soon can humans live Dhow soon humans can live30Could you please take out the rubbish? . But I want to drink a cup of water first.AWhat a pity BSure, no problem CIts my pleasure DNo, I cant三、阅读理解(共25小题,计25分)AAs prices and building costs keep rising, the DIY in big cities of China becomes more popular.“We needed furniture for our living room,” says Li Ling, “and we just didnt have enough money to buy it. So we decided to try making a few tables and chairs.” Li Ling got married six months ago, and like many young people these days, they tried their best to make a home by themselves because the cost of living is very high. Li Ling and his wife took a 2week course for 1280 yuan at a training school. Now they build all their furniture and make repairs around the house.Mr. Wang has three boys and his wife has died. He has a job in a shoe making factory. Last month, he received a car repair bill for 900 yuan. “I was deeply upset about it. Now Ive finished a car repair course. I should be able to fix the car by myself. ”Li Ling and Mr. Wang are not unusual people. Most families in our country are doing everything they can to save money so they can fight the high cost of living. If you want to become a “doityourselfer”, you can go to DIY classes. And for those who dont have time to take a course, there are books that tell you how you can do things yourselves.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。正确的用“A”表示,不正确的用“B”表示。31Because of the high cost of living,Li Ling and his wife try to make a home by themselves.32Mr. Wang took a furniture repair course.33Mr. Wang and Li Ling are usual people.34Three examples are given to prove the DIY becomes more popular.35If you have no time to take a course, you can buy some books about DIY.BIn some science fiction movies, evil robots refuse to die, no matter how hard people fight back.Now science fiction has become science fact. For the first time, scientists have made a robot that can take a beating(挨打) and keep on going. Scientists from Cornell University made the robot, which looks like a spider with four legs.Until now, even the most advanced(先进的) robot was almost certain to break down when it was damaged. That is because its computer inside simply doesnt know how to make the machine work after its shape has changed.To deal with this problem, the scientists put eight motors(发动机) and two sensors(传感器) that read how the machine is working. They all give signals to the machines software. Using this information, the computer can then figure out the machines shape at any moment.The new technology is a big advance in robotmaking, scientists say, and its far from scary. It may someday help scientists create better artificial(假的) arms and legs and give new freedom to people who lose them. It might also help scientists understand how people and animals figure out their own sense of place in space.“It has been difficult to design robots that can work well when the environment changes or when its damaged,” says Olaf Sporns of Indiana University in US. “With this work, we are nearer to solving this problem.”根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。36Why do robots easily break down when they are damaged?AThey cannot repair themselves. BThe computer has changed a lot.CThey have no computers inside. DThe computer cannot work if the robot changes.37The new technology allows the robot to .Ado house work for humans Bkeep working after being damagedCremember a lot of information Dtell people where it is38The underlined word “them” in Paragraph 5 refers to .Asensors Brobots Carms and legs Dscientists39How do the sensors in the robot work?AThey can replace the computer when its broken.BThey can find out where the damage comes from.CThey help the computer learn the robots condition.DThey can send signals to the person who uses the robot.40The passage is probably from .Aa newspaper Ban advertisement Ca tour guide Dan applicationC根据短文内容,从方框中选出恰当的单词或短语填空,使语意通顺完整。第一个方框供4145小题选用,第二个方框供4650小题选用。每个选项只能使用一次,每框有一项剩余。