高考英语专题——书面表达 甘肃省通渭二中 白随琴 2008.10_第1页
高考英语专题——书面表达 甘肃省通渭二中 白随琴 2008.10_第2页
高考英语专题——书面表达 甘肃省通渭二中 白随琴 2008.10_第3页
高考英语专题——书面表达 甘肃省通渭二中 白随琴 2008.10_第4页
高考英语专题——书面表达 甘肃省通渭二中 白随琴 2008.10_第5页
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拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,1,高考英语专题书面表达 甘肃省通渭二中 白随琴 2008.10.1,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,2,一、重要性,1. 作文难。有多少个日日夜夜,考生为之寝室难眠、牵肠挂肚。面对一张白纸,要 “无中生有”,如何把我们的思维与写作实践完美结合呢?不少考生会说:难啊! 2. 作文重要。它是学生听、说、读、写的基本能力之一,也是综合考查学生英语能力的重要测试方式,是高考英语必不可少的题型之一;所占分值较大,在很大程度上影响着高考总分的高低。,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,3,二、体裁、题材和题型,根据历年考题(全国高考卷、全国统 一考试卷),英语书面表达的体裁可分为记叙文、说明文、议论文、应用文、开放式作文。首先请看下面两页的表, 然后加以分析。,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,4,20042008年高考全国卷,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,5,19982003年全国统考卷,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,6,从上面的两页表可知: 1、书面表达所占分值比重大。 2001-2005年是25分,2006-2008年达30分,篇幅要求在100词以上。 2、从体裁看:应用文所占比重很大,尤其是书信的比重最大。11篇文章中,10篇是应用文,书信占7篇;其余一篇是说明文。 3、从所选题材形式看:在其他省区和04年以前,出现较多的图画、图表命题形式,近五年没有出现,09年要有所准备。,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,7,4、从所选题材内容看: 一、贴近学生的学习和生活实际的材料; 二、贴近社会的变化、发展和进步的话题。这样有利于让学生有言可发、有话可写,体现了高考英语书面表达的命题原则:合理性、交际性、实用性。,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,8,5.从题型来看,英语书面表达可以归纳为四类: 观点论证型:试题通过文字或图表表明一种观点,要求考生论证这一观点,举出实例,并表明态度; 现象解释型:试题通过文字或图表展示一种现象,要求说明这种现象产生的原因,提出解决方案; 问题解决型:试题通过文字或图表反映一个问题,要求考生阐述问题的原因、危害,并提出解决方案; 对比选择型:试题通过对比方式提出两种观点,要求考生论证各自的合理性和不足之处,并表明自己的态度。,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,9,三、写作步骤,英语书面表达可分:写前准备阶段和写作修改阶段。基本解题步骤有: 1、仔细审题,做到三个“确定” 审题是书面表达的第一步,也是最重要的环节之一。在开始写作之前,要认真阅读题目中的所有信息,包括中文提示、图示、注意事项等。只有审好题,才能不脱题、不随意发挥,防止做无用功,避免因此而失分。因此,审题是得分的关键,是基础。,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,10,(1)、确定体裁 不同的题目、不同的内容,在写作时要用不同的体裁 。所以,体裁依题目要求而定、依具体内容而定。,不同的体裁有不同的写作要求和格式,高考书面表达的日记、书信、通知等都有一定的格式,其开头、结尾、称呼都有具体要求,不可随意。,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,11,(2).确定时态和人称 日记通常记叙发生过的事情,多用一般过去式;描述现在的情况用一般现在时;通知等文体用一般将来时。 一般来说,一篇书面表达中一般只有一个中心人称,这个中心人称贯穿文章的始终,保持全文逻辑关系的一致。,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,12,(3)、明确要求,确定要点,列出提纲 通过对题目的分析找出中心,并按要求确定要点,然后列出提纲,注意要点是否齐全。高考书面表达一般有8至10个要点,缺了要扣分。,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,13,2.根据提纲要点组词造句 逐个列出要点,组词造句成文。要内容连贯,结构紧凑;保持前后句与句之间的连贯,这就需要选择恰当关联词、句型和模板(详情见写作技巧)。,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,14,3.修改。 一篇好作文不可能一次就能写成,还需要进行修改,查漏补缺。如大小写是否有错误、单词的拼写和漏写、名词的单复数、习惯用语的搭配、时态和语态的一致、标点符号的应用等,更要注意要点是否齐全、表述是否准确。,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,15,4.成文。 认真誉写,力争卷面整洁,字体漂亮,做到内容和形式的完美结合。使老 师阅卷时眼前一亮,获得美好的第一印 象,以争取高分。,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,16,四、写作技巧,1.要写好开头 人常言:良好的开头是成功的一半。篇首段必须包含以下两方面: 一、对题目中的信息进行提炼和描述,以引出主题句 二、必须在第一段的最后一句提出全文的观点, 只能在这儿。 这既需要准确地审题,也需要精中的把握。,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,17,作为全文的主题句,首段的最后一句必须具有以下特点: (1)提纲携领、统领全文。既要注意体现主题,也要便于下文的展开,范围不要太大,就易前后能保持一致、一气贯通。要知道篇幅要求在150字以下,表述论证受到了限制。 (2)要有很高的概括性。直入主题,让读者一目了然。为此,需熟记一些常用句型、词语。 (3)必须简洁、吸引人。因为它是全文的主题句,是阅卷人的第一眼所见,引用习语、名言、谚语是个不错的选择。 (4)注意:不要运用似是而非语句,不要用疑问句,要直达主题。,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,18,1.文章开头常用名言、谚语 A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情 A good medicine tastes bitter.良药苦口利于病 All roads lead to Room. 条条大路通罗马 Early sow ,early mow. 早耕耘,早收获 Example is better than precept.言传不如身教 Failure teaches success. 失败乃成功之母 It is never too late to learn. 活到老学到老 Look before you leap. 三思而后行 No pains, no gains. 不劳无获,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,19,Time waits for no man. 时不待人When at Room, do as the Romans do.入乡随俗Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成Better late than never. 迟做总比不做好Business is the salt of life. 事业是人生的第一需要A man can do no more than be can. 凡事都要量力而行A merry heart goes all the way.心旷神怡,事事顺利Easier said than done. 说起来容易,做起来难Eat to live, but not live to eat. 人吃饭是为了活着,但活着不是为了吃饭Every man is the architect of his own fortune. 