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13-14学年新目标八上Units1-10试题Class: Name: Marks: (满分100分)一. 选择填空 (15分)( ) 1. Can I tell Peter about the news? No. I dont want anyone else to know it. You must keep it yourself. A. withB. inC. toD. for ( ) 2. Lucy goes to school by bicycle. It usually takes her half hour to get there. A. /; aB. /; anC. the; anD. a; an( ) 3. Take the twice a day, and youll get better soon. A. butterB. saltC. sugar D. medicine ( ) 4. It is to ride fast. You must be careful. A. dangerous B. difficult C. personal D. creative ( ) 5. I like to sit in the front of the classroom because I can see the words on the blackboard more . A. clearlyB. quietlyC. loudlyD. slowly( ) 6. is difficult if you put your heart into it. Try your best, and you can be successful. A. EverythingB. SomethingC. AnythingD. Nothing( ) 7. You will fall behind others you work hard.A. ifB. unlessC. althoughD. because ( ) 8. Do you think our team will the match? Yes. We have better players. A. hope B. ask C. help D. win ( ) 9. Lily go to the party because she has too much homework this Sunday. A. shouldB. canC. cantD. couldnt ( )10. Where you go last week? I to Beijing. A. did; go B. will; go C. did; went D. will; went( )11. do you go to the movies, David? Twice a month. A. How soon B. How far C. How often D. How long ( )12. Is there in this book?A. something new B. new something C. anything new D. new anything( )13. I think math is English. A. less interesting thanB. so interesting as C. much interesting thanD. more interesting as ( )14. Who can climb to the top of the mountain? Paul can. He is boy in my class. A. the strongestB. much strongestC. strongerD. very stronger( )15. Would you please carry this box for me? . A. It doesnt matterB. Im sorry to hear thatC. Have a good timeD. No problem二. 完形填空 (10分)I got up with the best feeling on my birthday. When I 16 beside my father for breakfast, he said, “My son is getting big. Here is my 17 for your birthday.” Then he gave me some money. Mom smiled and said, “You are still 18 . Look! Your pants are still big for you. Go to my room. I have a 19 for you.” I went to her room and saw there was a belt and a watch waiting for me. I ran to my mother and 20 her.After 21 , I was riding my bike to school. 22 I couldnt find it in the shed (自行车棚). My parents gave me the bike for my last birthday. It 23 them a lot of money. I looked at my new watch and found I was 24 for school.I didnt know what to do. I started to cry. It was the 25 day I had. ( )16. A. sat down B. looked down C. went down D. got down ( )17. A. prize B. gift C. medal D. show( )18. A. long B. little C. smart D. tired( )19. A. hat B. bike C. coat D. belt( )20. A. watched B. greeted C. welcomed D. thanked( )21. A. work B. dinner C. breakfast D. reading ( )22. A. But B. So C. And D. However ( )23. A. needed B. sold C. cost D. spent( )24. A. late B. right C. early D. enough( )25. A. best B. greatest C. funniest D. worst三. 阅读理解 (30分)AChicago is the third largest city in the USA. Many people from all over the world have migrated (移居) to Chicago. They come by train, plane or boat to live in this great city.Chicago Loop is the central business district. You can see many tall buildings here. Some of them are the tallest buildings in the world. When you travel around Chicago Loop, you can see many communities (社团) of different cultures.When you go to the south of Chicago Loop, you can find places like Chinatown. There people from China celebrate (庆祝) many traditional Chinese festivals in their own way. Chicago is also called the Windy City, so dont forget to take more clothes with you.根据以上内容,选择正确答案。( )26. Chicago is the largest city in the USA. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth( )27. We can see many buildings when we travel around Chicago Loop. A. tall B. old C. new D. different( )28. The third paragraph mainly talks about of Chicago.A. the people B. the weather C. the buildings D. Chinatown( )29. It is often in Chicago. A. snowy B. windy C. rainy D. hot( )30. The best title (标题) of the passage is “”.A. The Largest City B. Welcome to ChicagoC. A Great City D. Chicagos CultureBJessica is from America. She is 29 years old. She was born without arms. But now she flies planes and drives cars with her feet. She is the first woman pilot in history to fly with her feet. Her feet have become her hands since she was young. When she was a little girl, she started using her feet as her hands. She learned not only to feed herself but also to write with her feet. As a child she took part in many activities, such as swimming and dancing by using her feet. Jessica started doing tae kwon do (跆拳道) when she was ten. She got her first black belt at fourteen. As a student at the University of Arizona, Jessica took classes by taking notes (记笔记) with her feet. She could write 25 words every minute. She could also do her homework on a computer on the floor. Now she has become a world-famous speaker. She lives her life using her feet the way others use their hands.