[初中英语]新目标 七年级英语上 unit7 how much are these socks_section a period i_第1页
[初中英语]新目标 七年级英语上 unit7 how much are these socks_section a period i_第2页
[初中英语]新目标 七年级英语上 unit7 how much are these socks_section a period i_第3页
[初中英语]新目标 七年级英语上 unit7 how much are these socks_section a period i_第4页
[初中英语]新目标 七年级英语上 unit7 how much are these socks_section a period i_第5页
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,Unit 7 How much are these socks?,Section A Period I,I want(想要) a pencil box.,Do you want a pencil box?,I want a school bag.,Do you want a school bag?,Lets go shopping!,Lets go shopping!, /春秋天,/jacket /男式衬衫/是shirt,jacket 夹克衫 / /i/,shirt 衬衫 / :/,dress 连衣裙 /e/,skirt 裙子 /:/, /炎热的夏天/穿什么 /女孩dress,/skirt, /炎热的夏天/穿什么 /女孩dress,/skirt /男孩可穿/T-shirt,T-shirt T恤衫 / :/,s,shirt 衬衫 / :/,sweater 毛衣 /e/ /,s, /冬天到/ 要防寒 厚厚的sweater能保暖,Words,shorts 短裤 /:/,trousers 裤子 /a/ /, /裤子统称/trousers /短裤被叫/为shorts,Words,socks 袜子 /:/,shoes 鞋子 /u:/, /出门别忘/穿shoes /最好配上/socks,$ 10,$ 8,$ 4,$ 9,$ 5,$ 3,$ 8,细心大挑战,你发现了什么?,socks,shoes,shorts,trousers,这些名词通常以复数的形式出现,房间里的服装多, /房间里的/服装多 /春秋天,/jacket /男式衬衫/是shirt /炎热的夏天/穿什么 /女孩dress,/skirt/男孩可穿/T-shirt, /冬天到,/要防寒 /厚厚地sweater/能 保暖 /裤子统称/trousers /短裤被叫/为shorts /出门别忘/穿shoes /最好配上/socks,1a,Match the words with the things in the picture.将单词与图中物品匹配。,1.socks_i_2.T-shirt_3.shorts_4.sweater_5.bag_6.hat_ 7.trousers_8.shoes_9.jacket _ 10.skirt _,d,a,c,f,g,j,b,h,e,Lets go shopping!,dollar 美元,s,$,“多了”,Practice,Lets count. 读一读。,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,用英语如何询问价格呢?,$9,$8,购物时, 要问某种物品多少钱,用how much来问, 意思是“多少钱”。,Explanation,is this/that+单数主语?are+these/those+复数主语?,How much+ ,回答时,若主语是单数用it代替主语;若主语是复数用they来回答。,如: How much is this pen? Its three dollars. 这支钢笔多少钱? 三美元。 How much are these socks? Theyre 9 dollars. 这双袜子多少钱? 九美元。,Explanation,practise,$6,practise,$8,我猜,我猜,我继续猜!,Guess the price. You only have 3 guesses.,-How much is this?,-Its dollars.,Please, up, up, up.,Please, down, down, down.,Great, great, you are great.,$4,我猜,我猜,我继续猜!,-How much are these?,-Theyre dollars.,Please, up, up, up.,Please, down, down, down.,Great, great, you are great.,$5,1c,Listen and circle the things you hear in the picture.,Can you do the exercises?,How much _ (be) this skirt?How much _ (be) these socks?How much is your _?(衬衫)Do you like that _ ?(毛衣)_ _ (多少钱)are these trousers ?This watch is very nice. It is _ (5美元).,shirt,sweater,How much,are,is,5 dollars,总结一下,How much is this/that + n.? Its .,2. How much are these/those + n-s ? Theyre .,T-shirt,trousers,shorts,shoes,sweater,skirt,hat,socks,总结一下,许多孩子,他们生活在贫困的山区,没有见过大城市的美景,,他们天真、可爱,他们一张张稚嫩的小脸扬抑着对知识的渴望、对美好生活的渴望,他们没有漂亮的衣服,常常需要家人省吃俭用才能给孩子买一身新衣裳;他们没有新鞋子,再破再冷,补一补也就好了。,是的,山区里的许多孩子,正过着你们闻所未闻的生活。但是


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