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一、 英语书信正文格式范例: 下面是一般事务书信的一个例子: Jiangsu Normal College Hongqi Square Wuxi , Jiangsu P . R . C. June 24 , 2003 English Lauguage Service, INC. Cpllier Macmillan Iternational , INC. 866 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10022 Gentlemen, We understand that your company has published a new English Lauguage seriesEnglish 900, aimed for oral practice of English language by non-native speakers of English. We would very much appreciate it if you can send us a copy and supply us with some information on price at the above address. Many thanks. Yours truly, xx xx xx Dean of the English Department Jiangsu Normal College (the heading) 信首 address 地址 date 日期 ( the inside address) 收件人的地址 ( the salutation) 称谓词 ( the body) 信函正文 ( the complimentary close) 结束语 ( the signature) 签名 中华人民共和国 江苏省无锡市红旗广场 江苏师范学院 美国纽约 10022 第三号大街 866 号 麦克米兰国际公司,英语语言服务公司 先生: 据悉贵公司新近出版了一套英语语言丛书 -针对母语为非英语的学生所编写的英语口语练习丛书,即英语 900 句。我们非常希望能得到一本样本。如能寄给我们一本,并能附上价目表,我们将不胜感 激。 江苏师范学院英语系主任 x x x 2003 年 6 月 24 日 英语信件的起首与结尾常用参考用语: 开头用语( Opening Expressions) 1. I feel very worried as I have not heard from you for a long time.好久没有你的消息了,我很着急 2. It is my honor to receive your kind letter. 收到你的来信,我很荣幸。 3. I have the pleasure to inform you that . . . 我很高兴地通知您 4. Your letter was duly arrived. 我如期收到了你的来信。 结尾语( End Expressions) 1. With kind regards to you and your family. 向你以及你的家人致意 /问好 2. Thank you very much for your kind favor. 非常感谢你的帮忙。 3. Pleasure give my compliments to John. 请向约翰表达我对他的致意 4. Your suport is sincerely valuued. 您的支持十分宝贵。 5. Looking forward to your promt reply. 期待你早日回复、回信。 二、电子邮件( e-mail) 电子邮件( electronic mail)具有传统邮件所无法比拟的优势,它传递速度快,成本低,传送的信息内容丰富,形式多样。除此之外,它还可以加入各种音频和视频效果,使信件显得更加生动、有趣。 电子邮件写作一般包括:发件人( Fron)、收信人( To)、抄送( Cc)、暗送( Blind Cc)、主题( Subject)、和正文( Text)等几个部分。其中,抄送( Cc)是指在 Cc 一栏中输入其他人的电子邮件地址就可以将一封同时发给多人。暗送( Blind Cc)是指各收件人无法看到同样的信件都给了何人,从而有效地保护了写信人的隐私。主题( Subject)部分便于读信人即刻了解所收信件的内容。因此,主题部分要简介、明了。电子邮件的正文部分也是由称谓、正文和落款署名三个部分。正文部分一般使用非正式的文体,如果正文太长,则可以用附件的方式发送。 如若对方知道自己的住址和电话号码资料,可用简单署名,如 William;或 全名 +电子邮件地址 ,如 William Tang wtang 。用于正式的私人信件或商业信函时,除注明 全名 +电子邮件地址 外,还应包括 职务、公司名称、地址、联系方式 等内容。 电子邮件范例: From: William Tang wtang To: Bigguyyahoo.ocm Cc: Bind Cc: Subject: Take care Dear Bigguy, R U busy lately? Havent seem U for a long tome. Take good care of Ur-self, especially at the time of SARS. Remember, the new definition of SARS is Smile And Remain Smile. Dont be defeated by it. Yours 发件人: William Tang wtang 收件人: Bigguyyahoo.ocm 抄送: 暗送: 主题:小心 亲爱的大个子: 最近忙吗?我们好久不见了。 身体多多保重,尤其是在 SARS 期间。记住, SARS 的新定义是 微笑并保持微笑 。不要被它吓到。 电子邮件常用缩写语( Common Acronyms ine-mails) AFAIK (As far as I know) 据我说知 ASAP (as soon as possible) 尽快 BTW (by the way) 顺便问一下 BFN (bye for now) 再见 CU (see you ) 再会 CUL ( see you latter) 再联系 DL 或 D/L(Download) 下载档案 FAQfrequent asked question) 常见的问题 FYI(for your information) 供您参考 GA(go ahead) 一直往前 HTH (hope this help) 希望这能帮上忙 IMO (in my opinion) 依我看来 IOW (in other word) 换句话说 JAM (just a moment) 等会儿 O (ocer) 完毕 OTOH (on the other hand) 另一方面 POC (piece of cake ) 小菜一碟 POV (point of view) 观点,看法 TKS ;TNX (thanks) 谢谢 WRT (with regards to ) 关于。 三、投诉信 ( Letter Making a Complant) 英语信函中的一种形式是英语投诉信。此时要切记信件不能太长,要一言以蔽之。在此类信函中,要注意写明 购物时间,阐明投诉原委,同时,要注意措辞恰当,做到有理有据。 范例: 1 25 Feb, . 2006 Dear Sire, In the spring of 2005 I bought a Jones Tyoewriter, Portable Special Model, nat ABC Store in Jonesville. I had used it only a few days when the space bar broke. We took it to a local repair shop , they told us that it was a factory defect and suggested that we take it back to ABC. We waited three months, and they let us have the space bar from another typewriter. Now, six mouths later, it has broken again . As we find the guarantee is still good, we write you for further instructions as to what steps to take. Iwill appreciate anything you can do to help us on this matter. Respectfully, James Christopher 尊敬的先生: 2005 年春,我在 Jonesville 的 ABC 商店买了台 Jones 打字机,是手提式特别型。才用了几天,打字机的空格键就断了。 我们把机器送到本地的一家修理店,店员说是厂方出的毛病,叫我们拿回 ABC 商店去。我们等了三个月,可他们却将其他的打字机上的空格键拆下来装在了我们的机器上。 六个月后,现在空格键又断了。我们发现担保卡仍然有效,便写信给贵公司求助,我们 下一步怎么做。 这件事如获帮助,我将不胜感激。 诚挚的 詹姆斯 克里斯多福 2006 年 2 月 25 日 范例: 2 15 May ,2006 Dear Sir, When I bought the motor cycle from the Anderson DepartmentStore, Main Street, Jonesville, in March of this year, I was told that this was the latest model on the market, and that parts would be easy to obtian. As you will note, there is a box along with this letter. Inside the box is the broken part, which is the cause of all the trouble . After havinng talked to some repair shops in my city, I am furious at being told : The company doesnt have replacement parts, and It shouldnt be on the market. I am asking that you either replace the enclosed part, or send me a replacement for that broken one. Yours sincerely Mary Jones Warner 尊敬的先生: 今年三月间,我在 Jonesville 的 Anderson 百货公司购买这辆摩托车时,听说这车是市场上最新的,零件又容易买到。 料你也见到了信内附的一个盒子,盒内是坏了的零件,一切麻烦都由它而起。