八年级(下)英语《unit10  it's a nice day,isn't》课件1_第1页
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Unit10Its a nice day, isnt it?,短语1 say goodbye to sb 向某人道别 say hello to sb 向某人问好 say sorry to sb 向某人道歉2 look through 浏览 look for 寻找 look at 看- look after 照顾3 come along (意外地)出现,4 get along/on (well) with 相处5 at least 至少 6 at noon 在正午,1-: He is really good, isnt he? -: He sure is! 他确实是 It sure is! 的确是2 You love violin music, dont you?3 It looks like rain, doesnt it?4 I hope so.我希望如此 5 Do you think itll stop by noon? 你认为到中午时候天会停雨吗?6 It always rains on the weekend, doesnt it? 天总是在周末下雨,是吗?7 Its never crowded. Have a good day! 它从不拥挤。 玩得高兴!,By 到-为止,1 look through books in a bookstore 在书店浏览书2 wait in line to buy ice cream 排队等候买冰激凌3 wait to cross a busy street 等着过繁华的街道4 in an elevator 在电梯里5 Their prices are really low/high, arent they? 价格高低用low, high修饰6 This line is slow. 这一排走得好慢,1 How much did that shirt cost?,How much did,2 That shirt cost 89 yuan.(提问) _ _ _that shirt?,周五晚上的比赛,3 How big is your apartment? 你的公寓有多大?4 Tell me about yourself. tell sb about sth 告诉某人有关某事5 You are new here. 你是新来的。6 What do you think of the school? = How do you like the school? 你是怎样认为这个学校的?7 Did you see Friday nights game on TV?,3,3,3,3,语法: 反意疑问句,一、含义: 在一个陈述句之后附上一个简短的疑问句,对陈述句提出相反的疑问,这种疑问句叫反意疑问句。 如: 1. SARS is scary, isnt it? 2. We speak Chinese, dont we?,二、结构:,结构一: 前肯,+ 后否 eg. SARS is scary, isnt it?,结构二: 前否,+ 后肯 eg. SARS isnt scary, is it?,结构一: 前肯,+ 后否 Be 动词: 1. You are an actor, _ _ ? 2. He is a good boy, _ _ ? 3. It was fine yesterday, _ _ ? 4. You were studying when I called you last night, _ _ ? 5. She is going to visit me, _ _? 6. I am Chinese, _ _?,arent you,isnt he,wasnt it,werent you,isnt she,arent I,行为动词: 1. It often rains here, _ _ ? 2. He likes soccer, _ _ ? 3. You have a headache, _ _ ? 4. I called you yesterday, _ _?其它动词: 1. You will go to America, _ _ ? 2. We have ever been to Shanghai, _ _ ?,doesnt it,doesnt he,dont you,didnt I,wont you,havent we,三、特殊用法(一)1. His mother is a doctor, _ _ ?2. The dogs are fighting, _ _? There is a boy in our classroom, _ _ ?4. There were many cars in the street, _ _ ?5. There will be robots in our families, _ _ ?,isnt she,arent they,isnt there,werent there,wont there,三、特殊用法(二) 6. Sit down please, _ ?7. Please call me, _?8. Lets go home, _ ?9. Let us go home, _ ?10. Let me see, _ ?,will / wont you,shall / shant we,will / wont you,will / wont you,will / wont you,结构二: 前否,+ 后肯 1. You arent an actor, _ _ ? 2. He isnt a good boy, _ _ ? 3. It wasnt fine yesterday, _ _ ? 4. It doesnt rain here, _ _ ? 5. His sister doesnt have a headache, _ _ ? 6. You didnt call me yesterday, _ _?,are you,is he,does it,does she,was it,did you,7. You wont go to U.S.A., _ _?8. There isnt a boy in our classroom, _ _ ?9. There werent many cars in the street, _ _ ?10. Dont smoke, _ _ ?11. Dont lets do it, _ _ ?,will you,is there,were there,will you,shall we,2a To have successful small talk, both people need to ask questions. Listen to the three conversations. Are they examples of successful or unsuccessful small talk? Write “S”(for successful) or “U”(for unsuccessful) in the blanks.,Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3,U,U,S,1b Listen and number the pictures above in the order you hear them.,1c PAIROWRK Look at the pictures and make other conversations. You can use the expressions in the box.,The train is always late, isnt it? You love violin music, dont you? It looks like rain, doesnt it?,A: It looks like rain, doesnt it?B: Yes, it does. And I forgot my umbrella.,1,2,3,n. 雨伞;伞,似乎;看上去像eg. 1) It looks like snow. 2) She looks like her mother.,2b Listen to Conversation 3 again. Put the sentences and questions below in order.,富兰克林湖,n. 中午,f,b,e,a,d,c,g,by noon 在中午之前 by: not later than (不晚于;之前) eg. I will call you by 10:00 this evening.,我希望如此。,2c PAIROWRK Imagine you are at a bus stop. Make your own small talk. You can use the expressions in the box below.,Its really cold today, isnt it?The No. 15 bus stops here, doesnt it?,A: Its really cold today, isnt it?B: Yes, it is. I hope the bus comes soon.,Grammar Focus,Its really windy today, isnt it? Yes, it is.Youre Bens sister, arent you? Yes, I am.The No.15 bus stops here, doesnt it? Yes, it does.,3a Complete the conversation. Write sentences in the blanks.,A: This is great weather, isnt it?B: It sure is. But its a little hot for me.A: Oh, I love hot weather. .B: Which beach are you going to?A: Im going to Today Beach. ?B: I usually go to Sandy Beach.A: ?B: No, its never crowded. Well, have a good day!A: .B: Goodbye.,Im going to the beach today,Where do you usually go,Is it very crowded,Thanks. Goodbye,adj. 沙的,int. 再见,3b PAIRWORK Practice the conversation in activity 3a. Then write and practice another conversation with your partner. You can use situations like these:,Two people looking through books in a bookstore.Two people waiting in line to buy ice cr


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