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part 1 English Brainstorm,1. What will you break once you say it? Silence. 2. Will liars be honest after they die? No, they wont. They lie still after they die.3. What always goes up and never goes down? Your age.4. Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun? He wants to have a hot dog.,5. Why is the library the highest building? It has the most stories.6. What is the smallest bridge in the world? The bridge of a nose.7. What bird lifts heavy things? Crane.8. A ship can contain only fifty persons. Now there is already forty-nine persons in it. At this time, a pregnant woman comes on and boards the ship. The ship sinks. Why? Because it is a pigboat.,9. Who is closer to you, your mom or your dad? Mom is closer, because Dad is father .10. Whats the poorest bank in the world? The river bank.11. What month do soldiers hate?March.12. An old woman has lived in one-story house before. Her body is very short. Afterwards, she moves into a big building and lives in the ninth story. However, when she comes back home each time, she always takes an elevator to the sixth story and gets off, then she walks to the ninth story. Why? because she is so short that she can not reach the ninth floor button.,Part 2 : news report,Oriental yeti discovered in China,The hairless beast was trapped by hunters in Sichuan province after locals reported spotting what they thought was a bear. Hunter Lu Chin explained: It looks a bit like a bear but it doesnt have any fur and it has a tail like a kangaroos.,It also does not sound like a bear - it has a voice more like a cat and it is calling all the time - perhaps it is looking for the rest of its kind or maybe its the last one? There are local legends of a bear that used to be a man and some people think thats what we caught, he added. Local animal experts now plan to shipped the mystery beast to scientists in Beijing who will perform DNA tests on the beast.,Part 3 guessing games,fat cat是一个俚语,意思是“有权有势的人”、“大亨”old cat脾气很坏的老太婆A cat has nine lives生命力特别强A cat may look at a king.地位再低微的人也有自己的权利,like a cat on hot bricks.热锅上的蚂蚁let the cat out of the bag.露出马脚live a cat and dog life.整天吵架不和,black dog 沮丧yellow dog 卑鄙的人dog-tired 累坏了的sleeping dog 惹不起的人,Dog will not eat dog. 狗不吃狗;同类不相残;盗亦有道。 Dog packs 狗仔队dog days 三伏天She dogged my footsteps.她紧跟着我。He was dogged by his misfortune.不幸的事总是纠缠着他。,night bird 夜猫子jail bird犯人early bird早起的人 old bird行家老手,Ive seen the film. Its for the birds.我看过这部电影,无聊透了。for the birds是一个源自美国的成语,主要用于口语,意为“没有意思或价值” 。 dolly bird女孩downy bird机灵鬼,bull-headed 牛脑. 意思是犟,倔. like a bull at a gate 大门旁的牛.意思是做事情做得很快.雷厉风行,快刀斩乱麻 shoot the bull 射牛.意思是惬意轻松聊天.瞎聊,随聊 hit the bulls-eye击中牛眼.意思是切入主题, 单刀直入.打开天窗说亮话.,Take the bull by the horns抓住牛角. 意思是遇到困难情形,果断做出决定,当机立断. be like a bull in a china shop瓷器店里的牛.意思是因为动作笨拙,鲁盲,常常摔破或碰坏东西,也可引深为因为鲁盲,得罪人的人. a cock-and-bull story 鸡和牛的故事.意思根本站不脚的故事,说法或解释.错漏百出,胡说八道.,to teach fish to swim 班门弄斧drink like a fish 牛饮 big fish大亨 poor fish愚蠢的人,cold fish无感情的人;dull fish枯燥无味的人shy fish羞怯的人like a fish out of water比喻处在陌生的环境中感到不自在have other fish to fry比喻有另外重要的事要做,eat like a horse食量大如牛Talk horse.吹牛。a dark horse黑马、冷门,出人意料的获胜者horse laugh哈哈大笑,horse play胡闹work like a horse老黄牛as strong as a horse力壮


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