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New curriculum,任 务 型 阅 读,T,ASK BASED READING,2008年江苏高考英语新增任务型阅读,要求考生根据阅读文章提供的信息用恰当的词语完成与短文相关的图表,并有一定字数的限制。,考纲解读:,能力要求及题目类型:,信息查找题,信息转换题,信息归纳题,获取信息的能力,组织信息的能力,概括表达信息能力,能力要求,题目类型,How to deal with this new test item?,The passage,The problem,1.略读快速浏览抓住文章中心大意以及文章的结构(借助所给图表结构)。,3.复读 复读文章,反复揣摩所填之词是否符合文章内容,其拼写是否正确。,解题步骤:,三读法,2. 细读带着问题,找到文章对应点,确认题型,分析整理归纳信息并且准确表达信息。,解题时一定要牢记在心,解题时要注意什么?,三审,1.审文章提示,.字数的限制.是否可以用原文中的单词。,2.审结构表达,短语类句子类,3.审语法运用,对应,.字母大小写.名词的数和格.动词的形式.形容词副词的比较级最高级. 连词,介词,. 时态语态,主谓一致,第三人称等,.整个文章结构(大小标题),.内容表达,考纲示例:,信息查找题,解题技巧:,2.常用方法: 带着问题有意识地在关键处做标记。如:(1)5W and 1H:who, what ,when, where ,why ,how(2)时间先后: first , then , after ,that , next, finally (3)因果:because , thus , lead to, cause, as a result (4)比较 :similarly, differently(5)转折: but, while, however, instead, on the contrary,1.解题关键: 根据问题查找定位信息。,信息转换题,(1).词性转换,(2).句子结构转换,(5).另选其它词来释义,(3).同义词和反义词转换,(4).前缀和后缀转换,1.解题关键: 根据问题查找定位信息,加工分析并转换成另一种表达方式。,2.,常见的 转换方式,随堂检测:,1 .Kate was born in China.,Kates _ is China.,2. He didnt pass the final examination.,He _ the final examination.,3.Tom couldnt agree with his bosss decision more.,Tom _his bosss decision.,birthplace,failed,supported,4. The lady was not happy.,The lady was _.,5. As we all know, if someone wants to pass this exam, he ought to prepare for it well.,Good _ is key to passing this exam.,unhappy,preparation,(释义),(反义词),(句式),(前缀),(词形转换),提示:仅限一词,考纲示例:,1. E-mail has also changed the speed with which we exchanged information. In minutes , you can contact another person.,It has also enabled us to exchange information at _ speed than traditional communicative methods.,higher,提示:仅限一词,2. In minutes, you can contact another person who shares your love of kites or stamps.,Within a short time, it lets us contact another person who has interest in_.,common,Children have always been taught adult secrets, but slowly and in stages: traditionally, we tell sixth graders things we keep hidden from fifth graders. In the last 30 years, however, a secret-revelation(揭示)machine has been installed in 98 percent of American homes. It is called television. Television passes information, and indiscriminately(不加区分地),to all view alike, whether they are children or adults. Unable to resist the temptation, many children turn their attention from printed texts to the less challenging, more vivid moving pictures.,Children in the past: in a _ and guided process.,Children nowadays: by _TV without control.,gradual,watching,提示:仅限一词,不得用文章中的单词,The evidence of a change in children has increased steadily in recent years. Children dont seem childlike anymore. Children speak more like adults, dress more like adults and behave more like adults than they used to.,Children in the past just did what they were _ to,Children today _ as if they were adults.,supposed expected,act,概括性,针对性,醒目性,信息归纳题,归纳词的特征,(在最大程度上覆盖栏内信息),(量体裁衣,大小适度),(简洁),1.解题关键:根据问题查找定位信息,找共性的东西。,2.,reason cause,result effect,time purpose behavior feeling,advantages disadvantages,measure solution way method,常见概括性词,differences similarities,原因,方法,优劣,异同,其它,观点,opinion view attitude,结果,目的,aim purpose,Title: Change in Todays Children,behaviors,feelings/emotions,ways/methods,技巧总结:,1.略读,3.复读,三读法,2. 细读,三审法,1.审文章提示,2.审结构表达,3.审语法运用,信息查找题,信息转换题,信息归纳题,随堂练习:,Some people believe that greed(贪婪)and selfishness has become the basis of modern society, and we should return to the old traditions of family and community then we will have a better life. In this fastpaced world, what is right or wrong to some people is undergoing major changes. Whi


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