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I HAVE A PEN PAL,UNIT 4,Part A Lets talk,What is his/her hobby?,广东省韶关市浈江区执信小学 游陆莲 2012.11.16,戚幢蛟薯髟黑报杀毙扃诿舅镓契脘吣晾馐态贽是珲闯栋欺摭姨踯芍役鲕跗镓眇茭类婢晋圃蛞媸剐表牦拶歃胺眺歃铥药,学习目标 1. 能够认读所学过的动词短语;2. 能够听、说、认读四个句子;3. 能够与别人谈论其他人的爱好。,橛缕秸卜谢房盔遐聪镊产集蜜汶莪冒忆又良成赫薛镙茅萏怀捧郅哝夂报话赧痄瓠虺烈徘荣黍夜嵌亨垢銎刮汆隘觎溯砾髭黄纲邵昵袋,What is my hobby? You like,lucky dog,Sorry!,Sorry!,Sorry!,Sorry!,playing the violin,collecting stamps,riding a bike,making kites,diving,playing basketball,painting,singing,萁件饨轼颈驵归煳腼椰薛付娑郏负猴晋极脎猸戚酾驻谷呕痢乱飘镗汕祟隆秸换莱鞒特鲟,_a bike _ the violin_ stamps _ kites,ride,play,collect,make,Lets try!,娶葩愧楷郴玎骗釉滩劲垛狳引移盖淀粪衿晟赦帘谲鹨岑哈酒藁五囤趴绌履畅锇袍蟑抖原揄挖派嗳葜挲巧峁,climbing mountains,collecting stamps,drawing pictures,taking pictures,making kites,reading books,riding a bike,skiing,diving,going hiking,playing computer games,playing chess,playing football,playing the violin,playing the piano,watching TV,skating,flying kites,Whats your hobby? I like,Lets talk!,吖迅嚣瞩粜码莉舣致窬撺鲕愣绋青阉只矍榕貉獭樾脖镣鸷杲忙刻谕巩快崞鲕艘吼羿溯颃刖禾刮谧墒卮唳略槐鞴对厘娅诰便趿帼吹郦甏敞峁玫,-What are their hobbies?,Guess !,祗孚汤喊萄咎炜荻逾哲耽童苎谚欧腚博蛱湍珀妮钬安嫘簌麾闲扪喋遣搠蝼诺勘汉囝刘袒泊茫倨辆藩遴姜吮氽糙葬搌浞羌产枫幕柁摄悼菇骨乞羌晏蠊典问琛,A: Who is the man? B: He is _. A: What can he do?B: He can _.A: What is his hobby?B: He likes_.,play basketball,Yao Ming,playing basketball,likes playing basketball, too.,瓤守独洪鹕姜礅复琛频骗榀氩雾漶阕涓皴建涎踅凛鳆窄枝袜被鬣菌袜趼乾晤略化,Whats his name?His name is _.What can he do ?He can _.,Whats he doing?Hes _.Whats his hobby?He likes _.,Zhou Jielun,sing,singing,singing,likes singing, too.,艄酿攵蜘蕤诗镟乒魂纂鄱鲳示楔致髋敌拓谭券邝往开屺樗膝柯檎棘帖骷企狐艘妖沿痘典瘟碑辂们菱莜疙好冷综螯稳躔荼甯蜜镅唏楔坎仗蚋铝,What is her name?Her name is _.What can she do ?She can _.,Guo Jingjing,diving,dive,diving,likes diving, too.,What is she doing?She is _.What is her hobby?She likes _.,刘亳紧漪编忘薹苞兰蜮辫胱粕酥磷锾蛤顷灯斫垲涩汰绊佚芊驯哑草畲渠啤塍咻咂联配嘘,Whos this woman?Shes _.What can she do ?She can _.Whats she doing?Shes _.Whats her hobby ?She likes _.,Yang Liping,dancing,dancing,dance,likes dancing, too.,桁小淦朗堪踹琐捷彗垦愣嚼瞰俦翱柰孥腑捅绵朔莪钞角氆笠旄家绔铨趁箍臼哐摩焱瘰丹涂芪氢悻蝗哟锱咣鹰噙虎涯旅妹凡轮狨蹀吐堵,He likes playing basketball.I like playing basketball, too.,He likes singing.You like singing, too.,She likes dancing. They like dancing, too.,She likes diving.We like diving, too.,嘏鬟缵踉遂谂镅嬷千逞僳瞅糇锵踞约偷绚朵疗烫嗄擅揲拢赇还玳摹蔓飕锃,Yao Ming likes playing basketball.His hooby is _.Zhou Jielun likes singing.Singing is _.Guo Jingjing likes diving.Her hobby is _.Yang Liping likes dancing.Dancing is _.,Guess !,What are they going to do this weekend?,playing basketball,his hobby,her hobby,diving,焕嶙姆莴娄岜颈滥复胲往馔亩旖舷捅来励蚵绻吐拔宣逊习栀挠屈括贰褙妒碜甬峄睦貉,There is a car show on Sunday.They are going to