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Evidence-Based Nursing,急護組楊素月 何雲仙 黃錦鳳 張青蕙 陳明圓 彭慧卿 洪香蓮 姜瑤娟 孫建萍 黃馨慧 張美琪,成人加護病房氣管內插管病人使用鎮靜劑是否可降低氣管內管自拔率,報告大綱,前言背景描述實證護理動機及目的 實證護理五大步驟 結論與討論 未來護理方向,前言,前 言1,加護病房病人嚴重病況危急,且侵入性醫療措施裝置多,如呼吸治療管路、動靜脈導管、導尿管等等,病人必須接受疾病與治療引起的痛苦與焦慮。尤其以氣管內插管仰賴人工呼吸器造成壓力反應與傷害最為顯著。,前 言2,加護病患放置氣管內管多為挽救及維持生命(Atkins et al., 1997),但氣管內管放置常會導致身體、心理的不適或溝通障礙,因而產生自拔氣管內管情形(彭, 1999 ) 。病患自拔後常導致身體合併症,包括呼吸道損傷、呼吸衰竭等, 發生率達8.513%(林等, 2003), 國外統計約為1116% (Jayamanne, Nandipati, & Patel, 1998) 。,前 言3,加護病房病人的焦慮的來源,是面對疾病的危脅及不可預期的未來,而疼痛及呼吸困難更會加重焦慮感受。適當的使用鎮靜劑可減少病人與呼吸器對抗所耗費的能量,避免呼吸不適引起躁動,而發生自拔氣管內管的危險。,背景描述,背景描述1,本院內外科加護病房共46床,其中內科15床主要收治內科重症病人,外科加護病房28床主要收治手術後重症病人及少數內科病人,急診加護病房8床收治內科為主外科為輔之重症病人。,背景描述2,氣管內管自拔滑脫率,乃為重症加護病房品質 監測指標中,極為重要指標項目之。 統計本院與醫學中心,此項指標結果如下:此問題有幾個層面影響性,故極需被重視改善,病人安全,醫療成本,工作士氣,93-95年7月呼吸器使用率,93-95年7月氣管內管滑脫率,95年閾值訂定0.81%,實證護理動機與目的,EBN的動機與目的,除了現行執行模式,有無更好的方法來改善?勸導、曉以大義? 綑綁約束?人力隨側在旁?重要的是: 知其所以然而為之! 故以EBN的精神,找出最佳醫療照護介入模式, 以提供給病人更具安全且高品質的就醫環境。,實證護理五大步驟,EBN五大步驟,EBN-Thinking Matrix,鎮靜劑,約束使用,鎮靜(+)約束(-)這樣夠了嗎?,鎮靜(-)約束(-)異常寫不完,Step 1: 臨床問題PICO,Definition of Terms,SE was defined as “medically unplanned proximal or complete withdrawal of an endotracheal tube by a patient.”,Step 1: 臨床問題PICO,成人加護病房氣管內插管病人使用鎮靜劑是否可降低氣管內管自拔率,Step 2: 尋找文獻證據,KEY WORDS Intensive Care Sedation Unplanned Extubation Self Extubation Quality Improvement,Step 2: 尋找文獻證據,.tw/EBM/,搜尋實證文獻捷徑SUMsearch,輸入key wordsSedationUnplanned Extubation,MeSH Database,Step 2: 尋找文獻證據,SUM searchPractice GuidelinesNational Guideline Clearinghouse(NGC) 0PubMed (possible guidelines) 8Systematic reviewsDARE (includes Cochrane abstracts) 0 PubMed (possible systematic reviews) 0 Original researchPubMed 8,NGC 0 documents DARE 0 documents PubMed 8 documents本土化資料 0,本土資料中文期刊論文索引 0博碩士論文索引 0,萃取文獻選取條件以鎮靜劑使用為介入措施Outcome:降低氣管內管自拔率成人加護病房病人,Step 3: 嚴格評讀文獻,The Evidence Pyramid臨床研究證據等級,研究證據的價值取決於其品質及效度評讀文獻的黃金標準中,以雙盲隨機對照臨床試驗 得出的結果為最佳證據等級,實證醫學之級別(美國健康照護政策及研究部)-US Agency for Health Care Policy and Research Classification (AHCPR, 1992),文獻評讀摘要(1-1) 【III】,文章主題 Common factors of spontaneous Self-extubation in a critical care setting.作者 Jennifer A. Balon, CRNP, MSN, CEN. 出處International Journal of Trauma Nursing/Balon. 2001 July; 93-99,文獻評讀摘要(1-2),研究目的:確認哪些影響因素會造成重症加護病人自發性自我拔管(Spontaneous self-extubation;SSE)的產生。研究族群:以412總床數的教學醫院收集14個月,病人包含發生SSE有75病人次(排除4位病人資料不完整,共有68位病人,且研究樣本:75位病人中有50位(67%)男性、25位(33%)女性,平均年齡:55歲疾病診斷:38位(50%)般內科、26位(35%)創傷個案、 9位(12%)心臟內科、2位(3%)般外科,文獻評讀摘要(1-3),研究目的 to measure the incidence of SSE and to identify common, preventable variables associated with SSE.Method 1. the new tool specifically defined an SSE event, & evaluated factors that may be associated with SSE 2. 包含2部分,由直接照護nurse (table 1), 及primary investigator (PI, table 2) 3.參於研究人員負責教育每一位加護病房護理人員,文獻評讀摘要(1-4),研究結果 發生率: 38.5個自拔管者產生/ 每100的插管天數,會對影響;SSE=75 cases, Total of 209,46 intubated days15%發生在插管後08小時,45%發生在插管後848小時,8%發生在插管後4872小時,17%在72120小時,15% 120小時;平均 intubation time before SSE 為65.05小時36%自拔成功, 59%是需再插管, 24%是1次的SE,文獻評讀摘要(1-5),59% cases使用restrained, 21% cases 未用 拔管當時有53% agitated, 89%當時均可spontaneously to verbal command 護士病人比1:1, 13%; 1:2, 65%; 1:3, 16%; 1:4, 4%照護呼吸器43%為2台, 53%為1台, 有3%為SSE發生時其主護離開負責的2位病人此篇3/4 病人沒用止痛鎮靜用藥,文獻評讀摘要(1-5),被觀察到75%(56 cases)的SE,分別以手自拔(own hand, n=38) ,甩掉出(bucking, n=6),舌頭頂出(tongued out, n=5),咳嗽掉出(coughed out, n=4),轉頭或轉頸(turning