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1 Shenzhen is Calling.,Shenzhen is a beautiful modern city. (深圳是个美丽的现代城市。) Every year many people come to Shenzhen from all over the world. (每年都有很多世界各地的人来深圳。) In Shenzhen you can taste all kinds of delicious food . (在深圳,你可以尝到各种各样的美食。)There are also many beautiful places of interests such as the Window to the World, and the Happy Valley.(深圳也有很多名胜,如世界之窗和欢乐谷),If you want to swim, you can go to Xiaomeisha.(如果你想游泳,你可以去小梅沙)Its a beautiful beach.(它是个美丽的海滩) We are proud of Shenzhen.(我们都以深圳为自豪) So why not spread your wings and visit Shenzhen?(请展开你的翅膀来深圳吧。),2 Students Sleeping Time,In China, more and more middle school students are getting shorter sleeping time than before.(在中国,越来越多的中学生睡得比以前少) Most students sleep less than nine hours every night because they have too much homework to do. (大多数学生每天睡觉时间少于九小时,因为他们太多作业要做。)Their teachers and their parents give them much homework.(他们的老师和父母给他们太多作业。)Also,some students dont know how to save time.(而且,很多学生不会节约时间。),They are not careful enough while they are doing their homework, so it takes them a lot of time.(当他们写作业时,他们不够细心,以致要花很多时间。) Schools and parents should cut down some of the homework so that the students can enjoy nine hours of sleep every night.(学校和家长应该减少学生作业,因此他们能每天睡够九个小时)Children are our countrys future and we should look after them well.(孩子是国家的未来,我们应该照顾好他们。),3,Chapter 1 P10,4,Canada is the second largest country in the world.(加拿大是世界上第二大国家。)Ottawa is the capital of Canada.(渥太华是它的首都。) There are many large rivers and lakes I Canada.(加拿大有很多大的河流和湖泊。) Niagara Falls is very famous.(尼亚加拉瀑布非常有名。) There are many interesting things about Canada. (加拿大有很多有趣的事情。)In the north(在北方),there is almost ice and snow all year round.(一年到头都是冰雪覆盖。),In the south, there are great forests.(南方却很多森林树木。) One very important difference in Canada is language. (加拿大一个很重要的区别是语言。)Most Canadians speak English, but some speak French. (大多数加拿大人说英语,但有些说法语。)Many people in Canada speak both English and French.(很多加拿大人则说两种语言。),5,Mark Twain was an American writer. (马克.吐温是个美国作家。)One day he went to a city by train. (一天,他坐火车去一个城市。)He wanted to see one of his friends there. (他想去那里一个朋友。)He was a very busy man,so he usually forgot something.(他是个很忙的人,因此经常忘记事情。) When he was in the train, the conductor asked him for his ticket. (他上了车后,售票员向他要票。),Mark Twain looked for the ticktet everywhere, but he could not find it.(马克.吐温到处找车票,但是他找不到。) The conductor knew Mark Twain.(那个售票员认识马克.吐温。) She said:”show me your ticket on your way back. And if you cant find it, it doesnt matter.”(她说,你回来的时候再给我看票吧,找不到也没关系。) “Oh,I must find the ticket.”said Mark Twain.”If I cant find it, how can I know where to go?”(哦,我必须找到票,如果找不到,我怎么知道我要去哪里?),6,My name is Zhao Liang.