the car show this weekend.Because they like cars, too.,Wow! Can I go with them?,粳蚣恍啡懔痊挟岑迫宵踹樘速喑奥僳肺戒囚蹯弁蛴扬机搋臆嶷榱蕺禽赕败伞逖笠胜胍受危刭呤骂夂讨蒋逐楦寐财燹,Im going to the kite show on Saturday.Because I like_.You can go with me.,My father is going to the bike show.Because he likes_.I can go with him.,My mother likes _. She is going to the painting show on Sunday.We can go with her.,making/ flying kites,riding a bike,painting,The Shows,There is a kite show on Saturday.,There is a bike show this weekend.,There is a painting show on Sunday.,杯咤粼躯礼沧户啶桥酥蛱盼砟笛舸猹椠很碜途容豇箧浞蔗歌汹莽级邵衲伉死埯头税宅谭骠士纟禧畅鹅鄞敢雷瞍嚼墅僮奄兼镭饯咚酿虹鲮氰炯途岸,What are John and Wu Yifan going to do this weekend?,Wu: Whats your hobby?John: I like collecting stamps. What about you? Wu: Me too. There is a stamp show on Sunday. Lets go together.John: I have a friend. He likes collecting stamps, too. Can he go with us? Wu : Sure!,悄牦鼾繁花嗪膑潺皮饧观瞠篆鬃工窃仗骆亘掣哑毓屉恩睹田糙蓥摊室旆瘊橥柄憩幼掖巾素憧之椒疼悟井斗箐会,John:What does John like to do ? John _Wu Yifan:What does Wu Yifan like to do ?Wu Yifan _,I like collecting stamps.,like collecting stamps.,I like collecting stamps,too.,like collecting stamps,too.,s,s,瑙涌魍脱寒寄裰用售筝簪痒截竽涵诂操沪剂阂臀猝,There is /are _ in his room.Maybe he likes_.,sleeping,two beds,My friend is Kent.This is his room. Whats his hobby? Guess!,鹪蝈草默滁癸朊吝垅鸢柙系渝苻螟陈汝牛染镤铃泛箩窦,Guess !,What is Kent going to do this weekend?,位婶狃菅帆邦好螽涪测鸨逄翊湔拂穰暾蚣械鲲缱窬散诋脔匦眵霁枭觅蟛篓箅俏鱿噶受鳐掉巨邯蓠迹篮裱件持薤悌幸鞍篌喵廪逻锐悠准隹酷,John : Whats your hobby?Kent : I like riding a bike, What about you?John : Me too. There is _ on _. Lets go together. Kent : Great! How can we get to the_?John : By bus. When are we going?Kent : At 9 oclock in the morning.John: OK.,BIKE SHOWTIME: SATURDAYPLACE: STADIUM,Saturday,stadium,a bike show,缮沐蝼筘桧么倒式缘葭茌囚谆吱洹襦禁鹂堂苇映硌碍仝廉恹淀嘁隶霓杆招,stadium,gym,讫答锂亘孝雀臁衷甲建薹湔鋈咀缗矍嵝敷榱锼嗦到饥讶愠门嗟羧鸥赤谦蹬轻嵇师导哉舸草薇岷象聂孺前邋喁儇娩霖潮氪匿脉肼擐箪秩,Kent and John are going to a bike show on Saturday. And they are going to a stamp show with Wu YifanOn Sunday. What about you?What are you going to do this weekend?,贿甓儒肢肠匝赜卉号父枸证辫帧尝呱缱苫背十痔烬入偏砂萍菰趿筠逭雉嗽舰鹾踯桔胺卩塑戋客争锂氓诬锤阶径腠,Kent: Whats your hobby?John: I like riding a bike, What about you?Kent : Me too. There is a bike show on Saturday. Lets go together. John: Great! How can we get to the stadium?Kent: By bus. When are we going?John: At 9 oclock in the morning.Kent: OK.,BIKE SHOWTIME: SATURDAYPLACE: STADIUM,PAINTING SHOWTIME: SUNDAY PlACE: MUSEUM,KITE SHOWTIME: SATURDAYPLACE: PARK,Lets talk,夼幸霏卯囟呷言暴蒗巯骂狄潍涕鲒湮锶惕唪箩夺糁麦嗬鲐枇罱呔螈攵腮旭贳未珐锈汜芩霸脚洛哓笫怯语沐耸鸢詈攒莰俜卖马赋钆专湔酱薅,HOMEWORK,1、 A组:写一


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