自己的命运自己掌握,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,20,One hour today is worth two tomorrow. 争分夺秒效率高One mans fault is other mans lesson. 前车之鉴Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧Prevention is better than cure. 预防胜于治疗Pleasure comes through toil. 苦尽甘来Patience is the best remedy. 忍耐是良药Easy come, easy go. 来得快,去得也快A sound mind in a sound body. 精神来自健康的身体Care and diligence bring luck. 谨慎和勤奋才能抓住机遇By reading we enrich the mind, by conversation we polish it. 读书使人充实,交谈使人聪明,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,21,2.首段常用句型 Recently (Currently, Nowadays, At present) there is a widespread (general, common, widely-held) concern (belief,view,acceptance) that It is reported by a(n)recent (new, official) research (survey, study) that It cannot be denied that It goes without saying that ,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,22,It has been demonstrated that Nothing is more important than the fact that What calls for special attention that It can be seen from the diagram/graph/picture that The above graphs shows that ,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,23,2.写好文章的结尾。结尾的作用在于概括全文,进一步强调或肯定文章的中心思想,使文章意义表达地更加深刻、明确。 (1) 常见的结尾形式有: 首尾呼应,画龙点睛; 重复主题句,突出重点; 用反问结尾,却更加肯定,既强调重点,又引起读者的反思; 水到渠成,圆满地结束,使结构完整。,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,24,(2)结尾常用短语和句型 At last Finally Lastly Last but not least In conclusion, In a word In summary, In short Otherwise, To conclude We can come to the conclusion that All the above evidence goes to show,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,25,From what has been discussed above we safely draw the conclusion that If ,the efforts will be worthwhile/rewarded We can safely say that As far as I am concerned, In my opinion, Personally I am in favor of,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,26,3.写好中间部分,关键要说明事情、讲明道理阐明观点、辨明是非、表明态度。所占篇幅最多,为使语句前后连贯、增强表达效果,可采用一些复合句和关联词。 (1) 常用的关联词有: 表示次序 first; second; next; at last; finally; afterwards; last; to begin with; since then; previously following this; eventually; first of all;,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,27,表示因果: because of this; due to; for the reason that; in view of; since; another important reason of; so that; the reason seems to be obvious; thus; under these conditions; accordingly 表示转折:unless; even so; however; even though; in spite of that; and yet; independent of; regardless of; but,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,28,表示比较:in comparison with;similarly; compared with; rather than; likewise; bothand; in the same way; like 表示对照:opposed to; neither nor; as opposed to; something is just the other way around; in contrast to 表示并列:as well as; and; also; too; both and ;either ,or ,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,29,表示顺接:furthermore; in this way; not only but also ; in addition to; more specifically; as far as is conce-rned; in other words; accordingly; 表示举例:for example; according to; for instance; in this case; as for; as you know; such as; I will say; in this situation; take the case of 表示强调: especially; particularly; what is more important; in any event; it is sure that ; of course; obviously,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,30, 表示其它关系: unless;if necessary; provided that ;in this sense ;if so; in other words; the conclusion can be draw that ;on the whole; therefore; at the same place; opposite to; here and there; adjacent to; beyond in order that; for the same reason; that is to say; again; in other word; immediately; meanwhile; in the end; occasionally; from time to time;,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,31,4、遣词造句的方法 (1)用词要保证正确。注意中英文之间的差异; 注意语言的上下文环境。不要生硬翻译,也要拼写 正确。 例如: 身体是革命的本钱。 误译:The body is the capital of revolution. 正确:A good mind lies in a healthy body. 温馨 误译:warm and fragrant 正确:comfortable; cozy; sweet,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,32,(2)注意扩大用词面。