(我叫赵亮。) I want to be your friend. (我想成为你的朋友。) I live in Shanghai,China. (我住在中国上海。) I think America is a very beautiful country. (我认为美国是个美丽的国家。) Im 13 , and my birthday is in March, the third month of a year. (我13岁了,我的生日在一年中的第三个月,三月。) I can speak a little English. (我会说一点英语。),I have no brothers or sisters. (我没有兄弟姐妹。) I like to stay with my classmates. (我喜欢和我的同学们呆在一起。) We often play sports after school, such as football, basketball, tennis and running. (我们经常一起运动,如足球,篮球,网球,跑步。) My favourite subject is English. (我最喜欢的科目是英语。) I dont like science. (我不喜欢科学。) Its too difficult. (它太难了。) Lets be good friends. (让我们成为好朋友吧。),7,Lin Tao was on duty last Monday. (林涛上周一值日。)It was November 12th. (那天是十一月十二日。)Everyone was here, but Jim was away. (每个人都在,但Jim不在。) He was ill in bed. (他生病卧床了。) On Tuesday, he was much better. (星期二,他好多了。) Mr. Hu was sorry to hear that Jim didnt bring his homework. (胡老师很遗憾的发现Jim没带作业。) Mr Hu said. (胡老师说,)”You had better finish it today, (你最好今天完成,) and dont forget to bring it tomorrow.” (并且明天不要忘记带过来。) These days he is much better than before. (这些天,他比之前好多了。),8,My School Day Hi! Im lin.(你好,我是林) Im thirteen years old and I go to Park School in Shenzhen, China. (我13岁,在中国深圳的公园学校上学。)This is my school day. (这是我的学习生活。) I get up at half past six in the morning and have breakfast. (我早上六点半起床,然后吃早餐。),My school is next to my house. (我家在学校附近。)I go to school at half past seven and lessons start at ten past eight.(我七点半上学,八点十分开始上课。) We have four lessons in the morning.(我们早上上四节课。) My favourite lesson is art. (我最喜欢的科目是艺术。) Class is over at twelve oclock . (十二点放学。) I go home to have lunch. (我回家吃午饭。) And then I have a break . (然后休息一会。),Lessons start at two in the afternoon. (下午两点开始上课。) We have three lessons in the afternoon. (我们下午有三节课) School finishes at twenty to five. (四点四十分放学。) After school, we go to the playground and play football, basketball or badminton. I like playing basketball. (放学后,我们去操场踢足球,打篮球或者羽毛球,我喜欢打篮球。) In the evening, I watch TV and have dinner. I do my homework and go to bed at ten. (晚上,我看电视,吃饭,写作业,然后十点钟睡觉。),9 Trees,Trees are the biggest and oldest living things on Earth. (树是地球上最大最古老的生物。)They are our friends. (他们是我们的朋友。)They work hard for us. (他们为我们努力工作。) They cool our cities, clean the air and make cities more beautiful. (他们能调节气候,净化空气,让城市变得更漂亮。),Without trees, the soil would be washed away and there would be no food for us to eat. (如果没有树,土壤会被冲走,我们会没有食物。)Without trees, it would get too hot for us to live on Earth. (如果没有树,地球将变得太热,不适合我们居住。)Without trees, we could die.(如果没有树,我们也会死。),But people always cut down and burn a lot of trees. (但人们总是砍伐,烧毁很多树木。)They are in great danger.(树处于极度危险之中。)We should protect trees.(我们应该保护树木。) We should also plant trees and take care of them.(我们还应该植树并好好照顾他们。),10 Exercise,We all need to exercise. (我们都需要运动。)Doctors say it is good for us. (医生说这对我们有好处。) It makes your heart and body strong. (运动可以使你的身体和心脏强壮。) It also gives you more energy. (也可以给你更多能量。) And you will feel better about yourselves. (而且你会感觉更好。) Its best to exercise twice a week. (一个星期最好锻炼两次。) Twenty minutes each time is enough. (每次二十分钟就足够了。),There are many ways to exercise(锻炼有很多方式。) You can walk, run, play sports, or swim. (你可以散步,做运动或者游泳。) Exercising can be fun,because friends can exercise together. (锻炼是个乐趣,因为朋友们可以一起锻炼。),11 Future plan,What do you want to be