( )31. Jessica was born in .A. 1981 B. 1983 C. 1987 D. 1990( )32. Which thing cant Jessica do with her feet?A. Fly a plane. B. Drive a car. C. Feed herself. D. Cook dinner. ( )33. When Jessica was 10 years old, she .A. went to the University of Arizona B. started doing tae kwon doC. won her first black belt D. began to learn to use her feet( )34. How many words could Jessica write in ten minutes?A. 25.B. 100.C. 250.D. 2,500.( )35. From the passage we know Jessica is .A. unusual B. outgoing C. friendly D. richCWhen I was fourteen, Carl Walter was my piano teacher. One day, he asked me how much practice I was doing. I said three or four hours a day.“Well, dont do that,” he said. “When you grow up, you wont have long stretches (一段时间) of time. Practice in minutes, whenever you can find them, five or ten minutes before school or after lunch. Practice the piano throughout (在整个期间) the day, and it will become a part of your life.”When I was teaching at Columbia, I wanted to write, but too many things filled (充满) my days and evenings. I remembered Carls words, and whenever I had five minutes, I sat down and wrote a hundred words or so. To my surprise, at the end of the week I had written a lot. Later I wrote and published (出版) many books by doing this. Carl helped me see that even a little time can add up to the hours I need.( )36. The writer spent three or four hours when she was fourteen.A. doing homework B. practicing the pianoC. writing stories D. doing many things( )37. Carl Walter thought when we grew up, we wouldnt anymore.A. want to study anything B. want to play the piano C. have long stretches of time D. have free time( )38. The writer was when she was teaching at Columbia.A. relaxed B. busy C. healthy D. comfortable( )39. How did the writer publish many books?A. By practicing hard. B. By writing throughout the day.C. By reading a lot. D. By writing a long time a day.( )40. Whats the best title of the passage?A. A Piano Teacher B. How I Became FamousC. A Little At A Time D. How I Began Writing四. 补全对话 (10分)根据对话内容,从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。其中有两项多余。A: Hi! Im doing a survey of the super markets in the city. (41) B: Sure.A: Which do you think is the best supermarket in our city?B: (42) A: Why do you think so?B: It has the best clothes and the friendliest service.A: (43) They think Hi-Mart is the best.B: Really? (44) A: Maybe, but theyre the cheapest in the city.B: I dont care about the price. (45) A: OK, I see. Thanks a lot.A. I think good quality is more important.B. Is it the biggest supermarket in the city?C. I think Jasons is the best.D. I hear that its clothes are the worst.E. Can I ask you some questions?F. I agree with you.G. But many people dont think so.五. 综合填空 (10分)根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全单词。Dear Jill,How are you getting on? Now Im in a restaurant (46) a from the Green Library. On the table in front of me, I can see two chicken (47) s . Next to them, I can also see some vegetables and (48) c . I like them but now I dont want to eat them. At the moment, Im very (49) u . An hour ago, I got my English report card. During the English exam, I was (50) c . I made lots of (51) m so I didnt pass the exam. My English teacher Ms Jones said I was not hard-working. And she was (52) a with me. Im (53) a to go back home. I am (54) w my parents may ask me about my English exam but I dont know what to say. Can you give me some (55) a ? Many thanks. Yours, Lucy六. 根据汉语句子完成英语句子。(10分)56. 当我长大后我想当一名职业运动员。 I want to be a professional player when I .57. 昨天那场音乐会非常成功。 The concert yesterday was .58. 我奶奶病了。我必须照顾她。 My grandma is ill. I have to her.59. 你觉得叶诗文怎么样呢? What do you Ye Shiwen? 60. 为了保持健康我们不应该吃太多垃圾食品。We shouldnt eat too much junk food to . 七. 书面表达 (15分)假如你是肖平,收到了加拿大笔友Bill的来信。阅读来信后,给他写一封80词左右的回信,针对他遇到的问题提一些合理的建议,并鼓励他好好学习。(开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数)Dear Xiao Ping, Its a long time since I received your last letter. This term I began to learn Chinese. I found it interesting to learn it. I love it, but I dont think it is easy to learn it well. Can you give me some advice? Yours, Bill Dear Bill,Im very happy to hear from you. I know that you are


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