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中国石油大学华东VB练习题(大一下)1、 时钟2、 滚动条3、 列表框4、 复选框5、 单选框6、 组合框7、 多分枝选择8、 定义函数九、TXT十、数组一、时钟程序运行后,每隔2秒命令按钮Command1向右移动100个单位。Private Sub Form_Load()Timer1.Interval = 2End SubPrivate Sub timer1_timer()Call mymoveEnd SubSub mymove() Command1.Left = Command1.Left + 200End Sub二、滚动条水平滚动条HScroll1的数值范围04000,LargeChange设置为200,SmallChange设置为50,水平滚动条HScroll1的值(Value)代表命令按钮Command1的宽度,当水平滚动条的滑块变化时,命令按钮Command1的宽度随之改变Private Sub Form_Load()HScroll1.Min = 0HScroll1.Max = 4000HScroll1.SmallChange = 50HScroll1.LargeChange = 200Command1.Caption = 驻倚靠危楼风细细,无言谁会凭栏意。衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊销得人憔悴End SubPrivate Sub HScroll1_Change()Command1.Width = Val(HScroll1.Value)End Sub三、列表框 点击“-”按钮,将左边列表中的选中项移动到右边列表的末尾;点击“”按钮,将左边列表所有内容移动到右边列表的末尾;点击“= 0 And i = 0 And i = 0 And i = 0 And i -1 Then _ .RemoveItem .ListIndex End With End SubPrivate Sub Command5_Click() ClrList List1 List1.ClearEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load() List1.Clear: List1.AddItem 语文: List1.AddItem 数学: List1.AddItem 英语End Sub实现第一条、前一条、后一条、最后一条等4按钮的功能 Private Sub form_load()List1.AddItem 财务List1.AddItem 会计List1.AddItem 国贸List1.AddItem 营销List1.AddItem 工管Private Sub Command1_Click()List1.Text = List1.List(0)End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()List1.Text = List1.List(List1.ListIndex - 1)End SubPrivate Sub Command3_Click()List1.Text = List1.List(List1.ListIndex + 1)End SubPrivate Sub Command4_Click()List1.Text = List1.List(List1.ListCount - 1)End Sub4、 复选框 窗体中4个复选框分别代表4各班级,复选框中的标题文字代表班级人数,用户选择复选框后,点击命令按钮Command1,程序计算出所选班级的总人数,结果放入文本框Text1中。Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim s%If Check1.Value = 1 Then s = s + Val(Check1.Caption)End IfIf Check2.Value = 1 Then s = s + Val(Check2.Caption)End IfIf Check3.Value = 1 Then s = s + Val(Check3.Caption)End IfIf Check4.Value = 1 Then s = s + Val(Check4.Caption)End IfText1.Text = Str(s)End SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()Check1.Caption = 30Check2.Caption = 28Check3.Caption = 31Check4.Caption = 29Label1.Caption = 人数Text1.Text = End Sub用户选择复选框后,点击命令按钮Command1,程序根据复选框对文本框Text1中的字体进行相应的设置。Private Sub Command1_Click()If Check1.Value = 1 Then Text1.FontBold = TrueIf Check2.Value = 1 Then Text1.FontItalic = TrueIf Check3.Value = 1 Then Text1.FontUnderline = TrueEnd Sub五、 单选框用户在数和算法两个框架中各选一个单选按钮,点击命令按钮Command1,程序根据选中单选按钮进行相应的计算,结果放入文本框Text1中。Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a%, b%, c%, d%k = 1: t = 0a = Val(Option1.Caption)b = Val(Option2.Caption)If Option1.Value And Option3.Value Then For i = 1 To a k = k * i Next iText1.Text = kElseIf Option1.Value And Option4.Value Then For i = 1 To a t = t + i Next iText1.Text = tElseIf Option2.Value And Option3.Value Then For i = 1 To b k = k * i Next iText1.Text = kElseIf Option2.Value And Option4.Value Then For i = 1 To b t = t + i Next iText1.Text = tEnd IfEnd Sub5、 组合框字体组合框包括宋体、黑体、幼圆、隶书4个列表项;字号组合框列表项的值从1248,以4递增。选择字体组合框或者字号组合框中的某一项,点击按钮Command1,文本框中的字体和字号进行相应的改变。Private Sub Command1_Click()Text1.FontName = Combo1.TextText1.FontSize = Combo2.TextEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()Combo1.AddItem 宋体Combo1.AddItem 黑体Combo1.AddItem 幼圆Combo1.AddItem 隶书For i = 12 To 48 Step 4Combo2.AddItem iNext iText1.Text = Visual BasicEnd Sub七、多分枝加密:点击加密按钮Command1,输入1个小写英文字母,程序将该英文字母变为字母表中其后面的一个字母输出,如a改为b,m改为n,z改为a,以此类推。