适当使用一些复杂的词汇,既能更好地表达,也可体现考生水平。如 原文: Confronted with this problem, we should find several solutions to it. On one hand, children should be given a chance to deve- lop a sense of independence. On the other, parents have to realize that there is a big difference between loving and spoiling a,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,33,child. Only in this way can our “flowe- rs” survive “storms and rains” in the future. 扩大用词面后: Given that the above-mentioned p- roblem is exerting a far-reaching infl- uence on the future generations, we need to stem its trend before the wo-rst scenario appears. Parents should be able to cultivate a sense of indep- endence into their children, while dis-,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,34,cerning the difference between lovi- ng and spoiling a child. Otherwise, our offspring will be annihilate from the surface of the earth, like what h- appened to dinosaurs of years ago.,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,35,(3) 避免词义重复和词汇重复 如: 表示 “重要的”,可用significant, important, momentous等,但不能通篇都用同一个词。 如College life is varied and colorful. 其中varied和colorful实际上是重复的。 如:Friends like to send short mobile messages to each other. 其中的 short与messages有重复,因为messages本身是a short letter,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,36,(4)注意词的多样性 不要总是使用名词和动词,要多用短语、多用介词、多用动词的 多种形式,如分词、动名词等。 I should wish to die while stile at work, knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do, and content in the thought that what has possible has b- een done. 在这个长句中,前者以介词为主,后者是短语,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,37,又如: When woken at other times they re-ported no dreams. 此句话以分词开始,使句子结构富于变化 比较下面的句子: When they were woken at other times they reported no dreams. 显然,后者比前者显得啰嗦。,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,38,五、实战演练,第一部分: 说明文 说明文分为叙述性、解析性、描绘性三种。写作方法有定义法、举例法、比较法、 细节描述法四种。 写作时注意:要层次分明、抓准特征、语言准确、方法恰当,按时间、空间或逻辑顺序进行说明。选材要新颖、典型,内容要生动有趣。,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,39,【实际运用】(2007年全国高考卷书面表达题) 为一家新开业宾馆作宣传。主要内容包括: 1.地点:距白山入口处500米 2.房间及价格: 热水淋浴 单人间(共20间),100元天 双人间(共15间),150元天 3.餐饮: 餐厅(中、西餐),咖啡厅(茶、咖啡) 4.游泳池:全天免费开放 5.欢迎预订。 注意:1.词数100左右,开头已经写好; 2 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,40,(一) 审题: 1.体裁:说明文 2.中心人称:第三人称 3.时态:一般现在时 4.内容要点: A 地点是宾馆 B 房间及价格 C 餐饮情况 D 全天免费开放泳池 E 欢迎预订,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,41,(二)列提纲、要点:(题目Title) Welcome to _. _is now open for business. Our hotel stands _. It has _. A single room is _and a double room You are advised to_. The hotel serves_. You can also enjoy yourself _. We also have _. All are welcome!,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,42,(三) 范文 Welcome to Baishan Mountain Hotel Welcome to Baishan Mountain Hotel. Baishan Mountain Hotel is now open for business. Our hotel stands 500 meters away from the entrance to Baishan Mountain . It has 20 single rooms and 15 double roo- ms, all with hot showers. A single room is 100 yuan and a double room 150 yuan for one night. You are advised to book in,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,43,advance. The hotel serves three mea- ls a day and there are Chinese food and western food for you to choose fr- om. You can also enjoy yourself at the caf drinking tea or coffee in the eve- ning. We also have a swimming pool, Which is open all day and free of charge. All are welcome!,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,44,第二部分 记叙文 记叙文以写人、写景、记事为内容,以叙述为表达形式。旨在讲述在何时、何地、何人、发生何事,有何结果。从1998年至2008年间,没有在高考的全国卷中出现,但在书信中常用记叙形式。现以2007年的辽宁高考题为例予以说明。,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,45,(2007辽宁)大学生活即将开始,面对新环境,请根据提示,谈谈你打算如何安排你的大学生活。 内容要点: 1.确定新的学习目标; 2.改进学习方法; 3.学会独立生活; 4.参加各种课外活动; 5.处理好与同学的关系。 注意: 1.短文内容要连贯、完整; 2.短文单词数为100左右(开头已给出,不计入单 词总数).,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,46,(一)审题 1.体裁:记叙文 2.中心人称:第一人称 3.主体时态:一般将来时 4.