in the future? (你将来想做什么?)Maybe different people have different ideas. (也许不同的人有不同的想法。) Gina is good at English,so she wants to be an English teacher. (Gina擅长英语,她想成为英语老师。) She studies English every day. (她每天学英语。) She likes kids very much. (她非常喜欢小孩。) So its best for her to be a teacher. (所以对她来说,做老师是最好的。) She thinks its very interesting. (她认为这很有趣。),Alice is good-looking, and her favourite actor is Cheng Long. (Alice非常漂亮,她最喜欢的演员是成龙。) She wants to be an actress. (她想成为一名女演员。) She takes acting lessons three time a week. (她每星期上三次表演课。) What about Bill? (Bill呢?) He is very strong and brave. (他非常强壮勇敢。) He wants to be a policeman and catch thieves. (他想做一名警察,抓小偷。) Although its a little dangerous, he thinks its very exciting. (尽管这有点危险,他觉得很刺激。),12 What are we doing,Its Sunday. (今天是星期天。)Its nine oclock now. (现在是9点。)We are all at home. (我们都在家。) We are doing housework at the moment. (此刻,我们正在做家务。) Look! Dad is cleaning the room. (看!爸爸正在打扫房间。) Mom is making jiaozi in the kitchen. (妈妈在厨房做饺子。) Its Dads favorite food. (这是爸爸最喜欢的食物。),Mom often makes it for Dad. (妈妈经常为爸爸做饺子。) What am I doing? (我在干什么?) Im watering flowers. (我在浇花。) The flowers are so beautiful. (这些花好漂亮。) What is our pet Miaomiao doing? (我们的宠物苗苗在做什么?) Oh! Its playing with a ball. (哦!它在玩球。) How happy we are! (我们真开心。),13 Food in China and England,Chinese food is different from English food.(中国食物和英国食物不同。) In the north, people like to eat noodles and dumplings, (在北方,人们喜欢吃面条和饺子。)so they grow a lot of wheat. (因此他们种很多小麦。) In the south, people like to eat rice, for they grow a lot of rice. (在南方,人们喜欢吃米饭,由于他们种很多水稻。) Chinese people are also good at cooking delicious dishes. (中国人民也擅长烹饪美味的食物。),English people like to have bread and milk. (英国人喜欢吃面包和牛奶。)They grow a lot of wheat and raise cows. (他们种很多小麦,并养奶牛。)Their favourite foods are fish and chips, (他们最喜欢的食物是鱼和薯条,)and the popular vegetables are potatoes and tomatoes. (最受欢迎的蔬菜是土豆和西红柿。)They drink a lot of coffee and they drink tea,too. (他们喝大量咖啡,也喝茶。)And they like black tea better than green tea. (比起绿茶,他们更喜欢红茶。),14 Thanksgiving Day,Thanksgiving Day is an important festival in America.(感恩节是美国的一个重要节日。) It is on the fourth Thursday in November. (它在11月的第四个星期四。) On the eve of Thanksgiving, (在感恩节前夕,)members of the family will go back home. (家庭成员们都回家。) The next day they sit around the table and have a big dinner. (第二天,他们会围坐在桌子边,吃大餐。)They have roast turkey, sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie. (他们吃烤火鸡,甜土豆和南瓜派。),15 What are the people in the pictures doing?,In one of the pictures, we can see a boy cleaning the room.(在其中一幅图中,我们可以看到一个男孩正在打扫房间。)In another picture, a girl is singing. (另一幅图中,一个女孩在唱歌。) She is singing an American song. (她在唱一首美国歌曲。) In other pictures, we see other people doing different things. (在其他图中,我们可以看到其他人在做不同的事情。) One is running. (一个在跑步,) Another is making a cake. (另一个在做蛋糕。)And a girl is doing her homework. (一个女孩在写作业。),16 Talking on the telephone,A:Hello,may I speak to Bill?(你好,我能和Bill通话吗?)B:Speaking. (我就是。)A:Hi, Bill!This is Wang Lin speaking. (你好,我是王林。)