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[英语考试]unit eight新世纪研究生英语阅读b课文 答案 翻译_第2页
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Unit 8,Sex Roles,1,Text and language points,2,Man for the field and woman for the hearth: Man for the sword and the needle she: Man with the head and woman with the heart: Man to command and woman to obey: All else confusion. -ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON hearth: n. the area of floor around a fireplace in a house,男人耕作女持家; 男上战场女纺纱。 男人理智女感性; 男施号令女听命。 如若不然皆混乱。 阿尔弗雷德丁尼生 (1809-1892) a well-known 19th century English poet,3,Many, if not all, of the personality traits which we have called masculine or feminine are as lightly linked to sex as are the clothing, the manners, and the form of headdress that a society at any given period assigns to either sex.-MARGARET MEAD,4,trait /tret/ n.a particular quality in someones characterheaddress /5heddres/ n. something that someone wears on their head, esp. for decoration on a special occasion 头饰,5,feminine / / a.of or like women; having the qualities or appearance, etc. considered characteristic of womenExamples:-Society hasnt regarded science and engineering as feminine occupations.-People would be much better balanced if we could bring out the masculine side of women and the feminine side of men.,6,masculine / a.having the qualities or appearance thought to be typical of menExamples:-The opera singer has a deep, booming, masculine voice.-It was a movie likely to appeal to a masculine audience.,7,我们所谓人的男性化或女性化的个性特征当中,许多(如果不是全部)特征与生理性别正如服装、仪表、头饰式样与生理性别的联系一样不大相关;而这些是社会在特定时期赋予两性的特征。玛格丽特米德 Margaret Mead / / a prominent American anthropologist 玛格丽特米德,8,How is it that this world has always belonged to the men?-SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR,9,为何这个世界总属于男人? 西蒙娜德波伏瓦 Simone de Beauvoir (/ / 1908-1986) a noted French author and feminist西蒙娜德波伏瓦,10,SEX ROLES AND GENDER IDENTITY,1.A role in a play is a part for an actor; it includes certain scripted actions, ways of walking, talking, expressing feelings, and so forth. A sex role is a part that an individual plays as a social actorthe patterns of feeling and behavior deemed appropriate or inappropriate because of her or his gender. The script comes from social expectations about masculine and feminine nature: men should be brave, strong, ambitious, and aggressive, while keeping their feelings under control; women should be gentle, nurturant, passive, dependent, and expressive of their feelings.,11,deem / di:m / v. think of something in a particular way or as having a particular qualityExamples:-They deemed that he was no longer capable of managing the business. -They were told to take whatever action they deemed necessary.,12,deem highly/meanly of sth./ sb. 看重/轻视某人/某事deem最常见的用法是宾语后面接形容词或名词作补语。e.g. They deemed my work worthy. deem sb. an honest man 如果宾语较长,则用it作形式宾语 e.g. I shall deem it an honour if you will join our party.deem多用于正式场合,不宜用来代替口语中的think等动词,13,aggressive /E5gresIv/ a.very determined to succeed or get what you wantnurturant /n:tFEnt/ a. providing loving care and attention,14,gender sexual identity, especially in relation to society or culture; the fact of being male or femaleExamples:-Discrimination on grounds of race, gender, age, or disability is forbidden.-I think both genders are equally capable of looking after children.,15,expressive /Ik5spresIv/ a. showing very clearly what someone thinks or feelsExamples:-With her expressive look and impressive tone, she manages to make her lectures interesting and exciting.-Her poem is expressive of calm days and peace of mind.,16,keep under control: keep happening in the way you want Examples:-Dogs are allowed on the trails if they are kept under control.-The Federal Reserve Bank raised interest rates to keep inflation under control.-Diabetics (糖尿病患者) have to eat regularly if their illness is to be kept under control with insulin (胰岛素) injections.,17,性别角色和性别身份,戏剧中的角色是演员所扮演的角色,包括剧本规定的某些行为以及走路、说话、表达感情的方式等等。性别角色是个人在社会舞台上扮演的角色因为自身性别而被认为是否得体的感情和行为模式,其“剧本”来自社会对男性本质和女性本质的期望:男人应该勇敢、强壮、上进、好胜,并且情感不外露;女人应该温柔、关爱、顺从、依赖他人,并且善于表达情感。