我跟本市好几家修理店谈过,听到他们说: 公司并无替换零件 , 这车不该在市场上卖 ,我真的很生气。 我现在要求,或是把附来的坏零件换好,或是换一部新车给我。 真诚的 玛莉 琼斯 华纳 2006 年 5 月 15 号 参考用语 ( Reference Expressions) On (date) I bought from (place ) an instant heater manufantured by your renowned concern. ( 日期 )我 在 (某地)买了一台由贵厂生产的热水器。 I was shocked to find the instant heater purchased on . ( date) at .(place )by us did not function well. 我们惊讶地发现,我们 (日期)在 (某地)购买的热水器不太好使用。 Your supermarket failed to deliver the furniture I ordered on May 5. 五月五日我 们定购的家具你们一直未送货。 I am sorry to point out the defect in the oven . 对不起,我得指出烤箱的毛病。 The company changed some parts frome other manufacturer, but they did not work. Then I write you for further help.这家公司给我们换上了别的厂家的零件,可还没用。我只得给你们写信请求帮助。 The purpose of this letter is ask your permiddion to send you the bicycle for welding.我写信的目的是征求你的同意,我们想把自行车送回贵厂焊接。 I will appreciate anything you can do to help us on this matter. 这件事情如获得帮助,我将不胜感激。 I am aware of your reputation for quality products plus reliability; consequently I do not hesitate to write to you.我知道贵公司的产品优良可靠,远近驰名。因此我毫不迟疑,写上此信。 Permit me to thank you for your prompt and considerate reply.首先多谢您那封又快又周到的回信。 I expect the courtesy of a prompt reompt reply from you , and the necessary inspections and corrections from qualified personnel.盼望你们马上答复,并派遣合格的人员来作出必要的检查与改正。 四 、感谢信( Letter Expressing Gratitude) 感谢信在国际交往中是一种很常见的书信形式。按照西方惯例,当收到邀请、接待,收到祝贺、慰问,接受礼品、帮助等,都应该写信致谢,以示礼貌。一般在信中开头就陈明感谢之意,再进一步交待感谢的原因。对收信人提供的帮助或赠送的礼品之赞溢之词要恰当,不可言过其实。 范例: 1 Dear Mr. King I am writing on behalf of all members our department to say how much we all enjoyed your excellent lecture on Monday. We have learned a lot about the changes in present-day English and are very grateful to you for coming to our university and giving us such an interesting and informative talk. Thank you very much and we look forward to hearing you again. Yours Sincerely, Mike 亲爱的金先生: 我代表我系全体成员写信给你。我们对您在上星期一做的精彩报告极为欣赏。您的报告使我们了解了当代英语变化的许多情况。对您光临我校,并做了如此引人入胜和内容丰富的报告非常感谢。期望能再次聆听您的讲话。 真挚的 麦克 范例: 2 Dear Kate, I am fascinated with my jewel box it is so unusual. You are really bright enough at finding what no one else can, and what everyone wants. I dont know how you could make it! Again, thanks so much. With Love, Edie 亲爱的凯特: 我太喜欢我的首饰盒了,它很特别。你真行,总能买到与众不同的东西,并且还是人见人爱的东西。我真不知道你是怎么找到的! 再次对 您表示由衷的感谢。 爱你的 艾迪 参考用语 (Reference Expressions) 1. I hereby express my heartfelt thanks to for 现为 向某人表示衷心的感谢。 2. Accept my sincere thanks for the trouble you have taken. 麻烦之处,当表感谢。 3. Thank you for doing me a real favor. 感谢你对我的帮忙。 4. Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality.再次感谢你的盛情款待。 5. I greatly acknowledge the help and encouragement given by my colleagues.我非常感谢同事们的帮助与鼓励。 6. Please convey my gratitude to your parents. 请转达我对你父母的谢意。 7. It is exactly that I most wanted. 它正合我心意。 8. Thank you more than I can say.不胜感谢。 9. Thank you ever so much for your warm compliments. 非常感谢你温馨的贺卡。 10. Our lovely charismas card was most welcome. 非常喜欢你那可爱的圣诞贺卡。 五 、祝贺信 (letter of Congratulations) 在国际交往中,祝贺信的使用场合很多。它可以用来祝贺生日、金榜题名、就业、结婚、喜得贵子、升职等各个方面。 祝贺信开头部分是得知喜讯的愉快心情,之后表达自己的热烈祝贺,进一步说明值得祝贺之事的评价和自己的真切体会。结尾处再次对收信人表示祝贺和美好的愿望。信要写得真诚自然,有亲切感。 范例: 1 Your Excellency Mr. Ambassador, On the occasion of New Year, may my wife and I extend to you and your wife our sincere greetings, wishing you a happy new year, your career success and your family happiness. Minister of Foreign Affairs 大使先生阁下: 值此新年之际,我的我的夫人向您和您的夫人致以真诚的问 候。祝您新年快乐,事业成功,全家幸福。 外交部长 范例: 2 Dear Sue, We were so delighted to hear the news of Jonathan juniors birth. Congratulations to all three of you! May I come to see you and the baby the first time that I am in town? Ill call and let you know when that will be. Much Love Helen 亲爱的苏: 知道小约翰出生的消息, 我们太高兴了。祝贺你们三人。 我进城就先来看你和孩子,好吗?我来时会给你来电话。 爱你的 海伦 参考用语 (Reference Expressions) 1. On the occasion of , I wish to extend to you our warm congratulation on behalf of and in my own name. 值此 之际,我代表 ,并以我个人的名义,向你致以热烈祝贺。 2. Its wonderful to know that you have achieved the goal you set for yourself. 我得知你实现了预定的目的极为高兴。 3. We take this opportunity to with you and Mr. (Miss) happiness on your recent marriage. 借此机会对你和 的新婚表示祝福。 4. Presenting the compliments of the season.致以节日的问候。 5. It is really a splendid achievement and we are all proud of you. 你取得的辉煌的成就,我们都为你感到骄傲。 6. This brings our best wishes and warmest congratulations. 顺致我们美好的祝愿和热烈的祝贺。 7. We are vey happy to learn that you have successfully passed the college entrance examination this year.我们非常高兴地得知,你今年高考旗开得胜。 8. We send you good wishes for all possible happiness.我们衷心的祝福你们幸福美满。 9. On behalf of the government and people of (country) I wish to exten t to you our warm congratulations and good wishes on 我仅代表 政府和人民对 致以热烈祝贺和良好的祝愿。 10. It is a well-deserved recognition of your hard work.这是你勤奋努力的应有回报。 六 、推荐信 (Letter of Recommendation) 推荐信既有私人关系间的推荐,也有作为学校教师,公司老板或单位出具的证明材料,因此信件语气上会有所不同。信件中需说明写信人与被推荐人之间的关系,推荐的目 的以及被推荐人的人品评价,最后向收信人表示感谢。 