



Personal StatementI am XXX, a second-year undergraduate student of College of Material and Chemical Engineering, XX University, China. I major in Materials Science and Engineering. I now sincerely apply for an opportunity to study a one-year undergraduate course in the University of Utah /USA /materials science and engineering.My strong interest in chemistry started in my high school years. I was then very proud of knowing more chemical experiments and phenomena than my companions. I even had my own in-house laboratory for small experiments. I have been fortunate to be able to participate in the study of two research topicsi.e. the research into anti-pollution-and-damage bio-materials in oceans (led by Associate Professor TANG Min of the Biological Engineering program) since April, 2011, and the project to extract semi-cellulose from coconut husk (led by Professor CHEN Yong of the Materials Science and Engineering program) since September, 2011. Though it is time-consuming, this hands-on experience has been a happy daily work for me, in which I combine my theory learning with real practice. I have found myself more skillful with hands, knowing more about various experiments and instruments. Apart from academic study, I also take part in various extracurricular activities. For instance, elected as the Director of Science and Technology for the College Youth League on October, 2010, I am responsible for organizing all kinds of activitives in science and technology. At this post, I have developed different abilities and felt very happy. Although in the beginning I found it hard to coordinate people and get things organized, I gradually learned to classify my team members and assign tasks to them according to their characters. Through practice, I can now find the right man for the right task, for instance, the out-going for communication and coordination work, the assertive and innovative for preparing and designing work, and the people with foresight and attraction for making agenda and delegating. In the meantime, as a cadre of my college , I give a helping hand to my fellow students where I can when they meet with difficulties in study and other aspects. As a result, I have formed deep friendship with my classmates. Aside from the above, I am very interested in music, and I like to play the piano and clarinet in my spare time.After the one-year study in your university, I plan to come back to Hainan University to finish my last undergraduate year. I believe that the rich teaching experience of your university and my own solid learning foundation will enable me to get well-prepared for my future postgr


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