,18,2、Sex roles are based on social normsthe agreed-upon standards of acceptable behavior within a society. These normssuch as the norms that men should keep their feelings under control and women should be passiveinfluence our judgments not only of others but also of ourselves. Thus, if you are male and prone to tears during highly emotional moments or female and likely to dominate classroom discussions and arguments, you may judge yourself harshly because you have internalized traditional sex-role assumptions. Sex roles, then, are part of our concept of ourselves, our gender identity.,19,norms / nC:m / n.generally accepted standards of social behaviorprone / prEn / a.likely to do something or suffer from something, esp. something bad or harmfulbe prone to: be likely to, be liable to (esp. sth. bad or harmful) Examples:-“To err(出差错,犯罪) is human” means everyone is prone to foolish opinions.-Although they are always at the center of things, they tend to be loners and are prone to stress when life becomes difficult.,20,be prone to colds 易患感冒 be prone to be late for class 上课往往迟到 be prone to err - 易犯过失be prone to anger - 动不动就发怒be prone to fall asleep on long car journeys -长途行车易打瞌睡prone可与某些名词形成复合词 : trouble-prone / anger-prone 这些复合词只能做表语用。 e.g. Mary is always falling over; shes accident- prone. 玛丽常常跌跤,她容易出事。,21,dominate / dCmIneIt / v.control someone or something or have more importance than other people or thingsharshly / 5hB:FlI / adv.severely, cruelly, or unkindlyExamples:-His theory was criticized harshly by his colleagues. -History is apt to judge harshly those who sacrifice tomorrow for today.,22,internalize / In5t:nElaIz / v.take in and make an integral part of ones attitudes or beliefsExamples:-He had internalized the cultural values of the Italians after three years of living in Rome.-People take it for granted that men should be more powerful than women because they have internalized the male-centered culture.,23,性别角色以社会准则为基础,社会准则是一个社会内部可接受的公认行为标准。这些准则如男人应该控制情感、女人应该顺从不仅影响我们对于他人的判断,而且影响我们对自身的判断。因此,如何你是一个在情绪激动时会流泪的男性,或者一个会控制课堂讨论和争论的女性,你可能对自己判断严苛,因为你已经内化了传统的性别角色假设。因此,性别角色是我们关于自我认识性别身份的一部分。,24,3、Sex roles are of great interest to psychologists, sociologists, and other social scientists. Psychologists focus primarily on inner personality traits and stereotypes associated with femininity and masculinity, while sociologists emphasize patterns of outer behavior or interaction in society. For example, a sociologist studying the paid labor force of the United States would note that most truck drivers are male while most nurses are female. Family sociologists have studied the inclination of judges in child custody cases to assume that mothers are innately better at parenting than fathers.,25,stereotype /5strEtaIp/ n. a belief or idea of what a particular type of person or thing is like (often unfair or untrue) Examples:-Regional stereotypes have been part of America since its founding: Westerners are trendy, Midwesterners are dull, Northeasterners are brainy, and Southerners are lazy.-When I saw the big smiles in the faces of the German students, the stereotype of Germans (rigid, somewhat humorless and obsessed with order and formality) melted.,26,femininity /femE5nInEtI/ n.qualities that are considered to be typical of women, esp. qualities that are gentle, delicate, and prettyExamples:-You dont have to lose your femininity to be an independent, successful woman.-Psychology, like other discourses, associates subjectivity with femininity, and objectivity with masculinity.,27,masculinity /EtI/ n.the features and qualities considered to be typical of menExamples:-Childrens ideas of masculinity tend to come from their fathers.-Man cannot experience the fullness of his masculinity and powers of reproduction without a woman, and vice versa.,28,inclination /7InklI5neIFn/ n.a tendency to think or behave in a particular way Examples:-You always follow your own inclinations instead of considering other peoples feelings.-Ive no inclination to follow my mother into accountancy.,29,custody / kQstEd / n.the right to take care of a child, given to one of their parents when they have divorced Examples:-It is usually the mother who is awarded custody. -Allen is fighting a bitter custody battle over his three children .,30,innately /I5neItlI/ adv.born with 天生的 Examples:-Whether human nature is inherently good or evil is a long-term debate in the history of philosophy.-He believes that there is something inherently liberating about getting on the Internet.,31,性别角色引发心理学家、社会学家和其他社会科学研究者的强烈兴趣。心理学家主要集中研究与女性气质、男性气质相关的“内在”特征和刻板印象,而社会学家则强调“外在”行为或社会交往模式。例如,某个研究美国雇佣劳动力的社会学家会指出大部分的卡车司机都是男性,而大部分护士都是女性。家庭社会学家则研究儿童监护权诉讼的判决倾向,即假设母亲天生就比父亲擅长照顾孩子。