点击解密按钮Command2,输入1个小写英文字母,程序将其解密后通过输出。使用InputBox和MsgBox完成输入输出。Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a As String, b As Stringa = InputBox()If Asc(a) = 122 Then b = Chr(97)Else: b = Chr(Asc(a) + 1)End IfMsgBox bEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Dim c As String, d As Stringc = InputBox()If Asc(c) = 97 Then d = Chr(122)Else: d = Chr(Asc(c) - 1)End IfMsgBox dEnd Sub铁路收费:铁路行李托运费计算规则为:行李重量不超过50kg时,每千克0.25元;超过50kg不超过100kg时,其超过部分每千克0.35元;超过100kg时,其超过部分每千克0.45元。点击按钮Command1,程序输入行李重量,计算并输出托运费用。使用InputBox和MsgBox完成输入输出。Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a As Double, b As Doublea = Val(InputBox()If a = 0 And a = 50 Then b = a * 0.25 ElseIf a = 100 Then b = 30 + (a - 100) * 0.45End IfMsgBox bEnd Sub (也可用select case 语句)成绩评定; 成绩评价方法为:90及以上优秀,80及以上良好,70及以上中等,60及以上及格,60以下不及格。点击按钮Command1,程序输入成绩,输出成绩评价。使用InputBox和MsgBox完成输入输出。Private Sub Command1_Click() a = Val(InputBox(输入成绩) If a = 90 Then b = 优秀 ElseIf a = 80 Then b = 良好 ElseIf a = 70 Then b = 中等 ElseIf a = 60 Then b = 及格 Else b = 不及格 End If MsgBox bEnd Sub (也可用select case 语句或者直接限定范围进行选择)8、 定义函数: 【一个月有几天】一个月的天数:在窗体Form1中实现函数Days。参数y和m分别表示年份和月份,函数返回该年该月的天数。 提示:闰年2月份有29天,平年有28天。 闰年的条件:1)年份能被4整除,但不能被100整除;2)或年份能被400整除 Public Function Days(y As Long, m As Long) As Long End FunctionFunction leap(y As Long) As Boolean b1 = y Mod 4 = 0 b2 = y Mod 100 0 b3 = y Mod 400 = 0 leap = b1 And b2 Or b3End FunctionPublic Function days(y As Long, m As Long) As Long Select Case m Case 2 If leap(y) Then days = 29 Else days = 28 End If Case 4, 6, 9, 11 days = 30 Case 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12 days = 31 End SelectEnd FunctionPrivate Sub Command1_Click() Dim a&, b&, c& a = Val(InputBox() b = Val(InputBox() c = days(a, b) MsgBox cEnd Sub【三角形】:在窗体Form1中实现函数Triangle。a,b,c三个参数为三角形三条边,若三边能构成三角形,通过参数p将周长返回,函数返回值返回三角形面积;否则周长和面积均返回0。 提示: 海伦公式为: , Public Function Triangle(a As Long, b As Long, c As Long, p As Long) As Double End FunctionPublic Function Triangle(a As Long, b As Long, c As Long, ByRef p As Long) As Double Dim l If a + b = c Or a + c = b Or b + c a(j) Then p = j Next j k = a(i) a(i) = a(p) a(p) = kNext iEnd Sub(王老师的那种算法可能会评测错误)【判断是否三角形等腰】: 在窗体Form1中实现函数TriangleClass。a,b,c三个参数为三角形三条边,函数返回三角形的形状。可能的三角形形状为以下4种:等边三角形,等腰三角形,一般三角形,不构成三角形。 Public Function TriangleClass(a As Long, b As Long, c As Long) As String End Function Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a As Long, b As Long, c As Longa = Val(InputBox()b = Val(InputBox()c = Val(InputBox()MsgBox triangleclass(a, b, c)End SubPublic Function triangleclass(a As Long, b As Long, c As Long) As StringDim s$If a + b = c Or b + c = a Or a + c max Then max = a(i)Next iEnd Function【排序】:在窗体Form1中实现子程序Sort。参数a()为数组,子程序Sort对该数组按逆序(从大到小)排序。 Public Sub Sort(a() As Long) End Sub Public Sub Sort(a() As Long)n = UBound(a)For i = 0 To n - 1For j = i + 1 To nIf a(j) a(i) Thent = a(i)a(i) = a(j)a(j) = tEnd IfNext jNext iEnd Sub【完数】:在窗体Form1中实现函数Perfect。如果参数x为完全数,该函数返回True;否则返回False。