范例: 1 Dear Professor Gibert, Please allow me to introduce my friend, Zhao Wen, to you. He is applying for admission to your university now and I believe he will achieve a lot if he is accepted by your department. Mr. Zhao is good at English and he has passed an English Proficiency Test (EPT) given by the State Education Commission, which means he is entitled to the financial support of the government to study aboard. He is a reliable, diligent and smart young man. Thank you very much for your consideration. My friend and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours truly, Jiang Tao 亲爱的吉尔伯特教授: 请允许我向您介绍我的朋友,赵文。现在他正在申请进入贵校学习,我相信如果他被你们系录取,那么他一定会获益匪浅。 赵先生擅长英语,并已通过教育局的英语能力考试,这就意味着他有资格获得政府的资助,出国留学。他是一位可靠、勤奋、聪明的年轻人。 谢谢您的费心。我和我朋友盼望早日收到您的回信。 您的真诚的 姜涛 范例: 2 Wu Xian Trading Co. Ltd 300 Shuidian RD. Shanghai 200083 P.R. China 18 Feb., 2006 Gentlemen: This is to inform you that we have done business with King Tie Trading Company for more than five years. We are pleased to report that all business has been conducted well and satisfactorily. The company has been most helpful in providing information and services about both domestic and overseas market. We have found that the company has a broad range of information on animal by-products. If you need further information, please write or phone. Yours sincerely, Wu Yin President WXC 先生们: 此函是告诉您我们与精泰贸易公司已经有五年多的贸易往来,我们很高兴地对您说我们与该公司的所有交易都很令人满意。 该公司在提供国内外市场的信息和服务上,对我们的帮助特别大。我们发现该公司掌握着畜产品方面及其丰富的信息。 如果您想了解更多的情况,请写信或打电话过来。 您的真诚的 吴垠 (董事长) 无限贸易有限公司 参考用语 (Reference Expressions) 1. He has some capacity to do search work and shows much promise as a college teacher. 他有一定的研究能力,可望成为大学教师。 2. Please allow me to recommend to you. 请允许我向您推荐 3. We have been working together for quiet some time, and I found it pleasant to work with him. 我们共事了相当长的时间,我发现与他一起工作很开心。 4. Although his stay with us was brief, we were pleased with his performance. 虽然他和我们共事时间不长,但我们对他的工作表现非常满意。 5. His working abilities and administrative skills were excellent. 他的工作能力和管理能力都非常出色。 6. She acted responsibly and conscientiously at all time. 他始终做事认真负责 . 7. She is conscientious, efficient, well organized, bright, and tactful with all the people here. 她工作认真,办事高效,组织能力强,聪明伶俐,而且与这所有的人都关系融洽。 8. I make no hesitation in recommending him; you will find him a big help. 我毫不犹豫地向您推荐他,您会发现他是一个很好的帮手。 9. He always proves himself hard-working and modest. 他一向刻苦努力,为人谦虚。 10. If you wish further information, please contact us. 如果您需要更多的信息,请与我们联系。 七、 询价信 Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a Letter of Inquiry(询价信 ) according to the following information. You should not translate the Chinese into English word for word. You should write more than 80 words on the Composition sheet. 内容 : 我厂对贵公司生产的男女自行车及童车感兴趣 ,能否请贵公司寄一份产品目录表和价格表。我公司是成都最大的经销商,并在五个地区设有分公司。如果贵厂的自行车质量另人满意,价格合理,我们将大量订货。 参考范文 : Dear Sir or Madam, We have seen the advertisement of your bicycles on television, and we are very interested in your machines for both men and women, and also for children. Will you please send us a copy of your catalogue and current price-list for bicycles? We are the leading bicycle dealer(经销商 ) in this city, where cycling is popular, and have branches in five neighboring districts. If the quality of your machines is satisfactory and the prices are reasonable, we will place regular order for fairly large numbers. We look forward to your early reply. Sincerely yours, Wang Hua Sales Manager 提示 这部分测试应用文的写作能力。根据下列的信息,写一封超过 80 个单词的询价信。 询价信函常用套语 开始语: 1 We have seen your advertisement in a trade journal that 我们在一商业刊物上看到贵公司的广告 2 We have heard of your products.我们听说过贵公司的产品 . 3 We are interested in your products which we saw in recent elections show held in London.我们在伦敦最近举办的电子产品展览会参观时 ,对贵方产品很感兴趣 . 4 Your newly developed products displayed at the Sydney Trade Fair has interested us.本公司对贵方在悉尼商品交易会上展出的新近研制的产品感兴趣 . 请求报价 : 1. We should be pleased to receive your catalogue and price-list.我们将很高兴收到贵公司的商品目录和价格表 . 2. We take great interest in your products and wish to have quotations for the items specified below.我们对贵公司产品感兴趣 ,并希望得到以下产品的报价 . 3. Would you please send us catalogue, price-list, together with the samples of your products?您能惠寄贵公司产品的目录、格表表和样品吗? 4. We would ask you to let us have a quotation for 我们想请贵公司寄一份 的报价单 . 5. Please quote your latest prices for the items listed below.请将下列商品的最新价报到我方 . 6. Please kindly quote us your lowest prices for vacuum cleaners.请告知吸尘器的最低报价 . 7. We should be very grateful if you would let us have full details of 倘若提供优质服 务的所有详情 ,我们将不胜感激 . 8. Would you be kind enough to send us the following information as soon as possible?请尽快告知下列情况 . 购货意向 : 1. If your equipment is of good q1ualitiy, and we receive a favorable offer, we may be able to place large order with you.如果贵公司设备质量好、价格优惠,我方将向贵公 司大量定货。 2. If your prices are competitive, we can probably let you have regular orders.如果贵公司价格有竞争力,我方也许会经常向贵公司定购。 八、 致谦信 Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a Letter of Apology according to the following information. 内容 : 总经理张磊于 5 月 6 日收到买方批评该公司逾期发货的信。