AleavesBwasCdrinkingDcalledEsafeFfinestDid you know that tea, the most popular drink in the world (after water), was invented by accident? Many people believe that tea was first drunk about 5,000 years ago. It is said that a Chinese ruler 41 Shen Nong first discovered tea as a drink. One day Shen Nong was boiling 42 water over an open fire. Some 43 from a tea plant fell into the water and remained there for some time. It produced a nice smell so he tasted the brown water. It was quite delicious. And so, one of the worlds favorite drinks 44 invented.A few thousand years later, Lu Yu, “the saint of tea”, mentioned Shen Nong in his book Cha Jing. The book describes how tea plants were grown and used to make tea. It also discusses where the 45 tea leaves were produced and what kinds of water were used.AbelievedBwithoutCneedsDnationalElessFcenturiesIt is 46 that tea was brought to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th 47 . In England, tea didnt appear until around 1660, but 48 than 100 years later, it had become the 49 drink. The tea trade from China to Western countries took place in the 19th century. This helped to speed the popularity of tea and the tea plant to more places around the world. Even though many people now know about tea culture, the Chinese are 50 doubt the ones who best understand the nature of tea.答案:41. 42. 43. 44._45. 46 47._48. 49. 50._ DLadies and gentlemen,Good morning. I am proud to introduce our “Oriental Moscow” Heilongjiang. 51 First, I want to introduce the geographical location, size of Heilongjiang province. Heilongjiang is the northeast of the country, covers an area of 46 square kilometers, the west is plain(平原) , the northeast for Sanjiang plain, North and southeast for mountain. 52 Long and cold in winter, summer is short and cool, large temperature gap between north and south, so north even have no long winter and no summer. So in summer we can have holiday, in winter we can watch the snow view and lantern Festival(冰灯) 53 Next to introduce the Heilongjiangs features: First, due to the volcanic(火山的) remains a lot, volcanic activities for Heilongjiang created the tourism resources for Heilongjiang. Second, local literature and art in Heilongice sculpture(冰雕). Since the 60s, ice sculpture has so far been has wide influence. It has over 200 years history of Errenzhuan. 54 Now I will introduce two famous scenic spots of Heilongjiang: Sophia church, the central street. First, the Sophia church. Sophia church in Harbin built in 2019.It displays the Harbin scenery as a unique architecture. It is welcoming every visitors by using the unique charm and rich content. The central streetHarbin is affected by European culture, reflected in too many European architecture. The central street is not only is an old street, the walking street, but also is a building art expo street(街头艺术展览会). 55 , for example, western food festival, carnival(狂欢节), wedding day(婚庆节), garments festival, street culture festival and shopping festival attracted friends all over the world.Now let my partner to introduce the other beauty of Heilongjiang. Thank you.根据短文内容,从方框中选出五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容通顺完整。AHeilongjiangs populationBHeilongjiangs locationCHeilongjiangs featuresDHeilongjiangs famous scenic spotsEHeilongjiangs weatherFThere are different characteristic brand activities第卷(非选择题共45分)四、听写(共5小题, 计5分)听对话,根据对话内容完成下列句子,每空词数不限。对话读三遍。听对话前,你们有20秒钟的时间阅读下列句子。56How long has Alice been in China?Alice has been in China since months ago.57What does Alice think of Beijing now?Now she with Beijing.58What can you do in Beijing?Beijing is interesting places to see and things to do.59When did Alice go to the Great Wall?Alice went to the Great Wall .60When will Alice go back to Australia?Alice is going back to Australia .五、词形转换 (共8小题,计8分)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,每空格限填一词。61The Dragon Boat Festival was on the of May this year.(thirty)62The actors in the series “In The Name of People” were not for reward, they wanted to show the spirit of serving the people.(simple)63What an vacation! I had a great time with my family.(enjoy)64All the people enjoyed at the party yesterday.(they)65I just stood there in because I really had nothing to say.(silent)66Could you please speak more ? The line is really bad.(clear)67We can believe what he said. There is no question of his .(honest)68The church regularly provides food and clothes for the in winter.(home)六、动词应用 (共7小题,计7分)根据短文内容,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。