B:Hi,Wang Lin. Whats up? (你好。王林,有什么事吗?)A:What are you going to do next Saturday ? (你这周六要做什么?)B:Nothing much. (没什么事情。) Do you have any ideas? (你有什么主意吗?),A:Shall we go to the Sea World? (我们去海洋世界怎样?) I hear theres a dolphin show there. (我听说那里有海豚表演。)B:Good idea!How can we get there? (好主意。我们怎样去?)A:By bike. (骑自行车吧。)B:When and where shall we meet?(我们什么时候在哪里见?)A:Lets meet at half past eight at the school gate. (我们八点半在学校门口见吧。)B:All right. See you then. (好的,到时见。),17 Sentences,1 John jumps as high as his sister.2 Where were you born? I was born in Shenzhen.3 There are forty-nine students in our class. Nineteen are girls, the others are boys.4 Some students in our class like skating, while others like skiing.5 You must wash your hand before eating.,John 跳得和他姐姐一样高。,你在哪里出生的?我在深圳出生的。,我们班有49个人,19个女生,剩下的全部是男生。,我们班有些人喜欢滑冰,然而有些喜欢滑雪。,你吃饭前要洗手。,6 Tom runs as fast as Jack.7 Shenzhen is not as big as Guangzhou.8 Yesterday I bought a pair of shoes.9 There are many trees on both sides of the street.10 There are some sheep on the farm.,Tom跑得和Jack一样快。,深圳没有广州大。,昨天我买了一双鞋子。,街道的两边有很多树。,农场里有一些羊。,18,Bob and Sue are in the same school, but they are in different classes.(Bob 和 Sue在同一间学校,但他们在不同的班级。 ) They go to school on weekdays. (他们周一到周五上学。)At school , Bob and Sue often play games with their friends.(在学校, Bob 和 Sue 经常和朋友一起玩。) Classes begin at eight in the morning. Now Bob and sue are in their classrooms. (早上八点开始上课, 现在Bob 和 Sue 在他们的教室里。),They are listening to their teachers.(他们正在听他们的老师讲课。) Bobs studying English.(Bob正在学英语。) His teacher is talking in English. (他的老师正在讲英语。)Sue is having a Chinese class. (Sue正在上语文。)Her teacher is talking about writing. (她的老师正在谈论写作。)They study hard. (他们努力学习。)They love their teachers and school .(他们爱他们的老师和学校。),19 School uniforms,How many rules are there in your school?(你们学校有多少规则?) At some schools, the students have to wear uniforms on school days. (在有些学校,学生在上学日必须穿校服。) But many students dont like to wear the school uniforms. (但很多学生不喜欢穿校服。)They think uniforms are the ugliest clothes in the world. (他们觉得校服是世界上最丑的衣服。),But the school dont allow students to wear their own clothes at school. (但学校不允许学生在校园里穿自己的衣服。)So some students draw cartoons or some famous singers on their clothes. (因此有些学生在他们的校服上画卡通或著名歌手。)They think its very boring that everyone wears the same. (他们觉得每个人都穿得一样太无聊了。)However,most of the students obey the rules. (然而,大多数学生还是遵守校规的。) What do you think of it? (你觉得穿校服怎样?)Do you like your school uniform. (你穿校服吗?),20 Nana,Nana is a four-year-old girl.(娜娜是个四岁的女孩。) She likes speaking English very much. (她非常喜欢说英语。) Her mother teaches English in a high school. (她妈妈在一间高中教英语。) Nana likes to watch English cartoons. (娜娜喜欢看英语卡通片。) She learns a lot by watching them. (通过看碟,她学到很多东西。) Nanas mother thinks interest is important, (娜娜的妈妈认为兴趣重要,)and using is the most important thing. (而且运用是最重要的。),Nana has great interest in English speaking.(娜娜对说英语有浓厚的兴趣。) She can learn to speak by watching and listening.