(完全数:真因子(除自身以外的因子)之和为其本身) Public Function Perfect(x As Long) As Boolean End FunctionPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim x As Longx = Val(InputBox()MsgBox perfect(x)End SubPublic Function perfect(x As Long) As BooleanFor i = 0 To x - 1If x Mod i = 0 Thens = s + iEnd IfNext iIf s = x Thenperfect = TrueElseperfect = FalseEnd IfEnd Function【符号函数】 在窗体Form1中实现函数MySgn。当参数x0时,函数MySgn返回1;当参数x 0 Then MySgn = 1ElseIf x = 0 Then MySgn = 0Else MySgn = -1End IfEnd Function九、TXT:复制文件:复制文件。点击Command1按钮,程序将文件a.txt中的内容复制到文件b.txt中Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a$Open a.txt For Input As #1 Open b.txt For Output As #2 Do While Not EOF(1) Line Input #1, aPrint #2, aLoopClose #2逆序: 文件a.txt中每行包括2列内容,分别为姓名,成绩。单击Command1按钮,程序将a.txt文件中的各行,逆序写入b.txt文件中。 a.txt文件格式示例 - 小红,90 小明,95 小刚,85 b.txt文件格式示例 - 小刚,85 小明,95 小红,90Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a$(1 To 10), b%(1 To 10), i%, j%Open a.txt For Input As #1Open b.txt For Output As #2i = 1 Do While Not EOF(1) Input #1, a(i), b(i) i = i + 1 LoopFor j = UBound(b) To LBound(b) Step -1 If b(j) 0 Then Write #2, a(j), b(j) End IfNext jClose #2Close #1End Sub找最大: 文件a.txt中每行包括2列内容,分别为姓名,成绩。单击Command1按钮,程序找出最高分所在行,将姓名和成绩写入b.txt文件中。 a.txt文件格式示例 - 小红,90 小明,95 小刚,85 b.txt文件格式示例 - 小明,95Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a$, b%, c$, d%Open a.txt For Input As #1 Open b.txt For Output As #2 Do While Not EOF(1) Input #1, a, b If b d Then d = b: c = a Loop Write #2, c, dClose #1Close #2End Sub 求和: 文件a.txt中每行包括3列内容,分别为姓名,语文成绩,数学成绩。单击Command1按钮,程序计算出每名同学的总成绩,写入b.txt文件中。 a.txt文件格式示例 - 小红,80,90 小明,70,80 b.txt文件格式示例 - 小红,170 小明,150Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim n$, c%, d%, e%Open a.txt For Input As #1Open b.txt For Output As #2Do While Not EOF(1) Input #1, n, c, d e = c + dWrite #2, n, eLoop Close #1 Close #2End Sub 选择 : 文件a.txt中每行包括2列内容,分别为姓名,成绩。单击Command1按钮,程序将分数大于等于90分对应的行,写入b.txt文件中。 a.txt文件格式示例 - 小红,90 小明,95 小刚,85 b.txt文件格式示例 - 小红,90 小明,95Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a$, b%Open a.txt For Input As #1Open b.txt For Output As #2Do While Not EOF(1) Input #1, a, b If b = 90 Then Write #2, a, b End IfLoopClose #1Close #2End Sub排序: 文件a.txt中每行包含1个数。单击Command1按钮,程序将所有数排序后写入b.txt文件中。 a.txt文件格式示例 - 13 8 17 12 b.txt文件格式示例 - 8 12 13 17Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a%(1 To 12), i%, j%, k%, t%,h = UBound(a): g = LBound(a): i = LBound(a)sp = App.Path & Open sp & a.txt For Input As #1Open sp & b.txt For Output As #2For i = 1 To 12 Input #1, a(i)Next iFor j = 1 To 11 For k = j To 12 If a(j) a(k) Then t = a(j): a(j) = a(k): a(k) = t Print a(j) Next kNext jFor j = 1 To 12If a(j) 0 Then Write #2, a(j)Next j Close #1 Close #2End Sub素数; 文件a.txt中每行包含1个数。单击Command1按钮,程序将所有的素数写入b.txt文件中。 a.txt文件格式示例 - 13 8 17 12 b.txt文件格式示例 - 13 17Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a%sp = App.Path & Open sp & a.txt For Input As #1Open sp & b.txt For Output As #2Do While Not EOF(1) Input #1, a For i = 2 To a - 1 If a Mod i = 0 Then Exit For Next i If i a - 1 Then Write #2, aLoopClose #1Close #2End Sub 十、数组 数组删除: 在文本框Text1中放入一维数组元素个数n,在文本框Text2中放入n个数组元素,在文本框Text3中放入待查找的数,点击按钮Command1,程序在数组中从左到右进行查找,将第1个等于该数的元素删除后(若找不到则不删除任何元素),将数组放入Text4中。使用ArrayToText和TextToArray完成数组与文本框之间的转换。