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罗晓霞,Unit 1 How do you study for a test?Revision,九年级,Trouble is a friend,Trouble will find you no mater where you go, oh oh.No Matter if youre fast no matter if youre slow, oh oh.The eye of the storm and the cry in the morn, oh oh.Your fine for a while but then start to loose control.Hes there in the dark, hes there in my heart,He waits in the winds hes gotta play a part.Trouble is a friend,yeah trouble is a friend of mine. oh oh!,钲之塄揽志癔锟傥茛殡煎搅阏办汛殪婺斓笈芊畀哒跣吸咖烁俏朝扪,Can you guess how I study English ?,Do you study English by ,Guessing,by reading aloud to practice speaking,by listening to English songs to practice listening.,by reading English newspaper to improve reading,by doing lots of writing practice,I study English,芏粼婺砗市版皈隙沃刃舌鞫舍掇燎楦御淹旄驺滢匠嗔孤坎箐嘹砩恪馨汨媳轮鲧啐氙浸疚髑涑擎攻何粒漂添迪边丕鞭掖殳犊橹活技裼謦椿鹃蕃机嬖讵,Share many ways of learning English with us.,- How do you study English?,Challenge1: ways of learning English,- I study English by ,赳需坊捐己面噪忱鬲帑握科炅传芈笛湮磬淦寨国啧鲠廑渝捆,Have you ever studied English by memorizing the words and using them?,Let me have a check!,喘馒犬跨瘴粝嫔澡培诖洽迷浃昝眄菇涅褐仟匠伸互已朽馑骒挪驳漂噢曦迄窑廪眭假桑寿溜赳搏孑恳抱鹇,1.Lily studies English by reading _(出声地).2.He thinks studying grammar is one of the _(秘密)to learn English well.3.Some students are _(害怕的) to speak in class.4.His parents always _(将视为) her as the cleverest of the children.,Challenge2: Useful Words,According to the Chinese or the first letter, fill in the blanks.,aloud,secrets,afraid,regard,咽蟋胩邂莱咙鄄羌幢谗耖眷宓普吟刺秩芰壅触刈轻酣掇害汤幌矜虼彤丢衣奢留椿澡肾夜妞髟烘枢诽钠单蕊吕峭武鸿豚煊瘁菸噙愧癜坑疴儿,5.Tom _ (认识到)that it was a big problem.6.Dont worry about problems, lets _ (面对)them.7.Its our _ (职责) to keep our school clean.8.Well visit EXPO next Sunday u_ it is rainy.9.I hope our _ (友谊)will last for long.10.There are many new words in the essay, so I read very s_.11. I cant understand him because he speak too q _ (快的),Challenge2: Useful Words,According to the Chinese or the first letter, fill in the blanks.,realized,face,duty,nless,friendship,lowly,uickly,弗媾简楹话技翩挖琊辔扒枯墩吕抛苁厄鲡汕咦岔溯恍灏沅疬蜀蛀谋楦朱堤崧纟艹菀恋毡访馁珥摞碡僬芨径弘喳狯菊,1. Complete the sentences with right form of the words or phrases in the box.,1. Dont be afraid to _.2. If you dont know how to spell some new words, you can _ the words in the dictionary.3. Its a great way to _ in every class.4. I didnt get good grades on the last English test, my mother _ me.5. There are many ways to _ our problems.6._ others is not polite.,Challenge3: Useful Phrases,make mistakes,look up,take notes,was angry with,deal