Mrs. Jones is over 80, but she still drives her old car like a young woman. She loves driving very fast, and she says that she has never 69 (break) the traffic rules.One day, however, she nearly broke her record. A police car followed her, and the policeman in it saw her pass a red light without 70 (stop)When Mrs. Jones came before the policeman, he looked at her seriously and said that she was too old 71 (drive) a car, and that her eyes had probably become weak with old age, so she had not stopped at the red light.After the policeman finished his words, Mrs. Jones quietly opened the big handbag she was 72 (carry) and took out her sewing(针线活) kit. She 73 (choose) a needle(针) with a very small eye, and threaded(穿线) it at her first try.When she had successfully done this, she took the thread out of the needle again and handed both the needle out the thread to the policeman, saying, “Now it is your turn. You drive a car and you must 74 (see) clearly.”The policeman took the needle and tried to thread it. After trying six times, he still didnt succeed. So Mrs. Jones 75 (not punish) and her record remained unbroken.答案:69. 70. 71. 72._ 73 74. 75._ 七、阅读表达 (共5小题,计10分)根据短文内容,回答下列问题。Limited Screen TimeWhat Is It?The newly app(应用程序) “Limited Screen Time” designed by Thomas Black Company is coming out today. “Limited Screen Time” is a simple app that allows you to set limits on the time your children use an iPhone or iPad.BackgroundParents are worried about the length of time that todays children spend on screen. And long screen time is one of the reasons why kids are shortsighted. “Limited Screen Time” is a simple way to help set and control limits to your childrens time with an iPhone and iPad.How Does It Work?Step One: Use your finger across the clock to set the time.Step Two: Set the user by typing on the “Users”Step Three: Press “Start”Step Four: Pass your iPhone or iPad to your child and let them use the phone any way you choose.(e. g. apps, movies, music)What Happens Next?After your set the time, the device(装置) will receive a set of messages alerting(警告) your children that “Your screen time is up”, Your children will be unable to continue using the phone until the passcode is correctly entered.Graphs(曲线图)From the graphs you can see the weekly length of screen time76Who designed “Limited Screen Time”?_77Why kids are shortsighted?(Give one of reasons)_78How many steps does “Limited Screen Time” work?_79What will the device(装置) receive after setting the time?_80What does graphs use for?_八、书面表达(计15分) 你即将初中刚毕业,父母准备一份礼物给你庆祝这一重要时刻。写一篇至少60词的信给你的父母。告诉他们你想要什么礼物,它对你的重要性及用处。信的开头已给。 (注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。标点符号不占格)_参考答案15 BAFEC610 BBBCA1115 BABAB1620 CACCA2125 AACAB2630 DCCBB3135 ABABA3640 DBCCA4145 DCABF4650 AFEDB5155 BECDF56two/257.falls in love58.full of 59.last Sunday60tomorrow61thirtieth62.simply63.enjoyable64.themselves65silence66.clearly67.honesty68.homeless69broken70.stopping71.to drive72.carrying73chose74.see75.wasnt punished76Thomas Black Company.77(Because of) Long screen time.78Four.79A set of messages.80Seeing/ To see the weekly length of screen time.Dear parents,I am graduating from middle school soon. You want to give me a gift to celebrate the important time. I hope that you will give me a computer as a gift. If I get it, my daily life will really change. For one thing, I can use the learning software to study. It will help me improve my grades. For another thing, I will send emails to my friends. So it is easy for me to communicate with my friends. Besides, I will collect things about learning and search for information on the computer. It will help me to gain knowledge. What is more, I can play computer games and chat with epals in my spare time. How interesting it is!Yours,【听力原文】(一)听句子,选择与句子内容相对应的图片。每个句子读两遍。1Chinese people eat dumplings in Spring Festival.2We will go to Hainan on this summer vacation.3Treasure Island is about a boy who goes out to sea and finds an island full of treasures.4I have been to the art museum many times.5Look, Yu Gong and his children are working on moving the mountains.(二)听对话和问题,根据所听内容,选择最佳答案。对话和问题都读两遍。6M: Hi, Anna, which is the longest river in the world?W: I know. The Nile is the longest river in the world.M: And The Amazon is the second longest river in the world.Q: Which is the longest river in the world?7W: Is a baby panda also black and white?M: No, you would never guess! A baby panda is pink and it cannot see.Q: What color is a baby panda?8W: Have you read Tom Sawyer yet, Henry?M: Yes. Ive already read it. Have you, Kate?W: No. I havent. Whats it like?M: Its fa


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