公司对此十分抱歉,之所以没能按时交货是因为原料到迟了。公司正尽全力在一周内交运买方的订货,并保证今后不再有延误的事情发生,由此引起的一切不便,请接受本公司的致歉。 时间: 5 月 8 日 参考范文: May 8th Dear sir, We have received your letter of May 6 complaining our delay of shipment, and we are sorry that we have not been able to deliver your order on time. The delay was caused by the late arrival of some of the raw materials. We are making our efforts to complete your shipment within a week, and we ensue that such a delay is not to occur again. Please accept our sincere apologies to you for the delay and the inconvenience it has caused you. Yours truly, Zhang Lei General Manager 提示 这部分测试应用文的写作能力。根据下列的信息,写一封道歉信。 道歉信常用套语: 1 I must apologize to you for 我必须向你道歉,因为 2. I regret to tell you that 我很抱歉的告诉你 3. I write to express my deep regret.我写此信向你表示深深的歉意 . 4. Im writing to you to ask you to excuse me for 我写此信请求你原谅我 5. Im very/terribly sorry to tell you that 很 /非常抱歉的告诉你 6. Please accept my sincere apology.请接受我诚挚的歉意 . 7. I hope you will accept my apology.希望您 能接受我们的道歉 . 九、 预订信 Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a Letter according to the following information. You should not translate the Chinese into English word for word. You should write more than 80 words on the Composition sheet. 内容 : 某公司的秘书欲向一家宾馆预订一个带浴室的双人间和一个带淋浴的单人房间 ,时间从 7 月 27 日至 7 月 31 日 .另外 , 预订 3 张 8 月 1 日星期六上午 10 点 40 分由伦敦飞往纽约的飞机票 . 写信人和地址 : John Smith, 919 West 49th Street, Middletown, Ohio, 45042, USA. 收信人和地址 : Manager of Seascape Hotel, Marine Parade, Brighton, Susex, England. 时间 : 2004 年 7 月 25 日 参考范文 : 919 West 49th Street Middletown, Ohio, 45042 USA July 25th, 2004 The Manager Seascape Hotel Marine Parade Brighton Sussex England Dear Sir, Our corporation has arranged for a display at the forthcomingWorld Trade Fair held in London on July 28th, 2004, so wed like to book two rooms at your hotel for four nights from July 27th to July 31st. Have you got a double room with a bath and a single room with shower? In addition, please kindly reserve us three seats in the plane leaving London for New York at 10:40 a.m. on Saturday, August 1st. Hoping to have an early reply. Yours faithfully, John Smith 提示 这部分测试应用文的写作能力。根据下列的信息,写一封超过 80 个单词的英文信。 预订信函常用套语 : 1. Im writing to make reservation of 今写此信预定 2. Please kindly reserve me two seats in 请代留 座位两个 3. Could you please make reservation infor me? 请你们为我 行吗 ? 4. Kindly reserve me two seats in the express, leaving Shanghai for Beijing at 2:30 p.m. the day after tomorrow?请为我预订两张由上海到北京的特快火车票 ,时间为后天下午 2点 30 分 . 5. Will you please reserve/book a second-class cabin on the leaving Dalian for Shanghai?可否为我在大连开往上海方向的 号客轮上订一个二等舱位 ? 6. I shall thank you if you will reserve me a single room with bath in your hotel for eight nights from July 1st till July 9th. I prefer a room with a view of the sea if possible.麻烦您替我订一个带浴室的单人房间 , 时间从 7 月 1 日至 9 日 .如果可能 , 窗户最好面临大海 . 7. Ill be obliged if you will reserve for me. 倘能为我预订 , 我将不胜感激 . 十、 证明信 Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a Letter of Certification (证明信 )according to the following information. You should not translate the Chinese into English word for word. You should write more than 80 words on the Composition sheet. 写一封证明信 证明人 : Heidi 吉林大学数学系教授 被证明人 : 李微 Heidi 教授从前的学生 ,现在的下属 内容 : Heidi先生给有关部门写信证明李微在校学习 4年 ,成绩优秀 ,与同学相处融洽 .毕业后受聘该校任助教 .在此期间 ,身体健康 ,工作努力 ,忠于职责 ,诚实可靠 . 写信时间 :2004 年 2 月 26 日 参考范文 : February 26,2004 To Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that Mr. Li Wei, one of my former students, had studied Mathematics in the Math Department of Ji Lin University for 4 years. His academic record was constantly maintained at the top level. He got excellent scores in all the subjects. In addition, he was on good terms with his classmates. After graduation, he has been engaged in our university as a teaching assistant for 3 years. Being physically and mentally healthy, Mr. Li has faithfully attended to his duties and has proved himself to be industrious and thoroughly reliable. Yours faithfully, Heidi Professor of Math Department Ji Lin University 提示 这部分测试应用文的写作能力。根据下列要点,写一封不少于 80 个单词的证明信。 证明信常用套语 : 1. To Whom It May Concern(致有关人士 )为通用证明信的称呼语 . 2. This is to certify that 兹证明 3. I have the pleasure in certifying that 我乐于证明 4. It is my pleasure to certify that 我乐于证明 5. I hereby certify that 我证明 6. Let it be known that 兹 证明 7. It is my pleasure to give evidence that 我很高兴的向你们证明 十一、 商务信 Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a letter of establishing business relations according to the following information. You should not translate the Chinese into English word for word. You should write no less than 80 words on the Composition sheet. 写信人姓名及地址 : Wang Zhigang, Nanhai Textiles Impot & Export Corporation, No 32 Fuxing Road, Beijing, P.R. China 收信人姓名及地址 : The Manager of Chicago Clothes Inc., 1578 Mortaon Ave., Chicago 27, III., USA 内容 : 南海纺织品进出口公司的经理通过中国银行纽约分行得悉芝 加歌服装有限公司进口中国纺织品 ,因此给该公司写信 ,介绍其产品质 量好、价格优惠,在欧洲和澳洲很畅销,要求建立贸易关系。同时另 寄目录一份,如感兴趣,请告知。 