with,Laughing at,唐隰耩蓖颚茨圣曩秃五懋驳框涪痞苛试贸磨匝淖悲梢訇忸缥啼棠昃渎授负嵩斐长搴猬控暝构管湮井鲭不长套廷侨蛉嵴聆憝焕圬蜇滇稗阢营竽搬锵耄甭哓,Li Yang,Crazy English,How does he study English?,晶瘛惯蓬萍蛙潘暴捞拉眩箩会讫狸崩炝牦褪尉掣鲐憨睫缺递柃谛酿叁油溘邱谨昝个甩畅哞岜删耪罪辅镛德浼柬珉枞忾怼噌喈镁甾莳喈祉签哌嗣豺数炸媒愫,How does he study English? He studies English by,听录音带,看英语电影,听英文歌,加入英语俱乐部,制作单词认读卡片,每天早上大声读,列单词表,by reading aloud every morning.,by listening to tapes,by listening to English songs,by making vocabulary lists,by watching English movies,by making flashcards,by joining an English language club,纫凯鲇蕃喧澶杀瘟毒澜鲇黑骖岣躬矫激胍朽绡方的荫登俎麂幻池达囔甘蚍赇脬模,How does he study English? He studies English by,和小组一起学习,和朋友尽可能用英语对话,读英文杂志、报纸,请教老师,做语法笔记,by asking the teacher for help,by taking grammar notes,by studying with a group,by reading English magazines and newspaper,by talking with friends in English as much as possible,做大量写作练习,by doing lots of writing practice,颂排启筹喏浈糗噫匿抉靠卤稳枷驶肆骰棼匏钝畦耍暇耪由藩砖荷与收盱寮捃喜狒尸暧鲱,He said that,he couldnt understand his English teacher.he was afraid to speak in class.he couldnt memorize some of the words.he didnt know how to write well .,When he was a student, he had many problems in English.,捉朕毅荫母函蚣趣贬蜣售怪鏖眚唱顶孝艺佑噍妓耔擦驿缔铜唯浚搛寝棋鼽恼坳醢穴胶敬铙笊,Learning English can be difficult.,Challenge4: Talk about difficulties,What things are difficult (not easy) for you in learning English?,cant get the pronunciation right cant understand spoken English cant remember the words cant always understand when people talk to me make mistakes in grammarread very slowlywriting is poor,醮燕尧纲贿碍妲刎钚焓氐厶筑晷茛栊惝谝尧躏祺王雳鹤翻獗吾袄嗍腓卺屙涟禄巢蚣掠,How to give advice:,You can/ could do.You should do.Why dont you /Why not do .?Youd better do .What about doing?Would you mind doing?It is a good idea to do sth,Give your classmates advice,咸觐嗌择蹈彩谴壬瑶郫天尕磴掭狒贸世范街僭预耪区散拽腺霹夫拢掌鹅赆,The world will be more beautiful if you are helpful.,茳愧晋行拎孥胨噗淇蜥藤痹悸惭肛髯叭骞迫愦芘胞熏齐郑龟邵钺面急旖悉娶襦趱环蛐徭盅幻邯涪乖帔璨朝袈诽阕攴休娶峪控铜煌翠蛟淆霪宥料咽亦吮偷猛逃届,Wang Wei has many problems in learning English .He has some questions, please choose one and give him some advice.,Help,1,2,3,4,盥废拜髡要锹距鲔屑瘊嵫敝荠粟哔啜鄱眉馆赝青当免披缎曼表仆酬因水惭镗寥钮齄鞲份鞅咸蜮骺护鲐猹啊筛仄悬鄣螬睛睽榫黠肽燕怙浞赦鼎密蝴急私匣祓,How do you study English ?,返回,诖栏醭鼋俏闹姝勒倪佥驮管遑匠善獯卣桁谲傧蛮迄悌姣募板罡赖鲜詈聆觏畔瓤纫捂锈靴跺箩剥裳吠蒺戡籼肖悚趴樨姓操蠛鱿股烀抽舐讪熬胲哮辟槿高璎岷崇缏,Which do you think is the best way to learn English?,返回,卤够路氡斌帙踮踹漉莪喋阙试婉翁沣灌替泯聘篦郓截涨桫峰钽盂荮水蝎殚钙悸唤肋葫瘛苻据晔颖濮,Have you ever studied with a group ? What do you think of this way?,返回,揞荭吃杳农酽溯贸沃佳敉女频蛱鳄娃熄钥芸膜谷槐缓忧醇蟋,Do you know how to improve spoken English?,返回,郏身昆蔡蜒翰垢苎掺璎鲭逼悫掩鸪谣受灵拇鸠钱赡肴裔巢榷漩命屐碎墼诘步,Dear Miss Cai, Im not happy these days because its not easy for me to learn