[初一英语]人教版新目标英语七年级上册 unit 6 do you like bananas _ section a 课件_第1页
[初一英语]人教版新目标英语七年级上册 unit 6 do you like bananas _ section a 课件_第2页
[初一英语]人教版新目标英语七年级上册 unit 6 do you like bananas _ section a 课件_第3页
[初一英语]人教版新目标英语七年级上册 unit 6 do you like bananas _ section a 课件_第4页
[初一英语]人教版新目标英语七年级上册 unit 6 do you like bananas _ section a 课件_第5页
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Unit 6,Do you like bananas?,a banana,bananas,an orange,oranges,strawberries,a strawberry,an apple,three apples,a pear,six pears,tomatoes,a tomato,a hamburger,hamburgers,broccoli,some broccoli,French fries,ice cream,chicken,salad,Lets guess!,I like, I dont like.,Task1 :Make a list of food.,Suppose we are going on a picnic tomorrow .what kind of food would you like to take for picnic? (如果我们明天去野外聚餐,请列一张购物清单.),Shopping list(购物清单),Report: In our group, we like bananas.,practice,Do you like oranges?,Yes, I do.,No, I dont.,Do you like strawberries?,Do they like tomatoes?,Do they like salad?,Yes, they do.,No, they dont.,Does he like hamburgers? Yes, he does.,Does she like strawberries?,No,she doesnt.,Target language learning,you,2. Does he like hamburger?,they,Yes, I do.,like hamburger ?,1. Do,Yes, they do.,/ she,/ it,Yes, he does.,No, he doesnt.,/ No, I dont,/ No, they dont,/ she,/ it,/ she,/ it,Section A: 2aListen and circle the food,Hamburger tomatoes broccoli French fries oranges ice cream salad bananas,listening,broccoli,broccoli,ice cream,ice cream,Task2: role play,Suppose you are in the KFC with your friends, now you are discussing what you are going to buy. 假设你和你的朋友在KFC,你们正在讨论该买什么。 (每人限买一样),Foods in KFC,French fries,chicken,soup,hamburger,ice cream,cola,Sample :A: what do you like?B: I like. C: I like D: I like.A: I like . A likes., B likes, C likes , So I have to buy,Dont waste food.,莫浪费粮食,summary,A famous poem,悯 农,李绅,锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。,At noon we weed with hoes,Our swept drips on the soil.Each all of rice who knows Is the fruit of hard toil?,THE PEASANTS,Li Shen,春种一粒粟,秋成万颗籽;四海无闲田,农夫犹饿死。,Each seed with sow and spring,Will make adobes high,What will feudal fields bring,Peasants of hunger die.,a survey,Make a report:In my group(组), I l


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