参考范文 : Nanhai Textiles Impot & Export Corporation No 32 Fuxing Road Beijing P.R. China March 21st, 2004 Chicago Clothes Inc. 1578 Mortaon Ave. Chicago 27, III. USA Dear Sir or Madam, You were recommended to us by the Bank of China, New York Branch, which told us that you import Chinese textiles. Our company exports Chinese textiles. They are of good quality and the price is favorable. Chinese textiles are very popular in Europe and Australia. We would like to work with you to market them in North American. We are sending you under separate cover by airmail a copy of the latest catalogue. Please inform us if there are any items which interest you and we will send you quotes and samples. 提示 这部分测试应用文的写作能力。根据下列内容,写一封不少于 80 个单词的商务信。 建立贸易信函常用套语: 1. We have got your name and address from and know that you deal in computers. 我们从 得到贵公司行名 ,得知贵方经营计算机 . 2. We write to introduce ourselves as one of the leading exporters of various kinds of ventilators and air-conditioners.兹自我介绍本公司为各种换气扇和空调的主要出口商 . 3. We are willing to enter into business relations with your firm on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.我们愿在平等互利的基础上与你方建立业务关系 . 4. Specializing in the export of Chinese foodstuffs, we wish to express our desire to trade with you in this line. 本公司专门经营中国食品的出口业务 ,兹特向贵方表示愿在这方面与贵公司做贸易 . 十二、 启示( Notices) 启示是为公开声明某而见于报端或粘贴于公共场所的应用文,多用于失物招领,寻人,征稿等事项。启示的语言要求朴实,简介,文字篇幅不宜过长。 启示的格式( The structure of a notice)除了具备海报所含的三部分(标题,正文,署名)外,通常还需要加上联系地址和电话号码等。 启示的标题( Subject Line)要求醒目,能够真正吸引读者的注意 力。启示标题一般分为两种:即,直接标题,如遗失启示( Lost),招领启示(失物招领)( Found)等:间接标题,就是启示撰写者根据启示的基本内容自己订标题。例如: DO YOU KNOW THIS SECRET? 启示的正文是对所要公开声明的内容予以具体概括,直至将事情说明清楚为止,一般启示的正文不宜过长,语言要求精炼,通俗易懂,易于读者记忆。 署名( signature)是指一个启示的最后落款。署名格式同海报的落款格式。启示的正文之后,或者在署名的下方注明联系地址( Address to Contact),联系 人或联系电话,以便于有意者对启示中声明的事予以及时的联系。 遗失启示( Lost) 范例: Lost Dec.21,2005 I was careless and lost a copy a Chinese Dictionary when studying in the reading room of the library yesterday afternoon. I will appreciate it very much if the finder sends it to the office of the Physics Department or ring me to fetch it back. Loser, Mike Address: Room201, Building 2 Tel. 66523478 遗失启示 本人不慎,于昨天在图书馆阅览室遗失一本汉语词典,拾到者请送交物理系办公室,或电话通知本人领取,不胜感谢。 丢失人 麦克 2005 年 12 月 21 日 地址:二号楼 201 室 电话: 66523478 参考用语( Reference Expressions) 1.I was careless and lost 2. It contains 3. I will appreciate it very much if the finder sends it to the office or ring me to fetch it back. 4. will the finder please send it to Thanks a lot. 招领启示( Found) 招领启示要写明启示者于何处拾到何物,所是得物品的大致特征,并且希望遗失者前往何处认领,但应该避免对物品描述过于详细,以防他人冒领 。 范例: FOUND Feb.28,2006 I happen to find a bag which contains a wallet, two English novels and one maths textbook at the Dining-roomNo.1.Loser is expected to come to my dormitory to claim it. Finder, Li Qiang Address: Room307,Building 2 参考用语( Reference Expressions) 1. I happened to find .which contains at th e Dining Room No.1. 2. Loser is expected to come to to claim it. 3. Anyone who lostat Room 203 is expected to come to to claim it. 迁移启示( Removal) 范例: Removal September 8 Owing to the speeding expansion of our business, we find it necessary to remove to more spacious premise. We beg to inform our customers that after National Day , we shall be at 24 Sichuan Road. You are warmly welcome to our new address. Spring Travel Agency 参考用语( Reference Expressions) 1. Owing to, we find it necessary to remove to 2. You are warmly welcome to our new address. 3. We beg to inform that after next month , we shall be at 征稿启示( Contributions Wanted) Contributions Wanted Sept.5, 2005 To warmly celebrate the fifty anniversary of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China, we have decided to publish a special issue emphasizing reports on our great achievements in our modernization and construction on the brilliant prospect for the open policy of our country. All are welcome to send in their contributions in whatever form or style before the 25th of September. The Editorial Department of Readers 参考用语( Reference Expressions) 1. To warmly celebrate, we have decided to 2. In celebration of , we decided to 3. This magazine has decided to publish a special issue with emphasis on 4. All are welcome to send in their contributions in whatever form or style. 5. we have decided to publish a special issue with the topic 更正启事( Corrections ) Corrections The third of the first paragraph of column three on page four of the June issue of our magazine should read the Clinton Administration. 参考用语( Reference Expressions) 1. The fifth line of the fourth paragraph of on page ten of the October issue of our magazine should read :We should do everything possible to help them. 2. 2. 3. Because of an editing error, an article on Sunday about , misstated 十三、 海报 海报是人们日常生活中最为常见的一种张贴形式,用用语电影,戏曲,球赛,文艺演出等活动。海报中 通常写明活动的性质,活动的主办单位 i,时间,地点等内容。海报的语言力求简明扼要,形式做到新颖美观。海报的格式,通常有三个部分,即标题,正文,落款。海报的标题是海报 的宣传 窗口 。因此海报的标题撰写尽量做到简介明了,新颖醒目。抓住读者的兴趣和注意力。海报的标题形式通常两种:一是直接使用 海报 ( Poster)一词;另一种则是根据海报的内容撰写标题。