(她可以通过看和听学说。) But she should have chances to use it. (但她得有使用机会。) So her mother tries to talk with her in English at home and takes her to the English club at school. (所以在家她妈妈尽量和她说英语,并且带她去学校的英语俱乐部。) Though Nana makes many mistakes, her English improves quickly. (尽管娜娜会犯很多错误,她的英语提高得很快。),21 Vacation,Most people like the vacation.(大多数人都喜欢假期。) During the vacation, (假期期间)they go to many kinds of places, (他们去很多不同的地方,) see many interesting things and meet some people. (看到很多有趣的东西,也遇到一些人。) They can learn a lot from that. (他们可以从旅行中学到很多东西。) Last winter, I went to Beijing. (去年冬天,我去了北京。) First, I phoned my friend and lived in his home. (首先,我打电话给朋友并住在他家。),The next day, we took a bus to the Great Wall. (第二天,我们坐公车去了长城。)In the afternoon, we went to Tianan Men Square. (下午,我们去了天安门广场。) In the evening, we went to eat the Peking Duck. (晚上,我们去吃了北京烤鸭。) The third day, (第三天,) I visited my friends school and made some new friends there. (我去了我朋友的学校并在那里交了一些新朋友。) People in Beijing were all kind to me. (北京人们对我很友好。) I wanted to come to Beijing again. (我希望能再来北京。),22 Sentences,1 The phone was dead.电话坏了。=The phone didnt work.=The phone went wrong.2 The minutes seemed like hours.分钟就像小时一样。(时间过得很慢。)3 Can you tell me where the fire exit is?你能告诉我消防出口在哪里吗?= Can you tell me the way to the fire exit?,4 If it rains tomorrow, I will go to school by bus.如果明天下雨,我就乘公车去上学。5 The story sounds interesting.这故事听起来很有趣。6 We should listen to the teacher carefully in class.我们在课堂上应该认真听老师讲。7 My book is here. Where is yours, Peter?我的书在这里,你的呢?,23 My school library,There are many kinds of books in my school library.(我们图书馆有很多各种各样的书。) For example, books about English ,science,history,music, and so on. (例如, 关于英语的,科学的,历史的,音乐的等等。)You can do some reading or borrow books from it. (你可以在里面读书或借书。)But there are some rules. (但里面有一些规则。)You must obey them. (你必须遵守他们。),When you are reading in the library, you have to be quiet. (当你在里面阅读的时候,你必须保持安静。)Dont talk loudly or make any noise. (不要大声交谈或制造任何噪音。)You cant listen to the music,either. (你也不可以听音乐。) Dont eat or drink in it. (不可以在里面吃或喝东西。)You can borrow books from it,but you cant lend them to others. (你可以借书,但不能转借给别人。)You have to take good care of the books and return them on time. (你必须爱护书籍并按时归还。) If the library books are lost, you have to pay for them. (如果把书弄丢了,你要赔偿。),24 Sentences,1 Is this your dictionary? No, mine is in my bag.2 This is our new house. Theirs is over there. Lets go and have a look.3 Is that his dog? No, his is white.4 No one helped Lisa. She did it by herself.5 Im going skating. Would you like to go with me?,这是你的字典吗?不是,我的在我的包里。,这是我们的新房子,他们的在那边。让我们去看看吧。,那是他的狗吗?不是,他的是白色的。,没人帮Lisa,她自己做的。,我要去滑冰。你要跟我一起去吗?,6 Whos your English teacher? Miss Gao. She teaches us Enlish very well.7 Lily and Lucy, did you enjoy yourselves in the party last night?8 Who is the boy over there?He is my brother.9 Their school is much larger than ours.10 This pen belongs to her.,谁是你的英语老师?高老师,她教我们英语教得很好。,你们在昨天晚的聚会上玩得高兴吗?,那边那个男孩是谁?他是我弟弟。,他们的学校比我们的大很多。,这支笔是她的。,25 sentences,1 Can you tell me where the supermarket is?=Can you tell me the way to the supermarket?=Where is the supermarket?2 How do you deal with the accident?