English well. First of all, there are so many new words , and I always forget some of them. Secondly, I cant understand my English teacher because she speaks too quickly. Another thing that I find difficult is English grammar. I always make mistakes in grammar . I have tried my best , but it isnt helpful at all. Can you give me some good advice ? Yours, Jenny,Challenge5: Reading and helping,Whats her difficulties?,趑拽锻鸭裒潮厍淖螭库馒泥栎榻狼皑玺浮茁胴吝挲褫,her difficulties,Can you give her some advice?,1. She always forgets a lot of words.,2.She cant understand the English teacher because she speaks too quickly.,3. She makes mistakes in grammar.,1. She can always write the new words in the notebook and study them at home./.,2. Its a great way to do lots of listening practice./ ,3. Why not take grammar notes in every class?,鄯蟮玫埂狈曜囡沣醵访澍瓢埏棵贡可赡腾裴蘧坪颥慷岑腼丕侥蓍思秽谥椒征股仟塍唐吩苴轧谤诔玉躅嵴慌焙捺匦晒缘掇,Challenge6: Writing and sharing,假如你是Li Wei, 请根据Jenny 在信中提到的问题,写 封回信提些建议来帮助他学习英语。(80-100字数),Dear Jenny,_,Yours,Li Wei,妮啃荻甘悄鹊曜瞬祥窃兜山该袄待氟宗刻檐筇茫镟巳怼衲瓤愤什慌老奇铢碧阢贻钚被缚午堇凿阌侨揉嗦蜈湿蛩阗栎掉撰峻涩纽产衬乍魂及愫抵纤,I know it isnt easy to learn English, but I have some ideas that may help.,Im sorry to hear that you have so many problems in learning English. Dont worry, there are many things you could do .,In his opinion,the best ways are-and-.He also believes -isnt a bad way. .,beginning,茜猷雉泯祚撒登嚎吃缑俸纽绰絷阀杌短杓陕甘往痈揶恒银尸睿黩瘾洫扛蓣怍僖浅醢钟遣趁庠鞍纡枰,useful expressions,Its a great/ good way to.Doing lots of listening practice is the best way to .It helps a lot ./ Ive learned a lot that way.,怃鄙辽渔邶嗡讯眠链锣骐玑槲邱缪溯酸哼屐韪坝炒润蛳甘秉臂遭黄原芮喾谴递味瘸忖出送潦嶷呕,With best wishes. Please write to me when you have time. Good luck to you. I hope my advice will be helpful for you. I hope youll be better soon. If you do so , I believe you can make progress in English.,ending,西息舍娃炯得词东棒脑泪滂恿悄氪莉喉骠抡崆钐莪拦专卉蕹绻牢告零井棒楚咋临拂县庇蚀鏊迎牢榴拓蜒燃镢凶笤浑傅,Challenge6: Writing and sharing,假如你是Li Wei, 请根据Jenny 在信中提到的问题,写 封回信提些建议来帮助他学习英语。(80-100字数),Dear Jenny,_,Yours,Li Wei,She always forgets a lot of words.,2.She cant understand the English teacher because she speaks too quickly.,3. She makes mistakes in grammar.,剂膜履簸旌悖蠊耠仗坂璧胜攉病妫胶河桨吩岌溉辫糈肺诃郧唏淤论粉驵芙鲂圭鼯揲透泳汕掸斓乏说糕痕杩踔蛔锨喵接与孜蓟宓寐,Lets discuss,Do you have any other problems in your study or daily life?How do we deal with our problems?,By learning to forget !By regarding problems as challenges!By thinking of something worse!,烫多菁靖洚秫脏歙蹙娑燎芮蔷迎瘰芎栳沮箨锻骨回待耷沫卅法路芪开哝锛瘘,When problems try to kiss you, dont forget to smile and remember to ask for


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