海报的正文是海报的核心部分,它是对海报标题的具体描写。语言要求形象生动,简明扼要。做到既有鼓动性,又不夸大其词。海报的落款写明主办单位 的名称及撰写日期。海报的落 款通常写在海报的左下角,日期位于主办单位名称的下方,既可写在左下角,也可写在右下角。 讲座( Lecture) 讲座是一种公开的教学形式,一般通过学术报告,广播或刊物连载的方式进行。这类海报通常要指明讲座的主题,报告人,时间,地点。 范例: 1 Lecture Subject: The Comprehension and Translation of Advertisements Speaker: Professor John Smith from the Dept. of Foreign Languages, New York State University Time: At 14: 00 Tuesday, Dec.1st, 2005 Place: Room220, Yifu Building Sensor: The Department of Foreign Language and Literature November27,2005 范例 2 An Academic Report Subject: Contemporary British Literature Speaker: Professor Sue Hill from Liverpool University, Britain Time: 9:00 a.m., Friday, October. 15, 2005 Place: Room203, Building No.1 Sensor: The Department of Foreign Language and Literature October 12, 2005 球类比赛( Ball Games Match) 大型的球类比赛,大多通过海报的形式张贴公布,以吸引更多的观众。在这类海报中,通常应指明比赛的双方,时间及场所。有时还说明比赛由某部门主办或者赞助进行。 范例: Basketball Match Physics Department Team Versus English Department Team Time : 2:00 p.a., Friday, October 12, 2005 Place: On the Basketball Court at the Gymnasium University Trade Union October 2, 2005 参考用语( Reference Expressions) 1. Under the auspices of 2. All-university Ping-pong Games will be held in the gymnasium at 3:30 p.m.every Tuesday afternoon from to 3. All who are interested warmly welcome. 演讲比赛( Speech Contest) English Speech Contest Hosted by the Students Union of English Department, the 3rd English Speech Contest will be held in the Lecture Room of Administrative Building at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, September 20 , 2005. All are welcome! The Students Union English Department September 19 , 2005 参考用语( Reference Expressions) 1. Hosted by , the Contest will be held in 2. A contest will be held next week under the auspices of 影讯( Movie) 范例: THIS WEEKS FILM Name: World War Time: 7: 00p.m., Saturday, May 20 Place: Auditorium Admission: Three Yuan for each The Film Club May 16 参考用语( Reference Expressions) 1.Sound of Music , an award-winning American feature film. 2. will be shown at the cinema at 7:00 , Sa turday, May 17. 3. Fare: Three Yuan for each 4. Admission Free 5. Ticket office :the club 十四、 便条和留言条( Notes and Messages) 便条和留言条实际上是一种间接的书信。内容简短,大多是因为某种原因无法直接通知或者咨询而采取的传递信息的方法,用以表达 临时的咨询,留言,通知,要求等。常见的格式一般包括:日期,称呼,正文,署名等。 日期一般只需写某日上午,下午,也可写出几点钟。内容一般为当日要办的事 或者两三天内要办的事,因此不必挟持年月。 称呼比较随便,如: John, Dear Ann, Liu Ying 等。 正文部分尽量通俗化,简单明了。 署名部分一般写上留言人姓名,如十分熟悉可以只写姓或名。 便条和留言条无需邮寄,多托人转交或留于某地,因此不需说明留条人地址。 请病假( Asking for Sick Leave) 范例: Miss Zhang, I caught a bad cold yesterday and have a fever and headache now. The doctor says I have to stay in bed for a couple of days. So I am writing to ask for sick leave of two days. I shall be very thankful if you grant my request. Li Ming 请事假( Asking for Business Leave) 范例: Mr. Lee, I beg to apply for one weeks leave of absence from the 10th to the 16th instant, both days inclusive, in order to return to see my grandma who is now dangerously ill. Ill be much obliged if you grant my application. Encl. A telegram from my father Yours sincerely, Jane 要求续假( Asking for an Extension of Leave) 范例: Miss Zhang, I am still lying in bed with the bad cold. The doctor was called in this morning and he advised a rest of two more days. Please give me an extension of Leave for as many days. Encl. Doctors Certificate Li Ming 感谢条( Note of Thanks ) 范例: Sunday Afternoon Dear Lucy, Thank you very much for the loan of your recording machine, which has been very useful for my oral practice. Now I am returning it to you by the hand of Mary. Please give it a check and see if there is any damage done to it. Yours ever, Ann 转告电话( Transmitting a Telephone Message) 范例: Mr. Green, Mr. Johnson of IMBCo. Called to tell you that he will leave for Beijing on business tomorrow. He wishes to put off the appointment he made with you for tomorrow until next week. He will contact you as soon as he is back on weekend. Catherine 约会( Notes for Appointments) 范例: Mary, Here is a piece of good news for you. There will be a fashion show tomorrow evening at the Exhibition Center. It must be wonderful. If you are interested, please meet me at the school gate at 6p.m. tomorrow. Mike 辞别条( Notes for Saying Good-Bye) 范例: 11: 30 a.m. Dear Linda, Its a pity that I didnt meet you when I called on you in the morning. I have done all my thing hare and I am leaving for home by train at two this afternoon. Thank you for the trouble you have taken for me sake. This is to say good-bye to you .Please kindly remember me to your parents. Nancy 参考词汇参考用语( Reference Expressions) 1. I beg to apply for one weeks leave of absence from the 10th to the 16th instant, both days inclusive. 2. Ill be much obliged if you grant my application. 3. I hope my request will be kindly granted/given due consideration. 4.I m awfully sorry that I cannot come to office/attending the meeting/ come to school. 5. I caught a bad cold. 6. Please call me as soon as possible. 