,32,THE CAUSE OF SEX ROLES: BIOLOGY OR CULTURE?,4、How do gender differences come about? Do sex roles result from biological differences between the sexes? Or do women and men learn to behave differently because of the effects of culture and society?,33,come about : happen, esp. in a way that is not plannedExamples:-The opportunity to get into computing came about quiet by accident. -I dont know how the argument has come about.,34,性别角色的起因:生物还是文化?,性别差异是怎样产生的?性别角色是否源自两性生理差异?或者说,由于文化和社会的影响会导致男女学会不同的行为方式?,35,5、We know that women as a group score consistently lower than men as a group on mathematics and science achievement tests. (Notice that we said as a group; some women score extremely high, while some men score extremely low. But womens average scores are consistently somewhat lower than mens average scores.),36,consistently / kEn5sIstEntl / adv.happening or developing in the same way,37,我们知道,在数学和理科学业测验中,作为整体而言,女性的成绩一贯比男性的要差。(注意我们说的是“作为一个整体”;有些女性的得分特别高,而有些男性的得分却非常低。然而,女性的平均成绩总是会比男性的平均成绩低一些。),38,6、Does this mean that womens brains function differently than mens, that they are not as equipped to do math problems? Does it mean that the male power structurewhich for so long prohibited women from receiving any type of formal educationis still inhibiting women in the traditionally male preserves of math and science? Or is it that women lose interest in these subjects because they fear that achievement in math and science will make them less attractive to men?,39,inhibit / In5hbt / v. prevent something from growing or developing well inhibit sb. from doing sth. prevent sb. from doing sth.Examples:-Apparently the painter didnt give the picture a name, fearing that would inhibit the range of opinions and emotions evoked in the viewers.-Recording the meeting may inhibit people from expressing their real views.,40,inhibition- n. (CN) be free from inhibitions 不受禁止(或禁忌) without inhibition 尽情地,痛快地该词用在without inhibition 这一短语中时属不可数名词,所以用单数不加冠词。 laugh without inhibition-开怀大笑 Shes prepared to argue without inhibition. 他准备辩论个痛快。,41, is still inhibiting women in the traditionally male preserves of : is still preventing women from getting into the fields that are traditionally occupied by men,42,preserve: an activity that is only suitable or allowed for a particular group of people Examples:-The civil service became the preserve of the educated middle class. -The English language is not the special preserve of grammarians, language police, teachers, writers, or the intellectual elite.,43,这是否意味着女性的大脑运作不同于男性,不具备同样解决数学难题的能力?还是意味着长期以来一直限制女性得到任何形式正式教育的男性权力结构至今仍禁止女性进入传统上专属于男性的数学、科学领域?或者是因为女性担心在数学、科学领域有所成就,会减少她们对男性的吸引力,因而失去了对这些学科的兴趣?,44,7、In short, are traditional sex roles the result of nature (biological differences), nurture (culture and socialization), or some combination of both?,45,nurture / 5n:tFE / n.the education and care that you are given as a child, and the way it affects your later development and attitudes,46,简言之,传统性别角色的形成,是因为“自然”(生物差异)还是“培养”(文化和社会化)?或是两者兼有,47,Genetics: The Biological Evidence,8、No one disputes that there are biological differences between the sexes. The controversy arises, however, when we try to establish links between these biological differences and the behavior of men and women. Specifically, does biology limit the potential achievements of one or both sexes?,48,controversy / kCntrEv:sI / n.a serious argument about something that involves many people and continues for a long timeExamples:-Controversy arose over the development of cloning technology. -The feminists are engaged in a controversy against male chauvinists on the roots of sexism.,49,specifically / spEIfIkElI / adv.in a detailed or exact way,50,遗传学:生物证据,勿庸置疑,两性之间存在生物差异。但是,当我们试图建立这些生物差异和男女行为之间的联系时,就产生了争论。具体来说,生物是否限制某个性别、或两性的潜在成就?,51,9、Men and women differ in their genetic structure. Women have two X chromosomes; men have one X and one Y chromosome. The complex links between genes and behavior are now being researched; it is impossible to say at this time how differences in chromosome structure may affect womens and mens behavior. We do know that genetic structure determines physical development. The average male is taller, heavier, and more muscular than the average female. Women develop breasts and can bear and nurse children; men cannot.,52,genetics / dVInetIks / n.the study of how the qualities of living things are passed on in their genes gene / dVi:n / n.a part of a cell in a living thing that controls what it looks like, how it grows, and how it develops,53,chromosome / 5krEJmEsEJm / n.a part of every living cell that is shaped like a thread and contains the genes that control the size, shape, etc. that a plant or animal has,54,男女在基因结构上是不同的。