head or neck, n=3) the amount of pts secretions nearly 2/3 pt “none to small”, 23%”morderate”, 11%”large”, 3%”copous”,討論 本篇指出SSE的關聯性:病人有high level of consciousness and lacked adequate sedation建議選擇適當的樣本數及同質性的個案探討the relationship of continuous delivery of sedation and analgesia in preventing SSE in alert, intubated patients.,文獻評讀摘要(1-6),文獻評讀摘要(2-1) 【III】,文章主題 A Quality Improvement and Risk Management Initiative for Surgical ICU Patients:A Study of the Effects of Physical Restraints and Sedation on the Incidence of Self-extubation.作者 Frezza, E. F., Carleton, G. L., & Valenziano, C. P. 出處Ameraican Journal of Medical Quality.(2000) Vol15,221-225.,文獻評讀摘要(2-2),研究目的:TO report the experience with 2528 patients evaluating the impact of re strains and sedation on decreasing S-E in critical patients研究族群:以585總床數的教學醫院收集19931996年,以18床內外ICU,藉由護理人員通報SE異常報告來統計比較每一年的變化,文獻評讀摘要(2-3),Method 1.回溯性研究 2. based on incident report by each nurse after each SE, &development of a plan focused on set criteria 3.因為in 1992 SE incidence of SE was high than 10% 4. pts who were agitated kept the restraints 5. sedation patterns were also explained,文獻評讀摘要(2-4),這篇文章沒有探討SE自拔後重插管及其他合併症自拔後重插率為46%,其他的研究比較從2374%不等結果請見table 1.D班拔管率高因為許多個別性的治療及活動 增加,有學者指出D班護理的工作量大 2.E班與N班,多因夜班的工作人員不如D班,文獻評讀摘要(2-4),Weaning is extubate patients right after the half-life of the sedative drugs to avoid agitation when the sedation was completely weaned off.In fact, if the patient is agitated, the chance of SE increases. if his weaning parameters are not normal , more sedation and a later attempt are usually planned, leaving the patient intubated and therefore at risk of SE.,文獻評讀摘要(2-5),結論建議適當的使用約束與鎮靜劑作者認為能降低SE 10 to 4% 增加awareness of potential SEThe appropriate use of restrains盡則的努力採用正確預防評量法利用人員教育做好預防及密切觀察,文獻評讀摘要(2-6),文獻評讀摘要(3-1) 【III】,文章主題 A sedation protocol for preventing patient self-extubation.作者 Jan Powers, RN, CCRN, MSN. 出處Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing.(1999), 18(2) ; 30-34,文獻評讀摘要(3-2),研究目的critical care nurses can use the protocol to effectively manage agitation in intubation patients and prevent SEto development and use of a protocol for managing sedation intubation patientsto prevent injury from SE,文獻評讀摘要(3-3),Method 當使用此protocol, nurses first must assess for underlying cause of agitation & treat before administering drugs to suppress agitation此protocol包含 a loading dosethe starting infusion ratea maximum infusion rate 護理人員應用上述3方式且使用了maximum rate仍無法manage pt agitation 則需通知醫師處理,Modified Ramsay Scale,Level-1 Patient anxious, agitated, or restlessLevel-2 Patient cooperative, oriented, and tranquil.Level-3 Patient responds to commands only.Level-4 Patient responds to gentle shaking.Level-5 Patient responds to noxious stimuli.Level-6 Patient has no response to firm nail bed pressure or other noxious stimuli.,文獻評讀摘要(3-4),Case Study護士使用藥物每15 reassess . 之後改為每24小時若病人又非在modify Ramsay Scale 23時 需持續評估(不只有agitation level, 需包含造成agitation 的因素)Using the sedation protocol during ventilatory weaning may decrease the pts anxiety & improve weaning outcomes,文獻評讀摘要(3-5),Avoiding common mistakes不用於病人使用肌肉鬆弛劑及麻痺肌肉用藥,因護理人員無法評估 pts agitation此篇強調在weaning 時期不可將一切sedations & analgesics停掉,以免增加躁動,增加SE, 及防礙weaning Compliance with using the protocol rose from 20% t


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