7. Its a pity that I didnt see you when I called on you. 8. Encl. Doctors Certificate 9. Please give me an extension of Leave for as many days. 10. Mr. Smith called to tell you that 十五、 邀请信 Writing ( 25minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a Letter of Invitation according to the following information. You should not translate the Chinese into English word for word. You should write no less than 80 words on the Composition Sheet. 内容: Mary 和 Kate 打算周末开车去海滩度假,恰 好汽车还有一个空位子,因此想邀请她们的好友 Jane 一起去,到时候可以一起进行日光浴或海水浴。她们想知道 Jane 是否来,以便安排出发事宜。 时间: 6 月 6 日 参考范文 Dear Jane, We have just decided to spend a holiday on the beach this weekend. As we have a spare seat in the car, we think you may be interested in joining us. We remember you said you were fond of seawater bath though you could not swim. Now heres the chance. Besides, well do our best to help you learn how to swim. Also, we can take a sunbath together. Please let us know if you would like to go with us and then well arrange when to start. Well be pleased if you say you can come. Love, Mary and Kate 提示:这部分测试应用文的写作能力。根据下列信息,写一封不少于 80 个单词的邀请信。 邀请信的常用语: 1. Would you like to come to our dinner party on Saturday evening? 你愿意在周六晚上来参加我们的晚会吗? 2. Would you care to come to our party? 你愿意来参加我们的聚会吗? 3. I wonder if you would be able to join us for dinner tomorrow evning. 不知你明天晚上能否来和我们一起共进晚餐。 结尾常用套语: 1. I shall be very glad/pleased if 如果 , 我将非常高兴。 2. It would be an honor to me if you would accept our invitation. 如果你愿意接受我们的邀请,我们将感到不胜荣幸。 3. It would be a great pleasure to me if 如果 , 对我来说,那是一件非常愉快的事。 十六、 介绍信 Writing ( 25minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a Letter of Introduction according to the following information. You should not put the Chinese into English word for word. You should write more than 80 words on the Composition Sheet. 内容: Hambo 给 Andrew 写信介绍他的助手给好 友 Tom。 Tom 毕业于清华大学,主修物理。在校期间成绩优秀,研究工作亦非常出色,是一位有才华、抱负的年轻人。此次到华盛顿深造希望得到指导和帮助。 时间: 2004 年 4 月 2 日 参考范文 Dear Andrew, The bearer (持信人 ) of this letter, Tom, is one of my assistants and good friends. He graduated from QingHua University, majoring in (主修 ) physics. So far as I know, he was the best student in his class and he did exceedingly well in research work. Since I have known him for four years, I can truthfully say that he is an intelligent and ambitious young man. I am sure he will become an excellent scientist some day if you do give him good advice and help him in every aspect while he undertakes further studies in Washington D. C. Your kindness will be warmly appreciated. Yours, Hombo 提示: 这部分测试应用文的写作能力。根据下列信息,写一封超过 80 个单词的介绍信。 介绍信开头常用套语: 1. Allow me to introduce to you my good friend, Mike. 请允许我向您介绍我的朋友迈克。 2. I am glad to introduceto you. 我高兴地向您介绍 3. I am writing you these few lines to introduce you to 给您略写数语,把您介绍给 4. I have the honor to introduce to you my esteemed friend 我荣幸地向您介绍我尊敬的朋友 介绍信结尾常用语 1. Your kindness will be warmly appreciated. 我将十分感激你的帮助。 2. Any attention you may show him will be greatly acknowledged. 给予他的任何关照,我都将十分感激。 3. Any favor you may show him will be sincerely valued by me. 我将十分珍视您对他的任何帮助。 4. Any courtesy you may show her will be considered a personal favor to me. 您对他的任何帮助,将被视为对我的关照。 十七、 履历表 Writing ( 25minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. Suppose you have been doing your present work for some time and you are going to apply for a new job. Now fill in the application form with the necessary information. You can make use of the hints given in Chinese. You should write no less than 80 English words on the Composition Sheet. Family name: _ First name: _ Address: _ Tel. No. : _ Date of Birth: _Place of Birth: _Sex: _ Marriage: Married Divorced Single Educational Records: XX 年 X 月毕业于 XX 中学。 XX 年到 XX 年在 XX 高等专科学校XX 系学习。专业 XX;等等。 Employment History: XX 年至今年 XX 公司工作,担任 XXX 职务。现在希望在贸易方面获得更广泛经验,因此想换一个工作。 参考范文 Family Name: Wang First Name: Li Address: 2nd Floor, 16 Xian St, Dalian Date of Birth: Dalian Sex: Female Marriage Married Divorced Single Educational Records: 1995-1998 Department of Business and Administration, Dalian Commercial Junior College. 1995-1999 Graduated from Dalian High School in July, 1994 1995-2000 Graduate from Dalian No.9 Middle School in July, 1992 Employment History: Xingyi Exporting Company August 1998-present: 1120 Zhongshan Road, Dalian City. Secretary to sales manager Now I apply for a new job. The reason for leaving my present employer is that I am desirous of getting broader experience in trading. 提示:这部分测试应用文的写作能力。根据中文提供的信息,填表格,写简历,不得少于80 个单词。 履历表填写注意事项: 履历表 (Resume/Curriculum)是对个人学历和工作经历的扼要介绍。它以提纲的形式编写,不必用完整的句子表达。通常包括以下各部分: 1. 个人情况:姓名、性别、出生时间、出生地点、国籍、婚姻状况、健康情况、住址及联系方式。 2. 学历:通常按逆时顺序排列,一般只写年份。 3. 工作经 历:通常按逆时顺序排列,内容包括:单位名称、地址、所任职务。 4. 证明人:填写一至两位证明人的姓名、地址(用些信封的格式)、职务。 在书写简历时,一般不用完整的句子,可省去主语,但要用动词过去式,如: graduated from specialty ( 专业 ) college in July, 1996. 