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中考英语总复习之非谓语动词填空练习题1.Its very exciting _(have) Chinese food.2.It is time _ (go) home.3.He sat down and watched Wang Wang _(play) with a friendly black cat.4.That made me _(feel) very happy. 5.We decide _(play) tennis.8.My healthy lifestyle helps me _(get) good grades.9.Mom wants me _(get) up at 6:00 and play with it.10.Its important _(sleep) eight hours a night.11.Im sorry _(hear) the bad news 13.He plans _(have) a very relaxing vacation.14.I really need _(relax).15.How long does it take you_(get) school from home.16.Let me_(look) at your map.17.You are never too young _(start) doing things.18.Dont forget _(clean) your bed.19.People would like _(do) such jobs.20.Its easy for a child _(wake) up and know where they are.21.You should tell him _(get) different clothes.22.They find it hard _(think) for themselves when theyre older.23.You need time _(do) things by yourselves.24.Our teacher asked us _(stop) what wewere doing.27.I have a pig _(name) Connie.28.Its enough _(make) her happy.29.He encourages us _(ask) questions in class.30.This is the best time _(watch) them.31.Friends like you make it easier _(get) along in a new place.32.Ill think of you as we watch the Black Sock _(win) the game.33.Be careful _(look) both ways before you cross the street.34.Why not _(join) a club _(practice) your English.35.I used _(be) afraid of the dark.36.His mother could afford _(pay) for her childs education.37.It was necessary _(talk) with his mother.38.I should be allowed _(go) out after dinner.40.He needs _(spend) time on his homework.41.You can find a good way _(keep) them happy.42.I dont know what _(wear) at present.43.Id rather _(stay) at home and read a book than _(go) to a party.44.Id invite him _(have) dinner at my house.46.They all volunteer their time _(help) other people.48.Youd better _(stay) at school now.50.They go out their way _(make) me _(feel) at home.51.I find it difficult _(remember) everything.52.People can use their computer _(talk) to each other.53.Dont wait for him _(come).Hes gone to Beijing.54.Ads can lead you_(buy) something that you dont need at all.55.Im sorry I forgot _(bring) it with me.57.Its your job _(wash) the dishes.58.On farms farmers use animals _(do) farm work.59.Well do what we can _(help) the students in danger.61.Do you have anything _(say)?62.Its windy now. Remember _(close) the window.63.My hair is long. I must have it _(cut) this week.65.Thank you for _(join) the program.66.We had great fun _(play) in the water.67.I found a small boy _(cry) in the corner.68.I enjoy _(read) your article in the magazine.71.I just finished _(make) my last movie.72.Thailandis a good place to go _(sightsee).74.I like practicing _(read) English in the morning.76.There are already robots _(work) in factories.77.I saw him _(draw) when I entered his room.79.Would you mind _(turn) down the music.80.You wont have any problem _ (find) rice, noodles and dumplings.81.I learn English by _(study) with a group.82.We get excited at first and then end up _(speak) in Chinese.85.Only then will I have a chance of _(achieve ) my dream.86.Id take a walk before _(go) to bed.87.I feel nervous _(talk) in front of people.88.Martin has a lot of experience _(deal) with teenagers.90.Theyre used for _(cut) things.91.The desk needs _(mend).93.My biggest challenge is _(learn) how to _ (behave) at the dinner table.94._(use) e-mail English helps you _(write) quickly.95.In e-mail English, CSL means cant stop _(laugh).96.When I got there, he was busy _(draw).97.Some people are against _(build) a new zoo in our town.100.I remember _(see) him sometime last month.101.What about _(have) a cup of tea now?104.For next holiday, Im consider _(visit) Hong Kong.105.Mr Wang said the film was interesting. Its worth _(see).106.Dont put the _(burn) chicken on the _(burn) fire. 107.W


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