=What do you do with the accident?3 That book cost me10yuan.=I paid 10yuan for that book.4 He didnt show up at the evening party.=He didnt appear at the evening party.,你能告诉我超市在哪里吗?,你如何处理那个事故?,我花了10元买这本书。,他没去昨晚那个聚会。,5 I got a letter from my friend yesterday.=I heard from my friend yesterday.6 This pen is his.=This pen belongs to him.7 The phone was dead.=The phone didnt work.=The phone went wrong.8 Can you describe your father to me?=Can you tell me something about your father?,我昨天收到我朋友的信。,这本书是他的。,电话坏了。,你能向我介绍一下你父亲的事情吗?,26 My Friend Eric,I have a good friend. (我有一个好朋友。)His name is Eric. (他的名字叫Eric。) He comes from Sydney,Australia. (他来自澳大利亚的悉尼。) Now he lives in Beijing with his parents. (他现在和父母住在北京。) Hes 14 and his birthday is in Octorber. (他14岁了,他的生日在10月。) He speaks English and he also speaks a little Chinese. (他说英语,也说一点汉语。) He has lots of friends in Beijing. (他在北京有很多朋友。) He often plays soccer with them. (他经常和他们踢球。) Its his favourite sport. (那是他最喜欢的运动。),On weekends, he likes going to the movies. (周末,他喜欢去看电影。) He thinks Chinese action movies is very exciting. (他认为中国动作片很刺激。) And his favourite subjects in the school are computer and math. (在学校,他最喜欢的科目是电脑和数学。) Theyre fun. (他们很有趣。) But he doesnt like history. (但他不喜欢历史。) He thinks its boring. (他觉得它很闷。) He is very clever and lovely. (他非常聪明可爱。) All my teachers and classmates like him very much. (我所有的老师和同学都很喜欢他。) Do you want to make friends with him? (你想和他交朋友吗?),27 TV,Boys and girls love to watch TV.(孩子们喜欢看电视。) Some children spend six hours a day in school and four to six hours a day in front of TV. (有些孩子每天花六个小时在学校,四到六个小时在电视机前。)Some even watch TV for eight hours or more on Saturday. (在周六,有些甚至看八个小时或以上。) TVs are like books or films. (电视像书,电影一样。) A child can learn bad things and good things from them. (孩子能从中学到好的和坏的。) Some programs help children understand the news, (有些节目帮助孩子们了解新闻),With TV a child doesnt have to go to the zoo to see animals, or to the ocean to see a ship. (有了电视,孩子不用去动物园看动物,不用无海边看船。) They can see a play, a concert or a game at home. (他们在家就可以看戏剧,演奏或比赛。) Children can learn a lot from TV. (孩子们可以从电视上学到很多东西)But some programs show crimes and other things. (但有些节目会涉及到犯罪和其他少儿不宜的东西。) They are bad for children, (这些对小孩是有害的,) so parents sometimes help them find other interesting things to do. (所以家长们有时会帮孩子找其他有趣的事情来做。),28 A Diary,I had a busy weekend. (我度过了一个忙碌的周末。) On Saturday morning, I got up late. (星期六早上,我起得迟。) At eleven oclock, I went shopping at a supermarket. (十一点, 我去超市购物。) Then I went swimming at the swimming pool. (接着去游泳池游泳。) After that, I cooked lunch and then cleaned the house. (然后,我做午饭并打扫房子。) In the evening, I went out to a restaurant with my friends. (晚上,我和朋友们去餐厅。) We had a nice dinner and talked a lot. (我们吃大餐,也聊了很多。),On Sunday morning, I also got up late. (周日早上,我还是起得晚。) After breakfast, I went swimming again for some more exercise. (早餐后,我又去游泳,以做多点运动。) In the afternoon, I visited my grandparents. (下午,我去看爷爷奶奶。) In the evening, I


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