十八、 求职信 Writing ( 25minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a Telephone Message according to the following instructions given in Chinese. Remember to write the message in no more than 60 words in the Composition/Translation Sheet. 这是测试考生写应用性短文、信函,填写英文表格或翻译简短的实用性文章的能力。考生应该严格按照各种体例的要求写或翻译应用性短 文。下面举两例写作试题: Writing A 说明:按电话留言的格式和要求,以秘书 Helena 的名义,给写一个电话留言,包括以下内容。 1. 来电人:霍尼韦尔 (Honeywell)公司的 Mr. Johnson 2. 来电时间: 2002 年 6 月 25 日上午 10 时 3. 事由: Mr. Johnson 明天要出差去北京,因此原定与 Mr. White 后天上午的约会只能取消,等出差回来后再与 Mr. White 约时间会面。 参考范文 1 To Mr. White Time: 10 a.m. , 25th June, 2002 Message: Mr. Johnson of Honeywell Company will leave for Beijing on business tomorrow. He wishes to cancel his appointment with you on the morning of the 27th. He will contact you for another appointment when hi is back. From: Helena(secretary) Writing B 说明:按照求职信的格式和要求,以吴奇的名义给松下公司电子部写一封 100-120 个词的求职信。内容包括如下: 1. 在 8 月 6 号的北京晚报上看到了贵公司电子部招聘业务员的广告。 2. 随信附上一份简历及导师的推荐信。 3. 我曾经在电子部工作过,所以我熟悉各种电器。 4. 在假期里,我曾经在多家商店做过业务员。 Words for reference: 电子部 Electronic Device Section; 推荐信 reference 参考范文 2 Dear Sirs, I have just seen your advertisement in Beijing Evening News of the 6th August for a salesman in the Electronic Device Section of your company. Im very interested in the job and I feel Im qualified to meet the requirements. Im therefore enclosing a resume together with reference from my supervisor. As you can see, I once worked in the Electronic Department. So I am familiar with different kinds of electric devices. I have worked more than once as a salesman in some stores during my previous vacations. Besides, Im very patient and friendly in nature. Im confident that I shall be suitable for the kind of job. If you need any further information, I shall be very pleased to supply it. Or I wonder if you will grant me with an interview. Im looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully, Wu Qi 66 1631681. 提示:这部分测试应用文的写作能力。根据中文要求,写一个不超过 60 个单词的电话留言。 求职信注意事项 求职信属 于正式信函,一般分为三段。第一段说明得知信息的渠道并说明写信目的;第二段介绍本人的年龄、学历和与才能胜任此职有关的历史和资格,要突出履历中的精华;第三段希望聘方给予考虑并提供联系方式。 写求职信的常用套话如下: 1. I wish to apply for the position of cashier advertised in todays china daily. 今天中国日报有招聘出纳员的广告,我想申请这一职位。 2. I am very interested in the position, and Im trying to apply for it. 对此职位很有兴趣,我想申请这一职位。 3. In reply to your advertisement in todays(newpaper) for a , I hasten to write this letter of application for the post. 看到你们在今天 报纸上征聘一名 的启事,我赶写这封信以谋求这一职位。 4. I believe that my ability and experience will fully qualify me for the position of 我相信我有能力与经验担任 这份工作。 5. I am enclosing my CV/personal history which I believe will show you why I feel I can meet the requirements of a cashier in your company. 现随函附上简历,我相信它会证明我能满足贵公司担任出纳员的各种要求。 6. Have you an opening in your company for a young man who believes that he has something to offer? 有位年轻人认为他能够对贵公司有所贡献,贵公司能对他打开大门吗? 7. I should be grateful/much obliged if you could gave me an opportunity to try to serve you in the position. 如果能给我机会在这一岗位上为您效劳,我将不胜感激。 8. I hope you will take my case into your consideration. 希望您能考虑我的申请。 十九、 申请留学信 Writing ( 25minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a Letter of applying for admission to a university in a foreign country to further ones studies according to the following information. You should not translate the Chinese into English word for word. You should write no less than 80 words on the Composition Sheet. 内容: He Feng 毕业于南京大学化学系,获得理学学士学位。毕业后留在母校执教化学。希望有机会进入哈佛大学深造,攻读硕士学位。同时希望申请一份奖学金或助教研 究生助学金。 时间: 2004 年 10 月 9 日 参考范文: Oct. 9th, 2004 Dear Sir or Madam: My names He Feng. I graduated in 1998 from Nanjing University majoring in chemics with a B.S. degree. I got excellent results in all the university. With a view to get some advanced studies, I am writing to you to apply for admission to your University to persue my M. S. degree. I am also applying for a scholarship or a teaching assistantship which will enable me to your university sooner. Enclosed please find letters of recommendation, which, I hope, will meet your satisfaction. Thanking very much for your consideration and looking forward to your early reply. Sincerely yours, He Feng 提示:这部分测试应用文的写作能力。根据下面的中文要求,写一封不少于 80 个单词的申请到国外大学深造的英文信。 申请留学信函常用套语: 1. I am writing to you hoping to study in your university in the fall of 2005. 今写信给您,希望能于 2005 年秋季进入贵校学习。 2. It is my wish to enter your university in the spring of 2005. 希望能于 2005 年春季进入贵校。 3. It is the height of my ambition to further my studies in the field of physics in your university. 最大愿望是在贵校物理学领域学习。 4. I hope you will take my case into your consideration. 希望您能考虑我的要求。 二十、 通知( Notice) 通知是上 级对下级、组织对成员部署工作、传达事情或召开会议时所使用的一种文体。通知有两种:一种是以布告的形式吧事情通知有关人员,如学生、教师、会员、读者、观众等;另一种是以书信的形式吧事情传达给有关人员。英文通知的格式与中文通知大体相同,有标题、正文、落款三部分组成。 标题写正文上方正中位置。落款即发生通知的单位和时间,可写在正文右下角,有时这项也可省略。书面正文时英注意一下几点:内容应简洁清楚;多采用被动语态,人称多用第三人称。常见的通知有会议通知、讲座或报告通知、活动通知、招聘通知、征稿通知等。 会议通知 范例: 1 NOTICE The Routine Faculty Meeting will be held in the meeting room on September 6 , Friday


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