Option Base 1Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim n%, a%(), b%(), i%, m%, idx%n = Val(Text1.Text) :m = Val(Text3.Text)ReDim a(n)TextToArray Text2, aidx = -1For i = 1 To nIf m = a(i) Then idx = i: Exit ForEnd IfNext iIf idx 0 Then For i = idx + 1 To n a(i - 1) = a(i) Next i n = n - 1 ReDim Preserve a(1 To n)End IfArrayToText a, Text4End Sub插入: 在文本框Text1中放入一维数组元素个数n,在文本框Text2中放入n个数组元素,在文本框Text3中放入待插入的数据,在文本框Text4中放入在数组中插入的位置,点击按钮Command1,程序将数据插入数组中,然后将数组放入Text5中。使用ArrayToText和TextToArray完成数组与文本框之间的转换。要求数组元素下标从0开始。Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a%(), n%, k%, t%,j%n = Val(Text1.Text)ReDim a(n - 1)TextToArray Text2, ak= Val(Text3.Text)t = Val(Text4.Text)For i = 0 To nIf i = k Then P = i: Exit ForNext iFor i = n To p + 1 Step -1 a(i + 1) = a(i)Next ia(p) = kReDim Preserve a(n + 1)ArrayToText a, Text4End Sub 在文本框Text1中放入一维数组元素个数n,在文本框Text2中放入n个数组元素,在文本框Text3中放入待插入的数据,在文本框Text4中放入在数组中插入的位置,点击按钮Command1,程序将数据插入数组中,然后将数组放入Text5中。使用ArrayToText和TextToArray完成数组与文本框之间的转换。要求数组元素下标从0开始。Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a%(),n%,i%,j%,k%,t%n = Text1.Text - 1k =val(text3.text) t = Text4.TextReDim a(n)TextToArray Text2, aFor i = n To t + 1 Step -1a(i + 1) = a(i)Next ia(t) = kReDim Preserve a(n + 1)ArrayToText a, Text5End Sub 最大最小值: 在文本框Text1中放入一维数组元素个数n,在文本框Text2中放入n个数组元素,点击按钮Command1,找出这n个数中第二小的数放入文本框Text3中。使用ArrayToText和TextToArray完成数组与文本框之间的转换。Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a() As Double, t As Doublen = Val(Text1.Text)ReDim a(n)TextToArray Text2, aFor i = 0 To n - 2 For j = 0 To n - i - 1 If a(j) a(j + 1) Then t = a(j + 1): a(j + 1) = a(j): a(j) = t End If Next j Next i Text3.Text = a(2)End Sub 在文本框Text1中放入一维数组元素个数n,在文本框Text2中放入n个数组元素,点击按钮Command1,找出这n个数中最小的数放入文本框Text3中,将该数在数组中的下标放入文本框Text4中。使用ArrayToText和TextToArray完成数组与文本框之间的转换。要求数组元素下标从0开始。Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim n%, b%, c%, i%, a%() n = Val(Text1.Text)ReDim a( n - 1) TextToArray Text2.Text, ab = a(0): c = 0For i= LBound(a) To UBound(a) If a(i) a(j) Then k = a(i) a(i) = a(j) a(j) = k End If Next jNext iArrayToText a, Text3方法二:Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim n%, a%(), i%, j%, k%n = Val(Text1.Text)ReDim a(1 To n)TextToArray Text2, aFor i = LBound(a) To UBound(a) - 1 t= iFor j = i + 1 To UBound(a)If a(t) a(j) Then t = j Next j k = a(i) a(i) = a(j) a(j) = kNext iArrayToText a, Text3数组的输入输出: 逆序输出 点击按钮Command1,程序分别输入个数n以及n个整数,然后将这n个整数分别逆序输出(比如n=3,输入3个数分别3 9 7,输出 7 9 3)。使用InputBox和MsgBox完成输入输出。(1次输入或输出1个数据)Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a%() , b%(),n%,i%,j%n = Val(InputBox(输入n个数)ReDim a(1 To n) b(1 To n)For i = 1 To na(i) = Val(InputBox(输入数字)Next iFor i = 1 To nb(i) = a(n - i + 1)MsgBox b(i)Next iEnd Sub 在文本框Text1中放入一维数组的5个元素,点击按钮Command1,将5个元素逆序放入文本框Text2中。使用ArrayToText和TextToArray完成数组与字符串之间的转换。Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a(4) As Double, b(4) As DoubleTextToArray Text1, aFor i = o To 4b(i) = a(4 - i)Next iArrayToText b, Text2End Sub 行列交换 在文本框Text1中放入二维数组(2行2列)的4个元素,点击按钮Command1,将数组上下2行调换后放入文本框Text2中。使用ArrayToText和TextToArray完成数组与文本框之间的转换。 提示:设置文本框的MultiLine属性为True,文本框中才能显示多行数据 Option Base 1Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a%(), t%ReDim a(2, 2)TextToArray T


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