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,Welcome!,Teacher: Wen Yu,Unit 12 Films,Listening,hollywood,hollywood,hollywood,hollywood,hollywood,hollywood,hollywood,hollywood,hollywood,hollywood,According to the songs, pictures or videos, guess the names of the films, both the English and the Chinese versions.,珍珠港,Pearl Harbor,蜘蛛侠,Spider Man,Titanic,泰坦尼克号,哈里波特,Harry Potter,Lion King,狮子王,Waterloo Bridge,魂断蓝桥,Lord of the Rings,指环王,人鬼情未了,ghost,乱世佳人,Gone with the Wind,勇敢的心(惊世未了情),Brave Heart,阿甘正传,Forrest Gump,Home Alone,小鬼当家,狮子王,人鬼情未了,珍珠港,魂断蓝桥,乱世佳人,蜘蛛侠,小鬼当家,阿甘正传,勇敢的心,Ghost,Spider Man,Forrest Gump,Home Alone,Ice Age,Pearl Harbor,Waterloo Bridge,Gone with the Wind,Brave Heart,Harry Potter,泰坦尼克号,冰河世纪,指环王,Titanic,Lord of the Rings,Lion King,哈里波特,Task1,Listen to the short dialogue between John and Jenny, and tell what they are talking about.,Jenny,John,A. reading newspaper at home tonight,B. reading a book at home tonight,C. seeing a film tonight,C,( ) They are talking about _.,Listen to the dialogue again and take notes according to what you hear.,The notes can be, for example: what, where, when, why, how,1.Where do they decide to go tonight?,2. Whats the name of the film?,3. Where can they find out the time of the film?,5. When does the film start?,Examples for note-taking:,4. Which page do the programmes usually on?,They decide to go to the _ tonight. There is a wonderful film named _. They look at the _ to find out the _ it starts. Film programs are usually on Page _. The movie tonight starts at _.,cinema,Harry Potter,newspaper,Six,8 oclock,time,film,British English,movie,American English,电影,see a film,watch a movie,Nowadays, we can also say “watch a film” or “see a movie”.,Task 2,Listen for the first time, and then try to tell the key words of the passage.,moving pictures,Key word is the word which often appears in the passage that can explain the meaning of the passage,Listen to the first paragraph, and try to answer the following questions.,1. What was the old name for “film”? 2. How do the American people call “film”?,“moving pictures”,“movie”,When the first boy said “Do you like moving pictures?”,Listen to the second part of the passage, and answer the following questions.,The friend thought that he was going to be invited to the cinema.,2.what did he mean?,He wanted to ask his friend to move some pictures with him.,1.what did his friend think?,the first boy,his friend,moving pictures,boxes of pictures,movie,Listen to the whole passage and choose the best answers to the questions in practice 1 of Task 2 in your books.,( ) 1 What was the old name for “film”?A. Movies B. Pictures C. Moving pictures D. Movie pictures( ) 2 In America, how do people call films? A. Shall we go to move pictures B. Shall we go to take some pictures C. Shall we go to buy some pictures D. Shall we go to see a film,C,D,( ) 3 When the first boy said to his friend, “Do you like moving pictures?”, he was going to _? A. show some beautiful pictures to his friend B. invite his friend to movies C. give some pictures to his friend D. ask his friend to move some pictures with him( ) 4 How many boxes did the boy have to move that evening? A. Forty B. Fourteen C. Fifty D. Fifteen( ) 5. The friend might be very _ after learning the fact. A. happy B. disappointed C. excited D. worried,C,B,D,Listen to the passage again and take notes according to what you hear, then fill in the blanks in task two.,“Film” was called “_” in the past. In America people still call them _, and they say, “_” One day a boy said to his friend, “_ _?” The friend thought that he was going to be invited to the _, so he said that he liked moving pictures very much. Then the first boy said, “My father has a _ He _ pictures. This evening I have to move some _ boxes of pictures from one place to _. You like moving pictures, so Im sure you will _ moving the pictures with me.”,moving pictures,cinema,sells,heavy,another,enjoy,moving pictures,Shall we go to the movies?,Do you like,picture shop.,movies,Homework,Level A Review th


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