女性有两条“X”染色体,男性有一条“X”染色体、一条“Y”染色体。关于基因和行为之间复杂联系的研究正在进行;目前还不清楚染色体结构的差异会怎样影响男女行为。我们确实知道基因结构决定身体发育。男性普遍比女性更高、更重、肌肉更加发达;女性乳房发育,能够生育,而男性不能。,55,10、It is not unreasonable to assume that men did the hunting and heavier physical labor in earlier societies because they were better suited to do so, while women raised the children because they could breast-feed them and food was scarce. Perhaps these differing behavioral patterns for women and men in such societies were the result of adaptation; that is, the traits helped them to survive and reproduce at a time when subsistence was a full-time job. But should these differences matter in an industrialized era in which most heavy labor is done by machines and even the fighting of wars relies on sophisticated technology?,56,breast-feed / brestf:d / v.feed baby with milk from breast rather than from a bottlescarce / skeEs / ashort in supply, insufficient,57,reproduce / ri:prEdjU:s / duce young plants or animals Examples:-Birds reproduce by laying eggs.-People have a natural instinct to both reproduce and to care for their young.,58,subsistence / sEbsIstEns / n.the condition of only just having enough money or food to stay aliveExamples:-Many of the families are forced to live at the subsistence level.-When accompanied by minimum subsistence pensions, as in Britain, retirement means economic dependency.,59,sophisticated / sE5fIstkeItd / avery well designed and very advanced, and often working in a complicated wayExamples:-These developments in turn contributed to the rebirth of various critical and intellectually sophisticated neo-Marxisms in the 1960s and 1970s.-The missile has a sophisticated guidance system.,60, the traits helped them to survive and reproduce at a time when subsistence was a full-time job: with these traits, they were able to go on to live and have offspring at a time when people were just struggling to maintain life.,61,我们不无理由进行这样的假设:早期社会中,男性打猎、从事较为繁重的体力劳动,因为他们更适合做这些事情;女性养育孩子,因为食物匮乏,而她们能够哺乳。或许,这些社会中男女行为模式上的差别是由于对环境的适应,就是说,在维持生存是当时全部生计的情况下,这些特征帮助他们生存、繁殖。但是,在工业化时代,当机器完成大部分的重体力劳动、甚至打仗也依赖先进技术的时候,这些差异是否还举足轻重?,62,11、 Researchers have speculated that certain behavioral differences are due to male and female hormones. Both men and women produce the male hormone, androgen, and the female hormone, estrogen, but in differing quantities. The male embryos Y chromosome gives a command to release androgen at specific stages of prenatal development. The hormone signals the embryo to develop as a male, with male body shape and male sexual organs. Later on, hormones influence bodily changes during puberty; for example, androgen gives signals to the males body for the growth of facial and body hair and for the deepening of the voice.,63,speculate / spekjleIt / v.guess about the possible causes or effects of sth without knowing all the facts or detailsspeculate on/about (why/what etc)speculate about the origin of the universe 思索宇宙的起源Examples:-Edward began to speculate on what life would be like if he were single again.-We dont know why the prehistoric stone circles were built. We can only speculate.,64,Researchers have speculated that certain behavioral differences are due to male and female hormones. : Researchers have theorized that hormones cause some of the differences in the ways females and males behave.,65,hormone / 5hC:mEJn / n.a chemical substance produced by the body that influences its growth, development, and conditionandrogen / 5AndrEdVEn / n.a steroid hormone that controls the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics 雄性激素,66,androgen / 5AndrEdVEn / n.a steroid hormone that controls the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics 雄性激素estrogen / estrEdVEn / n.any of several steroid hormones responsible for the development and maintenance of female secondary sex characteristics 雌性激素,67,embryo / embrEJ / n.an animal or human that has not yet been born, and has just begun to develop 胚胎;胎儿puberty / pjU:bEt / n.the stage of physical development during which you change from a child to an adult and are able to have children,68,prenatal / / arelating to unborn babies and the care of pregnant womenExamples:-Towards the end of a pregnancy, doctors recommend more frequent prenatal check-ups.-Poor wo


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