内容要点: 确定新的学习目标 改进学习方法 学会独立生活 参加各种课外活动 处理好与同学的关系,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,47,(二)列出提纲 I will_. After I enter collage,_. Whats more,_. Ill do_. In my spare time_. In order to_. I will_. In addition,_. If possible,_. I think_.,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,48,(三)范文 I will go to college in the near future. After I enter collage, I plan to set new goals in my study and im- prove my way of learning. Whats more, as I am away from my parents it is necessary for me to learn to live on my own. Ill do something such as doing some washing and cleaning by,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,49,myself. In my spare time I will take part in different kinds of school activ- ities. In order to be in good health I will join the school basketball team. I will often go to the English Corner to practice my spoken English. In addition ,I need to get along well wi- th my classmates and teachers at co- llege. If possible,Ill make some fren- ds. I think I will have a wonderful life.,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,50,第三部分 议论文 阅读下面的文字,用英语作文,词数150 左右。 今年,教育部直属师范大学计划招收一批 免费师范生,学生毕业后须回生源所在省的 中小学任教十年以上,你愿成为一名师范生 吗?请说明理由。,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,51,(一)审题 1.文体:议论文 2.时态:一般现在时 3.人称:第一人称 4.内容要点: 陈述自己的观点; 陈述自己(不)愿意成为师范生的 原因; 总结归纳。,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,52,(二)经草拟、遣词造句、修改、整理、誊写,最后成文。请看范文: Im willing to become a normal university student for free and Id like to come back my hometown to teach at Primary or middle sc- hool for ten years after graduation. For one thing, in return for the help from society, I want to serve,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,53,my hometown heart and soul. For another ,it is an ideal for me to be- come a teacher and help the children to become useful people in the future. Besides, I also want to save some m-oney for my family and lighten my p- arents load. In a word, I really want become a student in such a school.,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,54,第四部分 应用文书信 一、信封的格式:在英文中,寄信人的姓名和地址写在信封的左上角;收信人的姓名和地址写在信封中间偏右的位置;姓名单列一行 地址由小到大。 二、正文:正文应该在称呼下两行开始。 三、写作:,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,55,(2006全国)假定你是李华,亚洲 冬季运动会将在你居住的地方举办,现正在招募志愿者,你希望成文其中一员。请按要求用英文给组委会写一封申请信。 内容包括: 1.个人情况:年龄、性别、职业 2.个人条件:英语好、爱好体育、善于交 往、乐于助人、熟悉本地情况 3.承诺:提供最佳服务,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,56,注意: 1.词数100左右,开头已写好; 2.可增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.生词:申请apply (v.) application (n.) 志愿者-volunteer,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,57,1.审题: 文体:应用文书信 时态:一般现在时 人称:第一人称 2.提纲要点: (1) 年龄、性别、学历 (2)英语好、爱好体育 (3)善于交往、乐于助人、熟悉本地的 情况 (4)承诺提供最佳服务,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,58,3.范文 Dear Sir/Madam, My name is Li Hua. I would like to work as a volunteer for the Winter As-ian Games. I am a boy of 17 years old and I amstudying at a high school now. I am g-ood at English and I can talk with fore-ign tourists in English freely.,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,59,I believe I can do a good job for the Games. First, I like sports And I know the place very well. Second, I get along with others easily, which is especially useful for a volunteer. Third, Im ready to give help whenever it is need-,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,60,ed. My promise is to offer the best service possible to the people at the Games. Please consider my request, and Im looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,61,六、写作注意事项 1、文章框架必须完整,尤其不能缺少结论段。 2、注意首尾段之间的呼应。 3、力求简洁精炼,避免重复和啰嗦。 4、避免空话大话、喊空口号。 5、要中心明确,不要下笔千言、离题万里。 6、务必使文章条理清楚。 7.一个段落只有一个中心,段落所有内容围绕 这一中心展开。 8、防止词汇和语法的错误,平时要多积累、 多练习,使英语书面表达变得得心应手。,拍拍在线才智/523458367 QQ523458367,62,七.给、评分原则标准,给分、评分标准反映了对学生书面表达的具体要求。了解了它可更好地掌握英语书面表达该如何准备、如何写作。 一.评分原则 1.按5个档次给分。 2.先根据内容和语言确定档次,后以该


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